Chapter 3: Erased

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(Josie's outfit ^^^)

The next morning, everyone was back in school and it was time for yearbook pictures to be taken. Malia was next and she put on her best, biggest smile for Sydney to take the picture. But, Stiles walks into the photo.

"Lydia, so..." He snaps his head up as he hears the camera click.

Malia and Sydney give him him unbelievable looks of frustration.

"My bad, sorry, go ahead, look pretty." Stiles stutters and moves away.

Malia tries again, but before Sydney could take it, Stiles walks back in.

Malia growls at him, scoffing in disbelief that he's messing up her photo.

"Once...Oh!" Stiles looks up in surprise. He thought she was done.

Sydney sighs in disappointment, "That was a good one."

The other teens chattered in anger and frustration that Stiles was screwing up their photo time. Malia tries and tries...and tries again.

"Stiles!" Malia growls at him in anger, throwing her hands up.

"You're still in the photo." Sydney says.

The chattering from the teens and the constant eyerolling was too much for Malia's frustration. Letting out a grunt of anger, she pushes Stiles away to let the next person go.

"Sorry." Stiles says meekly to the other teenagers.

"You ruined it." Malia growls and sits on the table where Lydia, Josie, and Scott occupied.

"Why would I want to ruin your yearbook photo?" Stiles asks.

"Maybe because you haven't signed up for your own photo yet?" Malia says sarcastically.

"Yes, I did." Stiles says proudly and shows her the form.

She frowns at him, "It's blank."

Stiles scrunches his brows in confusion and looks at the blank form,"Uh..." He trails off. He could have sworn...

"Or maybe you're sublimating the stress of graduating by avoiding key milestones." Scott suggests.

Everyone looks at him in disbelief, except Josie. She simply laughs at their reaction.

"Psych paper." Josie explains and runs her fingers through Scott's hair.

"Oh." Lydia nods while Malia looks at him, impressed.

"Told you all those nights of studying would pay off." Josie smirks.

Scott smiles at her, kissing her hand.

Lydia turns and smiles, "I can't believe you two are having a boy. Are you excited?" She asks as she reaches to feel the baby. She gasps as she feels the strong kick.

Josie giggles, "Nervous and very excited. Six months..." Josie lets out an anxious breath. "We'll be parents." She looks over at Scott with a big smile. He gives her one in return.

"In a few months, we're gonna be looking for houses near the college campuses. Then, maybe in a year...or two..." Scott smiles big at the thought. "We'll get married."

Lydia squeals in excitement, "I can't wait. I'm very happy for you two."

"Me too. Still can't believe you made me a godmother." Malia sighs.

"I trust you and Lydia. If anything ever happened to us. I trust you all would protect Seth." Josie says.

"Seth? That's his name?" Malia asks, pointing at Josie's belly.

Scott nods, "I'm stuck to that name since the night of the benefactor. Seeing that baby in my dreams..." Scott shakes his head and smiles at the memories. "I could feel the connection between us. My son and I. I looked into his eyes and I knew..."

"Knew what?" Stiles asks.

Scott look up at him, "That I was ready. Ready to be a dad."

Lydia smiles at Scott and Josie as they share a kiss. Scott reaches up and feels his son moving around in Josie's belly. Smiling big as he could feel him.

"Oh, hey, by the way, the Deputy searched the car. And, you were right, Josie. No slugs, no exit hole. And the address Alex gave my dad, it's an abandoned house." Stiles says, interrupting a happy moment. Excitement was filling his core that there could be another supernatural problem in Beacon Hills. "Come on! Missing parents, suspicious guy on horseback, magic bullet. Who's comin' with?" He smiles big.

"I've got to retake my photos." Malia says.

"Yeah, not interested." Lydia shakes her head.

"I cannot miss any more classes." Scott says.

"Scott. Scott." Stiles begs.

"I missed 38 last semester. And Lydia's mom is the only reason I'm still in school." Scott says.

