Chapter 13: What is Seth?

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The sun finally breaks through the clouds and shines into the window, waking Scott and Josie up.  Birds chirped outside, singing their morning songs.  Josie mutters sleepily and buries her face into Scott's chest.  Scott laughs and sighs against the pillows, running his fingers through her hair. 

"Do you feel better today, Jojo?" He asks softly. 

Murmuring, Josie sits up and sighs, she opens her mouth to speak, "A little." She says softly. Her throat didn't hurt anymore, but it was still rough to talk. 

Scott begins to unwrap her throat.  The bruises were fading.  He gently brushes his fingers against her throat, touching her mark that he gave her the night they first made love.  He smiles at the fond memory. 

"What's the smile?" She whispers.

"Remembering about this." He traces his fingers over her mark, making her shiver. 

He suddenly frowns, "I should have been here."

Josie sighs and takes his hand in hers, "You didn't know.  And don't blame Liam.  It wasn't his idea.  It was Mason.  They were just trying to help.  We don't know how to deal with these guys anyway.  We're learning though, through our mistakes." Josie says.

Scott sighs, "I don't blame him, any of them.  I know they were doing what they thought was best.  But, to figure how to stop these Riders, we need to be smarter."

Josie nods and rubs her belly, "Right now, we need to figure out about Seth."

"What happened that night?  How did Seth protect you?" Scott asks.

Josie shakes her head, "I don't remember." She licks her lips.  "All I remember was fighting the Rider.  And losing.  He had me up against the wall.  All I could think about was that I won't be able to see Seth, feel him at last in my arms.  See his face.  Be with you and share everything with you with him.  I was begging any kind of force to save us.  Then, I blacked out.  Next thing I know, I wake up in Liam's arms.  And everyone was looking at me like I had two heads.  They told me my entire body lit up in flames.  But, here's what's weird.  I lit up in blue flames.  Everything was blue.  Even my eyes.  But, I don't remember that at all."

Scott scrunches his brows at this, just how powerful was Seth?

"We're going to Deaton's.  We need answers now." He states and gets up to dress.


(Josie's outfit for the day)

When Josie and Scott arrived at Vet Clinic, they see Liam's truck parked in front of the building.  Liam and Hayden must be here.  Scott helps Josie out of the car and walks with her to the door.  When they head inside, they meet Deaton, Myst, Toby along with Liam, Hayden, Corey, and Mason.

"What you guys doing here?" Josie asks.

"Filling me in with what happened last night." Deaton says.

Scott looks at them all in concern and curiosity and walks into the exam room with Josie.

With Josie sitting on the exam table, she watches everyone chattering with each other.

"So, she just...poof...go up in flames?" Deaton asks Mason.

Mason nods, "Yeah, it was like when she uses her fire power, but it was different.  She was covered in blue flames.  It was like it was coming from every pore on her body.  Even flames were coming out of her eyes.  They turned blue as well."

"No, it wasn't blue.  Her eyes were more like Sapphire." Hayden corrects them.

"Blue, Sapphire, I don't care what color it is.  I want to know why I lit up when I blacked out." Josie says in frustration.

"Then what happened?" Myst speaks up which makes Josie groans in exasperation.

"She became...stronger.  Even more strong than the Rider.  Then, she shoved him away with the fire.  The fire looked like it did some damage to the Rider.  Burned him really bad." Liam stutters.

"Seth can hurt the Riders?" Scott asks incredulous.

"It looked that way." Corey says. 

"But, it took everything Seth had.  After the Rider was down, Josie let out this...loud sound.  It wasn't anything I heard before.  I don't think any of us have.  It was like a screech." Mason says.

"It was...indescribable.  Beautiful, but..." Hayden says as she trails off.

"But, what?" Deaton asks.

"It was like it a warning." Liam says.

"A warning?" Josie asks.

"A warning...towards the Rider." Toby says as he leans on the lintel.  "He was alerting them all that he was awakening."

"What is my son?" Josie asks, practically begging.

Myst sighs, looking over to Toby who gives her a 'tell her' nod, and walks to stand next to Josie, "Josie, now, try no to panic.  Seth..." She stops and sighs, looking at them all with worry, then to Josie. Giving her a gentle look of assurance.  "Seth is a phoenix."

Josie squints at her in disbelief, "He's a what?"

"A what?" Scott echos her.

"A what?" Hayden, Mason, and Corey as in unison

"A phoenix." Deaton speaks up and walks to them with a book in his hand.  He places the book on the exam table for all to see.  Scott stands next Josie and pulls her gently into his arms as she continues to sit on the table. 

In the book, lies a picture of a man dressed in medieval times with a huge bird that stood by him.  Like a protector.

"The phoenix is a mythical bird that is the true spirit of fire with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold or yellow and red. It was said to have eyes as blue as sapphires." Deaton gives them all a knowing look. 

"It was said to be the spirit of Ra himself because its fire was so fierce.  But, here is what not written in the myths.  Only certain people know this, like me and Myst." Deaton clears his throat.  "The phoenix is actually a shape-shifter.  Like a werewolf, but it comes at will.  It doesn't need the full moon, or the sun, to shift.  Now, I've been doing some research and I found something.  The day you found out about your pregnancy...that was Dec 23rd, right?"  He asks Josie.

