Chapter 7: I Wasn't Alone

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Josie and Scott needed more answers for their missing memories. So, Scott decided to go see Deaton and Myst. Luckily, Carol was there. Josie really needed to talk to her.

"So, I hear you're having concerns about the baby?" She asks, frowning in worry at Josie.

Josie sighs and strokes her belly, "For the past few nights, on occasions, Seth has been kicking me more often than usual. I'm just worried something might be wrong." She says as she moves to sit on portable exam table with back cushion.

Carol reaches for the wand and helps Josie lift her shirt up.

Josie gasps as the cold lubricant is squirted on her skin and Carol begins to look around.

"Ok, hmm, well, Seth looks like he's doing ok. Just a little active. Nothing life threatening..." Carol's voice trails off as she squints in confusion at the screen.

Josie's worry started to build up, "Carol, is everything ok?"

"What's wrong?" Scott asks in concern.

Carol looks over her shoulder, "Hey, Deaton, can you give me the sample of Josie's amniotic fluid you took the other night?"

Deaton looks through his samples and holds up a tube. Carol puts the wand down and gets a microscope. She takes a small drop of the fluid and places it under the microscope. She turns the handles to get the focus right, when she does, she lets out a gasp.

"My God in Heaven." She exclaims.

"What? What is it?"Josie sits up fast.

Deaton frowns as Carol moves away from the microscope and moves to look for himself.

"That's impossible. Even with a werewolf." She says scrunches her brows at him.

Deaton frowns and slowly straightens.

"Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on here?" Josie growls.

They both look over to her with worry. Myst moves to comfort Josie and Scott takes her hand in his.

"A werewolf's birth is almost the exact same time frame as a normal human's. 9 months. Yours is suppose to be 9 months as well. Last time we checked, you're at 13 weeks. But, looks like you're at 18 weeks." Deaton says.

Scott, Josie, and Myst all frown in confusion. How could this be?

"That's impossible." Myst says.

"I know. This isn't suppose to happen. You're gestation time is expanding." Deaton says.

"So, Seth is growing faster? How fast?" Scott asks.

Carol and Deaton both sigh, hesitant with their words, "We don't know." Deaton says.

"I've never came across anything like this." Carol says. "But, so far so good, Seth is in no immediate danger. Nor you."

"Maybe, this has to do with what you saw." Josie says, looking at Myst who had a guilty look.

"I figured you heard that. Damn super-hearing of yours." She sasses at Josie.

"Myst." Josie says with a warning tone.

"Ok. What I saw was something I've never seen, but heard about. Don't worry, Seth, isn't a Banshee. Banshee's don't develop their powers till they reach a certain age. And the mother wouldn't see what they seen. But, he's something like a banshee, only more. Even more than a Hellhound."

"So..." Scot carefully speaks, "What is he?"

Myst sighs, "I don't know. All I saw was fire surrounding him, but he wasn't an elemental. Also, I saw a mark. A..." Myst looks down and sees something on Josie's hip.

"Josie, what is that?" She pushes her to lie back down and pushes her pants down over her hip.

"What?" She frowns and looks as best as she could, but she couldn't see very well. She must be talking about the rash. "You mean the rash?"

"That's not a rash." Deaton says as he trails a finger over it. Two streaks were there now. Almost forming into a half of an infinity sign.

"What is it then?"

No one could explain anything to them.


Soon, Myst was on the phone with someone named Toby (I'm changing the friend's name), asking her to come as soon as possible to Beacon Hills. Carol printed out a picture for Josie and left. Josie couldn't stop looking at her son.

(Seth ^^^)

Why was he growing so fast? Will he continue to grow when he comes out? What's going to happen?

Deaton was examining a piece of glass that Scott found in his pockets.

"I keep having this feeling like there's pieces missing. Holes in my memory. Like this." He gestures at the glass Deaton was looking at. "I took that from a windshield at the Sheriff's Impound Lot, but I can't remember why I was there." Scott says.

"Do you?" Deaton asks Josie.

"Mm-hmm, we were investigating the Ghost Riders first victims. Everyone thought it was a simple situation. A robbery gone wrong, but there's no bodies, so now, the police aren't bothering with it since no one can remember." She sighs.

"The subconscious can be a conduit for our memories. Dreams and waking dreams can be powerful tools to help us remember." Deaton says.

Scott sighs and leans on the exam table, "Could it all be connected? The Ghost Riders, the Wild Hunt, the holes?"

Myst moves to take the glass from Deaton, examining it, "The Wild Hunt are drawn to war and mayhem. From what I've heard at least. Josie already told us about the first ones who were taken. And now, no one can remember them. But...not one legend says anything about that. Being erased out." She shakes her head, looking at them.

