Chapter 12: Party Crashers

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Gwen couldn't believe what she just saw and heard from Josie's mouth.  Hayden stood at the door, listening to everything. 

Josie sighs and turns to look over her shoulder, "Come on in, Hayden.  No use hiding."

Hayden sighs and walks in.

Suddenly, Gwen scoffs, "This was all a joke, wasn't it?  Hmm?  Those eyes were contacts, right?  Has to be.  Won't you two ever stop with this joke?"

Hayden holds up her hands in surrender, "She's telling the truth."

"I'm going home." Gwen scoffs.

Suddenly, Josie kneels over in pain, "Aaah!" Seth was kicking hard.

Hayden and Gwen rushes to her, "What's wrong?"  Hayden exclaims as she holds on to Josie's arm to keep her from falling.

Josie grits her teeth and clutches her stomach, she looks at Hayden in fear, "They're coming."


Everyone still continues to dance but, Corey and Mason stop when the thunder becomes louder.  Lightening flashes brightly through the windows.  Corey looks at Mason with worry.

"Sounded like it was right above us." He says.

Mason looks up at the ceiling, "I think it was."

The ceiling was suddenly had a spot of black streaks with soot covering the white.

"What is that?" Corey frowns.

Suddenly, a scream was made from upstairs.  Gwen, Josie, and Hayden come running down the stairs.

"Oh, my God!" Gwen gasps in panic and runs into Liam.

"What's wrong?"

"I saw him." Gwen whimpers and slowly turns as she feels the cold wind whooshing around her.  Leaves rustled in the air, coming from upstairs. 

Josie looks up at the top of the stairs and sees the Rider.  His spurs clicking at every step he takes. 

"He's right there.  Don't you see him?" Gwen panics. 

No one could see him.  Except Gwen and Josie.

"I see him." Josie snarls as her eyes glow. 

Breathing heavily with panic, Gwen watches the Rider draw closer and closer towards her, "Help me please!" She cries out and runs.

Hayden rushes to follow her, "Wait.  Slow down."

Josie steps back, but growls lowly at the Rider.  He stops at the bottom of the stairs, looking directly at her and tilts his head. 

"Where is he?" Liam asks, looking around blindly.

"Looking right at me." Josie snarls.

Suddenly, he turns and heads off to find Gwen.

"Hayden! He's going after Gwen!" Josie screams out.

Corey moves and presses against the wall, blending out of his environment.  With his powers, he could see the Rider.  Walking towards where Gwen was.

"Liam, it's a Ghost Rider." Corey shouts out.

"Where?" Liam says, looking blindly.

"Headed for the kitchen." Josie shouts.
"Right there."  Corey reaches out to grab the Rider.

"Corey, no!" Josie shouts.

It was too late.  Corey brings the Rider out, turning him visible to all.  The Rider slowly turns to Corey and grabs him by his neck, slamming him against the wall with a painful grunt.  Making him fall to the floor.

Everyone could see him now.  Everyone in the room.  The Rider looks around, seeing all the souls that could see him.

Panting anxiously, "EVERYONE OUT! NOW!" Josie roars loudly. 

Everyone starts run to the exits, screaming in fear.  Josie gets out of the way, protecting Seth and herself. 

The Rider only had his attention towards Gwen, that's what he was here for in the first place.  Only her.  These souls can wait. 

Hayden grabs Gwen and heads towards the kitchen, Mason grabs the jar of Mountain Ash and forms a new barrier, now that the door barrier was broken by everyone.

They were safe...for now.  The Rider couldn't get in.  But, it didn't seem like he was going give up.


Chris explains to Melissa about all the recent victims that have been found with their head ripped open by the unknown werewolf.  He hands her his cellphone full of pictures of the victims and she flips through them.

"Denise Novak.  Found at a campsite, the back of her head cracked open." He says.

Melissa stops at one picture of Denise's wound.  She zooms in and sees the resemblance.

"The size and bite pattern appear to match." She confirms.

They both look over to Mazzara's body and you could tell they were thinking the same thing.

"Seems fair to assume that whoever took a bite out of Denise did the same to Mazzara."

Melissa frowns, "It's odd.  Even for Beacon Hills." She puts the cellphone down and turns to Chris, "Why bite off the back of someone's head and not take anything?"

