Chapter 9: Meet Toby

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Lydia and Malia headed back home, but Josie and Scott accompanied Deaton, Myst, and Toby back at Deaton and Myst's house.  Deaton was busy with the twins upstairs, and Myst was in the kitchen, making a drink of Toby. 

Toby moves towards Josie, tilting his head at her in curiosity.

"Hmm, so this is the True Anchor..." He looks over to Scott next to her and exclaims, "And her fine ass mate, The True Alpha. Ooh, you lucky little bitch." He fans himself and tilts himself in praise.

Scott's brows shoot up in shock and frowns at Myst, who waves it off from the kitchen.

"And, this little guy..." Toby reaches and touches Josie's stomach. "This little guys is the rarest of them all."

Myst frowns and walks closer to him, "You see what I have seen?"

Toby nods and turns to her, "It's a very once in a lifetime moment. But, apparently," He turns back to Josie and Scott. "These two sweethearts have been given the opportunity to carry one."

Scott and Josie look at each other in confusion, then back to Toby in curiosity.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asks.

Toby sighs, "Baby-face, you have no idea how lucky you are to have a child like that in your girl's belly. But, it's also a means for danger to you and her."

Josie covers her stomach in protection, "Danger? Why?" She asks.

Toby takes in a deep sigh, "Your child is something that's has only been conceived once in a generation.  A type of breed that's more powerful than any form of supernatural.  I can see how much power he carries, just by looking into those drop dead gorgeous emerald eyes of yours." 

Toby moves and sits on a bar stool, cross his legs together while leaning on the table.

"What is he?" Josie asks.

"Something...far more than a True Alpha and a True Anchor.  Even an Elemental.  You being an Elemental of all is no coincidence.  The fire inside you is what giving him the strength to live.  He gains his power from the fire.  And no, he ain't no Hellhound.  He's better a Hellhound."  Toby tilts his head and gestures Josie to come closer.

Josie took a hesitant step, but stopped near Toby.

"Bitch, I'm not the one with the fangs, so I'm not gonna bite." He scoffs, rolling his eyes.

Josie sighs and walked closer to him.  Toby reaches and pulls her shirt up over her hip and sees the mark.

"He already knows your his mother.  The mark of his kind shall protect you." He says.

"Why won't you tell me what he is?" Josie asks.

Toby gives her a small smile, "Cause you're not ready to believe.  When you're ready, I'll tell you."

Josie sighs in disappointment and goes back to stand next to Scott.

"What about me?  Does he know who I am?" Scott couldn't help to ask.

Toby gives him an amused look, "The power that radiates off you tells him plenty.  You're an Alpha, his father.  A son always knows who his father is." Toby stops to sigh, "I can sense so much love he has for the two of you.  He cares about you very deeply.  You protect him, take care of him.  He'll do the same for you."  Toby reaches a hand out in the air as if feeling for something.  "His powers are growing, which is why he's growing bigger inside you.  He's preparing."

Scott and Josie scrunch their brows in confusion, "For what?" Scott asks.

Toby gives them both a serious look, "For what's coming in the future."

Scott wraps his arms around Josie, holding her tight against him.

"What exactly are you?" Josie asks.

Toby crosses his legs and leans on his knees, "You're wondering if I'm a witch like Myst.  Sorry to disappoint, I'm no witch.  Or a warlock or anything like that.  You could say I'm unique.  I'm like a seer, but more."

Myst comes walks towards them, and gives Toby his cocktail.

"Ah! Bless you, honey." He praises and takes the glass. He lifts it up at them, "Cheers, bitches."


The next morning, everyone took off to their classes like normally.  Liam, Mason, Hayden, and Corey were in physics, listening to Mr. Douglas give his daily lesson. 

"Power.  The ability to control things."  He holds up a metal bar for all to see. "This metal has no power.  It's small, weak, insignificant.  Is there anything we can do to change that?"  He asks.

Corey holds his hand up.  Surprising Mason.

"Corey, what you got?" Mr. Douglass asks.

"We can add electricity."

Mr. Douglas nods in approval, "Exactly."

Mason gives Corey a big smile, he knew Corey was smart for this class.

