Chapter 5: Captain Material

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After school was over, Josie headed to Deaton's while Scott and Liam went to practice.  Liam wanted to tryout for team captain, so Scott agreed to help him work on his moves.

Josie heads into the vet clinic as the door chimes to alert Deaton and Myst her arrival. 

"Josie, hi." Myst smiles big, but it quickly drops when she sees her friend's disturbed expression.  "What's wrong?"

"Everyone is forgetting, but me." Josie says.

Deaton and Myst frown at her. 

Pretty soon, they were in the exam room while Josie explains everything.  But, of course, neither of them could remember Stiles.

"First, it was The Turners.  Alex, their son, was the only survivor.  Then, the Ghost Riders came for him.  Then..." Josie swallows hard.  "They came for Stiles." She sighs, shaking her head in defeat.

"This is different.  According to legend, there's nothing about the Wild Hunt erasing people's memories or the people they take." Deaton frowns.

"I never came across the riders in all my years of existence, but I have heard about them.  There are places all over the world of people claiming to see the dead riding on demon horses.  Rumors spread around.  No one actually knows where the source of the rumors came from." Myst says.

"So far they remember, right?" Josie suggests.

That had them thinking.

"I know someone who might can help us.  I'll give him a call soon."  Myst says. 

"Ok, and Deaton...can you call Carol?  Ever since this has started, Seth has been overactive.  He keeps kicking and squirming more often than before.  It's kinda worrying me." Josie says.

Deaton nods, "I'll call her as soon as possible."

"And Myst...something happened.  I...I have no idea how this happened and so far I know, I'm not a banshee, but I have been having really bad feelings lately." Josie says.

Myst shrugs, "That's normal for people, Jo.  Everyone gets bad feelings."

"But, when I was riding with Scott and Stiles, I...I had a vision.  I saw Alex being taken.  I felt him as I was grabbing on to pull him back.  And he felt me, too.  He saw me.  But, that's not all who saw me." Josie licks her dry lips.  "I saw one of them."

Myst's eyes widen while Deaton scrunches his brows, "Saw...a Ghost Rider?" he asks.

Josie nods, "He shot me." She says as she pushes her jacket off her shoulder and pulls down her sleeve, showing them the horrible bruise. 

Myst gasps, "Josie!"

Deaton gently touches it, causing Josie to yelp and jerk away, "It still hurts." She carefully pulls her sleeve back up and fix her jacket.  "I don't know how it's possible for him to shoot me during a vision."

"It's impossible to be physically harmed during a vision.  Well, by the vision, it's not suppose to harm you.  And you're not even suppose to be having visions in the first place.  Anchors don't have visions, not even Elementals." Myst frowns.

"Well, then, why the hell am I having them?"  Josie asks in frustration.

Deaton sighs and thinks about it, rubbing his chin.  He looks down  as he thinks, frowning at an idea.

"I think I have a theory, but Josie, I need to run some tests.  I'm gonna need a few samples." He says.

"Ok, what kind of samples?"  She asks.
"Well, blood, and...some amniotic fluid." He says.

Josie looks at him in confusion and touches her belly at instinct, "Why amniotic fluid?"

Deaton sighs, "We have no idea about Seth other than he's a pure blood werewolf.  We don't even know if he's going to share the same powers as you.  But, mothers often share feelings, thoughts, even conditions with their children while still in the womb.  It's the way they bond with each other.  Seth might be the one who is having the visions, and you are seeing them. Through him." He says. 

Josie gasps and looks down at her belly, stroking it gently, "Do you think...he could be a Banshee?" Her voice quivers at the thought. 

Deaton was hesitant at first, "I will have to run the tests.  Don't worry, the procedure won't hurt him or you."  He assures her.

Josie shudders at the thought of Seth being harmed in any way. 

Soon, she was lying on the table as Deaton begins extracting the fluid.  He carefully pulls out the needle and places the fluid in a tube.  Then, he took some blood samples from her to rule out anything. 

"I'll get started as soon as possible with the tests." Deaton says.

