Chapter 17: Our New Captain

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Meanwhile, Melissa searched for Claudia Stilinski's medical files for Lydia and Natalie in the Medical Records storage.  Even though this was against the rules, Melissa knew it was important for Lydia and the others.  Lydia explained that it's possible that Claudia and Sheriff could have had children, but don't remember.  Maybe a child named Stiles.  Melissa pulled up Claudia's file and sighs in disappointment.

"Sorry, guys.  According to her medical records, Claudia never had children." Melissa says.

Lydia purses her lips in frustration and Natalie gives her daughter a look of sympathy.  She knew Lydia was determined to find more information. 

Lydia looks over the file and notices something off, "Well, but she had..." Lydia points at the record.

Melissa frowns, "Frontotemporal dementia.  There must be a mistake."

"How long ago? She seems fine now." Natalie exclaims.

Melissa scans the record and leans back in surprise, "Ten years? I'm surprised she's still alive, honestly.  It's a miracle."

But, was it more than a miracle?  No one with Frontotemporal dementia would survive past 7 years.  But, Lydia couldn't come up with anything to back her up.  Maybe, it was just a miracle. 


Hayden and Mason meet up with Liam and Corey.  Liam was still pretty weak from the fight and Hayden helped him by throwing his arm over her shoulder and helped him walk till he could heal.  Corey felt defeated and Mason was no worse.  He could have sworn he had the best answer to stop the Riders.  Why didn't it work with Parrish?  Just how strong are these guys?

Hayden pants as they walk around the corner and meet up with Scott who was on his phone.  He shuts his cell off and turns to them.

"I can't get a hold of anyone at the bunker." Scott says.

"Do you think they hit the bunker?"  Mason asks worriedly.

"It's possible.  We need to get over there soon." Scott says and begins to leave, but Liam stops him.

Liam sighs in disappointment and lets go of Hayden gently to stand before his Alpha, "Scott....Tonight..." Liam stutters.

Scott shakes his head, "No.  Hey, it's not your fault.  It's mine.  We should have done both.  Defend the bunker and use a lightning rod.  It would've given us a better chance." Scott says.

Liam nods, keeping quiet, but he still silently kicked himself.  Scott heads towards the locker room to change.

"You okay?" Hayden asks Liam softly.

Liam sighs and shakes his head, "No."

Hayden knew how defeated he must feel.  And knowing Liam so well, defeat is something he hates more than anything. 

Liam turns and heads into the locker rooms and runs into his players.  Disappointment and frustration filled the air, but Coach Finstock had a huge grin on his face.  It was kinda disturbing.

"There he is.  Look at that.  The humility.  The grace.  Sure, that wasn't lacrosse we played out there tonight.  That was la-crap!" He yells at the players and stands next to Liam with pride, gripping his shoulders.  Liam could feel how proud Coach was of him. "But you You stayed on the field while the rest of these losers ran inside."

"Coach, we lost.  We lost everything." Liam says in disappointment.

The grin never left Coach's face, "Listen to the despair.  The rage simmering underneath it.  See that, people? He still thinks he can win.  That's why next time he will win.  Because he will find a way.  Now, show your new captain some love, you pukes!" Coach yells at his players.

What was left of the team clapped for Liam half-heatedly with made Coach loses his grin and grit his teeth at them.

"I said, 'Show him some love!'"

The clapping grew and his teammates begin to chant his name. 

Liam still felt horrible, but Coach was right.  He will find a way.  He will find a way to beat the Riders. 

Liam and Hayden snap their heads towards the hallway as they hear a familiar howl erupting from the air. 


After letting out the howl, it wasn't long till Josie could hear the sound of ambulances coming for them.  Someone from the pack must have called. 

Josie sat limply against the bunker entrance.  She was exhausted and sore.  But, Seth was ok.  Thank god.  She winces as she pulls her jacket away and pulls down her shirt to see her chest covered with bruises made by the bullets of the Riders' guns.  Malia was already healing.  Chris was in really bad shape.  Myst was out cold and Toby was beaten up, but still alive.  Only thing that was bruised besides his body was his ego. 

Deaton rushed to the hospital once he found out about Myst.  She was still out when she got there.  The doctors couldn't explain the bruises on her body.  But, seeing how familiar they were, Deaton knew.

Toby walks out of the exam room after they fixed up his cuts.  He would heal in time.  It'll just take longer cause of the Rider.  He heads up to the elevator but holds it when he spots Scott. 

"Thanks for calling." Scott pants as he rushes into the elevator.

"No problem, Papi." Toby sighs and presses the button to where Josie was.
"So everyone was taken?" Scott asks.

