Chapter 1: They Need Us

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The following night, Liam and Hayden were on another date, but like all the others, bad luck has followed them.

Liam sighs bitterly as he pulls his car over the road and gets out.  Looking down at the flat tire, his plans for his date was really being screwed with...big time.  Why can't he just have one night out with his mate without something like this happen?  His head perks up as he hears Hayden gets out of the car and just gives him sigh of disappointment while leaning on his truck.  Even angry, she was still beautiful to his eyes.  He gets down into a squat and begins unscrewing the tire nuts with the iron. 

It was so quiet out tonight on the deserted road.  Besides the crickets chirping and the thunder rumbling in the air, it just seemed quiet.  Still.  Till Liam's ears perk up when he begins to hear raspy breathing. 

Hayden looks down at him as he's looking out into the woods and frowns in confusion.  She couldn't hear anything, so why was he looking in the woods?

"What?"  She asks.

Liam turns and looks up at her, shaking his head, "Nothin'." He sighs.

Hayden moves down to kneel next to him, sighing and smiling, laughing at the situation, "We should have taken my car."  She rolls her eyes, teasingly, "Like I said."

They both stand up, "Several times." Hayden adds while chuckling.

"It's a new car." Liam points out and begins walking around to get the jack from the bed of the truck. 

"It was new to someone.  About twenty years ago."  Hayden teases.

Liam turns to look at her and laughs mockingly at her, earning a laugh from her.  He smiles at her laugh.  It was the most beautiful sound.

He leans on the bed and his smile drops into a frown.  Turning towards Hayden with a guilty look, "There's no jack."  He clicks his tongue.

Hayden sighs and moves to pick up the truck and lifts the front off the ground, smirking at Liam,  "Grab the spare."

Liam chuckles and goes to the back of the truck where the tire strap was, but to his disappointment...

When Liam comes back from behind the truck, his face said it all to Hayden.

"No spare?" She asks him in disbelief. 

"No spare."  He shakes his head and frowns. 

Hayden sighs and puts the truck down, frowning at Liam.  He could see the disappointment on her face. 

"I know.  Worst date ever."  He says as he walks up to her. 

She smiles at him, "We've had worse."  She laughs at the memories. "Remember the double date?"

"What about New Year's?"

"Christmas with your parents."

"Double dating with Scott and Josie." Liam scrunches his face up in disgust. 

Hayden smacks his arm, "She's pregnant, it's normal for her to have morning sickness."

"That time your sister..."

Hayden cuts him off, laughing, "Please don't say it."

Liam smiles at her and moves to pull her into his arms, holding her close to him, "Actually, this could be our best date yet."  He leans in and kisses her softly, thrusting his tongue against hers, feeling all the love she has for him into that kiss.  The sparks dancing on their lips and tongue.  How he loves her more than his own life. 

As the kiss begins to break, Hayden couldn't stop smiling.  She loved every minute she spends with Liam.  Good times and bad times.  Her love for him, she couldn't put a word down for it. 

Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she sees lights and colors in the air.  Up in the clouds were green streaks floating around.  She's never seen anything like it before. 

"It must be the Northern Lights."  She suggests.

They couldn't explain it. 

Suddenly, they hear a noise from the road, they snap their heads and see a car coming down the road...very slowly. 

"Hmm.  Maybe they've got a spare." Hayden says as she moves to wave them down.  But she frowns as she sees the car wasn't stopping for them.  She tried waving again, but both of them watch the car sort of drifting on the road.  Liam pulls Hayden out of the way gently as the car begins to move off the road and gently bump into a wooden post. 

Liam scrunches his face in confusion and looks over to Hayden who was cautious as he was.  Liam slowly walks up to the car with Hayden following behind.  They could hear the rumble of the engine, but no one was getting out of the car.  What happened?  Was there an accident?  Was someone hurt?  They couldn't smell blood or gas leaking.  Liam moves to the driver's door and frowns as he sees that the driver's window was completely smashed.  He looks through the hole and sees no one was driving.  No one in the passenger's seat.  It was weird.  He looks over to Hayden and gives her an assuring look that no one was hurt, no one was even there. 

He slowly opens the door and reaches in to turn off the engine, but his eyes widen as he sees that the passenger's door was gone.  Ripped off the hinges.  The car door alarm was beeping loudly as he looked at the sight.  He sighs and turns off the engine, but as he looks up into the rear mirror, he sees a little boy in the backseat.  He quickly turns, but the little boy was already getting out of the car.

"Oh, hey!"  Liam shouts and moves to go after him, but Hayden grabs the boy and stops him. 

"Don't let them take me!"  The boys shouts in fear. 

Hayden and Liam look at the boy in confusion.  He was scared to death.  The boy looks at both of them in pure fear, panting. 

"Don't let them take me too."

Hayden and Liam look at each other with worry, then look towards the road where the car came from and hear the wind howling loudly as the leaves roll over the ground.


Meanwhile, at downtown, Sheriff Stilinski exam the van in front of him.  The radiator hisses loudly as he runs his fingers over the claw marks left on the hood of the van.  Sighing in frustration, he pats the hood and looks over at the ones who caused this whole mess for him. 

Pacing over to the three of them, he glares at Scott, Josie, and Stiles.  Stiles was getting his wrist wrapped up by the paramedic. 

"What in the hell were you three thinking?"  Sheriff says to them furiously.  "And Josie, you're pregnant for god's sake, you need to think about your safety and your child's safety too!"