Mr. Douglas moves to his table and takes another metal rod which was wrapped up in wires that was connected to a battery, "We turn this metal rod into a magnet.  Now it has power.  Now it has influence..." He holds up a metal ball and places it into a glass bowl, "Over others."

He begins to crank up the battery dial, turning on the power.  The electricity of the battery begins to buzz loudly.  He takes the metal rod with the wires and begins to move it around the bowl.  The metal ball begins to follow the rod and pretty soon it begins to spin round and round.

Mr. Douglass suddenly begins to cough, startling several students with worry.  He grips the table and coughs more violently.  Suddenly, memories filled his head.  Being in a tank full of liquid.  A mask covering his face.

"Are...are you okay, Mr.Douglas?" Hayden stutters.

He stops coughing at last and gives her an assured look, smiling.

"Just a little cough." 

The ball continues to roll around in the bowl.

"Where were we? Um...Right, now we have electricity, and a little bit of power.  Let's add a little more."  He cranks up the electricity higher, making the buzzing louder. "After all, the greater the power, the greater the control."

He begins to cough again, more violently, struggling to suppress his coughing, but no use.  The memories of that night invade his mind.  Losing the ability to breath.  The mask was useless.  He remembers struggling to be free from that liquid prison. 

He pounds on the table, startling his class.  Everyone watches him with worry.  He grabs a water bottle and takes a sip.  Sighing in relief.  The coughing stops at last. 

Turning back to his class, he smiles at them, several students were still worried.

"Imagine how powerful this rod could become with boundless electricity.  Say, from a lightning bolt? What else could we control?" He turns up the dial all the way up.  The ball begins to spin rapidly in the bowl.

Suddenly, his coughing begins again, more violently.  To the point where he couldn't breath.  The memories were too much.  He remembers glass breaking at last, him sliding across the cold cement floor, surrounded by electrical equipment, dirt, the liquid he was trapped in.  Vines coming out from the ceiling.  Where was he?  How did he get here?

Mr. Douglas rushes to the storage room of his class, slamming the door close.  Several students were worried and scared for Mr. Douglas.  No one knew what was wrong with him.  Mr. Douglas rummages through his stuff and finds the mask he needed.  He turns on the helium tank and breaths in deeply.  Gasping for breath. 

Liam gets up from his seat and stands near the door, he could hear the gasps from inside.  He looks over at Hayden and she carried a worried face.  He turns back to the door and walks closer. 

"Mr. Douglas?"

More memories invaded Mr. Douglas' mind.  He remembers seeing how badly his skin was.  His body was covered with dead skin.  It hurt to breathe.  He needed to heal himself, but he was very weak.  He screamed in pain as his skin begins to peel off his body.  Like a snake shedding for new skin.  He was finally free.  He grins in a sinister way as his eyes shinned bright red in the dark shadows.


Pretty soon, class was over.  Mr. Douglas waved off the episode in class as a mild asthma attack and assured everyone that he was fine now that he had his medicine.  Still, it was very concerning for most.

Gym was just ending and as the girls were dressing, all of their cell phones begin to go off.  An announcement for a party tonight.  Everyone seemed excited for it.  Except for one person.

A loud slam of a locker startles several girls.

"Where is it? Who took all of her stuff?" A girl named Gwen demanded.

Hayden approaches her carefully in concerned, "What's wrong, Gwen?"

Gwen turns to Hayden, looking like she wanted to cry, "Someone stole all of her stuff." She says.

"Whose stuff?" Hayden asks.

Gwen gives Hayden a disbelieved look, "Phoebe.  My sister.  She's been on your team for two years."

Hayden frowns at her in confusion, "I don't remember her." She shakes her head.

Gwen scoffs, "You don't remember her? The school doesn't remember her.  No one remembers her." Gwen stomps off to find her sister.

But, Hayden had a suspicious feeling that it has to do with the Ghost Riders.  They must have taken Phoebe.


(Josie's outfit for the day)

Josie, Scott, and Lydia had a free period, so they decided to head to the library to find anything about Stiles. 

Scott looked through the computer and found one type of Stiles.

"'Stile, an arrangement of steps that allows people, but not animals, to climb over a fence'." He reads out loud.

"Yeah, somehow I don't think these are the stiles we're looking for." Lydia says sarcastically.