Josie slowly nods.

"If my calculations are correct, you two conceived him on the 21st.  Did something happen that day?" He asks Scott and Josie with a knowing look.

Josie blushes and Scott nods meekly, "I found out I passed my midterms.  Barely, but I passed.  I took Josie out to celebrate.  We..." Scott clears his throat.  "We came home and..."

"Don't give the details." Myst waves him off.

"Oh, no, please do.  I love juicy tails." Toby hums in approval and wiggles his brows.  

"December 21st. That is the day of the Winter Solstice...also the the night of the lunar eclipse.  When the moon is at its fullest and completely covered in the earth's shadow.  That night, a ring a fire formed around the moon.  It's in the archives.  It can only be seen with a special lens that is used in NASA.  I believe it's prophesied that Seth was suppose to be conceived that night.  It's not coincidence that you're an elemental.  You were meant to carry this child." Deaton says.

Josie feels Scott hold her tightly in his arms, feeling Seth move around, but she was in complete shock.

"Is a Phoenix...evil?" Liam stutters.

Mason shakes his head, "The Phoenix is basically the sign of rebirth.  There's nothing evil in the myths about them.  Right?" He asks Deaton and Myst with caution.

"In some stories, before the universe existed, the phoenix was said to be flying around over the sea of chaos to land on a lone island pyramid and sing a beautiful song, which is said to be the trigger that started the beginning of the creation of the universe itself.  That's somewhat true.  The cry of the Phoenix is a mean for the end.  In other words, end of evil.  They're basically protectors." Myst says.

Josie lets out a sharp exhale, this information was too much.

"But, with Seth still growing, he's very vulnerable and can be killed." Myst says.

"Which is why the Riders were trying to kill Josie.  They knew what Seth is." Hayden exclaims.

"Right.  His powers are growing and they know it.  Which is why they will do everything to stop his birth.  Which won't be long." Deaton says.  "That explains the gunshot.  They can hurt you, but they can't take you, because Seth's essence is protecting you."

Scott and Josie snap their heads to him, "Not long?" Scott asks.

"Seth was conceived on a lunar eclipse.  If I'm right, he'll be born on the Solar Eclipse." Deaton says.

"When's the solar eclipse?" Corey asks.

Myst sighs, hesitant with her answer, "April 21st.  Eight weeks from now."

Everyone's eyes widen with worry and Scott reaches to touch Josie's belly. 

"It explains why his growth is expanding.  And don't worry, he'll grow normally when he's out." Myst assures them.

"Once he's out, safe and sound, the Riders can't touch him.  His powers will be full intact." Deaton says.

"I heard that the Phoenix reincarnates.  Is that part of the myth true?" Scott asks.

Deaton nods, "The phoenix is essentially immortal, as it can reincarnate itself over and over.  And the myths also say a Phoenix tears can heal any wound, possibly bring back the dead.  But, I'm not 100% sure about that part.  I can't find any documents supporting that theory." Deaton sighs. 

"Will he ever have a normal life?" Josie asks Myst.

Myst sighs and shakes her head gently, "Only if he wants to, but a Phoenix has a 500 to 1000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of incense and sacred materials that it creates, then ignites; the bird burns fiercely then was reduces to ashes, from which the new, young phoenix arises, reborn anew to live a better life than the previous one.  To have a life like a human, that'll be tough."

Josie sighs in disappointment, but Myst takes her hand, "I promise I'll do all I can to make sure he has a normal life." She says.

Josie gives her a small smile and nods.

"There's one thing you're forgetting, boo." Toby speaks up and moves to stand near them all.  "The Phoenix has made his calling.  Once the call has been done, challenges will be made.  Both of you." He points at Scott and Josie.  "You two have been called forth to prove yourself that you can protect him till he's born."

Josie strokes her belly, moving to take Scott's hand and holds it against her belly, where Seth squirmed.  Making a silent promise. 

"Once he's born, he'll protect you." Toby adds.

"how do you know this?" Liam asks.

Toby turns and smiles, "The legends say there's only one Phoenix.  Bullshit.  We are everywhere.  Just good at hiding." He smirks as blood red fire forms in his eyes, turning his brown eyes into red flames.

Everyone, except Myst and Deaton, looks at Toby in shock.

The fire dies out and his brown eyes return as he turns towards Josie and Scott, "Your baby is one of the rarest of my kind.  Only birthed by the ones with the purest souls.  Like you two.  True Alpha and True Anchor.  It's my job to make sure you two live up to your titles."

Toby reaches and pulls back Josie's shirt, exposing her hip.  The mark was now complete.

(This is what the mark looks like, but imagine it being rash like.  This is a Celtic symbol for the Phoenix)

"The Phoenix is rising.  Protect each other, because Seth shouldn't be using his powers from inside the womb, it's too much for his little body to handle.  But, mama wolf was in trouble.  Next time, papi, make sure you protect your woman 24/7.  Seth's life is gonna depend on it."  Toby states.

(Well, what do you think?  Now you know what Seth is...too stupid?) Please tell me!!!!

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