Chapter 8: What the hell is a Stiles?

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Okay, the time has come for Corey and Liam to settle their issues once and for all. At least, that's what Corey wanted...for Mason's sake.  He texted Liam to meet him outside of the school to bury the hatchet and help each other.

Corey turns to the door behind him, seeing Liam coming out with a bitter, annoyed look. 

"I just wanted to tell you..." Corey swallows his pride as he walks closer to Liam. "That I was wrong.  I thought we could hate each other and it wouldn't matter.  But it does matter.  It matters to Mason.  And he matters to both of us."

Liam sighs, "I'm not trying to come between you." He says.

"And neither am I.  But if we keep up like this, he might feel like he has to choose." Corey says.

"You want me to just act like nothing happened?"

"We could work together.  Maybe we could find something together."

That struck Liam's curiosity, "Yeah, like what?"

"Like a trace of them."

Liam gives him a smirk, nodding in approval, "A Ghost Rider."


Back in the woods, Scott, Josie, Malia, and Lydia all stood in the middle of a small clearing as Scott explains what he thinks. 

He sighs, "I know this sounds crazy.  But I think I had a best friend.  And I think he was out here with me that night."

"It doesn't sound crazy."  Malia shakes her head, "I know that someone chained me up and I think they wanted me to stay human."

"I came to school this morning and I was sure I was supposed to meet someone.  But I couldn't remember who it was supposed to be." Lydia speaks up and sighs, "I have been looking for them all day.  Whoever it is, I think I loved him." She says, incredulous at that last part.

"I have been trying to remember the name of this person.  I know who he is.  I know I care about this person.  Like a friend," Josie rolls her eyes at Scott who growls possessively.  "Every time I think about remembering, I get the urge to cry...and it's not hormones.  I think when he disappeared, I cried.  Like I lose my best friend type of cry.  It won't go away.  This broken feeling.  Maybe the voice I've been hearing is him."

"What if we're all missing the same person?" Scott suggests and takes out a picture from his pocket, it was the picture he found on the ground in his and Josie's room.

He holds it out, shinning his flashlight over it so everyone could see. 

"I think that he was in this picture." He says.

Lydia sees what's missing, "He was sitting right there."  She points at the empty area between her and Josie.

They all look up in shock, realizing that they've forgotten someone who was of great all of them.

"We need to remember."  Josie says softly.


Back at School, Corey explains to Liam how they can find a trace or a clue that will lead them to the Ghost Riders, but there's a catch.

Corey holds out his hand and Liam scrunches his brows in confusion, "You want to do this? Hold my hand."

Liam rolls his eyes and sighs.  Hesitantly, he lifts his hand and just slaps his hand into Corey's feeling himself blend out of the environment.  

When Liam opened his eyes, he couldn't believe how different the world was.  Everything was so green!  So bright.



Parrish decided to discuss to Sheriff what he found about the truck driver that was found dead in the school.

"The cube truck driver's name was Nick Mazzara.  He has a record of petty theft and dealing drugs but nothing violent.  He was a driver of a medical supply company which gave him access to hospital supplies.  Like helium."  Parrish says as they walk through the station, then he stops and turns to hand Sheriff the file.

He looks at the file in confusion, "Why does a hospital need helium in the first place?"

"It's for Heliox therapy.  It's mostly used for respiratory injuries caused by fires or explosions.  Burn victims from Afghanistan were treated with it at the local recovery hospitals." Parrish explains.

"Okay, what about our hospital?" Sheriff asks.

"Someone's been raiding the supply for months.  I'm also compiling a list of Mazzara's known associates.  I can start interviews in the morning."  Parrish says.

With an impressed smile, Sheriff closes the folder and pats it against Parrish in appreciation, "Nice work, Parrish." 

"Oh, and your wife's waiting for you in your office." Parrish adds.

"My wife?"

Parrish nods and takes off to finish his work while Sheriff goes to his office and sees a beautiful woman who he hasn't seen in a while.  His wife, Claudia.  But, he greets her with a smile like always.

"I thought I'd surprise you."  She says, smiling big at him.


Liam and Corey head into the library where the Ghost Riders were that night.  Where they took someone.

Liam and Corey all look around, but they weren't sure what to find.

"Do you even know what we're looking for?" Liam asks.

"If it's a book, we'll be here a while." Corey says sarcastically.

