Chapter 4: Remember Me

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That night, Stiles meets up with Lydia outside the school, trying to put everything together. What the situation was being for them, it just seemed so...familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"I keep feeling like it's familiar, you know? Like I've heard it before." He says as he flips through a book he found at the library.

Lydia begins to speak French.

"That's French. 'A lingering thought you can't reach'." She says.

"Okay, well, is there a French word for, feeling an overwhelming sense of urgency and impending doom?" Stiles asks sarcastically.

Lydia chuckles and speaks French, "It's French for Banshee." She shrugs.

"Okay, what, what does your Banshee intuition say this is?" He stops and turns to ask her.

"That you don't have to figure it all out right this second." She says.

"But this kid. This kid's got no one. You know, and There's a reason why. There's gotta be." He says in frustration as he goes through the book about mysterious disappearances throughout history. In frustration, he slaps the books close.

Lydia freezes when she hears the thunder again, rumbling in her ears. The feeling was back. Stiles sighs, but turns and sees Lydia's face.

"'Give this man a ride, sweet family will die. Killer on the road'." She says.

"'Riders on the Storm'?" Stiles asks.

Lydia snaps her head towards him, "What?"

"That's the song, Riders on the Storm?" He asks again.

Lydia's eyes widen in realization, "That's it."

"What's it?"

"The Ghost Riders. The Wild Hunt. They come by storm, riding horses. And they take people." Lydia explains.

Stiles eyes widen in praise, "Lydia, you're so smart, I could kiss you right now!" he exclaims.

"Do not kiss me." She warns.

"Not gonna, no." Stiles shakes his head.

"Mmm." Lydia frowns at him in warning as she watches how hesitant he was.

He quickly kisses her cheek and runs off, "Did it anyway!"

Lydia stands in shock and lets out a small breathy laugh and watches Stiles takes off.


Pretty soon, after the lacrosse team had their nightly practice, Liam and Hayden headed off through the school to the parking lot, but Mason paces down the stairs and meets them in the hallway.

"Hey, guys. Wait up." Mason calls out and stops them.

With a relieved sigh, "I fixed it." He says and shows the compass that was still cracked.

"Uh, perfect! Looks brand new." Liam says, trying to be supportive.

Hayden chuckles, "He's going to notice." She says.

"Nah, he'll never notice. We'll just put the compass back and figure out a way to help Scott and Josie." Mason says.

"Or just put the compass back." Hayden hints.

Liam shakes his head, "We can't leave it all to Scott and Josie."

Hayden frowns in confusion, "Why not? He's the Alpha. She's the Luna."

"Not for long." Liam says.

Hayden chuckles in confusion, "Who's gonna take his place?"

"You don't think I could be the Alpha?" Liam frowns at her.

She sighs and rolls her eyes, "No, no, I wasn't saying that. It's just, magnetic anomalies and guys on horseback stealing people?"

"We can't just stay out of it." Liam protests.

Hayden stutters, "What's gonna happen when Scott graduates? When there's no one here to figure things out?"

"I can be the...Um..." Liam stutters timidity. He sighs and clicks his tongue, "I can be the Alpha." He said with pride.

Mason nods, "He can be the Alpha."

"Yeah." Liam agrees, then watches Hayden's face turns into a concerning frown. He snaps his head up as he smells something in the air.

"What is it?" Mason asks worriedly.

"It's blood." Liam says.


Scott and Josie walk hand in hand as they begin to leave the field. Josie continuously rubs her belly as Seth was being excited for some reason. Whatever it was, he kept moving and kicking around. It hurt, but not too bad. For some odd reason, Josie had a horrible feeling. Like at Alex's house, but, worse. She couldn't shake it off. Something was going to happen...something bad, she knew it.

Suddenly, Stiles comes running towards them, excited and concerned about something.

"Scott? Scott. Josie."

Scott turns towards the voice, "Hey." He greets Stiles.

"Hey. It's called the Wild Hunt." Stiles lets out a panting breath. "It's a myth. Only, apparently it's real. Like every other myth in this town that should just really remain a nightmare."

Josie's eyes widen, she remember this story.

"The guy on the horse?" Scott asks.

"Yeah, they call them Ghost Riders." Stiles does a double take towards a lacrosse player and sees something he doesn't like, "Hang on one second. Hey. That's my jersey.  Where'd you get that?" Stiles asks the player.

The kid frowns at Stiles and looks at his jersey, "Coach gave it to me at practice." He says.

Stiles turns to Scott giving him an incredulous look, "We had practice? Why doesn't anyone tell me anything?" He exclaims.