Chris moves around and goes back to Mazzara's body, "Well, something was taken from Denise.  Pineal gland."

"Her pineal gland?" Melissa exclaims and gets up from her stool, walking towards the body, next to Chris, "That's right in the center of the brain."

"Was anything missing from Mazzara's brain?" Chris asks.

Melissa grabs the medical report and flips through it, "The report doesn't say." She puts the report down and grabs the scalpel.  "But there's one way to know for sure."


The Rider continues to find the weak point of the barrier.  He moves away and grabs his whip from his side and cracks his whip against the barrier. 

Mason gasps at the impact.  That whip got in merely an inch.  Everyone's eyes widen at the sight.

"We can't let him get through." Liam says. 

Corey and Josie nods in agreement.

Liam grabs a lamp and slams it against the Rider's head.  It shattered all over him, but it didn't seem he was affected by the impact.  He grabs Liam and shoves him hard against the wall, knocking him to the floor.

The Rider turns back to the barrier and cracks his whip again, this time it was close to penetrating the barrier.

"Guys, he's breaking through." Mason says worriedly.

Corey grabs the Rider's arm, trying to get the whip out of his hands, but he picks Corey up and throws him against the banister, making him land hard on the floor. 

Liam and Corey both get up and grab for both of the Rider's arms but the Rider spins them around, shoving Liam across the room and Corey twisting into the arm with a hard grunt. 

The Rider turns back to the barrier and cracks his whip stronger, the barrier was close to breaking.

Mason grabs Gwen's hand, "Okay.We're leaving right now." He pulls her towards the back door.

Hayden stays behind and stands in the Rider's way.

Mason shoves the door open, but Gwen stops him as they make it outside, "Stop!"

Mason couldn't see anything, but he knew the reason why she stopped him.

"Go back inside?"

She looks over and sees another Rider reaching for his gun.


They both run back inside and when Gwen was close enough, the Rider cracks his whip and breaks through the barrier, catching Gwen's leg with his whip.

"No." She grunts as she falls to the floor and screams.  "Help me!" Hayden and Mason, both pull onto Gwen, but the Rider was too strong.

Growling loudly, Josie flings her claws out and paces towards the Rider.  With a powerful swipe she cuts his whip in half.  Breaking his hold against Gwen. 

Josie roars loudly in front of the Rider.  Her eyes glowing bright red.  Her fangs sprouting from her mouth. 

Gwen gasps in shock at the sight and scrambles to get up, hiding behind Hayden and Mason. 

Suddenly, the other half of the whip disappears in a cloud of green smoke and somehow reattached itself to the whip. 

The wind begins to roar around Josie and with a powerful shove, she sends the Rider slamming against the wall.

The Rider gets up to his feet and rushes at Josie, but she was faster.  She blocked all of his strikes, ducking from a few, and protected her belly.  He grabs his gun and tries to aim, but she knocks his gun out his hand.  Sending it sliding across the floor. 

"Get his gun! Get his gun!" Mason yells to Corey.

Corey scrambles to get the gun, but it disappeared into smoke before her could touch it.

Josie delivers a hard punch to his gut, but it barely effected him.  She ducks again, but he was ready. 

Suddenly, Josie finds herself against the wall, in the air with the Rider's hands around her neck.  Closing off her air.  Chocking for air, she tries with all her might to break free.  But he was too strong.

"No!" Liam shouts and tries to yank the Rider's hands off of Josie's neck.  But, the Rider was determined to kill Josie.   Corey reaches for his other arm.  Neither of them could break the grip free. 

Across town, in Sheriff's car as they drive to the station.  Scott begins to find it difficult to breathe. Gasping, he pulls on his collar, but it wasn't helping. 

"Scott, you ok?" Lydia asks worriedly.

Sheriff looks in the rear mirror with worry.

"I...I can't breathe." He gasps out. 

Malia frowns and turns in her seat to face him, "Is your asthma coming back?"

"N-n-no.  It's Josie!" Scott gasps out as his lips begin to turn blue.


Melissa performs a surgical cut to make the wound a little bigger to dig around Mazzara's cranial. 

"The coroner found damage to both of Mazzara's cerebral hemispheres, but assumed that it was sustained from the wound."

As she was done cutting, she inhales through her teeth and pulls back the flesh to get a better view of the brain.