Liam scoffs and looks up at the second floor, eyeing every inch.  Hoping to find something.  He's eyes snap to a white plastic that was leaning against the bottom rail.  It looked like a blank card. 

"Do you see that?" Liam asks.

Corey trails his eyes where Liam was talking about and nods. 

"Let go." He says.

Liam lets go and everything was back to normal, but the card was gone.

"Do you still see the card?" Corey asks, still blended out.

"No.  It's gone."

Liam suddenly hears footsteps heading up the stairs to the second floor.  Suddenly, Corey blends back into his original environment, holding the card in his hands.

"Can you see it now?" Corey asks.

Liam smirks, "Yeah.  I can."


Back at the station, Claudia sat her husband down and places a plastic container in front of him with a fork.

"I had a hunch you probably forgot about dinner."

Sheriff tried to not look disgusted at what was in front of him.  It was full of green lettuce and some kind of substance he wasn't familiar with.

"Oh, it's, uh...What, uh, what, what is 'quinoa'?" He stutters to pronounce the words on the top.

"It's quinoa.  Quinoa and kale." Claudia corrects him and smiles.

"Oh, that's, that's...Well,"  He stutters, "You're always lookin' out for me." He smiles at his wife as he gets out the fork and digs into

"Well, I want you around for a long, long time." She says as she watches him eat.

He bites into the food, chomping on to it as he grimaces a little, "Mmm."

Claudia suddenly closes the container and takes it away, surprising Sheriff with a take out bag, she hid.

Sheriff laughs in praise and opens the bag, finding his favorite take out foods inside. 

"Happy?" He asks.

"Always." She giggles as he pulls her on to his lap, holding her close to him and kisses her so lovingly and soft.


Liam and Corey called Mason and told him what they found in the library.  When Mason arrives, Corey gives him the blank card.

He holds the card in amazement and excitement, "It's just like in physics.  It wasn't there until you saw it."  He looks up at the rail where they found the card.  "Then it became real.  It's Schrodinger's cat.  The quantum state of a superposition.  To see something is to change its very existence.  It changed reality." Mason smiles big at them.

"I still don't get it." Corey stutters.

"What do you think it is?" Liam asks.

"It looks like a library card.  Except its blank." Corey says.

Liam suddenly looks over to the computer next to him, seeing a card swiper.  If it was a library card, then, the identification of the person who was taken...was on that card!  He snatches the card out of Mason's hand and runs around to the computer.  Corey and Mason see what he's doing and realize what a great idea it was.

Liam pants and swipes the card, placing it next to the swiper and he looks at what the computer brings up.

"Jake Sullivan."  Mason had a look of recognition, "He was in the physics lab last night."

Corey's eyes widen in shock, "I completely forgot about him."

Liam , nodding in agreement, "Me too." He looks over his shoulder towards them, "We have Spanish together."

As Liam turns back to the computer, he sees that the card was no longer blank.  He picks it up and holds it for them to see.  It was now a regular ID library card with Jason's picture printed on it.

They turn and look up where they saw the Ghost Riders, remembering what they saw.  Seeing Jason hanging from his neck by their whips, making him vanish into smoke.

"They erased him."  Mason gasps.

Liam smiles over to Corey, "Your hunch was right."

Mason smiles at Corey who smiles back, feeling good for proving himself to Liam.  Maybe now, things can be a little bit more easier with the two of them.


Swallowing his pride, Liam knew what he needed to do.  He needed to try again to be Captain.  Not just for his team, but for himself.  To prove himself that he can do this.

Walking towards the Coach's office, he hears something strange coming from the office.  The sound of men grunting, blows landing.  He sees that the door was open and watches Coach glaring at his laptops with curiosity and shock.  What the hell is he watching, gay porn?

Liam awkwardly clears his throat, making Coach jump and slamming his laptops closed. Yup, gay porn.

"Uh, hey." Coach stammers. "What is it, Dunbar? I'm busy online."

Holding his chin up high, "I wanna sign up for Team Captain." Liam says.

"Yeah, it's too late.  I said end of the day." He sneers at Liam as he was about to put the sign up clipboard away, but Liam surprises him by snatching it out of his hand and sign his name.

"You didn't say end of school day."

Coach leans in with curiosity. "Hey.  What changed your mind?"

"I held a guy's hand."