Josie goes through books and finds last names with Stiles, "What if it's a person instead of a thing?" She asks.

Scott thinks about it and shrugs, "Maybe, but who do we know with a last name of Stiles?"  He asks.

"It could be a first name.  Or maybe a nickname.  Maybe it's connected to this guy I've been hearing."  Josie suggests.

Lydia sighs and rubs the bridge of her nose, "Hmm, I don't know.  This is so frustrating." She groans.

"Maybe Malia's found something." Scott sighs.

Lydia shakes her head, "No."

Josie rubs her belly, "She's been taking a make-up test all morning with Ms. Martin." She winches sympathetically


Sitting in front of Ms. Martin's desk, with a long row of broken tip pencils, Malia struggles to calm herself but she's having such a hard time.  She hated math, always will.  Doing all these tests, it was driving her insane.

Malia picks up another pencil and tries again but, the pencil tip snaps again.  She sighs anxiously and reaches to pick up another pencil.

Natalie Martian watches her closely to make sure she's doing the best she can, she could see how nervous Malia was.  She gives Malia a small smile.

"You have 20 minutes left."

Malia's eyes widen in fear.

"Just try and relax." Ms. Martin says.

"Relax?" Malia scoffs.

"Breathe in and feel yourself relaxing." Ms. Martin says, still smiling and leaning back.  Showing how easy it was to just relax.

But, it wasn't easy for Malia.  She could feel the coyote stirring inside her.  It needed to get out of here.  Her breathing picks up in panicked breaths as she looks up at the clock, seeing the ticking slowing down.  Everything seemed so out of tuned to her.

Ms. Martin even looked disorientated, "Malia." Her voice distorted and switches back to normal, "You need to calm your breathing.

Malia lets out a small and short sigh, but it wasn't enough. 

"Maybe try some positive self-talk." Ms. Martin suggests.

"I'm positive I don't want to be here." Malia digs her claws into the edge of the desk, startling Ms. Martin.

She begins to stammer, "Remember, school is a safe space.  Let's breathe together.  Just one deep breath." Ms. Martin inhales deeply and Malia tries to follow, "Little deeper.  A little deeper."

Malia grips on to her pencil tightly, she growls softly and glares at Ms. Martin with her vibrant neon blue eyes.  Her pencil snaps in half and pretty soon.  Malia, in full coyote form, takes off running out of Ms. Martin's office with a bark and growl.

Ms. Martin takes off her glasses with a deep sigh, she couldn't take this anymore, "Deep breaths, Natalie.  Deep breaths."


Josie, Lydia, and Scott, along with possibly the whole school, all become startled with the sound of loud howling coming from somewhere inside the school.  But, Scott, Josie, and Lydia knew that howl.

"I guess the test isn't going well." Lydia says sarcastically and they quickly grab their stuff to run and find Malia.  Lydia had a feeling she knew where she was.  In the basement.

They race to the basement and find Malia hiding in the corner, her eyes glowing bright that them all in anger as growls escaped from her throat.

"Malia.  It's okay.  You're safe."  Scott tries to walk slowly towards her, to sooth her, but it didn't seem like it was working. 

Ms. Martin and Sheriff follow in, but back away from Coyote Malia.

Malia snarls loudly at them all, growling ferociously as she bares her fangs.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." He tries again and she growls louder at him.  "I think she's calming down." But it didn't look like it.

"Maybe you should growl back?" Sheriff suggests and jumps with Ms. Martin as Malia's growls intensifies.  "Scott, you're the Alpha.  Can't you just make her a little more docile?"

Malia lowly growls at them.

Josie moves closer and Malia snarls loudly at her but stops when Josie holds her hand out.  Malia backs away with her head down, but still growls. 

"She's not the problem.  We are." Josie says as she eyes Malia with caution.

Lydia nods and looks everyone, "This is her territory."

Josie doesn't take her eyes off of Malia, "Maybe you all need to get out of here.   Just back away and give us some room." Josie says softly.

Malia barks at them, growling more.

"Malia!" Josie shouts strongly, gaining her attention, keeping her eyes locked with hers. 

"Yeah, come on, come on." Sheriff says as he pulls everyone away to stand behind a shelf. 

"Malia, Malia." Josie says in a soothing voice, her powers bursting through her pores, focused directly towards Malia.

