Chapter 10: Elias Stilinski

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Hayden had to find out more about how Gwen still remembers her sister even after she was taken.  Everyone has forgotten her, except Gwen.  She heard from another student that she was in the library.  She headed inside and searched every row till she found Gwen flipping through yearbooks.

"What are you lookin' for?" Hayden asks as she approaches her.

Gwen continues to frantically flip through the pages, trying to find any source of proof, but she couldn't find anything.

"Anything.  Anything to prove that Phoebe's real." Gwen sighs in distraught. 

Hayden places her hand on the yearbook to stop her constant flipping, "Hey, I believe you." She says gently.

Gwen scoffs at her and rolls her eyes, "No, you don't." She slams the yearbook back into the shelf and sigh, twirling a handmade bracelet with her fingers.

Hayden notices how close it is to her, "That was hers, wasn't it?" Gwen snaps her gaze to Hayden's, she didn't say yes, she didn't say no, but Hayden could see the answer in her eyes.  "What happened?"

Gwen crosses her arms over chest and shrug, "We just went to bed like any other normal night.  I got up to get some water, and I thought I saw this man standing in our front yard.  When I looked again, there was no one there.  But this morning, my sister was gone.  And her room, it was completely empty.  I can't reach my mom.  And I tried to call Phoebe's phone but the line's been disconnected.  And no one believes that she exists.  The cops, the school, they're all saying that there's no record of her.  And everyone's looking at me like I'm crazy." She gives Hayden such a scared look.  She holds herself as she tells her everything.  She takes the bracelet off and shows it to Hayden, "I made this for Phoebe for her birthday.  Mom forgot to buy her anything, she travels so much.  This is the only thing I have left."

"The man in your yard.  What did he look like?" Hayden asks.

Gwen tries to think back towards that night, "He had a black hat, a long coat...Uh, couldn't see his face."

"Shh."  A student hushes them.

Hayden sighs and pushes to further between the shelves to whisper to her.  Gwen needed to know everything. 

"He's called a Ghost Rider.  They take people and you don't even know it because they've erased your memories.  If you see them, according to the mythology, you're next."  Hayden says.

Gwen gives her a blank, yet angry look.


"Do you think I'm stupid?" Gwen gives her a disbelieved look and scoffs at her.

"Gwen, I'm trying to help you. I..." Hayden stutters.

Gwen became furious, "Is this just all a big joke to you? I don't believe in ghosts, and I don't like being made fun of." She sneers at Hayden and stomps away, shoving her shoulder against hers. 

Hayden sighs, she didn't mean to come off like that, but Gwen has to be warned.


After Chris explained as much as he could to Melissa, she took him to the morgue to exam Mazzara's body. 

She finds the body box and opens it.  She reaches in and Chris helps her pull the slab out.  She pulls the blanket away from his face and Chris grips his chin and head.  With a loud crack of the neck, he turns his head to the side to show Melissa the wound. 

"I'm gonna go with head trauma as the cause of death." She says obviously.

"The skull wasn't just broken.  Look here." He gestures at the marks around the wound.  Melissa leans in to look closer, "Those are teeth marks." He says.

Melissa looks up at him surprise, "A werewolf?" She asks.

"A werewolf with an unusually powerful set of jaws." Chris points out.

"Capable of biting through a human skull?" Melissa asks in disbelief.

"Skulls." Chris corrects her which makes her looks at him again in shock. "This isn't his first victim."


Josie, Scott, and Lydia headed back to school to let Malia in about the plan with Sheriff's father.  Meanwhile, Liam also tells them about the Ghost Rider's next victim.

"Stilinski said no, didn't he?" Malia asks as she goes through her locker.

"Yeah." Scott sighs.

"But we're going anyway?" Malia asks as she shuts her locker.

"Yep." Scott says.

"Or you could stay here and help me convince Gwen she's in danger." Liam says, begging.

"It's not your job to convince her.  It's your job to keep her safe." Scott says.

"Just kidnap her." Malia shrugs.

Josie holds a hand up in protest, "Do not kidnap her."

"We'll be back tonight after we talk to Stilinski's dad." Scott says as they begin to walk towards the doors.

"Do we really have to do this?" Malia asks.

"He's our only lead." Scott says.

"Okay.  What if the Ghost Riders show up?" Liam asks.

Scott, Josie, and Malia stop and turns to Liam.

"Then you'll handle it, Liam.  And look, you're not alone.  You've got Mason and Corey and Hayden.  Okay?  Just find a safe place for Gwen and keep her there." Scott says.

"Any suggestions?" Liam asks.