Josie nods, then realizes, "Myst, I saw the Ghost Rider, does that mean I'm next?"  She panics.

Myst thinks about it, "I don't know, I mean you saw them in a vision, not in person like some do.  I don't see any harm for you or Seth in the future.  But, if you're concerned, we could give you a lift home.  I could ride with you and Deaton could follow us." Myst suggests.

Josie sighs, "Scott and Liam are at the school.  So are Mason and Corey.  The School isn't far from here.  I think I'll be OK." She begins to slowly sit up and sighs again, rubbing her stomach.  She wonders what Seth could be.  "Myst, can you see Seth?  Can you see what he is?"

Myst sighs and moves to stand closer, lifting a hand over Josie's stomach and closing her eyes to call forth her powers to see. 

Myst starts to frown in confusion, moves away as if something startled her.

"Myst?"  Josie asks.

"I think Deaton should do the tests firsts." Myst suggests and moves away, still frowning. 

After Josie left for the school, Deaton turns back to Myst and looks at her in confusion.

"What did you see?" He asks.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Myst continues to frown, "What I impossible to happen.  Deaton, you need to do the tests as soon as possible.  And call Carol.  We're gonna need help." 


Meanwhile, on the lacrosse field, Liam and Scott go back and forth with practice.  Scott was set as a goalie while Liam made the shots.  Suddenly, a cold wind blows through the field.  Scott frowns as the sound of what it seemed like a horse neighing and ghostly nickering.  The ground seemed to have rumbled with the sound.  Like horses riding over the grass.  But, when he looked around, he couldn't see anything. 

"Did you feel that?"  Scott asks.

"Feel what?"  Liam asks.

He frowns as he looks around, "Thought I heard something."  He decides to shake it off and turns back to Liam, "Forget it.  All right, let's keep goin'."  He gets into position, holding up his lacrosse stick. 

"Or we could call it." Liam suggests, he was getting pretty tired of practicing.

"We gotta work on your back shots."  Scott says.

Liam frowns in confusion, "Why?"

"Liam.  They suck." Scott says obviously.

"What are you talkin' about?"  Liam says, still confused.

"Your back shots.  Which suck."  Scott says, pointing it out.

Liam scoffs and flips the ball into his net, showing Scott off his back shots which had him dumbfounded as he couldn't catch a single shot. 

He frowns as he watches another ball go into the goal, "I must've been thinkin' of someone else."

"Yeah.  Maybe someone else who should be Captain?"  Liam asks.

Scott sighs, "We'll make it." He says determinedly. 

Before they could play again, the lights start to go out on the field.

Sighing, Liam shrugs, "Well, guess we have to go now."

Scott suddenly smirks, "No, we don't."  He calls forth his Alpha and his eyes shinned red through the night.

Just as Liam's eyes shinned bright yellow. 


Same time at a chemistry lab, Mason was helping Corey earn extra credit for his Physics class. 

"Okay, now stir in the iron filings."  Mason guides Corey through his experiment as they mix up a gooey substance. 

"How is this supposed to work?" Corey asks as he mixes the iron fillings to the putty.

"The ferromagnetic properties are gonna interact with..."  Mason stops as he sees others looking over at them, he wasn't sure how he could explain it all to Corey.  Mason laughs softly, "Don't worry, it works.  Just make sure that all the iron oxide is completely absorbed."  He assures.  He looks and sees that the putty was forming, so he reaches and grabs it, molding it in his hands, "Yeah."  He grunts.

Corey shakes his head in disbelief, "How come you're here if you already know this?"

A student scoffs, "Know it? He's practically teaching it." 

Mason blushes, "Well, this is, uh, my favorite physics lab." He says shyly. 

"We're all here for the extra credit.  I mean, don't you have, like, a four point something?"  Corey scoffs.

"Four point nine." Mason corrects, then realizes his mistake and blushes again.

Corey's breath catches in his throat, now he felt embarrassed to be lower than his own mate, yet he was impressed at the same time.

"I didn't even know it went that high."  He says.

