Chapter 15: Into the Bunker We Go

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With the knowledge of finding Relics, Lydia had a very strong feeling that there was a Relic of Stiles somewhere out there to prove that he existed, and she had an idea where to start looking for one.

Sheriff flips Jake's library card around in his fingers as he exams it and looks at Lydia in disbelief as she just asked him what he thinks she asked him.

"You want to search my house?"

"People are leaving things behind." She says as she leans on his desk.

"So if Stiles left anything Why, why would it be there?" He scoffs.

"You can't just erase people. They leave things behind." She explains, hoping she can get something through him.

Sheriff sighs and looks at her, not really buying everything and she could see that. But something was on his mind. He throws the card to the side and sits up.

"I couldn't sleep last night. So, um, I got up, figured I'd do some paperwork. The files were in the back of my car. So, I...I go to the garage, and some junk has fallen off a shelf and I...I stubbed my toe on an old baseball bat." Lydia perks up at 'baseball bat'. There was something about that, but she couldn't remember. "Without thinking I yelled a name..."

Lydia's eyes widen in realization, "Stiles."


Hayden, Liam, Scott, and Josie managed to convince most of all the people who were at the party, who saw the Ghost Riders, to come to the bunker.

A girl named Jayden looks around the setting nervously and turns to Hayden, "Why are we underground?"

"This is the way to the bunker." Hayden explains.

"You guys have a bunker? Who are you people?" Nathan asks, incredulous.

"We're the people who know things about the things that most people don't know about." Liam says.

Nathan looks at him weirdly, "What?"

"HEADS UP!" Josie yells from above.

Everyone moves away and Josie jumps from above which was 15 feet above them all and lands with grace on the concrete.

Everyone looks at her in shock as she brushes off water from her jacket and clears her throat, "Just keep moving." She sneers at Nathan and walks towards Scott who takes her hand. But, he still gives her a look.

Josie just shrugs, "What? I'm not going down a ladder with this." She points at her belly. "I might slip and hurt Seth."

Everyone looks at Liam who stood there like a deer in headlights, "You guys didn't believe." He points out.

With caution, they followed Scott and Josie, but Hayden notices that someone was missing.

"Liam...Where's Gwen?" She asks.

Liam looks around, tries to sense her, but...she wasn't with them. They both rush to the ladder and look up. She was gone. Far from here.

Meanwhile, everyone heads towards the door that led to the bunker. Josie could hear them whispering behind her.

"How in the hell did she do that?"

"No one could have taken that jump and not break something. Especially when pregnant."

"Remember last semester when we were trapped in the library with that bear? Maybe it wasn't Teenage Hallucination Syndrome."

"That doesn't even exist, dumb-ass. I know, I looked it up. Ms. Martin just doesn't want us to know the truth."

"The truth about what?"

"The truth of the supernatural." Josie speaks up and turns to look at them who were whispering, "Yeah, I heard you." She says softly as they look at her with wide eyes.

Scott frowns at her and she shakes her head, "They're scared." She says softly.

"What are you?" Nathan asks her with caution.

Josie sighs, "You should know, this is Beacon Hills." She hints.

Wasn't long till they all reached the bunker. Nathan walks in first with several others following him behind. They all look around, exploring the equipment around them. Nathan picks up a stun-gun, eyeing it weirdly.

"I wouldn't touch that." Chris warns from the shadows.

But, too late, Nathan sets it off and the wires take off as electric buzzing was made. At the sound of it, everyone jumps in surprise and glare at Nathan as Chris yanks it out of his hands.

"What's all this for?"

"Your protection." Chris grits out and moves away.

Scott and Josie were the last to head inside the bunker. Scott turns and grabs a hold of the door, grunting loudly as he pushes it to close. With the door finally close, he lets out a sigh and turns to his friends and Josie while holding her close to him.

"Hey, we're missing three, plus Gwen." Liam says worriedly to Scott as they look at the list.

Going over the list, Scott ans Josie sees three names that weren't counted for. Scott and Josie looks up and sees that they were missing.

"They're all lacrosse players." Scott says.

"They were at the party, so they know what's coming." Liam says.

"People see what they want to see." Chris says.

