Chapter 16: RUN!!!

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After the incident at the Stilinski's resident, Claudia called Natalie to inform her what Lydia was doing.  Of course Natalie was appalled and furious, but knowing her daughter and her...condition, she knew there had to be a reason. 

Lydia waited for her mother to be done with her duties as she waited in her office, searching on her laptop.

Natalie walks into the office and looks at her in disbelief, "Were you tearing Claudia Stilinski's wallpaper off her wall?" She asks as she closes her door.


Natalie didn't buy it one bit and Lydia could see that.

"Maybe.  Yes."

Sighing in disbelief, she moves towards the desk, "She's worried about your mental health."

"I saw someone in the hallway.  Someone Mrs. Stilinski didn't see." Lydia tries to explain.

"Well, if Claudia is not seeing ghosts, maybe it's because she's not a Banshee." Natalie points out sarcastically.

"I think he was trying to help me find something Stiles left behind.  A relic." Lydia says.

"Did you?"

"No.  Mrs. Stilinski asked me to leave before I could find anything." Lydia sighs. 

Chuckling dryly, Natalie moves around the desk to stand by the window, "Probably because you were tearing her wallpaper."  She moves around to see what Lydia was looking for on the computer and sees a profile, Claudia Gajos.  Sighing and shaking her head at Lydia, "Oh, honey.
I've known Claudia since high school.  I trust her."

Lydia sighs and leans back against the chair, hitting her head against the padded seat, she couldn't shake this feeling she had...there was something in that house she needed to see, but Claudia won't let that happen.  At least not now, since the whole wallpaper incident.

"Do you know what a confirmation bias is?" Natalie asks.

"The tendency to interpret information in a way that confirms an existing preconception." Lydia purses her lips.

"Yes.  It's a biased perspective.  You're looking for proof to support what you already believe is true.  Because you want it to be true." Natalie says.

Lydia leans closer, giving her mother a determined look, "Stiles is real.  I know it."

Natalie sighs, "But do you believe there's a possibility he's not?"

Lydia became hesitant, she couldn't say no, yet she couldn't say yes.  She didn't know what to tell her. 

Natalie could see she was struggling with herself,  she leans back against her chair, crossing her legs, "Okay.  Tell me everything you know.  I'll be your unbiased perspective."

Lydia sighs and rolls her eyes.


On the field, the players of each team were yelling and jeering.  People in the bleachers were cheering for their teams.  Every player from each team were practicing and gearing up to play.  Liam, Scott, and Corey were approaching the field.  They see the players who were marked.

"I'll take Steinbach and Wallace." Scott says.  "You take Gwen." He says to Liam.  "You're on Okafur." He says to Corey.

"What if I see Ghost Riders?" Corey says with worry in his voice.

"Yell." Liam says.

"Then get ready to fight." Scott says.

The referee runs to the field and blows his whistle, alerting all that the game is starting. 

The game begins and Corey takes off to protect one of the players, but he ends up on the ground as the other team steals the ball. 

The player he was suppose to protect scoffs at him, "Find your own space."

The other team scores a goal, which has Coach Finstock ready to rip his hair out of his scalp. 

Liam goes off again and runs into Gwen, sending them both to the ground, "You wanna back off?" She glares at him.

People were cheering for Liam in the audience as they all played.  But, Scott, Liam, Corey were determined to protect the players.

Scott runs and crashes into the Steinbach and Wallance.  They both glare at him in disbelief, "Come on, man."

"There's no ghosts out here, McCall." Wallace scoffs at him.

Another score made by the other team.  Coach was fuming at them. "What are you doing out there? I'm gonna kill the three of you." He smirks and moves.

On the bleachers, Mason was struggling to come up with a plan to stop the Riders, but he was drawing a blank.  What could stop them...besides Seth.  There's gotta be something.

"Do these guys ever practice?" Lori scoffs.

"Not enough." Sydney sighs. 

Mason tries to block them out, he needed to think. 

Sydney and Lori notices his distress and Sydney places a comforting hand on his shoulder, "It's just first period." She assures him, assuming he was distraught about the game.

"They could still win." Lori says.

Mason gives them both an assuring smile and turns back to think.  What can stop the Ghost Riders?