"Hmmm, I could go." Josie speaks up, holing a hand up.

Everyone looks at her in disbelief, but Stiles was smiling big.

"Jojo..." Scott complains but Josie cuts him off.

"Don't worry. I may be pregnant, but I'm also an Alpha. Besides, someone has to protect Stiles from Stiles." She giggles.

Stiles laughs mockingly.

"But, Stiles...Ms. Martin isn't gonna let us leave without a good reason." Josie adds.

"Why don't we just go after school?" Scott suggests.

Stiles scoffs, "You know what? Forget it. I'll take Liam." Stiles sighs and looks over across the courtyard in frustration. Everyone follows his eyes and sees Hayden and Liam on a bench, making out.

"Yeah, I'm not taking Liam." Stiles mutters.

Scott shakes his head, "Mmm-mmm."

Sydney suddenly pops up, "Hey, can I get a candid?"

Stiles shakes his head, "Uh, no."

But, Scott pulls him to sit next to Lydia and gets up to help Josie sit with him. He straddles the bench and Josie sits in front of him, he pulls her closer to lay against his chest.

"Yeah, sure."

Stiles grunts in defeat, "Okay, fine." He takes out the glass he took from the Turner's car and hands it to Josie and Scott. "If you can explain to me why this is blue, I'll let it go."

Scott and Josie frown at the glass, Josie takes it from Scott, examining it. Why was it blue?

"Everyone smile." Sydney says.

Scott takes it and puts it in his jacket pocket and holds Josie close to him, smiling with her at the camera.

After Sydney takes the picture and heads off, Josie frowns as she sees a few of the popular girls looking over at her, giggling and whispering.

Growling lowly, Josie glares at the two girls, feeling the wolf inside her stir. But Scott, hugs her in his arms, calming her.

"It's ok." He whispers.

Malia frowns as she watches Josie and the girls laughing at her.

"What the hell is their problem?" Malia asks.

Lydia looks at the girls and scoffs, "Just a bunch of stuck up bitches who don't know how to keep their noses out of other people's lives."

"Like you were?" Malia asks.

Lydia scoffs and frowns at her, "Yeah, like I was." she says sarcastically.

"Can you believe her? What a slut. That baby is probably not even McCall's." Josie heard a girl whisper.

Malia growls lowly and starts to get up to head towards the girl, but Stiles yelps and stands in her way, "Malia, no. Easy. Claws down."

"No claws, but I don't mind punching that bitch." Malia growls.

Josie stands up and places a hand on Malia's shoulder, sending a wave a comfort, calming her.

Malia sighs, "Fine."

Josie gives her a small smile and starts to walk off with Scott and Stiles. Lydia gets up and follows them. But, Malia...She smirks and heads to follow the popular girls.


Soon, classes started to begin. Liam, Mason, Hayden, and Corey had Chemistry. Liam and Mason were surprised to see that they had a new teacher, Mr. Garrett Douglas. And from the looks of the entire class, mostly female population, were in very deep dreamlike thoughts as they watched Mr. Douglas draw a cat on the board. Many girls were sighing dreamlike at him. Liam frowns deeply as he watches Hayden does the same thing. Mason scrunches his brows in confusion as he looks over to Corey, who was doing the exact same thing. What the hell?

After Mr. Douglas was done drawing, he turns around and gives a breathtaking smile to his class.

"Schrodinger's Cat." He smiles as he sees several students entirely focused on him. "Ah, I can see I impressed you all with my artistic abilities." He jokes.
Hayden chuckles with several female students. Liam frowns at his girlfriend actually falling for his charms. Mason hears Corey chuckling next to him, entirely focused on Mr. Douglas.

"Schrodinger puts his cat in a box with poisonous food. Now, until he opens that box, the cat is, in theory, both alive and dead. But when he opens it, it's either 'Hello, Mittens' or 'Goodbye, Socks'." Mr. Douglas continues.

Hayden giggles and Liam scoffs softly at her.