"Stiles! Focus!" Josie snaps at him.

"Why would the Ghost Riders want to take Alex's parents?" Scott asks.

"Because that's what they do." Josie says looking at both of them. "I remember this myth. The Wild Hunt and the Ghost Riders. They come with the storm, riding on horses and they take people. Erasing them completely."

"They run around collecting souls. And once they take you, you're gone." Stiles nods as he tries to explain a simpler way for Scott.

"But it's not just you, it's everything about you. Everyone you know won't remember you, everything you've done, every photo...basically it'll be like you've never existed." Josie says, watching Scott's reaction turns into shock.

"Yeah, like how they took Alex's room." Stiles says.

"Does that mean Alex is next?" Scott asks.

Josie and Stiles both look at each other in realization and, together, all three head towards the parking lot. They needed to get to the station.


Lydia went back to the classroom where she had her vision of being struck by lightning. Something was trying to warn her about something, but she couldn't figure out what. So, she texted Malia for help. She needed to know what her senses were trying to tell her.

Malia finally shows up, strolling into the classroom, seeing Lydia sitting in a chair with a desk lap on.

"Got your text. You said you needed my help?" She asks as she walks closer to Lydia, seeing the distant look on Lydia's face. Then, Malia realizes what Lydia needed, "Oh, God. That kind of help."

"Something terrible is going to happen." Lydia says.

Malia sighs and moves to sit on a desk in front of her, "Okay, what is it?"

Lydia turns to look at Malia, "I don't know. That's why I need your help."


Back in the school, Liam, Hayden, and Mason searched everywhere for where the blood was coming from. But, they kept going around in circles.

They meet up in the middle, panting out of breath.

"I can't find the source." Liam pants out.

"It's like it's coming from everywhere." Hayden says, looking around.

"How is that possible?" Mason asks.

"Maybe it's coming from more than one place." Liam suggests.

"In more than one piece." Hayden says.

Mason suddenly thought of something, "If it's in the air, could it be coming out of the vents?"

All three of them look up at the vents above them, the air blew gently against them. Liam and Hayden could smell the blood coming through with the air.

They headed outside to where a door led them to the main breaker for the air conditioner. But, the door was locked.

"Stand back." Liam says as he gets ready to ram the door down.

Hayden and Mason move away, but then Mason thought of something.

Liam lets out a yell and rushes towards the door, but Mason reaches out and opens it, letting Liam rush in and crash into several things that were inside.

Hayden rolls her eyes as Mason sighs.

"It's open." Liam mutters from inside.

Hayden and Mason head inside, without realizing they were being watched from above in the shadows by an mysterious figure.

Liam led the way as Mason and Hayden followed him through the pathway. The scent was getting stronger. It led Liam to a door that said HVAC 3. He looks at Hayden and nods, then he turns to the door, slowly reaching out for the handle. Hesitantly grabbing it, he grips it in his hand and turns it. When Liam opens the door, they all look at the sight in shock. The janitor sat inside staring out with his dead eyes. He slowly falls forward in front of them, giving them the horrific view of his bashed head.


Stiles, Scott, and Josie all rushed towards the station in Stiles' jeep. Josie sat in the back and Stiles drove. She was worried to death for Alex. She knew he was next, she just knew it.

Suddenly, Josie felt weird. Panting heavily as her body shivers, not in cold, but something was making her shudder. Her vision began to blur out and, all of the sudden, she found herself in the sheriff's station. In the cell. She frowns and looks around. How did she get here? She begins to sense someone here with her, so she turns around real fast and sees Alex...sitting on the benched wall.

"Alex?" She calls out, but it was like he didn't hear her.

Suddenly, wind begins to whoosh around the cells, leaves appeared all of the sudden around them. The wind began to become stronger. Alex looks around in confusion and stands up. Neither of them could see where the wind was coming from. Josie looks towards Alex and sees him looking up in fear. She turns real fast and sees cracks forming in the ceiling. Alex moves to press against the end of the cell.

Josie's eyes widen as the room began to shake and the ceiling was suddenly gone. A portal was forming above them. Lighting flashed brightly in the portal, like lightning strikes. Thunder rumbled in Josie's ears as she watches in horror as Alex was being sucked into the portal, but he held on to the jail cell bars. He screamed for help, but no one could hear him. Josie runs towards before Alex's grip slips. She grips on to a bar and grabs his hand. He looks up in shock and sees her.

"Alex, hold on!" She screams as the portal begin to grow stronger.

"Help me!" Alex screams.