Down in the bunker Malia walks around, watching all the students.  She could sense their fear, their worry, their frustration.  Josie sighs as she rubs her aching back.  With her belly growing, the weight of it was causing such horrible back aches.  Myst was skimming through her book, trying to find something about the Riders.  Toby was being Toby. 

"How do you know that they can't get in and shoot all of us? I'll never graduate.  I'll never do anything.  This is it!" Jayden panics as tears fall from her eyes.

"Give me the stun gun." Malia snarls at Chris.

"Oh, hell no.  Someone needs to slap that bitch." Toby mutters.

"Can you think of a better, less-seizure..." Chris looks over to Toby, "And less hitting inducing way?"  He looks over to Josie.  "Josie, can't you do that comfort thing?"

"Don't any of you get it? We are never leaving this place." Jayden panics more.

"That's it. Mysty, please knock the bitch out." Toby say.

Malia growls lowly and Toby Scoffs, "And don't be growling at me, Missy."

"I will slap you the coyote out of yo' ass before you can push a fang out of that smart mouth." Toby pops a hip and gives her a mocking 'well' face.

Malia sighs and moves to comfort Jayden, "Jayden."

Jayden was trembling and shuddering in fear, "It's okay.  Before they get in here, they got to go through us."

"What if that's not enough?"

"No one is getting through that door." Malia says strongly.

"Got that right.  No Ghost Rider ain't getting by us.  And I don't get a rat's ass if none of ya'll believe.  The Riders are vicious creatures, but you have us.  We're stronger than them." Toby says and throws an arm over Malia's shoulder.  Malia glares at him.

Myst gets up, "He's right.  You guys are safer with us."

Jayden sighs, she was still terrified, but she felt a little better.  She moves back to where she was. 

Malia frowns when she notices that they're were less people in the bunker with them.  She gasps and turns to Chris.

"Nathan's missing."

"AAH!" Josie screams in pain, clutching her stomach.  Myst and Toby rushes and grabs her before she falls.

Several students shoot to their feet, "What's wrong with her? Is she ok?"

Breathing heavily, Josie tries to control her pain. But, Seth was in distress and she knew why.  Right on cue, loud sounds of thunder were made from outside.  Even down below in the bunker, they could hear it. 

Toby's eyes go wide, "Oh, shit."

Chris and Malia move to another part of the bunker and finds a vent broken into.  Nathan must have go through to escape.

"God, I hate teenagers." Myst growls.

Chris paces with Malia to the door and turns towards the students, "Ok, you all stay here with Toby, Myst, and Josie.  We're gonna go after Nathan."

"He's going to break the seal.  Don't let him break it." Josie grits her teeth.

"We won't.  You got Mountain Ash?" Malia asks Myst.

Myst holds up a jar and Malia nods and takes off with Chris, shutting the door in the process.

"What's that stuff?" Jayden asks.

"Extra protection." Myst says as she unscrews the lid. 

Every student looks at her weirdly, "What's a bunch of ash gonna do to protect us from guys with guns?" A male student scoffs at her.

Myst flings out the ash and they all watch as it forms a protective barrier around the room. 

"How did you do that?" Jayden asks.

"Don't break the seal.  They won't be able to get in." Myst says, but she sees doubt in their eyes.  "Ok." She scoffs and moves towards the seal.  "You all watching?" She asks and lifts a hand.  She calls her powers to make the barrier block her.  She presses her hand in the air and shows them the barrier.  Everyone gasps as they see the electric force pushes her hand back.  Myst turns back towards them, "Now, anything that wishes us harm won't be able to touch us as long as that barrier is up.  Don't do anything that will break it.  If it breaks...we're screwed."


Mason continues to watch the teams tear each other apart.  He couldn't think of anything that could stop the Riders.  Till he watches a player from each team jump into the air at each other.  The way they jumped reminded him of the Fresco in the operation theater where the dread doctors hid.  The Beast and The Hellhound.  He thinks back at the party...after Seth took over Josie's body and lets her go...Parrish was there.  Parrish!

"Yes.  Yes.  Yes."  He whispers.  That's it. That's the answer.  Parrish. 

Just as Devenford makes a score, Mason jumps to his feet, cheering at himself, "Yes!"

The audience groan and look at him weirdly.  Awkwardly, he looks around and sees everyone glaring at him. 