Josie sighs and steps up next to Liam, "I'll stay.  You, Malia, and Lydia go on and see if  you can get anything from Mr. Stilinski." She says to Scott.

Liam perks up, relieved, but Scott was worried, "Jojo..."

"I'll be fine.  If anything happens, I can protect them without fighting them.  They may ride with the storm, but they'll be messing with mother nature herself." She giggles.

Scott sighs, "Just promise you'll call if Seth senses them again."

Josie nods, "I promise.  If I lose cell reception, just listen for my howl."

"Ok.  Liam, as my beta, I'm counting on you to protect my mate and child." Scott says.

Liam nods, "I'll guard them both."

"I still say kidnap her." Malia says as she turns to the door.

"Do NOT kidnap her." Scott warns and follows her.

Josie sighs, "It doesn't matter as long as she's safe.  Come on, we need to find the others." She says as they take off to find them. 

Liam texted Hayden to tell her to meet him and Josie at the Library and to fine Mason and Corey.  They all meet up and sit at one of the tables, leaning in close so no one could listen into their conversation.

"Until we find a safe place for Gwen, we need to know her location at all times." Liam states after he explains the semi-plan.  

Hayden looks up at the second floor with worry as she watches Gwen asking more students about her sister.  Josie reaches and touches her shoulder, Hayden sighs and gives her a small smile.

"Okay, that's great while we're at school, but what happens after that?  She could go anywhere." Mason says.

"Hayden and Josie could ask her." Corey suggests.

Josie looks over to Gewn who sighs in disappointment.

"She won't believe me." Josie shakes her head.

Hayden suddenly perks up, "We don't have to.  I know where she'll be tonight."  She gets out her cell and shows them all the invite. "Nathan's party.  I mean, she's been asking everybody in school about Phoebe.  I'm sure she'll do the same tonight." She says.

Josie nods, "That's a good idea, but we can't keep her safe at Nathan's.  We need a place where we know where they can get in and where the exits are if things get out of hand."  She sighs, "Why don't we just tell her about us?  Make it easy for her to believe in the supernatural."

"She might not handle it well.  She already hates me for even telling her about the Ghost Riders." Hayden sighs.

"Where can we hide her?" Corey asks, looking at them all.

Mason suddenly thought of a plan, "I know a place." He chuckles softly, "The safest place.  But..." He looks over at Josie with a guilty, pleading look, "Did Scott give you a spare key?"

Josie glares at Mason, hoping he's not thinking what she thinks he's thinking.


Lydia gives Malia and Scott a lift to the nursing home that Sheriff's father resides in.  As they walk up to the door, Scott couldn't help but feel bad for doing what they are about to do.

"I can't believe we're about to break into a nursing home." He sighs in disbelief.

"After the orderlies at Eichen House, pretty sure we can handle some nurses." Malia shrugs and heads inside.  Lydia rolls her eyes, knowing what Malia is going to do. 

Malia walks in and heads towards the receptionist's desk.

The male nurse stutters as he talks on the phone, seeing Malia heading his way so he quickly ends the call, "I gotta go.  There's somebody...I gotta go."  He hangs up the phone and turns to greet Malia. "...thing over there that we were gonna..."

Malia suddenly reaches for him and slams his face into the desk.

"Oh! Mother of..." The nurse cries out and clutches his nose before falling onto the floor.  He groans in pain and yelps as Malia pulls him into a room and locks the door. 

Scott and Lydia weren't too happy with Malia, but they needed to get in and out without anyone alerting Sheriff about them being there.  They look around till they finally find a rec room with a man sitting by the window, staring out into world with a cloudy look.

They walk in and it seemed he heard them coming.  He turns around and frowns at them in confusion.

"Yes?"  The man asks.  "Oh.  Is it time for my medicine?"  He asks, wondering if they were new nurses or orderlies.

"We don't have your medicine." Malia crosses her arms over her chest as she scoffs.

"Oh..." The man slumps in his chair and turns back to the window.

"Are you Elias Stilinski?" Lydia asks.

The man stops and turns back to her, "I am."

Lydia looks over to Scott in relief, "I'm Lydia Martin.  Do you know who I am?" She asks as she moves to stand  closer to him.

Elias looks at Lydia with confusion, "Should I?"

Scott moves closer to greet Elias with a smile, "Hey, Mr. Stilinski, we're looking for somebody who might be named Stiles.  You went by that name in the Army, right?"

Elias looks up at Scott, "Yes.  Best years of my life." Then, he looks away, looking at the papers in front of him.

"Do you know any of us?" Malia asks, biting her words.  She was feeling a little on the edge.