Mason chuckles softly

"I'm stuck at 2.7." Corey adds as his face drops.

Mason waves it off, "Hey, look, you work two jobs." He drops his voice down softer, "And dying didn't exactly help your GPA.  So, I don't know, all you need is just a little help."  He continues to mold the magnetic putty.

"You're doing this for me."  Corey says slowly in realization and looks over to Mason with look that Mason could barely read.  But Corey's eyes soften.  He was very touched that his mate wanted to help him. 

"Are you mad?" Mason asks carefully.

Corey gives him a seductive smirk, "Furious."

Mason's jaw dropped a little, he didn't know what to say, but Corey leans in and kisses Mason softly and passionate.  Showing his mate his appreciation. 


Wasn't long till Josie finally arrives at the school.  She knew Scott had to be at the field, so the quickest way to get there would be through the school.  Maybe she can meet up with Mason and chat till he goes home.  Extra credit lab was almost done anyway. 

Josie opens the doors that lead through the dimmed hallways, her flat heels clicking with her footsteps.  She sighs as she passes by familiar classrooms and lockers, but stops when she reaches a familiar locker.  Locker #1075.  Josie sighs sadly and runs a hand over the cold metal.  She swallows back her tears and stands up straight, determined that she will do everything in her power to help Scott and the others to was at the tip of her tongue.  She knows this person. 

"Oh, no.  It's starting.  Damn it!" she whispers to herself.  She had...has a friend.  He's friends with all of them.  She remembers his face, she remembers his voice...but his name.  Starts with an 'S'. 

"Crap." She mutters and runs her fingers over the locker.  "We'll find you soon.  I promise." She whispers and moves away to find Mason and Corey. 

Without knowing, a figure opens a door barely a crack and sees Josie walking through the hallway.  It's wheezing breath was made silently against the door. 

Josie stops in her tracks and looks back, she could have sworn she heard breathing.  But, she couldn't find the source.  She rubs her stomach as Seth was acting up again.  The bad feeling was back.  She turns on her heels and paces to the lab area.  As she gets closer, she could hear voices and smell the chemicals.  She knocks on the door and opens it, welcoming familiar faces with a smile.  She giggles as Mason and Corey breaks from their passionate kiss.

"I thought this was extra credit for Physics, not sex education." She laughs.

Corey and Mason both blush and stutter, "We weren't..." "I was just..."

She waves them off, "Whatever.  But, I hope you guys are showing effort at least."  She walks over to them and sits on a barstool in front of their lab area.

"Well, we're about to test it right now."  Corey says, unsure.

Mason gives him a supporting smile, "Okay.  There you go."  He hands Corey a few magnets. 

Corey takes them and slowly guides them to the putty.  With a loud magnetic zap, the magnets are pulled quickly towards the putty. 

Corey and Mason both chuckle in triumph, "It worked."  Corey smiles big.

"See?  You're great at this, Corey." Josie smiles big.

Mason suddenly frowns as a pair of scissors start to move towards the putty, "Uh...Uh..."  He stutters.

Josie jumps as the putty quickly pulls the scissors into it.

"Is it supposed to be that strong?"  Corey asks.

Suddenly, almost everything metal on the lab table was being pulled by the putty.  No one could understand why it was so strong.  Mason was more confused, he was guiding Corey to the book to make this perfect, no way he screwed up. 

With a loud yell, Coach Finstock busts through the door, startling everyone.  Including Josie who let out a loud shriek of surprise and groans when she realizes she just peed herself. 

"What the hell are you guys doing?!"

"Apparently, peeing on myself." Josie mutters.

Corey and Mason stutter at Coach Finstock, "Physics. Extra credit." Corey says as he looks like a deer caught in headlights.

Finstock scoffs, "Extra credit? At 9 o'clock at night? Come on, guys.  Get the hell out of here."  He gestures everyone to get out of the lab.  "Go have lives."

Mason and Corey pack up the lab with the other students.  Josie sighs and cleans herself up in the girls bathroom, then meets them at the classroom door with Finstock.

"Thompson, so, how long till little McCall comes busting out?"  Coach asks.