"Wrong team." Sydney and Lori point out.

"Sorry." Mason mutters and takes off to call Parrish.

On the field, tension and rage seems to be filling the air.  Teams were at each others throats, more than usual.  Liam is slammed to the ground again and fights the Devenford Prep player, blocking his swings.  The referee had to throw a yellow flag and brakes them up.  Liam glares at the player, getting up in his face, then storms off to Scott. 

"Yes, Dunbar! That's the kind of passion I want to see.  Unleash hell!" Coach Finstock yells in triumph.

Liam scoffs and frowns at Scott in confusion, "What's gotten into everyone?"

Scott looks around and sees everyone pushing and shoving each other.  He could smell the thick scent of rage in the air. 

"What if it's the Wild Hunt? What if it's affecting everyone?" He says in dread.

The thunder rumbles loudly in the air as the air begins to whoosh around.  They were coming.  They all could feel it. 

Hayden watches Gwen, keeping watch for everyone who was marked.  She needed to protect them. 

Mason comes running, out of breath, "It's Parrish." He pants out, "He's the reason the Ghost Rider left the party."

"Parrish?" Hayden frowns in confusion.

"Call on your sister.  Tell her we need to meet Parrish at the school right now."

"What about Gwen? What about the other players? We have to keep them safe." Hayden stutters out.

"Parrish could keep everyone safe."

Suddenly, the loud sounds of horses were made.  Lightining crackled loudly in the air as the rain begins to fall.  Scott takes off his helmet and looks around.  Corey comes running towards Scott, snatching his helmet off and looking out into the distance.

"They're here."

"Liam!" Scott shouts.

Liam stood next to Gwen, "I see 'em!" He shouts back. 

Lighting crashed loudly as they see the Riders galloping towards them from the shadows.  Their horses nickering eerily as they drew closer.  


Malia jumped from the vents as she follows Nathan's scent.  It led her to another vent that was broken open.  Nathan was close to the exit, but she knew he wasn't there yet.  This place was a maze.  She hopes he won't find the exit. 

"Anything?" Malia breaths heavily.

"Nothing.  You got his scent?" Chris asks.

Malia looks around, and sees a path that's thick with Nathan's scent, "This way."


"AAH!" Josie groans as another hard kick was made.  She grips onto the table as hard as she could. 

"Maybe it'll help if someone holds her hand.  Giving her leverage." A female student suggests.

They all look over as they hear metal creaking loudly under Josie's hand.  Josie pants as she lets go.  She made dents in the shape of her fingers into the table.

"By all means, be my guest." Toby mutters as he gestures them to them to go first.

But, they all moved away, avoiding Josie.

"His kicks are getting stronger." Josie pants out to Myst.

"Yeah, I know what that means." Myst says worriedly. 

Thunder crackled loudly and Toby jumped in fear.  He looks up at the ceiling, his eyes widening.

"Oh, shit, they're here."

Everyone looks over to him fear.

"Ya'll better pray that Nathan doesn't get out.  That Rider will find his way down here if he does." Toby says.

"Man, Nathan is such a dick!" A boy growls.

Josie suddenly begins shuddering as if she was freezing, but she knew what was happening.  

"Oh, no.  Seth, no." Josie tries to sooth him. 

"Oh, boy." Toby rushes towards her, grabbing her arms as Myst stands close.  Josie begins to go limp in his grip.  Her head falling forward.

"What's going on?" Myst asks with worry.

"Seth is having a vision, and he's taking his mama with him.  Seth!  You can't fight the Riders.  You're too vulnerable being in there." Toby tries to call out to Seth.  But, grunts in frustration.  "Seth is being a little hardheaded ass.  SETH!"

Josie snaps her head up him, but her eyes weren't green anymore.  They were sapphires, glowing brightly.  Toby gasps as he sees that it wasn't Josie anymore.  It was Seth.

Panting, "Seth..." Toby begins, but Josie pulls him close and starts whispering in his ear.  Toby listens to ever word that was being said.  Soon, Josie arches up and a bright glowing light erupts from her body and takes off up into the air, through the concrete and into the sky. 

Everyone looks at him in shock as he holds Josie's limp body in his hands.  He was still in shock himself.  He knew Seth was powerful, but that much power....he never imagined.  Not even an unborn Phoenix was capable of that. 