Mason's breathing picks up as he checks the scale on his phone, "Guys, we're running out of time." He says as he shows that the lightning scale has gone up to 31, 35, 40, and still climbing.

"Scott, we have to get them." Liam panics.

Taking a deep breath, Scott knew what he had to do, "I'll go. The rest of you stay here."

"We couldn't fight off one Ghost Rider. Who knows how many are gonna be there tonight? We're going with you." Liam states determinedly.

"You're marked." Scott points out.

"So am I." Mason says.

"Yeah, me too, but at least I can see them coming." Corey speaks up.

Scott sighs, he didn't want to endanger his pack, or his mate and son. He looks over to Chris and sees that he was telling him he should let them. They can't stop the Riders, but maybe they can stop them from taking a pack.

Scott feels Josie touch his shoulder, gaining his attention.

"Scott, I don't want you to go out there. Any of you. I don't want anyone else taken." She whispers.

Scott cups her cheeks, caressing her skin, "I know. Neither do I. But, we need to protect them. All of them." He says softly and kisses her lips gently, breathing her in. He rests his forehead against hers and reaches to touch her belly. Seth presses his hand against Josie's flesh, reaching out to his father. Scott smiles softly and sighs.

"Promise me, you'll come back. I don't want to forget you." Josie says strongly.

Scott nods, "I'll do all that I can to make sure you won't."

Josie nods, it wasn't the promise she wanted, but, she'll take it.

Scott turns towards his pack, ""All right. But if you see them coming..." He looks at all of them with caution.



After finally convincing Sheriff, Lydia headed over to his place. As she arrived, Claudia was waiting to let her in. As soon as she got there, Lydia began to look around. Seeing if she could pick up a feeling. She looks over to the pictures of Claudia and Sheriff. They looked happy, so much love. But, something...something seemed different. Like something was missing. She couldn't put her finger on it.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Claudia asks as she watches Lydia look around.

"No." Lydia says and turns to face Claudia. "But thank you, Mrs. Stilinski." She gives her a reassuring smile.

Claudia nods in understanding, "Well, good luck." She sighs. "I'll leave you to it."

Lydia drops her smile as Claudia leaves. She turns to where she first saw the old woman. Telling her about the stop that has been canceled. Whatever that means. She had a strong feeling that something was there in the hallway where the woman was. She needed to find out.

She walks slowly through the house, towards the hallway. As she draw closer and closer to where she saw the woman. The feeling was getting stronger. She gasps as she begins to feel something towards the wall. Something was there. She reaches up and trails her fingers over the wallpaper, feeling the end and the beginning of the paper. The feeling grew stronger as she touches it.

Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, she jumps and turns as she sees someone in the hallway with her. It was a teenage boy with wild wavy dark hair. Brown eyes. He was extremely pale. He had a look that was almost angry. Frustrated.

"You didn't see it, did you?" His voice echos in the air.

"See what?" Lydia eyes him with caution.

"It's right in front of your face." He says.

Her eyes widen when she knew he was talking about. The wall. There was something there that she needed to see. She gasps and looks again, he was gone. She tries to settle her breathing. The feeling was becoming overwhelming for her as her eyes began to mist. She reaches up and slowly begins to peel off the paper. It lightly rips at every pull.

Suddenly, a hand reaches out from beside her, gripping her wrist tightly. Stopping her from puling any further.

"What are you doing?" Claudia demands angrily.

Lydia gasps and looks at her with wide, fearful eyes, "You're hurting me." She winces and yanks from her grip.

Claudia glares at her, but lets her go to smooth the paper back into place.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that." Lydia apologizes.

"I think that's something we can agree on." Claudia sneers at her.

Without a word, Lydia leaves. Rubbing her sore wrist as she goes.


Meanwhile, down in the tunnels, Josie and Chris await for their backups to arrive for help. Chris holds his M-24 close to him. Josie sighs and wraps her small coat around her more.

"Cold?" Chris asks.

Josie scoffs and laughs, "I don't get cold. I'm just really scared." She says softly.

Chris sighs, "We will do all we can to protect the two of you." He assures her.

Josie shakes her head, "I want to protect Scott. And Seth does, too."