"Hold this." She says to Chris to hold the clamp. 

Sliding a finger inside the hole, Melissa begins to feel around for the glad, "Okay."  She feels...and feels...and feels till her brows shoot up in surprise.  "Wow."  She pulls her finger back.  "Mazzara's pineal gland is missing."

Chris was afraid of that. 


Choking for air, Josie pounds her fist against the riders hands, but she couldn't get free.  She was losing air and her grip was weakening.  She didn't want to die like this.  She wants to live.  To see Seth. Feel him in her arms.  With Scott.  Tears fill Josie's eyes as she feels herself losing. 

"Please." She chokes out.

The Rider only tightens more, cutting off all of her air. 

Josie's eyes begin to droop as her arms fall to the side.

"No, Josie! No!" Liam yanks hard as he could to help her, but nothing.

Suddenly, Hayden hears something.  A rapid heartbeat.  Coming from Josie's belly.   She frowns at the sound.  It was way too fast to be a infant's heartbeat.  She can tell the difference.  She shuts her eyes and calls for the wolf and looks at Josie with her yellow eyes.  She gasps at the sight.  Her belly was covered with some sort of shield of blue flames.  It was beautiful.  Her eyes widen when the flames begin to spread all throughout Josie's body. 

With a loud gasp, Josie's eyes snap open as blue flames danced in her eyes and around her face and body.

The Rider jerks back in surprise but continues to choke her.  Josie reaches and grabs his hands and with tremendous strength she manages to pull his hands away from her neck.  The Rider fights, but Josie was stronger. 

Liam and Corey gasps and back away in shock.  What the hell was going on?

With a powerful roar, Josie shoves the Rider away with the power of blue flames from her arms. 

The Rider lands on the floor with a painful grunt, screeching as he wiggles all over the floor with the blue flames burning him.  The flames died down and the Rider gets up, breathing heavily as burns covered nearly his entire body. 

Josie suddenly lets out a loud screeching roar that has everyone covering their ears.  Blue flames glowed brightly all over Josie, but no one could feel any heat.  It was weird.  As the screeching dies down, everyone lowers their hands from their ears and watches Josie, who stands there glaring at the Rider.  Liam couldn't see a hint of Josie in those cold, burning eyes.  But, it was someone...more powerful.  Someone who carried Josie's soul.  A part of her and a part of Scott, too. He could feel it radiating off of Josie's body.

Suddenly, Josie grunts and shakes.  The fire begins disappears.  Her legs start to shake and she falls to the floor, but Corey and Liam rush to catch her.  She was out cold, but alive.

With a loud crash from the door, Parrish rushes in, drawing his gun towards the Rider, "Freeze!"

The Rider snaps his head towards Parrish and begins to walk towards him.

"Shoot him, Parrish." Liam grits out.

"Everyone down, now." Parrish yells.

Everyone ducks and Parrish fires off a few shots at the Rider, but the bullets had no effect towards him.  He continues to walk towards Parrish.

"On your knees." Parrish warns.

Eerily whispers begin to fill the air, like they were coming from the Rider, "On your knees." Parrish warns again. Whispers continues, the Rider made no effort to follow Parrish's commands.

Suddenly, the wind begins to whoosh, forming a protective tornado around the Rider.  Leaves danced around him and he was gone.  The Rider was gone.

Josie gasps a breath of air, snapping her eyes open.  She jerks around in Liam and Corey's arms, looking for the Rider. 

"It's ok.  It's ok.  He's gone." Liam assures her.

Panting, Josie groans and grips her throat, coughing roughly.

"What the hell was that?" Hayden gasps at Josie. 

Josie frowns in confusion, she had no idea what she was talking about.

"Josie, you went up in flames.  Blue flames." Mason says.

Josie looks at them all in confusion, "And my clothes stayed on?"  She rasps out.


Scott jerks up, gasping for breath.  He finds himself on the pavement with Sheriff, Lydia, and Malia kneeling all around him. 

He coughs in fits and grips his throat.

"Your ok?"  Sheriff asks as he helps him to his feet. 

Panting, Scott nods, "I need to call Liam." He gasps out as he regains his breathing. 

"We'll call them, but, I'm sorry, Scott.  Back in the car." Sheriff sighs. 

