Chapter 6: Trust Issues

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Corey couldn't stop thinking about the Ghost Riders.  He was up all night trying to remember what happened.  Josie says they took someone, but he couldn't remember that.  All he could remember...was them.

He takes a shuddering breath as he walks back into the library, looking up at the second floor.  Thinking about the Ghost Riders.  Remembering their faces, how evil they felt.  He didn't understand though...why were they taking people here of all places?

"Don't you have class?"

Corey jumps as Mason speaks behind him.  He sighs and turns to face him.

"Don't you?"  He asks.

A student who was sitting at one of the tables hushes them.

Mason moves closer to speak a little softer to him, "I can't stop thinking about last night."

"Me either."  Corey says.

Another student hushes them again as she leans on a bookcase with a book in her hands.  

Corey rolls his eyes as Mason sighs and moves to walk with Corey to another part of the library.

"I've read everything about the Wild Hunt.  You know, how they come in by storm, collecting souls, riding lightning.  But I just don't know why they were here.  You know, they're Ghost Riders.  What were they doing in a high school library?"  Mason says incredulous, then quickly turns to Corey, "What are you doing here?"

Corey starts to stutter, "I just had a feeling."

"About what?"

"Shh!" A student hushes them again.

"We only saw them 'cause of your power.  What if you have some kinda special ability no one knows about?"  Mason suggests.

Corey scoffs silently and gives him a crooked smile. 

"So? What do you feel?" Mason asks.

Corey sighs, "When the Ghost Riders were up there I think they were holding something."  Corey thinks back as he points to where the Ghost Riders were.  Why can't we remember what happened?"

Mason suddenly had a look of dread and horror, "Corey, what if Josie was right?  What if they weren't holding something...But someone?"

Corey turns back to Mason in frustration, "How can she remember...but we can't?"


Mason sighs and shakes his head, "I don't know."

Corey suddenly thought about something. 

"Mason, before the Ghost Riders came, Josie said Seth was warning her." He says.

Mason frowns in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"She told me this has been happening.  Seth, her baby, has been active lately.  Kicking and moving around in her stomach very roughly.  Rough enough to make her bend over in pain.  She said it's like he's trying to warn her when they're coming."

Mason scrunches his brows and looks at Corey in amazement, "So, her baby is like, what, an mystical sensor of Ghost Riders?"

"I don't know.  I don't think she or Scott know either.  But, what if Seth is something more than werewolf?  Scott and Josie still don't know if he's going to be like her.  You know, an Elemental...or...or an Anchor.  I don't know much about either, but Josie never sensed about something like Ghost Riders or anything like that.  So..." He stops and sighs and Mason fills in for him.

"So, what is Seth?"


Liam shoves the lacrosse equipment out of his hands and leaves them on the floor near Coach Finstock's office. Heavy annoyed breaths escapes his lips as he paces the floor.  Angry at himself.  He walks towards the row of lockers and finds Scott sitting on the bench, tying his shoes up.  Josie sat next to him, rubbing his back as he leans forward, resting his arms on his knees. 

"I blew it, didn't I?" Liam asks, shame in his voice. 

Scott sighs, "You blew it off.  You'd have to be trying in order to blow it."

Liam looks down and shakes his head before looking back up to them, "Maybe someone else can be Captain."  He has no faith in himself.

Josie sighs in sympathy.

"With school work and all the other stuff we have to deal with..." Liam stutters.

Scott cuts him off, "Devenford Prep started practice three weeks before us.  Riverside two weeks.  We're behind before we even start.  Half our team can't even cradle the ball, let alone score."  He gets to his feet and helps Josie up.

Josie moves close, "Liam, why do you have so little in yourself?  You have the strength, the drive, the qualities to be Captain.  You need to have more faith in yourself and lower your attitude."

Liam scoffs a little and looks over to Scott, "Why can't you stay Captain?"

