Prologue: Fragile Memories

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(I'm picturing Pierce Bronson as Josie's father...)

Memories can be fragile. Keep them locked in the back of your mind, any moment they'll escape. Causing serenity...or chaos.

Seven Years ago...

Josie giggles as Sarah tickles her in bed, squealing loudly. Sarah laughs and stops tickling her, just staring down at her beautiful 11 year old daughter.

"Mommy?" Josie signs.

"Yes, baby?" Sarah signs back, smiling.

Josie's mood suddenly changes from happy to sad and fearful, "Where's daddy?"

Sarah's smile drops slowly and she lets out a soft sigh, stroking her daughter's hair. How could she tell her own daughter that her father was out there, getting drunk to numb himself enough to keep from hurting them.

"He had to work late tonight, baby. He'll be back soon." Sarah says softly.

"Why is daddy so mean now?" Josie asks, signing.

Sarah shakes her head, "It's just really rough for him right now, baby girl. Soon, it'll get better." She gives Josie a smile and tucks her in. Kissing her goodnight.

As Josie slept, Sarah walks down the stairs to come across her husband, at least, what use to be her husband.

John sits on his lazy boy chair with a bottle of whiskey in one hand, he was drunk, stone cold drunk.

"I think...-hic- it's starting to work." His voice slurrs.

"John..." Sarah says brokenly and moves to sit on the table in front of him, taking his free hand in hers. He looks at her with such sadness. "You can't keep doing this. There has to be another way." She pleads him.

John hiccups again and shakes his head, "There isn't." Tears fill his eyes. "Myst told me what I needed to hear, not what I wanted to hear. If I stopped this..." His lip trembles. "We'll lose Josie."

Sarah covers her mouth to block a sob from escaping.

"I don't want you two to hate me, but it has to happen. I love you so much. I love Josie more than my own life. This is going to get worse, you know it. Just...please..." He drops the bottle on the floor and pulls her into his arms, burying his face into her neck. "Please, remember me as the husband you've always loved. Remember me before I ever met the Desert Wolf. Don't ever forget who I use to be when...when I..." He sobs.

Sarah hugs him tight, "Never. I'll never forget. I love you so much, John."

Sniffling, John sighs against her neck, "I love you too, my heart."

"Daddy?" A soft voice speaks up from behind them.

John wipes his tears and sighs, giving his loving daughter a smile, "Hey, sweet pea, what are you doing up?" He signs to her.

Josie clutches her stuffed kitty and walks over to her father, climbing into his lap and studies his face, seeing the tears in his eyes. She wipes on away and presses her hand against his cheek.

John gasps in shock as he feels something he hasn't noticed before. Comfort. Control. Josie was giving him comfort. Talia was right, Josie carried the power. His eyes widen in shock when he realizes what Talia was talking about...what Myst told him. His daughter was the True Anchor.

"Don't be sad, Daddy." She says.

Giving his daughter a big smile, his kisses her cheek and holds her close, "I'm not anymore." He sighs.


Seven Years Later...

(Josie's pjs)

Josie groans as she wakes up with the sun blaring in her face and Scott's alarm clock ringing loudly. Scott lets out a snort and groans. He blindly reaches out for his clock and slaps his hand over the alarm. Scott stretches in his bed till his bones pop and lets out a sigh. He turns over to see his beautiful fiancee waking up, but slowly going back to sleep. He chuckles and moves to snuggle against her back, reaching around to feel their three month old child growing in her stomach.

"Good morning, baby." He mutters and kisses her neck, earning a whine from her.

"It's too early." She mumbles and buries her face in her pillow. Inhaling Scott's scent mixed with hers in the sheets.

"I know...but we have an appointment today. Mom might get mad at us for being late. Like last time." He smirks and kisses her neck again.

A month after Josie announced her pregnancy, Scott asked her to move in with him. It took a few weeks before Josie decided it was the best thing to do. They were going to be a few years and when they go off to college, they'll have their own place. A home for their child. But, Sarah and Melissa both say they want to see the baby as often as they can. Babysit when ever they needed.

Josie giggles, "Hey, you were the one who wanted to pull over to have that quickie." She smirks.

"You're the one who has the hormones that go wild. I couldn't resist. I can never resist." He growls playfully and attacks her neck, earning giggles.

"Scott, that tickles!" She laughs and tries to get away.

Suddenly, Josie gasps when she felt something. Scott jumps when he felt it, too.

"Is, are you trying to protect mommy?" Scott scoots down so his face was near her belly.

He places his hand over her stomach and feels the strong kick his child brings. He laughs softly, smiling like a goof.

"My baby." He whispers softly in awe. He was a daddy. He still couldn't believe it.

Josie runs her fingers through Scott's hair as he caresses her stomach, "I love you." She says.

Scott looks up at her, giving her that goofy smile, "I love you, too." He moves to kiss her softly. Then, as they break the kiss, he looks down at her stomach, "Both of you." and kisses her belly.

Josie sighs softly and lays against the pillows, "He's hungry."

Josie and Scott have been suspecting that this could be Seth, the baby Scott saw in his dreams during the times with the benefactor. But, who knows. Myst has said she's seen them with 4 children. Boys and girls. Seth was one of the many that were coming in the future.

Scott kisses her belly once more and gets up, "Anything for my loves." He smiles and heads downstairs to fix breakfast.