Malia lets out a whine as she feels herself being comforted.

"Malia came here to get through the full moons.  Then, we started using the lake house." Lydia explains to her mom and the Sheriff.

Ms. Martin frowns, "I thought you said a wild animal got in the lake house."

Sighing, Lydia rolls her eyes, "Just be happy about all the things I don't tell you."

Josie walks closer and she kneels in front of Malia, Malia whines softly, "It's ok." Josie reaches out and runs her fingers through Malia's fur.  Malia could finally feel herself relaxing at last, the coyote was retreating.  With a content sigh, she transforms back into human and hugs Josie tight.

"Thank you." She sighs.

Josie sighs in relief, "Maybe I should sit next to you from now on in math class." She giggles with Malia. 

Malia lets go of Josie and stands naked in front of everyone, "It's all right.  I'm okay."

Sheriff's eyes go wide and he quickly looks away, Ms. Martin awkwardly walks up to her and gives her clothes, "It's all right." Ms. Martin says as she passes Scott.

Scott moves and helps Josie up to her feet and pulls her close into his arms as they walk towards Sheriff.

"Any idea what made her shift?" Sheriff asks Scott, Josie, and Lydia. 

"She's under a lot of pressure.  School, her life after graduation." Scott says.

"Her mom trying to kill her." Lydia points out.

Josie shakes her head, "That shouldn't make her shift."

"Could it be connected to Stiles?" Scott asks Lydia.

"Hard to tell since we don't know what a 'Stiles' is." Lydia scoffs.

"It's a 'he'." Sheriff says.

"Who?" Scott asks.

"Stiles.  It's a family nickname.  I never used it but, uh, my father did."  Sheriff says.

Josie, Scott, and Lydia's eyes all widen at this new information.  Maybe there was a connection. 


After taking care of Malia, Josie, Scott, and Lydia, accompanied Sheriff back to his house to talk about who Stiles is with his wife.  Josie sits next to Scott on the similar lounge chair he sat in front of Sheriff.  Lydia sits on the chair arm next to Josie.  Claudia went to fetch the information they required and brought it back for Sheriff.

"Thanks, honey." Sheriff says as Claudia hands him the box.

"Mmm-hmm." Claudia gives everyone a friendly smile and sits next to Sheriff on the other loveseat couch.

Sheriff opens the box and takes out a picture, "He was an Army engineer."  He sighs and hands Scott the picture.  "Ended the war one bridge at a time."

Scott hands Josie the picture and she sees a man, almost a copy of the Sheriff, in an army uniform.

"And he went by 'Stiles'." Scott puts it together. 

Josie shows the picture to Lydia and hands it back to Claudia.  Josie winches softly as Seth continues to kick again.  Something was bothering him.  She could feel it.

"So, what's this got to do with the Wild Hunt?"  Sheriff asks.

Scott looks over to Josie and Lydia, Lydia gives Scott an affirmative nod and he turns back to Sheriff and Claudia, "We think that somebody was taken from us."

"Any idea who?" Sheriff asks.

"Uh, the Ghost Riders would have erased our memories." Scott mutters.

Sheriff nods, rolling his eyes, "Well, now, that's convenient."

"We found a clue." Josie says.

"The word 'Stiles'." Lydia says.

"And that's why you wanna talk to Elias?" Claudia asks.  Josie didn't like her tone. 

Scott nods at them, "Mm, yeah, maybe he can help us figure it out.  Maybe he knows who we're lookin' for." He suggests.

"Now this is someone your age?" Sheriff asks.

"Yeah." Scott became hesitant with the rest, "I...I think he was my friend.  Maybe he was my best friend."

Sheriff sighs and shakes his head while getting up from his seat, "I can guarantee you, my father can't help you."

"Couldn't we try?" Scott begs.

"Scott, he lives in a nursing home three towns over." Sheriff begins to explain.

Suddenly, an old woman walks from around the corner, walking pass them to the other room, towards the hallway. 

Lydia looks over to her, her banshee instincts taking over. 

"Hasn't had a visitor in years."  Sheriff's voice fades out from Lydia.