"What the hell was that?"  Jayden exclaims.

"Our salvation."

Part of Seth's essence traveled through the storm clouds.  Racing against time itself.  Through the clouds, his essence began to take form.  Screeching loudly with the lightning.


Scott and the others jump in shock as the lights on the field begin to blow out, leaving them in the dark.  The rain continues to pour harder.  The storm was too much so the referees cancel the game.  Sending all the players, off the field, leaving Scott and the others taking their stand.  The crowd boos at the referees call and a few people already started to leave.

"Oh, come on, ref! This is barely a thunderstorm!" Coach Finstock shouts over the crashing of thunder. 

Liam runs towards Scott with Gwen, shoving her behind them.  To protect them all. 

"Okay.  We've got all three, right?" Scott asks, getting ready to fight.

Liam looks around and frowns at Scott, "Scott, there were four."

Scott frowns and sees Liam look over, his face becoming in shock as his eyes widen.  Scott needed to see them.  He grabs Corey's hand and sees the Riders.  All four of them (I know there's 4 in total, but I'm gonna add one temporary.  So instead of three on the field, there's 4)

They all watch in shock as they see one of the Riders galloping away, while dragging one of the players across the grass. 

The player screams in terror as he's being dragged off by the Rider.  In a flash, he disappears into a puff of smoke as his screams fade into the storm.


Parrish rushes to the school as soon as he got the call.  He wasn't sure why they needed him, but he felt like he needed to help.  He snaps his head as he sees Hayden and Mason rushing towards him, breathing heavily.

"Why did you call me?"

"The Ghost Riders are afraid of you." Hayden says.

"What?" Parrish scrunches his brows at them. "How do you know?"

"You're the reason he left Gwen.  You can stop them.  We need you." Mason says.

Parrish reaches to grip his gun, but Mason stops him, giving him a look.

"The other you."

Parrish sighs, the Hellhound.


Malia and Chris rush through the tunnels, searching for Nathan.  Malia continues to follow his scent. 

"You were good back there with Jayden." Chris says as they run.

"Thanks.  I still want to kill Nathan." Malia growls as she skids to a halt as they come to a series of tunnels.

"At this point, so do I.  Which way?" Chris asks.

"This way." Malia says as she picks Nathan's scent up again and they both take off down a tunnel.


Scott and the others continue to protect the players, but the Riders saw others they needed to collect in the crowd. 

A woman with red hair slowly rises to her feet as she sees one of the Riders slowly walking towards her.  She has seen him before.  Her fear skyrockets as he drew closer and closer.  She was frozen in her feet. 

"Are you okay?" Sydney asks in concern.

The woman turns towards her.  She could see that Sydney had no clue.  She couldn't see the Rider.  She had to get out of there!

The Riders on the field were getting closer and closer towards Scott and his pack. 

"Oh, my God! They're real!" Okafur exclaims in fear.

"We got to get out of here!"

"Stay together.  We'll protect you." Liam says.


They all watch the Riders riding closer towards them.  The crowd in the bleachers had no idea what was going on, except a few who could see the Riders.  Several men rise to their feet in fear.  They take off, pushing people of their way.  Running to escape the Riders.

The loud eerily sounds of the horses filled the field.  Scott had no choice.

"Run!" He screams, but when they turn, the riders surround them.

"Stay close!" Liam shouts.

In the parking lot, the people who could see them, couldn't escape their fate with the Riders.  One by one...they were taken.  Scott could hear the gunshots going off in the distance.  They were taking people.  All who have seen them.

Scott and the others struggled to keep the marked ones safe around them, but there were too many.  When one Rider had his shot...he took it.  Scott watches in horror as one of his team members disappear before his eyes.  He lets go of Corey, and too his horror...

"I can still see them!"

Liam watches one of the Riders aim his gun towards Gwen, but he wasn't gonna have any of that.  Growling loudly, with his eyes glowing brightly and his fangs erupting from his mouth, Liam takes off and jumps at the Rider.  Attacking him.

"Liam!" Scott shouts for his beta, but he holds back, trying to protect the others. 

Liam growls and swipes at the Rider, but he was too strong.  With a powerful shove, Liam is thrown off the Rider. 