"Six more months and he's ready to kick ass." Josie giggles.

Finstock pumps a fist, "That's what I'm talking about.  You sound ready.  Kinda wish you and McCall waited, but can't stop a miracle like the birth of a child." He says.

Corey, Mason, and Josie were all shocked to hear something gentle from the Coach who was a known hard-ass.

"Think he's gonna be a lacrosse player in the future?" Finstock asks.

"Just might be the next Captain in the future.  He's been kicking like a soccer player."  Josie rubs her belly.

Finstock gestures to feel and Josie nods. 

Finstock places a hand over her belly and feels hard kicks, "Wow! That's one hell of an athlete there.  He's gonna be Captain material alright." He gives Josie a smile then frowns to Mason and Corey.  "As for you two, your teenage years are not the time for academic achievement."  He says as he throws a hand on their shoulders, practically pushing them out of the building.  Josie follows behind them.

"Yes, they are."  Mason says obviously.

Finstock gives him a warning finger, "That's a lie sold to you by the government.  Go find some girls, get into trouble."  He squeezes their shoulders, "Live a little.  Damn." He says.

"We're gay." Corey points out.

"Even better.  Go gays! Now get out of my face!"  He pushes them out of the building, "I don't get paid to lock up after you losers."  Finstock mutters.

"Yes, you do." Mason says.

Finstock gives him an angry look and waves him off in frustration, "Get out of here! Go wreak some havoc like the other kids."  He walks away and Josie moves around him to head out the door.

She sighs and laughs a little, "I don't know if I'm gonna miss him when I graduate."

Corey scoffs and laughs while Mason pats his pants pocket, looking up in realization.

"Uh, my phone.  I think I left it upstairs."  He says.

"Ok, we'll wait out here for you." Josie says.

Corey nods and watches his mate take off back inside to get his phone.

Josie sighs and turns to Corey, "So how are you and Mason doing?" She smiles.

Corey smiles big,  "We're doing great.  But..." He trails off.

Josie's smile drops a little as she frowns, "But...?"

Corey sighs, "It's Liam.  He just gives me this look when I'm with Mason.  Like I'm not good enough for him.  I think he still doesn't trust me after with the whole...Theo thing and the dread doctors."

Josie sighs and places a hand over his shoulder, sending a wave of comfort. Corey sighs softly as he feels his body relaxing.

"Just give him some time.  He needs to see he can trust you.  And besides, you are a good for Mason.  I can see how much you love him and how much Mason loves you.  It doesn't matter what others think, the only thing that matters is the two of you and what you think.  Listen to this..." She points at his heart.  "Does it agree with your mind that Mason is worth it?"

Corey sighs and smiles, "Yeah, he's worth everything to me."  He says with no hesitation. 

"Good.  That's all that matters then." She sighs, then gasps and clutches her stomach.

Corey panics and holds her, "What?  What's wrong?"  '

A feeling of dread washes over her, "Something's wrong." She says softly.

All of the sudden, the building lights go off with loud crackling.  The leaves around them start to rustle softly.  Corey helps her sit on a bench and sits next to her. 

"What's wrong?" He asks again.

"I got a bad feeling.  I've started to notice this.  Every time the Ghost Riders begin to show up, Seth goes wild.  Like he's freaking out.  As if...he's trying to warn me." She says softly. 

"Warn you about what?" Corey asks.

Josie looks up at him with fear in her eyes, "That they're coming."

Corey looks at her in confusion, but worry seeps into this soul as he gets out his cell and texts Mason.  Asking him if he found his cell yet, but no reply yet.  He should have reached the lab by now. 

Corey helps her to her feet, "Come on, let's go find Mason." He says and helps her walk through the doors into the dark hallway. 

"Mason?"  He calls out. 

"Shh." Josie hushes.

Corey frowns at her as he sees her looking down a hallway, towards the doors at the end.  She frowns as she could hear the wind whooshing.