"Yup, they got them before we could even do anything.  They shot at all of us.  Look." He pulls back his tank top, showing Scott several bluish purple bruises staining his skin around his collar bone and shoulders.  A few on his chest.  "They can't take me or Myst.  I'm a Phoenix.  Myst used her powers. Myst was able to block a few of their bullets with her powers, but damn these mothers are strong."

The elevator alerted them that they arrived on their floor.

"What about Josie?  Seth?" Scott asks worriedly as they make their way towards the rooms.

"They are both good, but your son is one hardheaded little bird.  He knew you were in trouble." Toby stops in the middle of the hallway.  "Before he left his mama's body, he whispered to me that you needed him.  He could feel it.  They wanted the ones on the field more because there were souls there besides the players.  A lot of them." 

Scott nods, "They took a few people who were at the game.  A few parents."

Toby sighs and shakes his head, "Mm-mm, they want all the souls they can get.  The game was an appetizer for them.  The bunker was just the main course.  But these bastards are greedy.  They want more.  We need to find out why they are here.  Of all places in the world, why Beacon Hills?" Toby sways.

"Well, Beacon Hills is the source of the supernatural.  The Nemeton is a beacon." Scott stutters.

Toby wiggles his finger in disagreement, "Mm-mm, boyfriend.  The Riders never go after a town that carries a Nemeton.  They know better.  Something is drawing them here." Toby gives him a hard look and falls back against the heavy door, moving out of the way for Scott. 

Scott walks in and sees Josie sitting up in her bed, wiping her eyes. 

Scott looks at her tears and his heart was breaking for her.  She was scared, but relieved.  He could feel it.  He rushes to the bed and pulls her into his arms gently.  Holding her close to him. 

"I'm ok.  We're ok." Her voice shakes as she holds on to him tightly, ignoring the pain.  But, Scott winches as he feels it. 

He moves away and pulls her hospital gown off her shoulder.  Seeing more bruises on her skin.  Josie looks away and pulls her gown back over her skin. 

"They didn't get Seth.  That's what matters." She assures him.

Scott shakes his head in shame, "I never should have left."

"Hey, it's not your fault.  We didn't know what to expect." Josie says softly.

Scott sighs and sits at the edge of the bed and rubs her belly, seeing the wires wrapped around her, "What are they examining you for?"  

Josie sighs and slumps against her pillow, "They think we were mugged and shot with rubber bullets.  Which is the best explanation the doctors can come up with to explain the bruises on our bodies.  They want to make sure Seth wasn't injured.  So far I know I can go home in the morning."

"Where's Malia and Argent?" Scott asks.

"With your mom.  Scott, they really did a number on Chris.  Please make sure he's ok." Josie begs softly.

Scott nods, "I'll be right back.  I love you both." He says and kisses her softly before leaving. Josie nods and gives him a small smile.  Sighing, she looks down and rubs her belly. 

Toby moves and sits at the bed, taking her hand in comfort, "Mama wolf, you need to get your beauty sleep."

"Not without Scott.  I don't feel safe when he's away." Josie strokes her belly, feeling Seth squirm.

Toby frowns, "What do you mean?"

Josie leans back against the pillow and looks up at the ceiling, "I've been feeling this lately.  When Scott has to go, I feel like I'm a worm on a hook and the world is littered with snapping fish just waiting to jump and eat me.  I don't feel safe.  But, part of me feels that, maybe..."

"Seth doesn't feel safe." Toby finishes for her.  "Hmm.  Every boy needs his daddy near by.  No matter how old they are.  But, Seth needs to learn he can't protect both of you at the same time.  It's much too dangerous for him.  He was lucky not to be killed." Toby says.

Josie sighs, "It was hard to restrain him.  I could feel his worry...his fear.  It was like mine, but his was fuel to the fire." 

Toby takes her hand into his, holding hers gently, "Your motherly bond with your child is strong, but it can be your enemy.  Every child wants to prove themselves to their parents that they're strong.  You need to unleash the mother inside you and push him back.  Restrain him with the Alpha Female inside you."

Josie bites her lip and looks down at her belly, thinking of all the bad things that could happen if Seth continues to do this before the Solar Eclipse.  She didn't want to lose him. 

"But, what if I can't?" Josie says softly.

Toby leans closer, "You're his mother, which means you rank higher.  He knows that.  You can try and practice.  Talk to him, meditate with him.  Find a way inside the connection and communicate."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"Or I will eat you." He squints at her, giving her a serious face.

Josie couldn't help but laugh, but when Toby wasn't laughing...her laughter died down and a small gulp was made from her. 

Toby leans back, covering a teasing smile with his hand.


