Chapter 11: Sundowning

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With Josie upstairs and Liam taking care of everything downstairs, everything seems to be running smoothly so far.  Liam spots Hayden and walks over to her.  She greets with with a smile and hands him a drink.

"Made you this."

Remembering the bonfire part, he gives her a guilty look, "Uh...You know alcohol doesn't work on us, right?" He says.

"What?" She looks at him in shock.

"Yeah.  Our bodies heal too quickly and we can't...You know." He says, meaning getting drunk.

"You're kidding me, right?" She asks, hoping he was joking, but it didn't look like he was joking.

"It's not that bad." He smiles and pulls her closer against him, leaning in to giver her a soft, passionate kiss.  Loving the feel of her in his arms.  She reaches up and cups his neck, trailing her thumb over his jaw line as she deepens the kiss.  Liam sighs softly against her lips as the kiss ends. 

"Have you seen Gwen?" He asks.

Sighing in frustration, she moves her eyes over to where Gwen was, "Over there.  Talking to everyone but me." She scoffs and sees Gwen looking over at her, glaring at her.

Liam chuckles, "Hey, you know what? If the Ghost Riders don't come tonight, this will be our first okay date." He smiles.

"And someday, we will do a whole lot better than 'okay'." Hayden says, smiling. 

Liam kisses her once more, just as passionately as before and pulls away, "Mmm!" He hums in approval.

Hayden looks over and sees Gwen walking off, she had to make sure Gwen was going to stay at the party.

"I better go." She says and begins to follow Gwen.

Liam sighs and leans back against the table, missing his mate already.


"You shouldn't be here." Elias protests strongly at Scott, Lydia, and Malia.  "If you don't leave, I'll have to report you." Elias begins muttering and it seemed as if he couldn't keep still.

"What's wrong with him?" Scott asks, frowning in concern.

Lydia sighs, "The sun went down."

Scott looks at the dark sky and sees that the sun was completely gone, but he didn't get it, "So?"

Elias continues to mutter.

"He's sundowning." Lydia says, but she could see Scott was still clueless.  "It's when dementia patients lose their faculties after the sun goes down." She explains.

Elias' breaths become heavily as he begins to panic, "I don't want to talk to you anymore!" He shouts in anger, pointing at them all in such fury.

"So what do we do?" Malia asks.

"We wait till the sun comes back up." Lydia says.

"We can't wait that long." Malia whisper/yells furiously.

"No.  No, no!" Elias continues to shout in fury.

"There's gotta be something we could do to keep him quiet." Scott says.

"Leave, leave, leave, leave." Elias begins to freak out.

"I can calm him down." Malia steps up.

"No." "No." Both strongly protest.

Lydia stands up and grabs the papers that Elias have spread out on the table, math questions.  She shows him the papers, "Elias.  Look at the equations.  Look.  It's binomial probability.  What's 'P'?" She gains his attention. 

Elias stutters in confusion and looks at the equations, "Um, probability of success?"

"Right." Lydia nods.

She grabs another paper, "And that means N minus K is?"

"Uh, number of trials minus the number of successes." Elias smiles, which makes Lydia chuckle.

"What's with the math?" Malia frowns and nibbles on more food.

"It helps dementia patients concentrate.  And this one?" Lydia explains and points to another equation for Elias to focus on.

"That's, um, Conditional probability." He says and begins to stand up, frowning at the equations all of the sudden, as if he was snapping out of the fog, but no one was beginning to notice.

"Let's find the moment of inertia." Lydia says as Scott sits, helping Lydia with the equations.  She looks up and sees Elias standing, "Elias."

"That's Mr. Stilinski." Elias says strongly, startling everyone. "Just who the hell do you think you are?" He sneers at them all.


Josie went through the rooms and so far, no one has decided to sneak upstairs for a fun round.  Josie sighs and rubs her belly.  Seth seems to be calm tonight, even with the music going on downstairs.  Nothing seemed to bother him.  Except them.  After locking all the rooms up, Josie heads to Scott's and hers room, but jumps when she sees Gwen.

Gwen snaps her head to hers and gets up quickly off the bed, "I'm sorry.  I just needed a quiet place to think."

Josie holds up a hand and waves her off, "It's fine.  You're Gwen, right?  Hayden's friend?"

Gwen scoffs, "Friend, right." She says bitterly and sits back down on the bed.

"Hayden told me about your sister.  She does believe you, you know.  And she's telling the truth." Josie says.

Gwen glares at her, "You, too? Don't you and Hayden have anything better do that make fun of people in need?"

Josie sighs, "He took one of my friends, too.  No one remembers him.  I feel like I'm going insane trying to remember him." She says.

Gwen rolls her eyes and gets up to leave, but Josie stops her.

"The man with the spurs.  The long, leather jacket.  Dark, cowboy hat.  Greasy long hair.  He had a gun attached to his side." She says that makes Gwen turn back to her in shock.  She didn't tell all that to Hayden.

Josie turns towards her, "Hayden is telling the truth.  Your sister wasn't the first.  They have taken several people...and no one remembers them.  How do you remember your sister?" She asks.