Josie sighs and gets up to get dress for her appointment, but when she passes the full length mirror, she couldn't help but admire herself. She turns to the side and strokes her belly with such love, feeling her child move around. It was such an amazing feeling. But, the full moons have been rough on her. Around the time they discovered the pregnancy, the full moon rose from the clouds and, to everyone's horror, Josie felt the baby turning. Transforming from inside the womb. Deaton did full examinations every full moon, and to everyone's relief, the baby wasn't in distress. Deaton claims that transformations in the womb was normal and it'll continue to be painful till the baby was born. This child...Scott and Josie's baby...was going to be special. Everyone could tell. A True Alpha father and a True Anchor mother. The baby was going to be born special. But, will it have her powers, too? She doesn't know yet. Will it be an Anchor or an Elemental?

Josie sighs and smiles at her belly, "My little lacrosse player. Easy on your mommy." She whispers.

Suddenly, she could hear yelps and smell smoke in the air. Scott still doesn't know how to cook. No matter how many times Josie has tried to teach him a few things. Josie carefully paces downstairs, coughing up a storm as the kitchen is filled with smoke and Scott uses the fire extinguisher once more on the stove top. He gives Josie an innocent look and laughs feebly.

"Bacon's done."


(Josie's Outfit for the appointment, except for the heels, she would be wearing flats)

After getting takeout from Chick fil le for breakfast, Josie and Scott headed towards Deaton's for their appointment. Thankfully, Deaton closed the clinic so he could have privacy to exam Josie and the baby.

The door chimes to alert their presence and Deaton comes out of his office, looking terrible.

"Deaton, are you ok?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, just been up all night with the twins. Mysty and I probably only have gotten 3 hours of sleep. After the exam, we're going to try and get some more sleep today. I'll take care of the twins for a few hours, then she gets them. That way, we'll be able to function." Deaton explains.

Suddenly, a elder woman comes out of the exam room, about in her late 60s, she was sweet looking. Blond hair with a few wrinkles. Scott and Josie sniffed the air. She was a werewolf.

"About time you two made it, it was getting boring as hell here and irritating with these two horn dogs getting all over each other." The woman scoffs as she jerks her thumb at Deaton.

Deaton sighs exasperatedly, "Scott, Josie, this is Carol. She's going to be your midwife throughout your pregnancy."

"Since, trust is very tight issued around here with your safety, Deaton finally called me." She stops and sighs, studying the two of them. "So young. But, powerful. It's quite an honor to be helping you two through the pregnancy." She smiles at them.

Josie sends her a smile, "It's very nice to meet you, Carol."

"The pleasure is all mine, Josie McCall." Carol smiles at her.

Josie's breath catches in her throat and she gasps softly, "Josie McCall. I love the sound of that." Scott says and hugs her from behind, kissing her cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey, none of that, Mister. That's the reason you're here today." Carol frowns and swats at Scott. "True Alpha or not, keep it in your pants."

Scott's face was priceless, Josie couldn't help but giggle.

"So, let's go see your baby." Carol smiles, clapping her hands together and rubbing them as she guides them into the exam room.

Myst was waiting for them, Josie smiles big as she sees her.

"Josie, I missed you so much." Myst hugs her tight.

"I know, I missed you, too. How are the twins?" Josie asks.

Myst sighs tiredly, "Exhausting. But, it's worth it. Kade is such a little sweetheart. A total mommy's little boy. Krista is a little...ugh! Already one month old and she's rebelling against us. She cries for fun." Myst scoffs.

(Kade ^^^)

(Krista ^^^)

(had a hard time picturing what they look like)

Josie giggles, "I hope it'll get easier."

Myst rolls her eyes, "It's never gonna be easier. Just maybe tolerable."

Josie hops on the table with Scott's help and he sits behind her, to help her lie back so she could be comfortable. He lifts her shirt over her belly and holds her close to him.

"Ok, this is gonna be really cold." Carol warns before squirting the icy cold lubricant over Josie's stomach.

"Jeez! That's freezing!" Josie exclaims.

Carol shrugs, "Told you." She places the ultra sound wand over her stomach, "Ok, then. Let's see. Ah, there's your baby."

Josie and Scott look up at the screen in awe and shock. Josie couldn't breath. Her little baby squirming around with the cord attached to his little belly button. Connected to her.

"The baby seems healthy, growing fast at 13 weeks." Carol smiles at the screen and presses a button. Suddenly, a rapid heart beat was heard and Josie couldn't hold in her gasp or her tears.

"That's the heart beat." Carol smiles at her. "And what a strong little one it is."

Josie couldn't help but cry happily in Scott's arms.

Josie suddenly hears sniffling coming from behind and turns to see Scott crying, covering his face. Josie laughs through her tears and reaches up to wipe his away.

"Would you like to know the sex?" Carol asks.

"Yes!" "Yes!" They both say and laugh.

Carol smiles and move the wand to see if she could see the gender. When she exclaims in triumph she turns to look at them both.

"Congratulations. You're having a..."

(Cliffhanger! I know I'm so mean. But, I'm going to let YOU to be the judge. What do you want Scott and Josie to have? A boy? A girl? Fill up the comment box with your choices...I'll make the decision when I'll post the first chapter...remember my posts are going to be slow because I don't know what this season is going to bring. Plus I heard exciting news! This season is going to have 20 episodes! Which means it's going to be a two parter! I cannot wait!)

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