Suddenly, the doors crash open with leaves pouring through the hallway.  They jump in shock as the doors his the walls with a loud thud.  The wind blew heavily through the halls, making the leaves dance on the floor.  Josie hears the loud ticking of the clock and looks up.  The clock's hand suddenly stops and moves like it's stuck.  She gasps and looks down the hall, her eyes widen in fear. 

Corey hears her heavy breaths as she continues to look down the hallway in fear.  He jumps when she grabs his arm in panic.

"What? What is it?" He whispers.

"Don't you see it?" She whispers.

Corey frowns as squints down the hall, he couldn't see anything...but he could hear footsteps and metal clanging against the floor.

Josie gasps as she sees a Ghost Rider, walking down the hall...towards where they are!

Corey backs away, pulling Josie with him and grabs her hand, pressing them against the wall as he blends them out of their environment.  Suddenly, everything shinned with a bright green highlight.  So this is what Corey sees when he's invisible.  Corey's eyes widen as he looks down the hall again and sees the Ghost Rider, walking slowly with his hat covering his face and his greasy hair dancing with the wind.  His long leather jacket brushing over his gun and holster.  Josie's lip begins to tremble as the Rider walked closer and closer to them.  Seth wouldn't stop kicking her stomach.  Josie had to bite her lip to stop the groans.

The Rider was close now, Josie could hear it's heavy breathing as she see his horrible face.  His gray/blue cracked skin.  All shivered up like a corpse.  Josie holds her breath as the Rider walks right past them and meets up with another Rider.

Suddenly, they both stop and, the Rider that brush pass them, with his back towards them, slowly looks over his shoulder and looks directly at them.  Josie grips Corey's hand in pure terror as he begins to shake in fear.

Upstairs, Mason reaches the lab and finds his phone.  He sees that he has two messages, both from Corey. 

"Find it?"

"They're here. Don't move."

Mason freezes in his tracks and slowly turns to the door.  The Ghost Riders were here! 

He rushes outside to meet up with Corey and Josie, but when he gets outside.  He couldn't find them.  The wind roughly blows leaves in his face.  He blocks the leaves with his hands and sees movement in the library.  He pushes the doors open and to his shock.  He sees a student hanging in the air, gripping on to something.  But, nothing was holding him but air. 

Jake, a student from Mason's classes grunts as he grips on to whatever that was holding him, struggling to be freed.  But it was no use.  Mason slowly walks around and stands before Jake.  Jake tried to say something, but he couldn't get a word out. 

Suddenly, Corey and Josie runs and grabs Mason, making him blend out of the environment.  Mason's eyes widen as he looks up and sees the Ghost Riders holding Jake by his neck with whips.  They pulled and pulled tighter till they give the whips a hard tug, Jake disappeared into thin air.  Like a magician's smoke trick.  There was green smoke, then Jake was gone. 

The Riders both jumped from the second floor and turn towards the door that opens forcefully with the wind and walked out with their whips making whipping sounds as they moved.  Mason lets out a gasps of shock, still couldn't believe what he just saw.  Josie jumps as the doors slammed shut and finally lets out the groans as the kicking died down.


Just as Liam was about to get another ball, he snaps his head up as he hears a familiar heart beat pounding in fear.  Scott frowns and listens out, he could hear it too.

"What's wrong?"  Scott asks.

"Something's happening to Mason." Liam says as he drops his stick and takes off running for the school.  Scott drops his stuff and follows him. 

Liam and Scott open the library doors and pace inside.  Looking around for Mason and the others.

All of the sudden, Mason and Corey run out while Mason yells, waving a fire extinguisher in his hands.

Scott and Liam yell in surprise and holds their hands up in defense. 

Corey and Mason pants in relief.  Josie sighs and moves out from behind the shelves and runs into Scott's arms.

"What's going on?" He asks as he holds on to Josie.

"They were here.  The Ghost Riders." Mason pants out as he puts the extinguisher down. 

"Here? Just now?"  Scott's eyes widen.

"I thought they left when the storm left." Liam frowns in confusion.

"I guess not, because two of them were right up there." Mason points up at the second floor.

"What were they doing?"  Scott asks.