Josie grunts and pulls as hard as she could, but it was so strong. She gasps as she looks over and sees outside the jail cell, a ghost rider was glaring at her. He pushes his leather jacket and grips his gun, pulling out of its holster and aims it right at her. She calls forth her Alpha wolf and roars at him, trying to pull Alex harder. It was working...till the ghost rider shot her right in the shoulder.

With a pained grunt, her grip loosens and Alex was gone. Gone into the portal.

Josie jerks from her seat letting out a blood curling scream that made Stiles slam on his breaks.

"What? What? What? What?!" Stiles screams in panic.

"What's wrong? Is it Seth?" Scott panics.

Panting in shock, she looks around in confusion, how in the hell...?

She yelps and grips her shoulder, "God!"

"What is it?" Stiles asks.

"My shoulder." Josie whimpers.

Scott reaches out and pulls her sleeve down, exposing her shoulder. His eyes widen in shock. Josie's shoulder was covered with a big bruise with blue/green tint.

"What the hell is that?" Stiles exclaims.

"He shot me." Josie grits out.

"What? Who?" Scott frowns in confusion.

"I don't know what happened. I thought I was dreaming, but, suddenly, I'm in the jail cell...with Alex and..." Josie gasps. "Alex! Stiles, step on it! He doesn't have much time!" She yells.

Stiles turns his jeep back on and slams on his gas pedal, heading towards the sheriff's station.

"What's going on?" Scott asks.

"Alex is in trouble. The Ghost Riders are taking him. I saw it. I was trying to save him. But, they shot me. I don't know how, but I saw it." Josie pants out.

Stiles pulls up at the station and gets out as Scott helps Josie out. Josie yelps as her shoulder begins to hurt again. They rush inside and talk to Clark to get Alex, but when she takes them to the jail was empty.

"Where's the kid? What happened to him?" Stiles asks, turning towards Clark.

"What kid?" Clark asks in confusion.

"Alex. The kid from the car wreck? The kid whose parents went missing last night?" Stiles says, trying to refresh Clark's memory.

"Who's Alex?" Clark shakes her head, totally clueless.

Stiles sighs in frustration, "Clark, listen to me. He was here, okay? You met him."

Clark still looked at him like she had no idea what he was talking about.

Josie walks towards the cell door, closing her eyes in defeat. They were too late. She sobs softly for Alex.

"Where's the Sheriff?" Scott asks.

"He got called out to the high school. They found a body. No one's been in lock-up all day." She hands Stiles a time sheet. "Check for yourself." Then, she left.

Scott turns and sees Josie crying softly, he reaches out and pulls her gently into his arms, "If only I held on to him longer..." Her voice cracks with tears.

"It's not your fault. We weren't fast enough." Scott sighs.

Stiles slams the time sheet down, "He's not on here." He looks up at his reflection and sighs, "They took him." He whispers.

"I shouldn't have left him alone." Scott says.

"He knew they were coming for him." Stiles says.

"What if they're coming back for everyone else who was on that road?" Scott asks.

Stiles turns and looks at them, "Then we already know who's next."

Josie lifts her head from Scott's chest, "Liam and Hayden." She says in dread.


Wasn't long till they reached back at the school. There were too many people around so they needed to split up.

Panting, "I'll check the Quad. Josie, check the courtyard. Let me know if you find them." Scott says as he turns to leave. "And see if your dad knows anything?" Scott adds.

"Yeah, okay." Stiles begins to stutter, stopping Scott in his tracks. "Hey, Scott, wait. Um, I, I just, uh, I wanted to say, um..."

Scott sighs, "Tell me later."

"Yeah, all right." Stiles mutters and watches Scott take off. He feels Josie touch his shoulder gently, catching his attention.

"Be careful." She whispers.

Stiles frowns, but nods and turns, bumping into Ms. Martin.

Josie runs off to look for Liam and Hayden.


Malia sighs as she tries to help Lydia with her vision.

"When did you first have the premonition?" She asks.

Lydia thinks about it, "I was with Stiles. We realized it was the Wild Hunt. The Riders, the horses." She stops and sighs, "Souls getting swept up." She shows Malia a website she found about the Ghost Riders.

Malia frowns as she reads, "'Those who see the Wild Hunt beware, for you are already lost'."


Panting, Josie grips her stomach, feeling Seth squirming around in her belly. He felt...antsy. She could feel it as if she was feeling it. She stops and takes a calming breath, but it wasn't helping so much. She snaps her head and sees Mason, Liam, and Hayden at last.

Pacing over towards them, she sighs in relief, "Finally, I found you guys."