"Putting aside the potential animal abuse here, what does it have to do with physics?" Several female students throw their hands up. Mr. Douglas looks around and picks one.

"Yes, Hayden."

"It illustrates the concept of quantum superposition. Light is both a particle and wave until it's observed." Hayden says. Liam looks at her in disbelief.

Mr. Douglas gives her a charming smile, "Yes. Excellent answer, very impressive. Does observing something change its behavior? Or alter its outcome? That's the question of today's lab on page 117. Break into groups of four."

Everyone began to break up into groups. Liam, Hayden, Mason, and Corey formed into a group.

Liam and Hayden helped set up the lab, while Mason was looking at his phone, frowning in confusion.

"Have any of you guys noticed that phones can't Geolocate today?" He asks.

Corey gets out his phone and checks. Liam leans in and looks at Mason's compass and shrugs.

"Looks like it works."

"Yeah, but that's not North." Mason says as he points at the direction.

Liam frowns, "Mmm."

Mason points where the board is, "That is."

"Mine is doing it too." Corey says.

Mason sighs, but then he had an idea. He looks over to the teacher's cabinet and smirks, "Mr. Douglas has a compass."

Everyone looks over at the metal cabinet and Corey chuckles at what he means. He looks around and makes sure no one was watching. He places his hand on the lab table and blends out of his environment. Pretty soon, they watch the cabinet door creaking open slowly and closes.

Suddenly, Corey blends back into his environment, with the compass in hand.

"What are you gonna do with it?" Hayden asks them.

"Follow it." Mason says, simply.

"Seriously?" She asks him in disbelief.

"Where do you think it goes?" Corey smiles.

"I have no idea. But we won't find out till we open the box." Mason smirks.

Corey scrunches his brows in confusion while Hayden laughs softly, but looks at Corey weirdly.

"Schrodinger's cat?" She asks.

Corey looks at them all clueless, has he been paying attention at all?

"I...I still don't get it."


Scott went to see Mrs. Finch about the glass. She exams it, flipping it around.

"A chemical interaction could cause a tint." She says.

"What about the muzzle flash of a gun? Could that be blue or green?" He asks.

"A muzzle flash is created by super-heated gases leaving a gun. Um, it's possible that the gas could include copper, barium, cesium. Those can burn blue and green." She says.

"Can that tint the glass?" He asks.

She looks at him, incredulous, "You think a gun did this?"

"Maybe." Scott stutters.

She frowns at him unbelievably.

That was all it took for Scott to decide he needed to check this out. So, he went to find Stiles.

"Thirty-nine?" Stiles asks as they head out of the school. Scott looks back to make sure no one catches them.

As soon as they get out of the door, they're being pushed back in by Mrs. Martin.

Josie was coming out of a classroom, heading towards the women's bathroom. She frowns as she looks up and hears Stiles' whining groan.

Mrs. Martin was glaring at the two of them as she holds them by the back of their collars, pushing them back into the school.

"Neither one of you are going anywhere. Thirty-eight classes, Scott. I had to beg the superintendent." Mrs. Martin says furiously.

Josie walks over to them, frowning at the two of them, "What's going on?"

Mrs. Martin scoffs, "You, too, Josie?"

Josie frowns in confusion, "What?"

"Josie, you have excellent grades, and you're able to get into any college you want, but if you continue to skip school to go off on with your friends, it's really going to effect your future. Besides getting pregnant at such a young age, I don't want you to continue to make mistakes." Mrs. Martin says.

Josie growls as her eyes glow bright red, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" She grits her fangs.

Stiles and Scott hold on to Josie's arms, protecting Mrs. Martin.

"Easy, easy, Jojo." Scott says softly.