"We didn't see when they came in." Corey shakes his head.

"I did." Josie speaks up.

Everyone looks at her in confusion.

"We were in the hallway and all of the sudden, the doors open with the wind.  I saw one." She says.

Corey shakes his head, "We only saw them when we turned invisible."  He says, meaning him and Mason.

Liam looks at Corey in anger, "You brought him into this?"  He takes a step towards at Corey. 

Mason stands in his way, "He was trying to protect me."

"Uh, they didn't seem to care about us.  They, they walked right by us."  Corey stutters.

"Then what happened?" Scott asks.

Corey and Mason looked at each other in confusion, trying to remember what else, but...

Mason smacks his lips, "Uh...Then they just jumped down and left."  He stutters.

Josie frowns in confusion, how could they forget?

"That's it?"  Liam asks, scrunching his brows in confusion.

"Yeah." Corey says.

Scott looks up at the second floor then to them, "They didn't take someone? There was nobody else in here?"

Mason and Corey look at each other and shake their heads, "No."  Corey starts to stutter, "It was just us."

Josie looks up at the second floor with a harsh glare.  Why are they taking people?  Why Beacon Hills?

"Josie?" Scott gains her attention, "Did you see anything?"

Josie sighs, "They did take someone...but I can't remember who." She says in frustration.


Wasn't long till Scott and Josie reached home.  Josie slipped into her PJs and got under the covers.  Sighing softly she moves around to get comfy and pouts when she couldn't.  Not without Scott next to her.  Scott finally comes out of the bathroom, shirtless and only in his lounge pants.  Those muscles, those abs, she couldn't help but look at him in lust.  Her hormones were driving her crazy.  But, she could see he was in deep thought as he sits at the edge of the bed with his lacrosse stick. 

She gets up and moves to wrap her arms around his neck and holds him close to her. 

"Think Liam is ready?" She asks.

Knowing what she means, Scott lets out a sigh, "All depends on him.  He's got the moves and the qualities to be a leader, but, just gotta work on his attitude." He mutters that last part.

She lets out a soft sigh and buries her face in his neck, "If anyone can help him, it's his Alpha.  He needs to have faifth in himself."

Scott places  hand on hers and turns to look at her, "It's hard to get through him though."

Josie gets off her knees and sits sideways beside him. She givesh him a soft smile and leans close to kiss his lips.  Scott kisses her back just as gently and passionately.  He sighs when the kiss breaks and rests his head against hers. 

At the corner of his eye, he notices a bare spot on his bulletin board.  He frowns and tilts his head in curiosity.

Josie looks at him in confusion, "Scott, what's wrong?"

"I thought I had another picture on the board." He says as he lets her o gently and gets up to walk towards the board.

Both of them wince in pain as he steps on a tack.  He lifts his foot and sees it stabbed into the bottom of his foot.  He takes it out and looks over his shoulder.

"Sorry.  I should have watched my step." He apologizes.

Josie gives him a small smile, "It's ok." She says while rubbing her foot.

Scott turns back to the board and finds a picture on the floor.  He picks it up and pins it back on the board.  But, frowns again as he looks at the picture.  It was during the senior pictures.  He remembers this, but something was missing.  Why was there an empty space between Lydia and Josie?

"Hey, Josie?  Remember this?"  Scott asks. 

Josie slowly gets up and walks towards the picture, looking at it.

"Yeah, this was yesterday..." Her voice trails off and points to the spot between Lydia and her.  "Someone was there...but...I can't remember." She says.

Scott frowns at her, "You're forgetting, too?"

"I remember a few things, but the names, I'm forgetting." She says.

Scott sighs and pulls her into his arms, "We'll figure things out." He kisses her head softly and walks with her to the bed.  "Let's get some sleep."

"Scott, I have to tell you something." She sighs as she sits on the bed, next to him.

"What's wrong?"  He asks.

She sighs softly, "I went to Deaton's earlier to talk to Myst about the vision I had.  Neither of them could explain why it happen since I'm not suppose to have them.  But, Deaton had a theory."