"Hey, you ok?" Mason asks, touching her shoulder. Josie couldn't help but wince.

Mason, Liam, and Hayden frown, "What's wrong?" Liam asks.

"Guys, we're in deep shit. The ghost riders took Alex." Josie says.

Liam frowns with Hayden, "Who?"

"Oh, for god's sake. Ok, you know about the fact that men on horses are taking people, right?" Josie tries to explain.

"Yeah." Hayden nods.

"They're called the Ghost Riders. They take people and they erase them completely. No one remembers them." Josie says.

Mason frowns, "And this...Alex guy. He was taken?" He asks.

Josie nods, "He was a little boy that Liam and Hayden found on their date last night." Liam and Hayden were about to say something, but Josie waves her hand in the air to cut them off, "I know, I know, you don't remember. Anyway, his parents were first...then he was taken just a little while ago. No one remembers him."

Hayden scrunches her brows in confusion, "How come you do?"

Josie was hesitant with her answer, "I...I don't know. I don't know if it's going to last." Josie grabs her cell and dials Scott's number.

After a few rings, Scott picks up, "Hello?"

"Scott, I found Liam and Hayden. They're ok. Tell Stiles I'm with them at the Guidance office." She says.

"Um, Ok...but, babe, who's Stiles?" He asks.

Josie gasps softly, " know, Stiles." She says.

"Baby, I have no idea what you're talking about." Scott says.

Josie looks up and sees Stiles coming around the corner, running into Mason.

"Mason, Mason, hey, where's Liam? Liam? Okay, there you go. Liam, Hayden, perfect." He sighs in relief as the three of them look at him in confusion.

"Oh, god." Josie says softly.

"Jojo, are you ok?" Scott says cautiously.

"You two, you two have to listen to me right now. Alex is gone, just like his parents, okay? The Ghost Riders took him, so you guys, you can't be alone. You got to stick with Scott or with me because I can see them." Stiles pants out.

"Stiles." Josie says softly.

Stiles looks over to her, frowning in confusion then looks back at Liam, Hayden, and Mason.

"Why the hell are you lookin' at me like that?" He says.

"Do we even know him?" Hayden whispers to Liam.

"I don't even know if he goes here." Liam whispers back.

Josie cuts the call on Scott and looks at Stiles in sadness.

"Do you go to this school?" Mason stutters in confusion at Stiles.

"What's your name?" Liam asks.

"Stiles." Josie grabs his wrist as he looks at them in shock, trying to process everything.

He looks up behind them and sees his dad. Josie watches him rush to him in hope, but she knew it was no use.

Liam and Hayden look over to her in confusion as her lips trembles.

"Who the hell is that?" Liam asks.

"God..." Josie chokes on her words.

She hears Sheriff trying to calm Stiles down.

"Okay, okay, slow down, slow down. We'll figure this out together."

Stiles nods, panting softly in relief, "Okay." He sniffs and rubs his nose.

"Now, why don't you tell me your name?" Sheriff asks.

Stiles looks at him in shock, then turning back to Liam, Hayden, Mason, and Josie. He runs to another corner and Josie follows him. She watches him get his cell out and calls Scott.



"Scott, where are you? Where are you right now?"

After a brief silence, "Who's this?"

Stiles' hand begins to shake as he cuts the call. Everyone was forgetting him. Even his best friend. He snaps his head and sees Josie.



"Horses. He saw them. He saw the Wild Hunt." Lydia gasps in shock. She turns to Malia who was frowning in confusion at her.

"Where's Stiles?"

"Who's Stiles?" Malia asks, scrunching her brows at her.

Lydia looks at Malia in shock and gets up and takes off to find Stiles.


"It's me. I'm next." Stiles says in shock.

Josie rushes to him and grips his arms, "Stiles, you need to get out of here. Run before they find you." She begs.

"You remember me?" He frowns at her.

She nods and smiles weakly, "I would never forget you."

"You will. Once I'm gone. Try and remember me." He says.

"I still remember Alex. Everyone else doesn't. I remember you." She says determinedly.

Stiles lets out a trembling breath, "Help Scott remember me. Help the others."

"I will. I promise." Josie says.

Stiles sighs and hugs her tight, knowing this would be the last time he will see her. Josie squeezes him tight, crying softly.

Stiles lets go and sighs, taking off to find Lydia. Hoping she'll remember him.


Stiles bust through the exit and runs towards the parking lot, but skids to a halt when he hears Lydia's voice calling out to him.


He turns and sees her running towards him. He meets her halfway, grabbing her to stop in her tracks.

"Lydia? You know me. Oh, thank God. You know me." He says in relief.