Chris scrunches his brows at her, "You can feel him?"

Josie smiles softly and wraps her arms around her belly, "This connection I have with Seth, it's getting stronger. It's a bond almost like Scott's and mine. But, mother and son. I hope it won't go away when he's born." She sighs sadly.

Chris chuckles softly and wraps an around around her, "A bond between a mother and her child is something that can never be broken. Nor Father and child." Chris suddenly feels the old pain fill his heart as he thinks about Allison. His bond he had with her as she grew up.

Josie rests her head on his shoulder, "Remember when Allison and I had that slumber party and you tried to crash it when we were talking about boys? And you went to the boy's house, that she liked and told him to stay away from her? Then Allison found out and..."

"She put salt in my coffee for two weeks." Chris laughs with her at the memories. He sighs, "She was too young to think about boys."

"Chris, she was almost 14." Josie points out.

"You'll know the feeling when Seth becomes a teenager." He warns and chuckles at her grimacing.

Suddenly, a puddle splashes from behind them and Chris draws his gun, causing Josie to jump, but Malia grabs the barrel to stop him. Myst and Toby show up around the corner, walking towards them.

Chris and Josie sigh in relief and Chris lowers his gun, "Thanks for coming." He says.

"You need our help?" Malia asks.

"I need a babysitter and some more heavy power. In case the Riders come." Chris explains.

"Who's the babysitter?" Myst asks. "Cause I just left my poor husband alone with wild twins." She crosses her arms over her chest.

Chris and Josie both look over to Malia who gives them a weird look.

"I'm not the babysitting type. Coyotes eat their young." She turns to leave, but Chris stops her.

"You could've killed me last night. Or worse, Melissa." Malia slows her pace till she stops. He was right, but what if she loses control and tries to hurt someone. And this time what if she succeeds. "But I can help you." Chris states.

Malia turns towards Chris and glares at him, "Aren't you the one who shot me?"

"I come from a family of hunters. It's our job to deal with situations that an ordinary person..."

"Job stress?" Malia scoffs.

"You know that blood-lust you felt? Oh, I've seen that look before. When I was your age, I saw someone lose control and slaughter an innocent. And I did nothing." Chris says.

"I'm not that werewolf." Malia shakes her head.

"No, it wasn't a werewolf. It was a hunter. And she made excuses. Made a very convincing case that lethal force was necessary. But it wasn't. And if I had done something that night, then maybe my sister wouldn't be the monster that she is today." Chris says sadly.

Everyone looks at him in shock and appall.

"Kate." Malia says in realization.

Chris sighs, "Animals lose control. You're not just an animal, Malia. You're also a human. You stay that way by getting involved."

Malia takes in his words, he was right. She looks over and sees Josie placing a hand on her shoulder, giving her a soft smile.

"Besides, you have me next to you if you feel the coyote rising. Just stay near me, ok?" She says.

Malia sighs and nods.

Josie gasps softly and laughs, "Feel." She grabs Malia's hand and presses it against her stomach. Seth was moving around. Stretching.

Malia's eyes widen as she smiles slowly. She suddenly frowns and listens.

"What?" Chris asks with caution.

Josie sees the frown on Malia's face, "What's wrong?"

Malia leans down closer to Josie's stomach, listening. She could hear the rapid beat of Seth's heart, but that wasn't what was causing her to frown. The heart rate was normal. It was the very faint sound of...cooing. It was like...Seth was...singing. Soft, melodic. How was that even possible?

Malia gasps softly and listens closer. It was so beautiful.

"What do you hear?" Josie asks.

Malia slowly straightens and looks at Josie with misty eyes. She sniffles and wipes her eyes, "That was...amazing."

"What?" Chris asks in confusion.

"Seth. I could hear him. It was like...singing. Not words. Just sounds. Like nothing I've heard of before." Malia sighs and smiles.

Myst walks over to Josie and presses her hand against Josie's belly. She starts to giggle, "He's happy."

Josie smiles and wraps her arms around her belly, imagining holding her son.

Suddenly, they all jump as they hear a screeching coming from the bunker.

"Good lord, what in the hell was that?" Toby exclaims clutching his chest.