"I've never heard, either, of it doing anything to anyone's memory." Deaton says as Myst hands Scott the glass back. "It's almost like you have a form of Phantom limb syndrome. It's common in war. Amputees can have the sensation of an itch they can't scratch or a pain that couldn't possibly be there. The missing limb is so important, the brain acts like the limb's still there." He explains

"So, my subconscious is trying to tell me what's missing?" Scott asks incredulous.

Deaton and Myst both nod, "It may be." He says.

"How the hell do I figure out what it's saying?" Scott shakes his head in disbelief.

"Well, the easiest way to do that would be to simply go to sleep." Myst shrugs and Deaton nods in agreement.


Scott and Josie decided to do what Deaton and Myst told them to do. Scott was in the bathroom, getting dressed for bed as Josie sat on the bed, talking to her mom through Face-time.

"And that's what's going on." Josie sighs as she explains everything to Sarah.

Sarah looks at her daughter in disbelief as Fizgig rests his head on her lap. Around after Christmas, Sarah got promoted and was transferred. Josie made the hardest decision to let Fizgig go with her. After what happened months ago, she didn't want to risk losing her best friend to creatures of the supernatural.

"What else does Beacon Hills have, fairies and unicorns?" Sarah exclaims in exasperation.

Josie laughs, "I don't know. But, we're gonna try and figure things out."

Sarah sighs, "Josie, maybe you should come up here with me in Boston. Just until things calm down."

"Mom, I need to be here. I can't separate myself from Scott. He's Seth's father and my mate. I know, I know, you want me to be safe, and Seth, too. But, the only way for us to be safe is to stay here and figure things out." Josie says.

Sarah didn't look too thrilled with Josie's choice, but, she knew she was right, "Just promise me to keep yourself out of danger. No matter what, you and Seth have to live."

"I promise to keep out of danger. But, I can't promise that Danger will keep out of me." With a deep sigh, she rubs her belly. "I love you, Mom."

Sarah smiles, "I love you, too, baby girl. Now, get some sleep. Tell Scott I said good night."

"Ok, bye, Mom." She blows Sarah a kiss and Sarah blows one back and hangs up the call.

Josie places her phone on the side table and leans on the pillows against the headboard, rubbing her tummy. She just notices that her belly was a little bigger. So, Seth was really growing. Josie couldn't help, but worry about Seth. What is the big secret about his identity?

Josie looks up and sees Scott stroll into the bedroom, shutting off the lights as he makes his way to the bed. He gets under the sheets next to her, giving her a soft smile as he pulls her into his arms. Kissing her softly on her lips.

He sighs softly and lies back, with her snuggled against his chest.

"Goodnight, my air-bender." He says.

Josie sighs against his chest, "Good night, My wolf-man." She whispers.

Scott closes his eyes and welcome his subconscious to show him what's missing.

Josie closes her eyes and wasn't long till she began to dream.

She moves away from Scott and snuggles with her body pillow to get comfy.

"You remember me?" A voice fills her mind in her dreams. She knew this voice.

"Try and remember me" The voice said again.

Josie starts moving her head from side to side as the dream begins to become a little violent. The sound of guns going off. A horse's neigh that sounded demonic. Spurs jingling against the ground.

"Help Scott remember me. Help the others."

"I will. I promise." Josie hears herself making the promise, but she doesn't remember making that promise to anyone.

I promise...I promise...I promise...I promise....

The words continued to echo in her mind even as she slowly began to wake up.

Josie flutter her eyes open as the dreams ends. With a deep sigh, she sits up. She knew that voice. She knew it so well, but she still couldn't remember.

"Scott...?" She reaches out to see if Scott was awake, but Scott was gone. His side was completely empty.

"Scott?" She calls out for him. But, she didn't hear anyone. She gets up and walks towards the door. Heading downstairs. "Scott?" She calls again. Still no answer. Where was he? She moves towards the kitchen, turning on the lights. Still nothing. She turns off the lights and heads to the living room. Empty. She decided to call him, so she turns to go back up stairs, but stops in her tracks as she sees a figure standing before her in the dinning room. She could see it was a teenage boy, dressed in a flannel shirt with a black shirt underneath. He had short, dark hair, but his face, it was blurred out to her eyes. Nothing but a dark, endless abyss where his face should be.

"Remember me." The same voice came from him.

Josie let out a huge, terrifying scream and jumps when Scott comes busting through the back door.

"What? What's wrong?" He shouts. He looked like he's been running through the woods. His bare feet were covered with dirt and leaves stuck to his pants.

Josie turns to point at the figure, but he was gone. She looks around with wide eyes, where did he go? She saw him she did!

"I-I-I saw..." She stutters.

He walks up to her and pulls her into his arms, "What happened?"

"I saw someone. He was here." She trembled in his arms.

"Who?" Scott looks around, he couldn't sense anyone in the house besides them. His mom was at work. They were alone.

"I don't know. I couldn't see his face." Her voice trembles.

"Shh, I got you. It's ok. No one is here." He rubs her back in comfort as she wraps her arms around him tightly.