Another Rider aims his gun, and shoots the other player.  Taking him.  One more to go. 

They all surround around Gwen, desperate to protect her. 

Liam growls and gets to his feet, taking his stand with Scott.

"We can't stop 'em!" He shouts.

"Protect Gwen!"

Scott roars at the Riders, his alpha red eyes glaring at them all as his fangs erupt from his mouth.


"You want what?" Melissa exclaims loudly as she stands behind the receptionist desk, looking at Natalie and Lydia in disbelief. 

Lydia and Natalie look at her awkwardly as Melissa looks around seeing that she gained a few people's attention. 

"You want what?" She speaks softer.

"Claudia's medical records.  Just for a minute.  We know it's a lot to ask." Lydia says quickly.

"It's up there.  It's way up there." Melissa points out. 

"As the more recently enlightened of the two of us, just trust me.  There are lives at stake." Natalie tries to explain.

"Letting the two of you look at private medical records is completely and utterly against hospital regulations." Melissa points out. 

Natalie and Lydia both had disappointed faces. 

"So, we better make this fast." Melissa adds.


Malia continues to follow Nathan's scent, but skids to a halt.  His scent led her right there in the middle of the tunnel.  But...

"You lost it?" Chris asks.

Malia paces back and forth, "No.  I don't know.  Maybe." She pants, "It's like he was right here."

"But no Nathan." Chris points out.

"He's still here.  I know it." She says determindly.  She follows the scent and looks up a wall, seeing a small vent.  She moves closer to the wall and leans in, from behind the wall she could hear panting.  It was Nathan.

"Nathan, I know you're there." Malia's voice echos around Nathan as he jumps off the wall he was leaning on. 

He looks around in fear, but sees the vent, "How?" He couldn't understand how she knew he was there.

"Stay put.  We're coming to get you." Chris's voice echos through the vent.

"No, you're not." Nathan snarls and runs off through the tunnels.

"He's moving.  You need to stop running.  You're gonna lead them right to us! Nathan!" Malia shouts.  She grunts in frustration and runs off the find him.  As they turn a corner, they see Nathan running ahead through the tunnels.

"Shoot him."  Malia says.

"Did you listen to my story?" Chris looks at her in exasperation.

"Just clip him.  You clipped me." Malia points out.

"You healed.  Come on.  We're wasting time." Chris says and takes off to follow Nathan.

Malia growls lowly and follows.


The woman from the crowd busts through the school, panting in fear as she runs.  She had to get away.  Away from the Rider.  She looks over her shoulder as she runs, the Rider busts through the doors as the wind whooshes around him.  She looks and sees Parrish and Hayden and Mason run from around the corner.  She races towards the Deputy, hoping he can save her. 

The Rider draws his gun and aims it at her.  With a loud gunshot, the woman feels the impact of the bullet.  With the wind, she disappears in a cloud of smoke. 

Parrish watched in horror at what he just saw, "Stay back."

Mason and Hayden moves back away as Parrish begins heading towards the Rider, slowly becoming the Hound.  The Rider watches Parrish transform as his uniform burns off him.  Parrish lets out a loud growl as he begins to charge at the Rider.  But the Rider aims his gun at Parrish and shoots. 

The impact of the gun sends Parrish to his feet, the power of the bullet forces his hound back, transforming him back into human. 

Hayden and Mason couldn't believe what just happened. 

Hayden calls forth her wolf, flinging her claws out and charges at the Rider with a loud growl, but a lightning bolt erupts where the Rider stood.  Causing Hayden to stop in her tracks.  The Rider takes off with the lightning, disappearing into thin air. 

Hayden gasps, she knew they were after Gwen.  She needed to get to the field. 

All three of them snap their heads as they hear loud screeching coming from outside.  Mason's eyes go wide as he watches a bright, blue form fly by the windows, screeching loudly in the air.

Scott and the others struggled to keep Gwen safe.  They all growled and snarled at the Riders in warning. 

Suddenly, the Riders look up as if they sensed something.  Scott frowns with Liam and they snap their heads towards the parking lot.  Screeching loudly, a glowing fiery, form of a Phoenix flies through the clouds and swoops down into the field. 

"Duck!" Scott grabs Gwen and pushes them to the ground as the phoenix swoops and screeches at the Riders.  It rushes towards one, snatching it off it's horse. It's horse neighs loudly and takes off. 

