Chapter 4: School Day

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I was with Twilight with her filling up a school bag with her having a spring her step.

Y/N: Twilight I know I have to go to school but aren't you a bit too excited.

Twilight: How could I not, this is the first time we are having a different species partaking in the equestrian educational system!

Y/N: So basically excited that I'm going to school?

Twilight: Correct, now I packed your school bag and have fun and tell me how your day went when you come back so I can tell princess Celestia how to adjust to this school along how others adjust to you.

Y/N: Ok then.

I took the bag as I slipped it on my back.

Y/N: See ya later Twilight.

Twilight: Bye Y/N.

I opened the door of the library and closed it behind me where I took out my headphones which I slipped passed Twilight. I than put them on my head and put on a song from my favorite song playlist

I started to walk down the streets of Ponyvile with the music giving me a spring to my step.

As I walked down the street I saw other ponies going about their day with me getting a few waves with me waving back. At one point I saw Applejack walking down the street with her having a wagon pulled behind her so I vaulted over it.

Y/N: Morning Applejack.

Applejack: Morning Y/N.

As I kept going I grabbed onto a lap post and spun around it and went left with me seeing the school quite a bit away. As I went down the street I saw what seemed like other kids heading to school.

I kept on walking and I went by Sugarcube corner with me jumping and grabbing a hold of the sign and pulling myself up onto the roof and jumping from roof to roof, I then grinded on a clothes line, and soon enough I jumped down from the last roof and rolled onto the ground with no issues with me dusting myself off afterwards.

???: Wow that was amazing!

I looked over and saw orange Pegasus with her on a scooter.

???: How did you do that?

Y/N: Oh back home my mom would take me to the gym which is where I learned to do parkour

???: That's so cool! My name is Scootaloo, you must be that human everyone is talking about.

Y/N: Yep my name is Y/N.

Scootaloo: Cool, so it is like your signature talent?

Y/N: I wouldn't say that but it's one of my talents.

Scootaloo: So do you have a parkour cutie mark?

Y/N: A what?

Scootaloo: You don't know what a cutie mark is?

Y/N: Been here for only 4 days if you count today.

Scootaloo: Oh well a cutie mark is kinda like a calling in life, since I'm a blank flank means I don't know what my calling in life is.

Y/N: Well I'm sure you'll find it, besides it's kinda like a blank check to what your calling is, meaning you can pick what your calling is.

Scootaloo: Hmm never thought about that, I better tell the other crusaders.

Y/N: Other crusaders?

Scootaloo: You see me and some other blank flanks formed a group known as the cutie mark crusaders and we work together to find out what our special talent is.

Y/N: How for have you gotten and how many others are there?

Scootaloo: Well there's me, Sweetie Bell and, Applebloom.

Y/N: I actually met Applebloom quite not that long ago.

Scootaloo: Wow, you two must be good friends already.

Y/N: We are, come on let's go.

We soon left with Scootaloo following besides me with her scooter. As we kept going we soon saw a unicorn who had a similar coat as Rarity but had a different colored main

Y/N: Hey there you must be SweetieBell.

Sweetiebell: Oh hi! Yes I am, are you the human my sister was talking about?

Y/N: I'm the only human around here.

Sweetiebell: That is true.

???: Sweetiebell, Scootaloo, Y/N!

We turned to see Applebloom had made it too.

Applebloom: How are you all doing.

Y/N: We are all doing good, we are just getting introduced to each other.

Applebloom: Well I'm glad you and the others are getting along, so your coming to our school Y/N?

Y/N: Yeah, Twilight thinks it should be interesting since I'm going to be a part of the educational system here.

Scootaloo: Yeah, yeah come on let's go.

We followed her inside with me taking my headphones off.  When we were inside I saw it was pretty much a small school house, with nothing but a few desk and a black board which was my greatest weakness. The sound of check being dragged against the board always bothered me for some reason.

Besides some other students there was who I guessed was the teacher.

Teacher: Hello there you must be Y/N right?

Y/N: That's me, it's nice to meet you.

Teacher: Nice to meet you too Y/N, I am Ms. Cheerliee. If you have any questions or anything like that don't hesitate to let me know.