Elias looks over to her, to all of them, "Of course I do." He turns and looks up at Scott, with a hint of recognization in his eyes. "How could I forget my own son?"

Scott frowns in confusion, "Your son?"

Lydia's eyes widen in realization and she gives Elias' a friendly smile, "Mr. Stilinski.  What year is it?" She asks him.

"1976.  It's my son's birthday next week." Elias says.

Lydia sighs in dread and turns to Scott, "He has dementia."

Scott frowns and turns back to Elias, who fogs over and looks back at Scott and the others.

"Is it time for my medicine?"


Josie looks at the sight in front of her in utter shock and despair.  Loud music from the DJ booth as she scratches the records over the speakers, dozens of teenagers cheering and drinking.  Dancing in the middle of the rooms, every corner was occupied by teens.

"Liam, Melissa is going to freaking kill you!  Not to mention Scott, too!" Josie yells over the loud music. 

Liam stutters at the sight, "I didn't know it was going to be this bad, but we need to keep Gwen safe." He looks around and spots someone putting down a glass on the table...without a coaster! "Hey." He rushes to pick up the glass, "Not there."

Suddenly, a very angry Nathan shoves the door open, slamming it against the wall.  Making the pictures jump and one begins to fall.  Liam rushes and catches it before it falls, but Nathan spots him.

"You stole my party." Nathan growls and grabs Liam by the throat, shoving him against the wall.  Choking him. 

"What, are you gonna steal lacrosse captain, too?" Nathan snarls down at Liam.

"I didn't think you'd be mad." Liam chokes out.

"How'd you think I'd take it?" Nathan snaps.

"In hundreds?"  Mason pops up behind, holding up money for Nathan.  Nathan smirks, drops Liam to his feet, and takes the money, cheering with everyone.

Josie snarls, curling her lip at Nathan and walks over to Liam, helping him up with Mason. 

"I'm starting to think this wasn't a good idea." Liam says worriedly.

"Scott told us to do whatever it takes to keep Gwen safe." Mason points out.

Josie glares at Mason, "Now what if Melissa shows up?"

"Yeah, she already doesn't like me." Liam points out.

"She's got the night shift.  She won't be home until 4:00 AM and we'll have this place cleaned up way before then." Mason takes the photo from Liam and hangs it up, crookedly.  "Scott told us to protect Gwen.  And putting her in a house lined with Mountain Ash, is a good plan."  He takes a bottle of Mountain Ash from the closet and spreads it on the floor, in between the lintel. "Believe in the plan."

Josie rubs her belly, "I'm not believing in the plan."

"Yeah, I don't know about this, Mas." Liam stutters.

"Look, we just need to keep a close eye on her.  If they come...we'll be ready." Mason assures.

But, Josie and Liam both had an unsure look. 

"I'm gonna head upstairs and make sure no one goes into the bedrooms.  Last thing I need to do is explains why there's stains in the sheets to my future mother in law." Josie bites out and heads upstairs.

Mason looks worried at Liam then turns back to the party. 


Night has already fallen, the sun was beginning to go down.  Scott, Lydia, and Malia all struggle to get Elias to tell them something, anything that could help them with subject of Stiles.  But, they couldn't keep a full conversation with him.

"Scott McCall?" Elias frowns at Scott as Scott nods at him, but Elias shakes his head, "No, no, no, no, no, no.  You're my son." He says strongly.

"Keep it down, old guy.  You'll wake the other old people." Malia bites out and looks down to see full plate of food and begins to eat the peas. 

Scott and Lydia frown at her behavior, they knew Malia was going lose her patience and possibly shift since she was having a hard time keeping herself human.

"I don't like her." Elias frowns at Malia.

Lydia sighs and takes off her purse, sitting in front of Elias, gaining his full attention, "Your son.
He's the Sheriff of Beacon Hills." She tries to explain.

Elias frowns, "Sheriff? No, no, no, no, no.  No, no." He shakes his head, "I was in the Army." He stutters out.

Malia rolls her eyes and looks over to Scott, "Use your claws, Scott."

Lydia and Elias perk up to that.  Elias didn't know what she meant, but Lydia was worried, for Elias as well as Scott was.

"It could kill him." Scott protests.

"I get that, but we're running out of time." Malia states.

Scott shakes his head, "I can't.

Malia growls lowly and flings her hand out, calling forth her claws.  Elias jumps and backs away with Lydia.   Scott grabs her wrist to stop her.

"Hey! No.  We're not hurting him." Scott states and lets her go.

"Young lady, you need to clip those nails." Elias says, looking at her hand cautiously.

Malia stands awkwardly and pushes her coyote back, sighing in disappointment.

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