Scott sighs, begging him, but Sheriff put his foot down and kept it down.

Pretty soon, they get to the station and they wait for Sheriff to finish talking to Liam.

Scott gets to his feet as Sheriff comes in, worry in his veins.

"She's ok.  The Ghost Riders were there, but Josie's ok." He assures Scott.

"What happened?" Lydia asks, worriedly.

"One of the Ghost Riders tried to kill Josie.  Choke her to death.  But, she managed to get free." Sheriff says.

Scott frowns, "Why would they try and kill her, but not take her?"

"First things first..." Sheriff crosses his arms at them and from behind him, Natalie comes in with a furious look on her face. She begins pacing the cell.

"We know this looks bad." Scott says.

She holds her hands up to stop him from talking, "It doesn't look bad, Scott.  It is bad.  You broke into a nursing home, you harassed a dementia patient, and you beat up a nurse.  This could affect the rest of your lives.  Especially you, Malia.  They're talking felony assault." Natalie says to them all and frowns at Malia.

"I didn't beat him up.  I could have.  But I chose not to." Malia points out.

"That's an improvement." Lydia says.

Sheriff walks over to his deputies, whispering and turns back to them all with a sigh.

"By some miracle the nurse decided to drop the charges.  They're free to go." He says and turns to leave. 

Lydia sighs in relief but Natalie continues to glare at her, "Just because you're not going to jail, doesn't mean you're not grounded for eternity." She warns her daughter.

Sheriff heads into his office and sees his loving wife waiting for him.

"You've had a long day, Sheriff.  You ready?"

Sheriff sighs, "All I want is for this day to end."

Claudia helps him with his jacket, "Well, let me take you away from all this.  Crime, mayhem, those kids."  She chuckles.

He smiles, "Those kids did a dumb thing.  But their heart's in the right place."

"Hmm.  Yeah." Claudia nods.

"You ever have second thoughts? Us not having kids?"

Claudia shakes her head, "Not once."

Sheriff lets out a soft chuckle and gives her a kiss, "Let's get out of here." He grabs his belt and guides her out of the office.

"All right." He says and sighs, "Okay."


Myst and Toby rushes to the McCall's and tends to Josie's wounds on her neck.  Her skin was still bruised, but she was healing.  Just taking a while.  Myst carefully wraps her neck with a bandage that was soaked with herbs that will help the healing speed up.

Scott busts through his bedroom door and sees his mate alive. 

"She's ok.  Just shaken up.  She won't be able to talk till in the morning." Myst assures him and moves away after the bandage was wrapped.

Scott moves and sits on the bed, pulling her into his arms.  She grips on to him tightly, breathing him in.  Crying softly against his shoulder. 

"What happened?" He asks Myst.

"The Rider almost killed her." Toby leans on the door frame.  "But, someone didn't like knowing his mommy was in trouble."

Scott frowns and feels his son moving.  He places a hand on her belly and feels Seth press against his hand.

Myst comes up and touches his shoulder, gaining his attention, "Josie should get some rest.  Her and Seth.  Seth is pretty weak from helping his mother."

Scott couldn't understand, how did Seth help Josie?  What happened while he was gone?  Scott gently lies Josie down and brushes her hair from her face.

"I'll be right outside the door.  I won't leave you two.  Ever."  He whispers. 

Josie nods and wipes her eyes, "I love you." She rasps out.

"I love you, too." He kisses her gently and moves to kiss her belly.  He gently closes the door as Josie was finally asleep. 

"What happened?" He says as they walk downstairs.  His eyes widen when he finally takes in the mess around him.  His house was covered with plastic cups, bottles, broken glass. 

"You said to find a safe place.  So we brought the party here." Liam explains as he waits for them in the living room.

"Who said to throw a party at all?" Scott asks.

"And why didn't you invite me?" Toby pouts as he sits on the lounge chair.

"At least we saved Gwen." Liam points out, ignoring Toby.

"But you saw one of the Ghost Riders." Scott points out the biggest issue. 

"Corey made him visible so we could fight him."

"All right, but doesn't the book say that if you see the Wild Hunt you'll be taken too?" Scott explains.

"Everyone at the party saw him.  Does that mean that..." Liam couldn't finish it.

Toby sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"They're all gonna be taken." Myst says with dread.