Scott lets out a heavy sigh as the doors open to his floor.  He walks towards where Argent's room was and as soon as he makes it to the room, he sees his mom rolling him towards him. 

"Is he okay?" Scott asks.

Melissa sighs and grips the bed's side handles, "He has blunt force trauma to his temporal bone, three broken ribs, and multiple surface lacerations which seem to be from..." She leans closer and frowns at Scott, "Whip marks?"

Chris winces as a roll of pain hits his body.

"What he needs is a lot of rest."  Melissa adds and helps a nurse wheel Argent into the room, but turns towards Scott.

"Is Josie ok?" She asks.

Scott nods, "She and Seth are ok.  She's just bruised.  I'm going back to the room soon."

Melissa nods and goes back to tending to Chris.

Lydia paces over to Scott and Malia.

"What happened?" She asks worriedly and sees Chris lying in the hospital bed.

"The Ghost Riders took everyone.  We barely slowed them down." Malia says in disappointment.

"What about the others?  Josie? Myst?" Lydia asks.

"Myst is still out, Deaton is with her.  Josie is fine.  Toby is with her." Scott stops and sighs, "Tell us you found something."

Lydia was hesitant, she knew they weren't going to like what she had, "I found out Claudia never had children.  So, Stiles can't be her son."

"What about a relic?" Malia asks.  From the look of Lydia's face, it told Malia all she needed to know, "There never was a Stiles, was there?"

Scott was even beginning to lose hope, "It doesn't even sound like a real name."

"We have to keep looking.  Check the school records again.  Or call Scott's dad..." Lydia tries to come up with suggestions but Malia cuts her off.

"We're fighting the wrong battle." Malia shakes her head.

"We're trying to bring Stiles back." Lydia protests.

"The Ghost Riders came back.  We still have no way of stopping them.  At least, nothing that involves Seth.  And whatever they are, they're real.  We can't keep chasing someone who isn't."

Scott couldn't help, but agree, "He didn't leave anything behind."

Sighing in defeat, "Just us." Lydia says.
While Scott, Lydia, and Malia continue to talk, Melissa sat next to Chris' bed, taking his hand into hers.  Holding it gently and giving him a small, tender smile. 


Meanwhile, at the school, Liam stayed behind to tend to his net.  But, he couldn't help but still kick himself after what happened on the field.  He hated this feeling and he was angry that this was happening.  He had to stop this.  Stop the Riders.  Somehow.  His clenches his jaw and tightens a knot in his net, trying to think of a plan.  He doesn't even snap his head up when he hears his mate's voice and his friends as they come into the locker room.

"Liam?" Hayden frowns as she sees him sitting on the bench.  Despair, anger, frustration reeked his pores.

"What are you still doin' here?" Mason asks.

"Everyone's gone." Hayden says.

"Literally.  And we should go too." Corey says.

But, they all begin to notice Liam's tension.  They knew he was hit hard by this whole thing.  Liam clenches his jaw again and yanks another knot.
"Do you want a ride?" Mason slowly asks.

After a brief moment of silence, "I want to catch one." He yanks on one more knot and puts his lacrosse stick up. 

He heads out the door with everyone following him.

"What do you wanna catch one?" Corey asks in confusion.

"One of the Ghost Riders?" Hayden exclaims.

"Yeah.  Go home." Liam says, not looking at anyone of them and paces away as they stop in their tracks behind him.

Corey sighs when he realizes what Liam was planning to do.

Outside, Liam moves around the school buses and heads to the parking lot, but he turns and sees them still following him.  He sighs bitterly and keeps heading to his car, but turns again when they're STILL following.  He turns and faces them, glaring at them but neither of them were gonna move.

"We're not going." Mason states.

"We're not leaving you." Hayden says. 
"Somebody just made team captain, right?" Corey points out.

His glare drops a little, Corey was right, he was Captain.

"Yeah.  Guess I did." Liam says.

"Then what do we do?" Mason shrugs, waiting for orders.

Liam nods and looks at his pack, "We catch a Ghost Rider." He states.

Hayden couldn't help but smirk at her mate.  He begin to look more like Alpha material now.  Maybe he was right.  He could be Alpha.  But, we shall wait and see.

The four of them take off to their cars, determined to catch a Ghost Rider and soon.  But, not one realizing they passed a familiar jeep that sat alone in the parking lot.  The Relic of Stiles.

(Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  Been having trouble with this chapter.  Plus, we had a severe Thunder Storm last night.  The power was off for over 6 hours.  And with the holidays and the extreme wait of the latest episode.  I'm getting nervous about the changes.  I can't wait to see the next episode)

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