"I know you." She says, panting. "But I think everybody else is forgetting."

Stiles pants and holds in his breath as they hear the wind begin to whoosh, blowing leaves towards them.

Stiles looks around, then freezes when he sees a Ghost Rider, sitting on his horse behind Lydia. The horse neighing eerily as the Ghost Rider glares down at him.

"Hey, do you see him?" Stiles asks as he keeps his eyes on the Rider.

Lydia turns around and frowns, "See what?" She couldn't see what he was seeing.

"The guy on the horse." Stiles says obviously.

Lydia gasps as she realizes..."Stiles, if you can see them, they're gonna..." She whimpers softly.

He cups her face in his hands to make her look at him, "No, I know, I know. Okay. They're comin' for me. So you have to get away from me right now, okay?"

Lydia shakes her head quickly in protest, "I'm not leaving you!"

Stiles sighs and looks around for a way out, "All right, come on, come on!" He shouts pulling her hand. "This way, this way, come on."

Stiles skids to a halt, making Lydia stop, "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" Another Ghost Rider was in front of them, galloping towards them.

Lydia whimpers in fear, she still couldn't see them.

"Okay, this way. Keep going." Stiles pulls her at another way, but another Rider was coming. They were being surrounded.

Lydia pants in fear as she whips her head in every direction, "Where are they?" She grips on to Stiles' arm.

"They're everywhere." Stiles says as he pushes her to stay behind him. He turns and grabs her, running from the Riders with her to his jeep.

"Come on, come on, come on! Lydia, don't look at them, okay? Don't try to scream. They'll take you, too. Just do not look at them." Stiles says as they run to his jeep.

"I won't, I won't!" Lydia yells as she opens the door and gets in the jeep.

Stiles fumbles with his keys, dropping them and picks them up. He shoves them into the ignition, but stops and looks around. The Riders were completely surrounding the Jeep. He knew....he was too late.

"What are you doing? We need to go!" Lydia urges him.

Stiles shakes his head and pulls his keys out, "There's no time." He turns to Lydia who held complete terror on her face. "Lydia, I'm going to be erased, okay? Just like Alex. You're gonna forget me."

Lydia shakes her head, "I won't. No, I won't. I won't."

"Lydia, you will. Just try to find some way to remember me, okay? Remember how you were the first girl I ever danced with? Or how I had a crush on you freshman year. Sophomore year? Junior year? Remember how you saved my life?" He says gently.

Lydia smiles, crying softly as tears fall from her pink cheeks. She nods, remembering everything, "You saved my life too."

Stiles grips her hand as she does with his. Rubbing her thumb over his fingers.

"Just remember...Remember I love you." He says.

Lydia's freezes as she hears those words. They were genuine, soft, meaningful.

Suddenly, the door jerks open behind Stiles and a Rider reaches in, yanking him out of the jeep.

Lydia yells in terror as she watches Stiles disappear into the darkness. She sits frozen in her seat, breathing heavily and shuddering in fear.

"Remember...Remember...Remember..." She mutters to herself.


As morning rose, Josie couldn't sleep at all. After Stiles took off, all memories of him were gone. Meaning he was gone, too. Physically gone. Josie watches Scott sleep peacefully in bed, muttering softly in his sleep.

She remembers Stiles, she remembers Alex still. She remembers everything...why? She tried to get Scott to remember, but he wouldn't listen. She just hopes she can walk them into remembering...everything...everyone.

Josie gets up and gets ready for school. After she got out of the shower, she rubs the steam off the mirror and freezes when she sees the bruise on her shoulder. It was black and purple with mist of blue/green. It still wouldn't heal. She barely touches it and hisses in pain. It still hurt. She sighs and starts to get dressed. But, when she was putting on her pants, she frowns as she sees something on her hip. A couldn't tell. It didn't hurt and it felt bumpy. Almost looked like a rash. A long streak. She shrugs and finishes getting dressed.

(Josie's outfit for the day)

Josie and Scott finally arrive at the school, Scott was a little concerned for his mate. The bruise on her shoulder. She says it was from the vision she had of the Ghost Rider, but from what he remembers, she didn't carry powers of Banshees or seers or anything like them. They had to go to Deaton soon about that.

Josie looks up as she senses Lydia entering the school, but something was wrong. She seemed distressed about something. She walks over with Scott as Malia brushes by Lydia but stops and frowns at her in concern.

"You okay?"

Lydia scrunches her brows in confusion, "I have this feeling that I was supposed to do something."

"Do what?" Scott asks.

"I can't remember."

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