Josie snatches her arms out of their grip and growls lowly at Mrs. Martin, "I was just coming out to go to the ladies room. I didn't come out here to skip class cause I knew you weren't going to let us. And I don't want Scott to be thrown out of school either, but if you continue to make judgement calls at me, I will go to the dean and have your ass fired so fast, it'll knock that $500 manicure off your nails." Josie snarls. With a loud huff, "Now, excuse me, I need to pee. Seth is really pushing on my bladder. And I have a hall pass." She sneers at Mrs. Martin and leaves to go to the bathroom.

"Mrs. Martin, Josie has it hard enough already with the other students about her pregnancy. That wasn't cool." Stiles says.

"I'll apologize soon, but you two, class, now." Mrs. Martin says.

"Mrs. Martin, Scott is the sworn protector of Beacon Hills." Stiles protests.

"He can protect it at 3:30." Mrs. Martin says and pushes them to go to class.

Stiles let out a frustrated sigh and heads off to class with Scott.

"We're not waiting till 3:30." Stiles says softly

Mrs. Martin sighs and goes back to her office, but stops when she opens the door to find the school cop holding Malia by her arm and seeing two female students with ice packs against their faces with dry blood around their noses.

"What?" Malia shrugs.

Mrs. Martin sighs exasperatedly.


But, they had no choice. There was no way out of class. Scott and Stiles had their eyes glued to the clock. It wasn't even 3:00 yet, time felt so slow. Stiles glares at the clock, trying to make the time go faster with his mind, but no go.

"...shattering the goal 90 minutes before H-hour. Combat teams, each on a schedule, continued their unloading into assault boats. There would be little time between the first assault wave and the second."

Josie couldn't get what Mrs. Martin said earlier out of her head. Seth was not a mistake. He's just an early surprise of hers and Scott's future. She hated the judgment calls though. She was tired of it. But, she wouldn't give Seth up for anything. She smiles when she feels Seth stretching in her belly. She rubs the side of her belly. Caressing her son.

Lydia sighs as she continues to watch the video, but, something felt off. It was one of those weird feelings. She frowns when she starts to hear a woman singing. She scrunches her brows in confusion and looks over to Stiles, who was tapping his fingers rapidly, but suddenly, everything started to slow down.


At the station, Sheriff went to get some food for Alex. When he goes back into his office, it was empty. He frowns and looks around, Alex wasn't here.

"Clark, where's the kid?" Sheriff turns to his deputy.

She frowns in confusion, "He was in there a second ago."

Sheriff looks around and scoffs, "This is a Sheriff's station. You, you don't lose a child in the sheriff's station. Everybody stop what you're doin', let's find the kid." He says to his deputies.

Wasn't long till they found Alex, sitting in the holding cell with his eyes to the floor. His head snaps up when he hears Sheriff opening the cell door.

"Alex, what are you doin'?" He asks.

"Can you lock me in?" Alex asks as he stands up and approaches the cell door.

"Well, you're not under arrest and you're a minor." Sheriff points out.

"Sir, we're required to call Child Protective Services." Clark says.

"Please don't." Alex quickly grabs the bars, trying to shut the door. Letting out sharp inhale, "Please let me stay." He yanks again. "Please." Pleading the Sheriff.

Sheriff looks at the boy carefully, seeing how scared he was. He sighs and decides.

"We're leavin' him here."

Clark looks at Sheriff in disbelief, while Alex lets out a breath of relief.

"Post a guard outside the door." Sheriff says as he shuts the cell, automatically locking.


Back at school, Scott and Stiles impatiently wait for the bell to ring. It was getting close to 3:30 now.

"...A ­smashed up the enemy's gun batteries farther inland. Yet, so ingeniously..." The tv continues.

Finally, the bell rings, Stiles quickly grabs his stuff as well as Scott does. Josie grabs her books and stuffs them in her back. Scott grabs her bag for her, giving her a smile. He pulls her into his arms and together the three of them walk out of the classroom, but Lydia. She sat still in her chair. She still couldn't shake off the feeling she had. She sighs, and gets up, grabbing her books and begins to leave with her classmates. As she passes the tv, the sound of rain pattering was heard. She freezes in her steps and looks at the tv in confusion. Her feeling was back and stronger than ever.