"I'm graduating.  You know, I'm not gonna be here next year.  Somebody's gotta step up and fill in the gap."  Scott says, moving closer, standing next to Josie.

"It should be you." Josie says.

"Yeah? Well, Coach doesn't want me.  I don't know if the team wants me."  Liam scoffs again.

"It's not up to them.  It's up to you.  You have to want this."  Josie says strongly as she stabs her finger against his chest. 

"Because they're gonna keep comin' at you.  They're gonna keep knocking you down.  And you have to get back up.  You have to show them that you can get back up.  Leaders don't run."  Scott says. 

Liam sighs.  They were right.  He hated it when they were right.  He was about to say something, but they all frown and turn towards the Coach's office as they hear clapping.

"Now that's what I'm talkin' about, McCall.  That's exactly the intensity this team needs.  You and Thompson will be great coaches for little McCall.  And you,"  He points at Liam with sinister grin, "I'm lookin' forward to crushing that little adorable baby face of yours."  He snickers and heads back into his office, shutting the door behind him. 

Liam looks over to Scott and Josie with worry.  Scott shakes his head, rolling his eyes while Josie just chuckles.  She places a hand on his shoulder, sending a wave a comfort.  Making his sigh in content. 

"Try not to worry so much, Liam.  When you have too much up here..." She taps his head.  "You lose focus of what really matters in front of you.  Just breathe and try."  She says, giving him a small smile. 

Liam gives her a small nod of agreement.


During class, Malia was over highlighting her textbook again but freezes when she comes across a word that was familiar to her, but she couldn't figure it out.  She frowns and tilts her head in wonder and reaches to grab her red highlighter. Marking the work 'style'.  Then, she grabs her yellow highlighter and continues to highlight more.

Just as the bell rings, Lydia walks into the class and sits at her regular seat, next to Stiles' empty desk, not realizing what's missing.

Ms. Fleming begins to pass out previous test scores.

"I'm impressed.  With most of you.  It really speaks to your study habits and your commitment to your own education.  Everyone else, see me for extra help." She places Malia's test score down on her desk, sending that message to her directly as Malia received a D-. 

Malia grips her desk in anger, claws sprouting from her nails as she turns to glare at Ms. Fleming.  Lydia's eyes widen as she notices.  She quickly turns towards Ms. Fleming, holding her test paper.

"Ms. Fleming, um..."

Ms. Fleming cuts her off, "I already told you, Lydia, I don't give extra credit for alternate equations based on your own theoretical findings."

"Well, okay then." Lydia mutters and turns back to lean closer to whisper to Malia, "Malia. Claws.  Claws, Malia."

Malia slowly lets go of her desks as the coyote retreats.  She sighs in relief, but frowns.  She has been loosing control of the coyote lately, she could always feel it stirring inside her.  She hasn't had this problem in a while, why is it happening now?


Scott and Josie walked hand in hand towards their classes around the time the first bell rang.  The hallways were already empty as everyone filled the classrooms, except them.  Scott held on to Josie tight against his side as they walked down the empty halls. 

Suddenly, she freezes when she feels that feeling she had last night in the hallways.  Like...someone was watching her.  She turns and frowns, looking down the hallways.  But all the doors were shut and no one was peeking around the corners.  As far as she knew.  She couldn't sense anyone since dozens of scents were in the air. 

"Hey, you ok?"  Scott snaps her out of her thoughts.

"I felt weird all of the sudden." She says as she gives the hallways one more look before turning back to him.

"Weird, how?" He asks.

Josie sighs, "Like I have eyes on me." She shivers slightly. 

Scott looks around, but he couldn't sense anyone watching them.  He pulls her back into his arms and they begin to walk again, but Scott stops in his tracks when he sees a row of lockers.

Something about them seemed familiar.  It was a nagging feeling he couldn't get rid of.  He walks slowly towards one specific locker and lifts his hand, hesitantly and slowly, and feels the cold metal against his hand.  He knew this locker.  But, he couldn't remember how he knew it.  Who did it belong to?