Suddenly, she pushes herself out his arms, "Where the hell were you? I woke up and you were gone." She glares at him.

"I think it worked. I woke up about five miles away from here. In an area I've been before." He says as she looks at him in worry, "We need to call Lydia and Malia."


Lydia, however, was called by Malia who woke up in the middle of the night, finding herself in a pile of clothes all pushed up together like a animal bed. She had no idea how that happened. Was it the coyote? She could feel it being stronger than before. What was going on? That's when she remembered the chains that guys she brought home noticed. Maybe it was time to go back to square one and try to regain control. But...something crossed her mind. She quickly calls Lydia and tells her to meet her at the school.

Lydia opens the door that led to the basement and looks around in the darkness. She couldn't see Malia. She carefully shuts the door and walks into the basement storage.


"Over here." Malia calls from the corner and Lydia sees that she chained herself up.

Lydia walks over to where Malia is and stands in front of her, concerned, "Has it really come to this?"

"Can you give me a hand?" Malia asks.

"If this is a new after-school club," Lydia winches, "Count me out?" She sighs sarcastically.

Malia rolls her eyes and looks at Lydia with a serious look, "I've got a problem. I'm growling at people in class. I'm clawing at my desk. I tried turning the floor of my bedroom into a coyote den."

Lydia's eyes widen in concern.

"Do these look familiar to you?" Malia holds up the chains that wrapped around her wrists, they clink loudly as she moves.

Lydia's eyes trail over the chains and metal cuffs, "No. Why would it? Malia, do you really think this is going to keep you safe?"

"They used to. Before the lake house, this is where I'd come for the full moon. But you weren't down here with me. Scott wasn't down here with me. I didn't know Josie then."

"Right, so..." Lydia trails off, not getting the point at all.

"Who was?" Malia asks, she pulls on the chains to show her that she couldn't reach the other hand when one was already locked, the distance was too long.

"You couldn't have done it alone." Lydia frowns.

Malia nods and sighs.

Lydia feels her phone begin to vibrate in her pocket, she pulls it out and sees a text.

"It's Scott."


(Josie's change of clothes)

Malia and Lydia took off to find where Scott said to meet him and Josie. Lydia drove the two of them deep into the woods till they see a light shinning through the fog.

Scott and Josie waited for them to get out of the car and walked over to where they were, handing them both flashlights.

"Hey, so, we went to bed at home and I woke up out in the woods. About a mile out." He says.

Lydia looks at him in shock and concerned.

"I was at home still in bed. But, I saw something. Maybe someone." Josie says.

"Someone? Who?" Malia asks.

Josie shrugs, "That's the weird part. I don't know. His face was gone. I heard his voice. He said, 'Remember me'."

Malia and Lydia look at each other with confusion, but worry, then turn back to Scott.

"I think there's a reason why I woke up here. I've been out here before. It was the beginning of sophomore year the night before tryouts for First Line. I remember because it was all that I could think about." Scott explains as they walk through the woods.

Scott thinks about when he was younger, out in the cold, dark woods.

"What were you doing?" Malia asks.

"I was looking for a dead body." Scott says.

Josie remembers this story.

"That's morbid." Lydia says sarcastically.

"So then, what was I doing out here all alone?" Scott asks.

"I wish I could help you, but I didn't know you then." Lydia sighs.

"I was still a coyote so I might've tried to eat it." Malia says, bluntly.

Josie gags and groans, "Malia, don't say stuff like that." She starts to feel queasy.

"Deaton said that my subconscious is trying to tell me something. But I need you guys to help me figure out what it's saying." Scott says.

"Maybe you were just a curious teenager. You heard there was a body." Lydia suggests.

"But how? I never watched the news. And I didn't have a police scanner." Scott points out.

"Your mom works at the hospital. Maybe she got called in and you overheard her?" Malia suggests.

Scott shakes his head and stops to turn to them, "My mom wasn't home that night. I live five miles away from here. How did I get here?"

"You drove." Malia says.

"I didn't have a car." Scott shakes his head.

"You ran."

Josie shakes her head, "He couldn't have. He had asthma, remember?" Josie reminds them.

"I was hiding, but they knew that I was here. The cops." Scott says as they get to an area he remembers.

"Maybe you made a ton of noise with your asthmatic breathing." Malia says sarcastically.

"How would they know that it was me?" Scott frowns.

He turns towards the woods, remembering Sheriff Stilinski calling out to him, waving his flashlight around as Scott hid behind the trees.

"Scott! Scott, you out there? Scott?" Sheriff's voice echos in his head.

"Why would the Sheriff even think that I would be out here?" Scott wonders.

"Because like most deaths in this town, it was related to the supernatural." Lydia says, obvious.

"I wasn't supernatural. I mean, this was the night that I was bitten." Scott points out. I wasn't a werewolf yet. And I wasn't out here alone." He realizes.

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