Thunder rumbled in the speakers of the TV. But, how can that be. The TV was nothing but static. The singing started again as Lydia reaches to shut the TV off.

Suddenly, a bolt of lighting shot down in front of her, sending her flying a few feet away, landing hard on the floor with a painful grunt.

Lydia snaps out her vision as the teacher begins to pull the blinds. Making the sun shine through the windows. She could still hear the thunder rumble even though it's sunny out.


Later after school ended, Stiles, Scott, and Josie head off to the address that Alex gave to the Sheriff.

Scott helps Josie out of the backseat and together, they walk up to the front of the house. It looked deserted. Josie frowns as she watches faint storm clouds forming over the house.

Stiles sighs, "That's not creepy at all." He says sarcastically.

Scott hands Stiles a flashlight and takes Josie's hand, walking up the steps to the front door. Twigs of roots were forming around the house and dust covered the windows, even around the door. Scott opens the door, Josie shivers as it creaks loudly. Together, they walked in. The floor creaking under their feet. It looked like no one has been here in years. But...Josie sniffs. Shaving cream, perfume. Sweat from three people, it was still in the air. Alex's scent and two adults. It was still strong.

Scott and Stiles look around, frowning at the condition. The dining table still carried silverware and dishes. Like someone had a meal and left all of the sudden.

"You wanna split up?" Scott asks.

"Uh, absolutely not." Stiles says.

Scott reaches for Josie's hand, snapping her out of her thoughts, "You ok?"

Josie shakes her head, "I don't know."

He frowns, but they decide to go upstairs to look around. Spiderwebs littered every corner of the house. Dust bunnies covered every inch.

As they reached the top floor hallway, they continue their search, passing by several empty rooms.

"Maybe Alex got the address wrong." Scott suggests.

"Or he lied." Stiles says.

"Why would he lie?" Scott asks.

"He didn't lie." Josie says.

Scott and Stiles stop in their tracks and look at her, "What do you mean?"

She looks at Scott in confusion, "Can't you smell that?"

Scott sniffs the air, all he could smell was mold, dust. He shakes his head at her.

"Three people lived here. I can smell them. Alex, included." She says.

"How can you smell their scent, but, Scott can't?" Stiles asks.

Josie shakes her head, "I don't know. But, something happened to them. Something..." She looks around the empty house. "Something really bad."

Scott and Stiles look at each other with worry, then continue down to the end of the hallway. They open a door that was shut. All of the rooms here in the house, but this door was shut. Stiles slowly opens the door and to their shock, it was a child's room. No, spiderwebs, no dust. It was very lived in. A normal boy's room.

"Why didn't the cops say anything about this?" Scott asks.

"They don't know it's here. They can't come here without a warrant, and there's no owner of record to serve a warrant to. So unless there's some kind of threat or imminent danger, they wouldn't come in." Stiles sighs as he explains.

Josie frowns as she sees photos of Alex. Just Alex, but it looked like someone else was there with him, but they were gone. Josie inhales sharply as the horrible feeling was literally pressing on her chest. Suffocating her. She reaches out to take a picture but jumps when a rattling sound was made from downstairs.

Scott heard it, too.

Stiles looks over to the both of them, freezes at their expressions.


"I think I heard something." Scott says softly and begins to go back downstairs.

Stiles was about to follow, but Josie stops him, "Stiles."

"What?" He whispers.

She turns back to look at the photos and Stiles follows her eyes. He frowns at what they were looking at. What really confused them was the #1 Dad photo frame. It was just Alex alone, but it looked like he had his elbow on something...or maybe...someone. What was going on?

"I'm gonna go get Scott." Josie says as she heads out the door.

Stiles frowns in confusion and jumps when he hears wind whooshing softly. He looks down and sees the bed skirt moving.