"What did he say?" He asks.

"He thinks...that Seth is the one who's having the visions and I'm seeing them." She says.

Scott frowns and reaches to stroke her belly, "Seth?"

"But, he's not sure.  He's going to run some tests to figure it out.  The way it sounds, it's almost impossible."

He gives her a small smile, "But, this is Beacon Hills, nothing is impossible."

She chuckles, "Yeah.  But, there's one thing that concerns me.  Myst saw something.  About Seth.  But, she won't tell me.  When I left though, I heard her talking to Deaton.  She said what she saw was impossible to happen." Tears mist in her eyes, "What is happening to our son?"

Scott pulls her into his arms, holding her and their son in his hands, he strokes her belly gently, feeling his son moving around against his hand. 

"Whatever is happening, we'll make sure he's safe."


(Josie's Outfit for the day)

Lately, things have been getting weird for everyone.  Last night, Malia had sex with a random teen she brought home, but when they snuggled, it didn't feel right when he spooned with her.  So she spooned with him instead, despite how awkward it was for him, it felt right with her.  Lydia was experiencing nightmares, hearing a train and a voice that was so familiar to her.  But, she couldn't remember who it was.  Then, Scott and Josie with the picture.  No one could explain it.

This morning, Lydia arrived at school and walked down the hallway, like she always do, but when she reaches a familiar row of lockers, something inside her told her to go to them.  She leans on the row, wondering why this felt so right.  Not realizing that she was leaning next to locker # 1075...Stiles' locker. 

Before class started, Josie sat at the bleachers and watched the players nearly kill themselves to prove to Coach Finstock who should be the new team Captain now that Scott is going to graduate. 

Team players were yelling and cheering as they watch one run and dodge them.  Coach smiled happily at his effort.  After the teen flips a player in the air, Coach gets in his face, cheering for him and patting his list against this helmet in approval. 

"Yes! Now that's what I'm talkin' about.  That's how it's done.  That is Captain material." Coach says as he stands near Scott.

At the same time, Liam comes running towards them, gearing up at the same time. 

"You're late." Coach and Scott both say, frowning at him.

"Which makes you not Captain material."  Coach adds.

"Liam is Captain material."  Scott protests.  "He's..."

Coach cuts him off by blowing his whistle.  Scott winces at the loud sound. 

"Let's go, gather around." Coach says, getting everyone's attention.  "Listen up.  Thanks to McCall's selfish desire," He turns and frowns at Scott. "To focus on his 'grades' and his graduation', we are leaderless.  But, he's sucking up to his responsibilities." Coach throws a arms over Scott's shoulder, gripping it in pride. "Let's congrats McCall for becoming a father.  Pretty soon, he'll be a Coach.  Congrats McCall.  Six months, you're going to be in hell." Coach smiles, but Scott frowns and scrunching his brows in disbelief.  Coach drops his smile and turns to his team, "Enough celebrating.  Now, let's focus on more important things.  Being Captain.  You want to be a champion, you wanna be a hero? Now's your shot."

Everyone gets into position, it was Liam's turn now to prove himself.  Josie watches closely.

"All right, all you wannabe Captains, I wanna see you guys tear each other apart."  Coach says.

Liam was nervous, Josie could see that. 

"Focus, Liam.  You can do this." She says softly. 

Liam looks over to her and nods, breathing unevenly. 

Coach blows his whistle and Liam takes off through the row of his team mates who are suppose to block him.  Liam was off to a good start, but loses focus and crashes onto the ground.  Josie winces for him. 

"Definitely not Captain material there, Dumb-bar."  Coach says, mocking his name. 

"'Dunbar'." Liam growls, gritting his teeth. 

"Yeah.  That's what I said." Coach says, obviously.

Liam pants and turns over, glaring at the Coach,  "You said Dumb-bar."

Coach gets on his knee next to Liam, "And your mouth just bought you equipment duty."

Scott sighs and looks over to Josie, who was rubbing her face in frustration.  Liam gets up to his feet, snatching off his helmet and stomps off the field.

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