Y/N: Thank you, I appreciate it.

Ms. Cheerliee: Now then I want you to stand Infront of the class to introduce yourself then I'll assign you a seat.

Y/N: Sounds good.

As I stood next to the chalk board a bell ranged with everyone soon taking their seats.

Ms. Cheerliee: Everyone we have a new student and now clearly he isn't like the rest of you but treat him like he was one of you and try your best to help him feel welcomed.

She than turned to me and smiled trying to help me feel welcome which did work, which funny enough so far she might be my favorite teacher I ever had in general.

Ms. Cheerliee: Y/N mind spelling your name on the board and introducing yourself to the class.

I then nodded with me grabbing some chalk and started writing my name on the board and turned to face the class.

Y/N: Hello my name is Y/N and it's a pleasure to meet all of you and as you can see I'm a human.

One pony raised their hoove and asked where I came from.

Y/N: I come from another world known as Earth but unlike here there's not a single bit of magic from there.

As time went on I answered a few more questions before heading to my assigned seat which was next to Sweetiebell.

Class soon started with Cheerliee wanting us to take notes on stuff like harmony and friendship, I quite didn't get the reason why we needed to learn this but granted I never really understood history back home either.

Ms. Cheerliee: Now remember everyone we'll be taking a field trip tomorrow to Canterlot to see the sculptures that represent what we've been going over.

After that a bell went off with everyone heading outside with everyone going to play in the playground. As others played I just sat back and enjoyed myself with music as I laid on my back.

As I rested I saw a ball roll over to me with me getting up and holding it.

Applebloom: Hey Y/N want to join us?

Y/N: Sure why not.

I got up and kicked the ball in the air with me balancing it on my knee before passing it over to Applebloom with her hitting it with her head which she passed it over to Scootaloo and so on and so forth.


After school we all started to head home with us all chatting.

Y/N: Got to admit this wasn't so bad.

Applebloom: Glad you like it here Y/N.

???: Hey look it's the monkey.

At that moment I just shot my head around who said that.

Pink: And he's hanging out with the blank flanks.

Y/N: Who the heck are those jerks?

Scootaloo: Oh that's Silver spoon and Diamond Tirra.

Sweetiebell: They are the school bullies here, always calling us blank flanks.

I decided not to let that slide so I took off my bag and cracked my knuckles.

Y/N: Who you calling Monkey, at least my name isn't a piece of silverware. Your parents must not have high expectations for you to name you after silverware.

I then pointed over to Diamond Tirra.

Y/N: And you, your name might be Diamond Tirra but doesn't mean you're worth anything your highness. Why don't you get off your high horse and actually do something besides being such a jackass.

Soon what seemed like Silver Spoon my showed up.

Silver Spoon Mom: Hey you can't talk to my daughter and her friend that way who do you think you are?

Y/N: I'm Y/N you old hag! And your daughter and her friend are absolute snobs!

Silver Spoon Dad: Hey you can't talk to my wife that!

Y/N: I think it's time for you to loose some weight fatty!

Silver Spoon Grandma: Hey you can't talk to my grand daughter that way, someone should put you in a mental hospital!

Y/N: Someone should put you in box floating down the river grandma!

Silver Spoon Grandma: Your probably right.

Y/N: You all are snobs, let's go guys.

I grabbed my bag and left.


Applebloom: I never seen someone do that.

Sweetiebell: I think know what his talent is.

Scootaloo: Ending entire bloodlines.


I soon made it home with me seeing Twilight with her looking happy.

Twilight: So Y/N how was school, tell me everything.

Y/N: It was ok nothing exciting.

Twilight: Nothing at all?

Y/N: Well let's just say I taught someone a lesson from home. You smack someone you get smacked back.

Twilight: Wait someone slapped you?!

Y/N: It's a figure of speech, but to put it another way if you mess with one of us you mess with all of us. Anyway I'm going to take a nap then see and probably go hangout with my new friends later.

Twilight: You made friends so quickly? Who are they?

Y/N: Sweetiebell, Applebloom, and Scootaloo anyway talk to you later.

I went down stairs and put my bag down and flopped on my bed as I went to sleep.

Anyway that is it I'll see you next time

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