Josie walks carefully down the stairs as slowly as she could, and sees Scott at the bottom of the stairs. Scott stops and sees her coming down. He reaches out to help her, but pushes her to stand behind him. They walk towards where the noise was coming from. They reached the dinning room and sees the dishes and glasses still in their place, covered with spiderwebs. Scott looks around to see if he could find the noise again. Josie looks back at the table and gasps. Scott frowns and follows her eyes. The dishes were gone. The glasses were gone. All that was left was the dust free spots they occupied.

"What the hell is going on?" Josie whispers.

"I don't know." Scott whispers back.

Upstairs, Stiles moves towards the bed and gets on his knees to slowly lift the bed skirt. He looks under the bed, nothing was there. His eyes widen as he sees from the other side of the bed, a horse stands on the rug. He moves away as he hears a soft snarling coming from the horse. Breathing heavily in fear, Stiles scrambles to his feet to see...nothing. The horse was gone. He frowns in confusion.

Josie and Scott continue to walk around, but they stop as they hear creaking again and, this time, they hear footsteps. Scott paces with Josie and goes around a corner, they jump as they come across Mason and Liam who also jump in surprise.

Sighing in relief, "What, what are you doing here?" Liam stutters.

"This is Alex's house. What are you doing here?" Scott asks.

"This is where the compass led us." Liam says.

"What compass?" Josie asks, scrunching her brows in confusion.

Mason takes out Mr. Douglas's gold compass and shows it to Scott and Josie.

Upstairs, Stiles looks around in fear, what was that thing that was in here? He scrambles to his feet and rushes out the door. Shutting it. Breathing heavily, he leans on the door trying to process everything.

Suddenly, Stiles looks up as he hears wind whooshing down the hall, blowing leaves before him. He frowns and looks up and sees a dark figure standing at the end of the hallway.

Downstairs, Josie and Scott look at the compass in confusion.

"Why is it doing that?" Scott asks.

"I have no idea." Mason shakes his head.

Liam takes out his cell and shows them his compass app, "They're all doing it." He says.

Like the gold compass, the digital compass was going haywire as well.

Upstairs, frozen in fear, Stiles watches the figure slowly approach him. He could see it's long hair flying around with the wind around him. Stiles' eyes widen as he sees a gun being held up at him.

Exhaling shakily, "Wait!" Stiles shouts.

Josie jumps as gunshots begin to go off upstairs, "Holy crap, what the hell was that?" She exclaims as she looks up at the ceiling.

"What?" Scott asks.

"Didn't you hear that?" She asks them in shock.

All three of them shake their heads.

"It sounded like a gun." She says. She turns and rushes towards the stairs. "Stiles!" She shouts in fear.

Stiles ducks at the gunshots. Bullet holes covered the door behind him.

Mason jumps as the compass cracks all of the sudden. Scott, Liam, and Mason frown in confusion then rush upstairs to help Josie.

Panting in shock, Stiles sat on the ground, frowning in confusion when he realizes the guy was gone.

"Stiles!" Josie shouts as she runs up the stairs.

Scott, Liam, and Mason were right behind her.

Josie rushes towards him and helps him up.

"What? What happened?" Scott asks.

Stiles points down the hallway, "He was here. He shot at me." He quickly turns around to show the bullet holes, but they were gone. As if it never happened. He couldn't understand it.

"I swear, I was shot at." He frantically says.

"I believe you." Josie says. "I heard it."

Stiles sighs and tries to calm his shaking.

"It was one of the guys you saw in Alex's memory." Stiles says to Scott.

Scott frowns in confusion.

"The guy who took his parents?" Mason asks.

"No, no, no. They weren't just taken." Josie shakes her head.

Stiles nods at her, "They were, they were made to disappear. That's why there's no furniture." He says.

"That's why they weren't in any of the photos." Josie adds. "Oh, god." She whispers.

"They were erased." Stiles says.

Scott's eyes widen in realization.

Stiles turns to open Alex's bedroom door, but...everything was gone. Taken. Erased.

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