The woman suddenly stops and looks directly at Lydia. She looked so sad, lost.  Claudia looks over to Lydia and frowns at her, watching how she was looking behind them.  Looking at nothing.  Josie looks over to her and to Claudia, eyeing them both. 

"The following stops have been canceled." The woman says to Lydia as the sound of a train chugging was made.  "The following stops have been canceled."   What did she mean?

The woman begins to leave.  Lydia had to follow her, she could feel it. 

"Can I use your bathroom?" She quickly asks.

Claudia eyes her with worry and nods, "Sure."

Lydia gets up and paces out the room, then slows down as she look for the unknown woman.

Lydia could hear the sounds of metal clanking.  Where was it coming from?  She makes her way to the corner towards the hallway and stops when she sees the woman.  Standing in the middle of the hallway, staring at a wall.  Lydia carefully walks towards her. 

"Why are you here?"  She asks.  But the woman continues to stare at the wall.  As if she was waiting for something. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"  Still no answer. "What stop has been canceled?" She asks again, very confused about what she said earlier.  Still nothing.  Lydia slowly reaches out to touch her. 

"Lydia? Did you find it? The last door on the left." Claudia calls out, startling her out of her vision. 

Lydia turns back to the woman, but she was gone.  Vanished. 

Sighing in disappointment, "Found it." Lydia calls out.


"You're not hearing me.  Trust me, you don't wanna talk to him." Sheriff argues with Scott as they stand toe to toe at each other. 

Lydia comes back and frowns at the situation, she could sense a lot of hostility in the air.  She looks over at Josie with questionable eyes and Josie sighs, shaking her head.

"He doesn't want us to talk to Elias." She says softly.

"We just need a few minutes." Scott begs.

"Scott, my father can't help you." Sheriff protests.

"Just a few questions.  Five minutes." Scott frowns at Sheriff, pleading him.

"You know, what? You don't just 'talk' to this guy.  Okay?" Sheriff shouts at him. He stops and sighs, "Find another way."

"But, what if this is the only way?" Scott begs.

"Scott, you have your answer." Claudia states.

Scott sighs, he wasn't going to give up, "Sheriff, please." He pleads.

"Scott." Josie speaks up and Lydia helps her up.  Lydia and Josie could see that they weren't going to get another answer.

Sheriff sighs, "The answer's no."

Scott shuts his mouth, he knew he wasn't going to win.  But, he needed to talk to Elias.


At the McCall resident, Melissa finally wakes up after a long night of her shift at the hospital.  After Sarah was transferred, work has been more hectic.  She misses her sometimes.  As she makes to the bottom of the stairs, she jumps when she hears clattering.  It sounded like it was coming from the kitchen. She carefully walks towards the noise, but not before grabbing a candle stick.  She takes the candle and places it on the table and tiptoes towards the kitchen.  She leans on the lintel and peeks around the corner.  She sees a man's back towards her.  He turns around...and she lets out an sharp exhale of relief. 

"Good morning." Chris greets her.

"You know, normal people knock?" Melissa scoffs and walks towards him, placing the candle stick down. 

He gives her a cup of coffee and a smile.

"How's Josie doing?"

Melissa takes the coffee and sighs, "Good, considering her baby is some unknown supernatural being and growing faster than a normal fetus.  The joys of being a grandmother." Melissa says sarcastically.

"Been trying to find research about the baby." Chris shakes his head and clicks his tongue. "Not one word about a rapid growing child, besides stuff in movies." He scoffs.  "It's different, especially for two werewolves.  The only common thing in werewolf child birth is the child is born as a wolf, or it's human.  But, nothing like this."

"Seth is a rare one.  Like his parents." Melissa sighs.

Chris gives a small, crooked smile, "Yeah.  But, the mystery is what scares me.  Not knowing what to expect."

Melissa nods and sighs, sipping her coffee, "Something tells me you're not here just to make me coffee.  Or shoot the breeze with me." She eyes him cautiously.

Chris chuckles and sighs, "I need your help.  There's a body in your morgue and it needs examining,"  Melissa cuts him off.

"And you can only sneak into kitchens?" She asks sarcastically.

"Actually, I, I wanted your expertise on something."

Her brows shoot to her hairline, what could be so important that required someone like Melissa to help out with.

(Was this too stupid?  Please leave comments and votes.  I feel very iffy about this chapter)

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