Scott accidentally steps on glass, feeling it crunch under his feet.

"I should have been here." He says, shaking his head in disappointment. 

Liam sighs and looks away, kicking himself.

Myst sighs and gives him a small hug, "You did your best, that's what counts." She says softly.

Liam gets out of her hug, "Yeah, but my best screwed us all." He walks out of the house.

"Little puppy, little puppy, still learning to bark." Toby sighs.

"But, he'll learn.  In time." Myst says. 

Toby gets up and looks at the alcohol selection and scoffs, "Ugh, teenagers never know the good stuff."

Sheriff comes through the door, knocking to alert his presence, shutting the door. 

Toby exclaims, "Mm-mmm-mmm! Lock me up and throw away the key."

"He's married." Myst states.

"Happily?" Toby pouts.

Myst nods and mouths, 'Very.'

Toby stomps his foot and walks to the kitchen.

"Looks like a hell of a party." Sheriff says.

Scott sighs and begins to clean up as he grabs a trash bag, "Yeah.  Uh..." Scott chuckles nervously, "Hopefully I can get it all cleaned before my mom comes home." He says.

"I'll help." Sheriff volunteers.

Myst waves them both off, "No need." With wave of her hand and a flash of light, the the house was suddenly, squeaky clean in a blink.

Scott's eyes widen, "Wow."

"Gotta hand it to you.  It's nice knowing a witch." Sheriff chuckles.

 Sheriff moves to sit down at one of the lounge chairs and rests his elbows on his knees, "How's Josie?" He asks.

"She's ok.  Seth is ok.  Just...a lot of questions popping up." Scott sighs, but thinks about something.

"Hey, Sheriff.  We never should have gone there to see your father."  He starts to appologize but Sheriff stops him.

"No, no, it's It's okay.  I should have been clearer about who he is.  And maybe a part of me just didn't want to have to, um, admit it."  Sheriff pushes back his shirt and shows him a scar that was on his chest near his collar bone.  "This is my dad, Scott.  He pushed me through a glass table going after my mom.  There's still tiny pieces of glass in there.  The doctor told my mother that they'd probably be in there for the rest of my life, workin' their way out.  Small price to pay to keep him away from her.  That time."  He sighs.  "You know, something you said has just been bugging me all day.  Somethin' about memories."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"Have you ever had a dream that's, that's so real that you thought it was a memory?" Sheriff asks.

Scott tries to think, but he couldn't.

"Okay, in this dream, I'm lying in bed with Claudia.  It's a couple of weeks before we graduate from college and we're talking about the future and kids and what we'll call them.  And I tell her that if we have a son, I want to name him after her father.  And she laughs at me and she says, 'Why would you want to saddle some poor kid with a name like that?' And I told her, 'Because he's a great father, kind of father I wish I had, the kind I I hoped to be'.  At that point in the dream she smiles, kisses me, and says, 'Okay, we'll name him that, but it won't matter.  He'll just be called Stiles anyway'.

Scott's eyes widen at that information.

"It's the size of a pea." Melissa explains to Chris about the gland. 

Chris frowns knowingly.

"Why kill for it?" Melissa asks.

"The pineal gland is believed to be the seat of the soul.  A conduit to express our souls through physical actions." Chris says.

Melissa scrunches her brows at him, "So someone or something is biting open heads to what? Steal souls?" She scoffs.

"Looks that way." He gestures at Mazzara's body, "But the real question is why?"


Meanwhile, at the school.  The janitor begins his job by mopping the floors of the classrooms.  Unaware of the presence of another in the dark room.  Eyes glowing bright red, Mr. Douglas charges at the Janitor, sending him to the floor with a loud grunt.  With the janitor helpless on the floor.  Mr. Douglas growls loudly and gets on the janitor.  Biting into his head. Ripping a part of the skull and flesh off his head and spitting it out.  He digs his fingers into the cranial and pulls out the pineal gland.  He holds it up and smiles sinisterly.

He places the gland into his mouth, sucking on his fingers.  He begins to chew and swallows it with a loud gulp. 

(That was the sickest episode ever.  Yuck!  I want to vomit.  But, why is Douglas eating pineal glands?  For strength?  For power?  Maybe there's a connection with him and the Riders, who knows.  What do you guys think of this chapter.  Please let me know)

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