Inside the bunker, Nathan was holding one of Argents trap devices. Fumbling with it to figure out how to turn it off.

Suddenly, Malia grabs it and slaps the top. Shutting off the sound.

Nathan turns and frowns down at her in confusion, "What are you doing here?"

Malia snatches it out of his hands and walks towards Chris.

Josie moves over to sit on a stool with Myst and Toby. Toby eyes them all, seeing the fear seep out of their souls.

Toby's knees start to become weak, the fear was overwhelming, "So much fear." Toby swoons and catches himself on the table.

"I asked her to come. And I asked you not to touch anything else." Chris glares at him.

"Look, how much longer do we have to be down here?"

"As long as it takes." Chris cocks his gun.

Malia sighs and nods, "Okay, I'll stay. You've shot enough people for one day." She shoves the device against his chest and Chris gives her a disbelieved look.

Josie sighs and looks up at the ceiling, wondering what's going to happen. Seth was starting to act up, but not as bad. She had a feeling it was just the beginning.

Toby walks over and leans against the table, propping his head against his wrist as he looks over at her, "He'll be fine. He's not marked."

"Not yet." Josie knew he meant Scott.

Toby sighs, "No, not yet. But, with the help from me...and Seth. The Riders can't touch him." He smirks knowingly.


Liam, Corey, Scott, Mason, and Hayden went to the game. Hayden went off to the girl's locker room to look for Gwen while the guys went to the boy's locker room to find the other players. Hayden rushes to the locker room and finds Gwen in the middle of changing into her jersey.

Gwen rolls her eyes and continues to get ready, "I'm not waiting in a bunker to get taken."

Hayden sighs in frustration and paces over to her, "You have no idea what you're up against." Hayden stops to stand near her, "Last night, it took all of us to stop one of them. If you go out there, they'll take you too."

Gwen scoffs, not caring, "They'll find me wherever I am. Just like Phoebe."

"I'm sorry we couldn't protect her. But we can protect you."

Gwen wanted to laugh in her face, "Don't worry. When it happens, you won't remember me."

She moves to leave, but Hayden grabs her wrist to stop her, "It doesn't have to happen."

Hayden frowns when she sees Gwen's face. That look.

"You want them to take you." She says as she realizes Gwen intentions.

Gwen snatches her wrist out of her grip and takes off to get on the field


Meanwhile, Liam, Scott, Corey, and Mason pace down the stairs as they head towards the locker room to stop the players.

"What's the plan?" Liam asks.

"Convince Okafur, Steinbach, and Wallace that playing tonight is a bad idea." Scott suddenly stops when he realizes something, everyone behind him stopped and watches him turn towards Mason, "You've read everything there is to know on the Ghost Riders."

"Yeah." Mason nods.

"And you're the only one of us who's figured anything out. Have you come across anything that could stop them?" Scott asks with hope in his eyes.

"Not yet. But I can try." Mason says determinedly.

"Do that." Scott says and takes off with Liam and Cory.

Mason stands frozen in the middle of the hallway, breathing heavily in panic. He needs to motivate himself, "I can do this. I can do this." He inhales sharply, "I can do this." and puffs out an exhale and takes off to think.

Scott and the others head inside the locker rooms, most of the players have already taken off to the field. The locker room was empty now.

Scott jumps when a helmet is thrown at him. He catches it and sees Coach Finstock, angry as always at him and the others.

"You're late, McCall! Why aren't you people dressed? Get your asses moving. Everyone on the field! Hustle! Hustle! Hustle!" He shouts at them and leaves to let them get ready.

Liam sighs in disappointment and frustration, "We'll never get them back into the bunker now."

Scott had an idea, it might be stupid, but they might have a chance, "Get dressed."

Liam and Corey both frown at him in disbelief. But, Liam realizes what Scott is thinking.

"Because there's only one way to keep them safe." Liam says, nodding.

Scott nods, "Play the game."

Hope everyone had a great Christmas. This is my late present to all my readers. Sorry I took so long to post this chapter. I'm a little iffy with it. I can't wait for the next episode to show soon. I need more info. Lots of love ~Song~

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