Liam hands Coach the sign up sheet back.

Coach nods in understanding, "I get it.  I totally get it."


Myst hands Deaton a flashlight and he takes it, placing it under the glass that Scott found as it hanged from a string.  He turns it on and faces them all.

"Now she just magically writes down all the answers?" Malia asks sarcastically.

Deaton and Myst move out of the way for Lydia to sit in front of the glass.

"It's not quite that simple."  Deaton disagrees.

"It never is."  Lydia says bitterly.

"In automatic writing, the hand moves outside of any conscious awareness.  Now hopefully the silence, the darkness, and the light will allow you to find a more comfortable, relaxed, trance-like state." Myst says. 

"Why can't you do your, you know, voodoo hoodoo, and get the answers yourself?" Malia asks.

Myst scoffs and rolls her eyes at Malia, "Because with Ghost Riders, Witches can't see them.  They are on a much, much more darker plane than I am on.  Whatever they did, they're messing with my visions.  I can't see who and what they take."

"Why not?" Scott asks.

"Cause once your gone...your gone.  You future, your past, your present.  Everything I can gone." Myst says.

Josie and Scott look at each other with worry and he pulls her into his arms, holding her close, stroking her belly as he feels the hard kicks from Seth.

Deaton sighs, "Ok.  Lydia, I want you to stare into the light.  And let go of all thought."

Deaton moves away, gesturing them all the follow him to the corner of the room while Lydia takes a calming breath and takes the pen into her hand.  She begins to look into the light, feeling herself slip into a strange trance.  She starts to write normally.  Scribbling what the voice were telling her.

"I have to warn you.  We may not be able to access these memories."  Deaton says.

"Why not?" Scott asks.

"The legend has always been that the Wild Hunt takes people.  But if what you both telling me is right, the truth is much worse." Deaton says.

Josie looks over to Lydia seeing her in an unblinking trance, writing whatever she was writing on the paper. 

"How did we remember someone who has been completely erased from our minds?" Scott asks.

Suddenly, Lydia begins to write more furiously and faster.  Josie frowns and looks over as she hears the scribbling over the table. 

"Maybe he hasn't been." Josie says and points at Lydia.  They all watch her scribbling faster and faster.  Her breaths start to become heavy with each stroke of the tip.

"Oh, is she...Should we stop her?" Scott asks as he moves towards Lydia in concern, but Deaton and Myst hold them back.

"Lydia? Lydia? Slow down." Deaton says as he moves and turns the light off. 

Suddenly, Lydia stops, slapping the pen down and leans back, still in her trance. 

Her head starts to lean to the side, drooping a little.

"Is she okay?" Josie asks.

Deaton places a hand on Lydia's shoulder, shaking her gently as she stares out into space, "Lydia?"

Malia takes the paper and looks at what was written, "What does 'mischief' mean?" She asks.

Scott takes the paper and places it down, seeing a pattern.

"That's not what she wrote."

Written hundreds of times, 'Mischief' was formed a shape into one word that was covering the whole paper. 

"Stiles." Josie whispers.  She knew that word. 

Lydia suddenly, gasps and wakes up from her trace, looking at them all in shock, "What the hell is a Stiles?"


Everyone turns to see a figure standing in the waiting room.  An African man with a flamboyant vibe leans on the lintel, looking at them all.  He was dressed in loud clothes, female clothing that a man could pull off. Make up and fake eyelashes and sunglasses resting on the top of his head with braids hidden under a wrap. With a curious, but amused look he looks over to all.

He could see everything about them with just a look through his eyes.

"Looks like I made it just in time." He pops a hip and sighs. "Lord, lord, lord, what has Beacon Hills come to?" He pinches the bridge of his nose. "White were-folks just all messed up."He shakes his head with a dramatic flick of his wrist.

Myst laughs and walks up to the person, giving him a big hug and air kisses, "How was your journey here?"

"Bitch, I'm in dire need of a cocktail and some tail around here. But, seeing how things are here..." He looks around at the confused people and back to Myst, "Looks like tail is gonna have to wait." He gives her an amused smile, then walks over to Josie and Scott, with a swish in his hips as he walks. "So, I hear you folks got Riders here." He moves his hips in a riding motion.

"Um, Myst, who is this?" Josie stutters, pointing at the man.

"Sorry, everyone. This is my dear friend. Toby ."

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