The Rider screeches as it fights the Phoenix, but the Phoenix was too strong.  Screeching loudly, the fire around the Phoenix grew, burning the Rider till it was nothing but ash. 

The Phoenix screeches in triumph and turns to the other riders. 

Scott and Liam get to their feet, to block the other Riders.  Gwen knew they weren't going to stop till they had her.  This is what she needs to do.  She gets to her feet and stands in front of Scott.  Challenging the Riders.

"Come on!" She shouts at them.

The Rider aims his gun at her and Scott rushes to pull her out of the way, "No!"

It was too late, the rider shoots Gwen.  The impact of the shot, throws her into Scott's arms, but she disappears into a cloud of smoke.

"No!" He shouts in anguish. 

Just like that...the Riders were gone.   The Phoenix growls as they retreated, but he senses them still...they weren't retreating...they were moving. 

The Phoenix screeches at Scott, gaining his attention as it lands with grace on the wet grass.  Standing 7 feet tall.  Scott looks at the Phoenix, into it's eyes.  Seeing the Sapphire eyes. He could sense something familiar about it.  He could see a part of him and Josie inside those eyes. 

"Seth?" He frowns.

The Phoenix caws and flaps his fiery wings, and turns its head towards a direction.  The Bunker. 

"Josie." He gasps.

The Phoenix caws, as if he was agreeing with Scott.

His eyes widen, "Seth, go! Protect your mother!" He shouts. 

As soon as he says that, the Phoenix disappears into a light and fades.  He hopes Seth and Josie will both be OK.


Josie gasps loudly as she snaps her eyes open.  She finds herself sitting on the floor, leaning against a wall.

"Oh, thank god!" Myst exclaims. 

"We thought you were out of it, girl." Toby says.

Josie pants in shock, she looks at them all with sadness, "Myst..."

"What?" Myst asks with caution. 

"They took them.  All of them." Josie whispers in dread. 

Toby and Myst look at each other with worry then towards the rest of the students.

Outside in the tunnels, Malia and Chris rush to catch up with Nathan.  To their horror, he reaches the exit and climbs the ladder to be free.

"Nathan! Nathan!" Chris shouts.

"We can keep you safe!" Malia shouts.

"Bull.  I'm out of here." Nathan sneers and pushes the grate off.  The grate lands on the side with a loud clanking.  He sighs in relief as he was finally free.  But he looks up fast and sees a Rider.  He snatches Nathan up as quick as lightning and shoots him. 

Malia and Chris skid to a halt and watches the Rider jump from above.  His spurs ring as he hits the watery ground.  They could hear the horses up above neighing eerily.  Two more appear from above.  Malia's eyes widen as they all draw their guns and one draws his whip. 

Chris aims his gun at them and Malia calls forth her Coyote, letting out a loud roar at them all.

One snaps his whip at them and Chris begins to shoot. 

Everyone in the bunker snaps their heads towards the door as they hear the fight outside. 

Jayden whimpers in terror and one student holds her close in protection. 

Toby and Myst help Josie to her feet and the three of them takes their stand towards the door. 

"We can't let them get the kids." Toby says determinedly. 

"I can't let Seth fight." Josie states.

"Don't worry.  We'll stop them." Myst says.

They begin to hear spurs clicking on the ground, drawing closer.

Josie groans in pain as Seth continues to kick.

"How in the hell are you gonna stop them, vomit morning sickness all over them?" One student whispers in frustration at her.

Growling, she snaps her head towards him, her eyes glowing red as he fangs sprout, "Just stay behind us." She snarls at him.

The student jumps in terror and all of them press themselves against the wall.

Josie turns back towards the door, flinging her claws out as the spurs draw closer.  They jump as the door begins to be pounded on.  With a hard pound the door falls forward at them and three of the Riders stand before them.  Growling lowly, Josie watches all of them.  Myst calls forth her powers as her eyes storm over.  Toby glares at them with the fire of the phoenix. 

The Riders all draw their guns at them all, ready to break the barrier. 

Josie lets out a loud powerful roar.

(Too stupid?  I'm just iffy with the whole Seth thing.  I mean this is something beyond Teen Wolf...please leave me comments.  Tell me what you think)

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