"I was on the sidelines. Far from harm." She assures him.  "It was twiddle-dumb and twiddle-dumb-ass who caused this mess." she points at Scott and Stiles. 

Scott and Stiles frown at her and look at her in disbelief that she just threw them in the line of fire.

Scott sighs, "We were just trying to help."  He chuckles meekly. 

Still glaring at them, "Why don't you try and help me understand..."  Sheriff looks around and drops his voice into a harsh whisper, "what the hell happened here?"

Stiles steps up, "Right, well, we were trying to gently persuade him to pull over." He explains.

Scott nods, "Yeah."

Josie scoffs loudly, "What part of 'gently' were you trying to be while riding on the hood as a full-blown Alpha with him screaming at you and calling you a demon?"  She folds her arms over her chest while waiting for an answer. 

(Can't find pictures yet from the show so I'm using my phone camera)

Sheriff gives Scott a disbelief look.

"He was getting away."  Scott winches.

"He got away."  Sheriff says sarcastically.

Scott frowns and Josie covers her face in frustration. 

"Right.  Because obviously he's some sort of criminal mastermind, Dad."  Stiles says as Sheriff moves to the back of the van. 

"Uh-huh.  You want to guess what the stolen merchandise is?"  He opens the van and shows them exactly what they worked so hard for to stop the driver.  "Hmm?"  In the back of the van were about a dozen of tanks. 

Scott sighs softly, holding Josie close to him. 

"Critical life-saving medical equipment?"  Stiles ask with hope. 


"Poison gas?"


"Filled with drugs?"  Stiles stutters.

Sheriff leans closer, "Helium."

Josie rolls her eyes and frowns at Scott who had a confused look. 

"Helium?"  Stiles asks. 

Josie groans and moves out of Scott's arms and walks towards the jeep, "Ok, there's so much a pregnant woman can handle in one night."  She gasps and clutches her stomach. 

Scott, Stiles and Sheriff runs and helps her. 

"You ok?"  Sheriff asks gently. 

"Yeah." Josie groans.  "Just got a really big kicker."  She laughs and takes his hand, guiding it to her stomach.  "Feel." 

Sheriff laughs as he feels the strong kicks and smiles, "He or she is gonna be one hell of an athlete." 

Scott smiles, "Like his daddy."  He says proudly.

"Have you guys found out what you will be having?"  Sheriff asks.

Scott and Josie both smile and look over to Sheriff, "It's a boy."  Josie says.

(I was hoping for more votes for boy or girl, but since only one said boy, and their future child is a boy, so what the hell?)

Stiles shouts out a yell of triumph, "Whoo! Yes! Liam owes me $50." He pumps a fist in the air. 

"Congratulations, you two.  But, you should go home and get some rest.  Don't stress yourself out.  It's not good for him."  Sheriff smiles at them.

Josie nods and gives him a hug, then heads towards the jeep, "Stiles! Ice cream! Now!" Josie demands. 

Stiles frowns at Scott, who gives him a worried look, "Better do what she says."

"NOW!" Josie roars from the jeep that makes them all jump.

Stiles scrambles to move as fast as he can with Scott and drives them to the closest ice cream place. 


After scarfing down a large blizzard from Dairy Queen, Josie sighs happily in the back seat and reaches to hug Stiles from behind.

"Thank you, Stiles.  I forgive you two for that stupid plan."  She says and moves to hugs Scott from behind and he holds her close to him.

"Yeah, just don't eat me next." Stiles mutters sarcastically.

"ARE YOU CALLING ME FAT?!" Her eyes glow bright red.

"No, no, no." He waves his hands around in surrender.

"Baby, calm down. He just means how your alpha side is being. Calm down." Scott says gently.

Josie sighs as her eyes dim back to green, "Sorry, Stiles. Damn these hormones." Josie says with an apologetic look.

Scott sighs and keeps his eyes on the road as he drives, "It was kinda stupid.  But, I guess we were hoping for something.  I mean, every since The Beast, we haven't had any supernatural problems.  Or human problems." 

Josie sighs and strokes his hair, "This could be a good thing for us."  She says.

"That we saved helium?"  Stiles scoffs.  

Scott and Josie chuckle, "I mean, that..."  She starts, but Scott finishes for her.

"They don't need us anymore."  He says.

Stiles lets out a loud scoff, "Okay, well, they need us.  They just don't know it."

Josie giggles and places a hand on Stiles' shoulder, "Stiles, face it.  We've done our job, now it's time to retire.  It's time to think about our future."

"Yeah, we're all going off to college soon.  Seth is about to come out into the world in six months and I need to be a father for him...and Josie and I are gonna get married..." Stiles cuts off Scott.

"Seth?"  He asks.

Josie smiles and strokes her belly, "Seth.  That's the name Scott heard in his dream.  Remember when we were tying to draw out the benefactor?  He said I called the baby 'Seth'."

"Seth.    Hmm.    Not bad, but, couldn't you have gone with something like, I don't know, Stiles.  Maybe."  He hints.

Josie giggles, "We're still thinking about middle names, who knows, maybe that'll go on the list."

Scott snickers, "Anyway, so, Beacon Hills is gonna have to survive without us.  We can't always save the day." 

"Beacon Hills will burn to the ground without us."  Stiles protests.

"Stiles..." Josie sighs and looks over at Scott.

"They don't need us." Scott shakes his head.

Stiles slumps in his seat, then feels his phone vibrating. He takes it out of his pocket and sits up straight.

"They need us!" Stiles says in triumph as he holds up his phone showing that his dad was calling them.

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