"Are you remembering?" Josie asks, hopefully.

Scott drops his hand and sighs, "I don't know.  But, I feel like I know the person who's the owner to this locker.  I can't remember who."  He turns and lifts his brows in curiosity at her, "Do you?"

Josie nods, "I forgot his name.  But, I know he was our friend.  The Ghost Riders took him.  We need to remember him."

Scott nods, but first they needed to get to class.  He takes her hand together they leave behind locker #1045.


During math class, Lydia finishes her lessons before everyone else and leans back in her chair, rotating her neck to relax.  But, she stiffens as she sees at the corner of her eye, someone was occupying the empty desk next to her.  She trails her eyes to the side and turns her head towards the stranger. 

It was a woman.  Dressed like a doctor.  Asian.  Lydia frowns in confusion and looks around. No one seems to be noticing her.  Was this another vision?  She continues to watch the woman carefully.  She was just sitting in that desk, looking ahead, like nothing was wrong.  But it felt wrong to Lydia. 

She leans in carefully, "Excuse me, who are you?"  She whispers.  The woman never answered, just looking forward.

"What are you doing in this class?"  Lydia asks again.

Suddenly, the woman slowly turns to look at her.  Lydia eyes her with worry.  Then, the woman slowly opens her mouth.  A loud sound of a train rattling mixed with a high pitched screeching was made from the woman's mouth. Lydia clutches her ears in pain by the loud sound.  It was the same sound she heard last night.  Gasping in fright, Lydia snaps out of her vision and looks around quickly.  The woman was gone and the sounds stopped.  No one seemed to have noticed her panicked look.  She sighs and leans her elbow on her desk, rubbing her head.  Why was she hearing this sound?  What is her Banshee side trying to tell her?  Who was that woman?  So many questions were roaming through her mind.


After classes were over, Mason and Corey headed towards the front office to check out who was counted for as absent.  Maybe there was a clue on the list that could help them figure out who was taken.  But, as Mason was going over the list, Ms. Martin takes it away from them.

"You want to see the absentee list?"  She asks them.

"Yes." Mason nods.

"May I ask why?" Ms. Martin frowns at them.

Mason turns to Corey and he nods at Mason to tell her, "Werewolf stuff." Mason sighs as he turns back to Ms. Martin.

Ms. Martin sighs in frustration, removing her glasses, "I thought I made it clear that Beacon Hills High School is a dedicated safe space.  I had to convince 23 students that what they saw in the library last semester was a large bear and the fangs on Scott McCall and Josie Thompson were the result of acute Teenage Hallucination Syndrome."

"What is Teenage Hallucination Syndrome?" Corey frowns in confusion.

"I have no idea." Ms. Martin waves him off in frustration.

"But we think someone could be missing.  And they could be in danger." Mason speaks up with worry in his eyes.

Ms. Martin listens to him, but assures him with no worry, "Well, I can assure you that nobody has reported a student missing.  And all absentees are accounted for."  She flips through the list.  She smiles and pushes them to move along. "Gentlemen, I appreciate your concern and I thank you for your vigilance.  Remember, safe space.  Now, go back to class." 

"We don't have class." Mason frowns.

"Then go back to something.  Anything." She waves them away exasperatedly and shuts the door.


Lydia walked through the halls, frowning in confusion.  The feeling in class still has not gone away or dimmed.  It was getting worse.  She looks behind her, hoping she won't see the woman again.  But all she sees are students.  She exhales slowly and turns back down the other way.  But, she freezes in her tracks when she sees the woman again.  She was walking down the hallway towards the doors that led outside.  Something inside Lydia told her to follow the woman.  She takes off running, hoping to catch the woman.  She shoves open the doors to run outside, but she stops and looks around in shock as it was night and she was wearing her clothes from a few nights ago.  She looked all around and realizes, this was so familiar.  She was meeting someone out here.  But, why?