Gwen sighs, tears mist in her eyes as she walks back to the bed, "I just do.  I don't know.  How do you still remember your friend, but no one else does?"

Josie shrugs, "I'm losing my memory of him, I can feel it.  I can't remember his face or his name, but I know him.  I know he was my best friend for years." Josie chuckles, "I made him a Godfather." She rubs her belly.

Gwen looks at her belly then back to her, giving her a small smile, "I hope we will figure things out.  How do you about this?  About these...what did Hayden call them?"

"The Ghost Riders.  The Wild Hunt."


"They ride the lighting of the storms.  Come to towns all over and take people.  I don't know why.  They hunt for souls.  The mythology says that, but seeing how they are here now.  The truth is so much more darker." Josie says.

"That doesn't explain how you know." Gwen eyes her.

Josie sighs and places a hand on Gwen's shoulder, sending her comfort power.  Gwen sighs in comfort, but stiffens.  She looks at Josie in confusion and Josie nods at her.  Gwen looks at Josie's hand and realizes that feeling was coming from her.

"The world isn't what you always thought." Josie shines her red eyes at her.


Meanwhile, downstairs at the party, Corey couldn't shake off this horrible feeling he carried.  Something was off.  He kept eyeing the barrier, he couldn't take his eyes off of it till Mason comes up and snaps him out of his thoughts

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mason asks.

"I just keep thinking we forgot something." Corey stutters.

"No.  We haven't." Mason shakes his head. "Look, Liam's watching the back door and Hayden's upstairs with Gwen and Josie. " He assures Corey, but he could still see the worry in his eyes.

"If the Ghost Riders get in, I don't know if..." Corey trails off.

"If, if what?"

"If I can fight like Liam." Corey sighs.

Mason cups Corey's face, "Look, no one doubts you.  Not Liam.  Not Hayden.  And not me.  Okay? Come on, we got this.  Come on." Mason smiles and takes Corey's hand and leads him to the dance floor.  Together, they begin to dance, like a normal couple.  Corey was even starting to have fun.  He smiles at his loving mate, dancing close to him. 

Suddenly, they all jump as the sound of thunder crashing loudly was made in the air. 


The DJ turns up the volume of the music and cheers were made, but Corey and Mason had a feeling what that sound was.


"You know Scott isn't your son?" Lydia sighs in realization.

"Of course I know that.  Are brains getting smaller with the skirts?" Elias scoffs as he walks around Scott.

Malia growls lowly at him and takes a warning step at him, but Scott holds his hand up to stop her.

"Malia.  It's okay." Scott assures her.

"So, you're that McCall kid." Elias says.

"You know me?" Scott asks.

"I know your dad.  Couldn't hold his liquor and he certainly couldn't keep that wedding ring on his finger." Elias smirks knowingly.  "Pretty young thing would walk by and poof, that ring just disappeared like magic."

Scott looks at him in disbelief.  No way his dad was a cheater.

Malia sees the distraught on Scott's face and growls again at Elias.

"And..." Elias shakes a finger at Scott.  "You're dating that Thompson girl.  Little Deafy Josie." Elias scoffs.  "Her father was no worse than yours.  Going around town.  Coning people off their money.  Drinking till he was passed out in his own vomit.  Then, I hear little Josie popped a cap in him.  Right?" Elias makes shooting noises.  "Can't believe that little murderer is still out there.  Being a little slut like her mother."

Malia snarls loudly but Lydia speaks up.

"Do you know all of us?" She asks.

"Oh..." Elias points at Lydia. "You're Natalie Martin's girl.  Am I right? You look like her.  She was pretty once, too."

"Stop talking." Malia's upper lip twitches as her eyes begin to glow bright blue.

Scott jumps out of his seat, ready to stop her, "Hey, Malia."

"And she also liked to talk like she was the smartest person in the room."

Malia couldn't hold back anymore, she flings her claws out, ready to strike. 

Scott reaches out and stops her, "Malia!"


Sheriff suddenly comes in with the nurse who Malia attacked earlier.

"Sheriff, we..." Scott stutters, but Sheriff cuts him off.

"I explicitly told you not to come here.  And who attacked a staff member?" He turns and looks at the three of them.

The nurse points at Malia, "That's her."

Malia growls lowly at the nurse.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Sheriff looks at them in such disappointment.

"Noah." Elias moves towards Sheriff.  "We were just having a nice conversation."

"The three of you.  Out.  Now." Sheriff says, jerking his thumb towards the door.

Everyone gest up and begins to leave.  Sheriff begins to follow.

"Noah." Elias tries to speak to Sheriff, but Sheriff didn't want to talk.

Anger builds up in Elias, "That's right!" Sheriff stops in his tracks.  "Act like I'm not even here.
Go crawling back to your dead wife and your loser son!" Elias shouts in fury.

Sheriff slowly turns towards the man who was once his father, confused at what was said.  Did he say...?

"What did you say?" He asks.

Elias' face suddenly clouds over as the dementia sets in again,

"Is it time for my medicine?"

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