"You know me.  Oh, thank God, you know me." 

She hears the echoing of a voice she has heard before, but she didn't know who it was.  She looks around trying to figure where it was coming from. 

"Do you see him? Do you see him?"

The voice suddenly sounded like it was coming from directly in front of her.  She gasps when she feels invisible hands holding her arms. 

"All right, come on, come on!"  The voice shouts and the hands begin to pull her away.  She remembers this.  But...why?

"This way."

The hands were pulling to to a side of the building, but she looks up and sees...a Ghost Rider!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, stop!" 

The hands stopped pulling her as she stops a few feet away from the Ghost rider.  It's horse lets out a loud, ghostly neighing.  The hands begin to pull her again. 

"This way, this way."

The hands stopped when they reached the middle of the courtyard.  She could see more Ghost Riders surrounding her.

Lydia finds herself actually talking back to the voice, "Where are they?"

"Everywhere! Will you forget me?"

"I won't I won't!"

As soon as she steps foot across the street, she's jerked out of her vision as Malia pulls her out of the way in the nick of time, before a car could hit Lydia.

"Lydia, look out!"

Lydia gasps in shock as the loud sounds of tires screeching by her makes her look around and sees that it's sunny again.  And she was back at school in her regular clothes.  She turns to look at Malia.

"Are you okay?"  Malia asks.

Eyes still wide in shock, "I'm fine."  Lydia sighs.

"What were you doing?" Malia eyes her with worry.

"Trying to remember."


Mason and Corey still needed to figure out who was taken by the Ghost Riders.  But, neither of them could find out who.  So, they went to talk to Parish and see if he's seen or heard anything.

"No one's unaccounted for?"  Mason asks, following Parish around as he does his paperwork. 

"You can reword the question as much as you want.  The answer is still no."  Parish sighs and goes through a file cabinet. 

"Does your Hellhound intuition sense something wrong with the supernatural?"  Mason asks, hoping for something.

Parish shuts the cabinet and looks at him incredulous, "I'm a harbinger of death.  Not a harbinger of kidnapping."  He scoffs.  "I'm also a Sheriff's Deputy working on an unsolved murder, that for once doesn't involve shape-shifters, resurrected 18th century serial killers, or me.  It's just a straightforward robbery-homicide."

Mason looks at him in disbelief, "'Straightforward'? He was bludgeoned to death and stuffed in a high school air duct."

"And I already have your statement.  Have a great day, Mason.  You too, Corey."  Parish dismisses them and turns to head towards and office, banging the door shut. 

Mason sighs in defeat, he knew they weren't going to get anything out of him. 


Before the next class started, Scott told Josie he couldn't get that locker out of his head.  He needed to know who it belonged to.  So, he meets up with her at the locker and flashes his light inside to see if he could find something.  He couldn't see much.

"Are we really doing this?"  Josie says softly as she keeps an eye out. 

"Jojo, I can't get rid of this feeling.  You know more than I do.  You're not losing your memory like we did." Scott says softly.

"Yet, I am losing my memory.  I'm even forgetting about the kid we found before all this started." She says.

Scott frowns in confusion, "What kid?"

Josie sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose, "The Ghost Riders' first victims.  A Mom and a Dad....then their child." Josie strokes her belly with tenderness and worry. 

Scott could feel what she was thinking and places a hand over her stomach, "I won't let them take you.  Neither of you."

Josie gives him a tiny smile and places her hand on his.  He grips her hand gently, then slowly lets go to turn back to the locker.  He had to figure out how to get into it.  To see more.  He looks around and grips the lock in both hands, getting ready to pull it off the locker. 

"Whatcha doin'?"

Josie and Scott both jump and turn towards the voice.  Frozen in shock to see a teacher behind them.  Mr. Douglas. 

"Uh, nothing.  Just checking out this locker." Scott stutters in embarrassment, giving him an innocent look that a blind man could see he was guilty. 

"Is it yours?"  Mr. Douglas asks.

Scott looks at the locker, smacking his lips, "Not really."  He says meekly.

Mr. Douglas looks over to Josie, eyeing her up and down, "And you, Ms...?"

Josie frowns at him, feeling Seth acting up again, "Thompson.  Josie Thompson."

He gives her a friendly smile and holds and hand out, but something about him was off.  She couldn't put her finger on it.  She takes his hand anyway, shaking his in introduction.  She lets go and moves closer to Scott.

"Is it your locker, Ms. Thompson?"  He asks.

"No, but we're friends of the owner.  And...we forgot his combo." She chuckles meekly. 

He frown at both of them, "I'm relatively new here, but I'm pretty sure breakin' into someone else's locker is against the rules."

Scott chuckles nervously, "We're not breaking into someone else's locker."

"What does it look like to both of you?" Mr. Douglas asks.

Josie and Scott look at each other with guilt, winching, "It looks like we're breaking into someone else's locker."

Mr. Douglas chuckles with them.

"Yeah, uh, I think we'll go to class now."  Josie says, taking Scott's hand in hers, pulling him away.

"Yeah, probably a good idea." Mr. Douglas says with a smirk as he watches them walk away, eyeing Josie more.

(Evil...Evil...Evil...cute...but so Evil! 3-) ) Scratch that...after seeing the whole season....


Mason and Liam were finishing up with setting up the equipment in everyone's locker.  As they were hanging up gloves and helmets in the lockers in front of them, Mason lets out an exhale of exasperation.  He couldn't stop thinking about it.

"They must have had someone up there.  I mean, that's the only logical explanation."  He says to Liam. 

Liam picks up a pair of gloves and puts them in his teammate's locker, "Yeah.  How do you know?"

Mason shrugs, "Logic.  And Corey has a hunch."

"What? Is that a chameleon thing?" Mason frowns at Liam's words, but Liam lets out a scoff anyway, "I thought all they could do was disappear."

"Corey just wants to help."

"Yeah, where was he when we were fighting a nine foot werewolf to save you? And why was he loyal to Theo for so long?"

"There was a time where we all trusted Theo, including you." Mason points out.

"I'll trust him when he does something trustworthy.  Unlike right now, when I can hear his heart racing from across the room." He points behind Mason.

Mason scrunches his brows in confusion and looks at the wall behind him.  Watching Corey blend back into his original environment. 

Mason sighs and frowns at Corey.

"What about Hayden? You forgave her, no problem." Corey asks as he walks up to them.

Liam takes a warning step towards him, but Mason paces to stand near him, making sure he doesn't do anything to harm his mate.

"She almost died that night trying to stop Sebastien.  All you did was hide." Liam grits his teeth at Corey.

Corey scoffs in disbelief, "What was I supposed to do? You and Hayden have claws and fangs."

"Liam, look, it's not like chameleons are the apex predator of the animal kingdom.  All Corey can do is disappear."  Mason says, but stops and looks at Corey in apology at how that may have sound. 

Liam continues to glare at Corey, "Then maybe that's what he should do." He turns around storms out of the locker room.

Mason sighs and turns to Corey who had a confused look, "What?"

"How is he supposed to trust you if you're hiding in the walls?" Mason asks.

Corey sighs, rolling his eyes a little, "I already told you.  Your friends aren't my friends.  Why can't you just accept that?"

"That might work for you guys, but that doesn't work for me." Mason says.

Corey sighs, he didn't believe Liam was ever going to trust him.  But, he didn't want to lose his mate because of these trust issues.  They needed to work something out...before it comes down to where Mason has to choose.

(What is everyone thinking about this story so far?  I can't wait to see the next episode. I so called it out that the new teacher was the Nazi werewolf.  I called it.  And it looks like he's got eyes for Josie.  Uh-oh.  Tell me what you think and leave comments and votes...pretty please...thank you.  lots of love ~Song~)

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