Chapter 21: Did He Ever Exist?

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(Just a reminder: My updates are going to be super slow.  Maybe once or twice a week because of the new episodes that keep premiering and all this new information that I'm getting based on the episodes.  I don't want to screw up my story if I make a mistake.  I want it to match the episode as best as I can)

Now that Stiles got the Radio working, he had to figure out how to get a signal out.  He fumbles around the control buttons, with the help of John, and tries to figure out how to operate the system.  Peter sighs boredly, leaning back against the control system, looking at the monitors where the radio static was coming from.

"Take your time.  No rush.  Only thing at stake is any evidence of our existence soon to be lost forever." Peter says sarcastically.

"Okay, not helping." Stiles mutters, annoyed with Peter's attitude. 

"Please just give it a rest, Hale.  At least we're trying to get out.  You, you rather pick your nails than break one to get a job done." John sneers.

Peter was about to open his mouth, but snaps his head to the door when he hears the distant sound of horses galloping from the tunnels.  He quickly begins to unplug everything, turning off the machines as fast as he could.

Outside, the Ghost Riders made their stop to drop off more souls.  But, one Rider could tell someone was missing.  The Rider hops off his horse and senses something was off in the electrical room.  He looks over his shoulder and all the people in the station gasp and hide behind their chairs.  Terrified of the sight of the Rider's deathly gray, shriveled face.  The Rider turns back at the door that led to the radio and intercom and kicks the door open.  He paces inside, drawing his gun.  His raspy breathing filled the room as he slams the door shut, trapping anyone who could be in the room with him. 

From behind the columns, outside in the station, Peter, John, and Stiles watch and listen.  They could hear loud clattering coming from the room. 

"In case you're keeping count, that's twice I've saved your life today." Peter whispers to Stiles. 

Stiles scoffs at him and continues to watch. 

"We can go back after he's gone.  But, we need to keep watch for them again.  Who knows what they will do when they find out we're trying to get out." John whispers.

Stiles looks over his shoulder at him and nods in agreement.


Lydia, Scott, Josie, and Malia all sat inside the jeep, searching for any clue for a proof that Stiles existed.  Well, except Malia, she just sits and watches them look around for anything.  Lydia searched the glove compartment while Scott and Josie looks in the back.

Suddenly, the radio stops.  Everyone frowns in disappointment that it stopped.

"Why'd it stop?" Malia asks.

"It doesn't matter." Lydia sighs and flips the switches, it wasn't going to come back on any time soon.  "There has to be a reason."

Scott suddenly sniffs the air and becomes startled.  He takes a deeper breath and was severely confused. 

"What?" He frowns.

"You caught a scent?" Lydia perks up.

"Yeah.  Uh...but it doesn't make any sense." Scott still frowns in confusion.

"It's ours.  Right? Our scents.  Mine, yours, all four of us." Josie says and looks down as something catches her eye.  She reaches down and finds something that was impossible.

"Mine? I've never been in this Jeep before."  Malia scoffs.

"Neither have I." Scott says.

Josie holds up an old earring. Her Raven earring. 

"Yes, we have." She says, holding the earring up. 

"What's that?" Malia asks.

"That's one of the earrings Parrish gave you for your birthday last year." Lydia gasps.

"I lost this when I was first experiencing my morning sickness." Josie suddenly gasps as a memory resurfaces.

Josie watches herself vomit in the back seat of the jeep.  She could feel the jeep moving.  She turns and sees Scott looking at her with concern in the passenger's seat and another boy in the driver's seat.  She couldn't see his face, but she could see his eyes glaring at her with the rear view mirror. 

"Oh, that's not right! Josie!" A distorted voice exclaims in disgust.

"She's sick, Stiles." Scott points out, smacking the boy's arm.

"Werewolves don't get sick. They don't. So there's no excuse for her to - Oh, come on!" The boy exclaims in disbelief as another wave a vomit leaves her mouth.

"Josie, are you ok?" Scott's voice starts to echo around her. 

Josie is jerked out of her memory as Scott shakes her shoulder gently, "Josie, baby, are you ok?"

Panting, she looks around for the boy, but he was gone.  But, she remembers.   She lets out a slow exhale of shock and holds the earring close to her.

"We were in this jeep.  We just don't remember it." Josie says softly.

"I thought we were done with that." Malia scoffs at her.

"Uh, yeah, Lydia, Parrish checked the VIN number.  There's no record of owner." Scott says, agreeing with Malia.

"The Jeep didn't just drive itself here." Lydia scoffs.

"And how do you explain the earring?" Josie points out.

Scott thinks twice, how can he explain that.

"Whose side are you on?" Malia scoffs at him, glaring at him in disbelief.

Scott double takes at them all, stuttering, "I'm on everyone's side." He goes back to the back seat with Josie.

"He's not real.  Trust me." Malia states as she puts her foot down on the subject.

Josie moves to lean on the driver's seat, to face her, "Malia, how can you not grasp on the concept of believing Stiles existed.  I know.  I feel it.  I..." She scrambles to go through her notebooks and finds what she's been looking for, but begins to add a few things to it.

Lydia sighs in frustration and goes through the glove compartment again.

Malia shakes her head at them, "I've lost a lot of people in my life.  It's a long list and I don't feel like adding to it."

Lydia picks up some papers she found and found something that might be proof, "You might not have to.  Not if we get him back."

Malia looks close at the paper, it was a owner's registration.  She hands it to Scott who reads it over.

"This is from '96.  And there's no name." He says.

"But there's an address.  129 Woodbine Lane." Malia reads.

"I know that address." Lydia says.

"Me, too.  Stilinski's."  Josie says.  She pulls out a paper and holds it up for all three of them to see.  "I've been dreaming of this person since that night when Scott went sleepwalking into the woods.  I strongly believe this is Stiles." She states.

Everyone frowns at her and looks at the picture she drew.  The face was still distorted but she got the eyes.  They still couldn't remember him.

(I found this drawing online, i don't know who did it, but this is close to how Josie would draw him.  I erased the mouth and nose to make it seem like she still struggles with how he looked)


After the discovery of the jeep's registration and finding the previous owner's address, Lydia made no hesitation to rush over there and confront them about the jeep. 

She handed Claudia Stilinski the registration form and stutters in surprise with what she just heard from Lydia.  They all sat down in the living room, Sheriff sat with Claudia on the loveseat as Lydia sat in a chair in front of them.

"I don't know what to tell you.  I haven't seen that Jeep in almost 18 years." Claudia says.

"It's in your name." Lydia points out.

"But it was stolen." Claudia states.

"Then how did it end up at the high school?" Lydia asks.

Neither of them could answer, "Beats the hell out of me.  I mean, that thing was a junker back in the day.  God only knows who'd want it now." Sheriff shrugs.

"Maybe somebody dumped it there?" Claudia suggests.

"Is there any way to trace the history of the Jeep after it was stolen?" Lydia asks with hope.

"No." Sheriff shakes his head.

"Maybe there's fingerprints in it." Lydia suggests, she felt like she was at her breaking point, she needed to find something about Stiles. 

Claudia sighs, her and Sheriff could see her distraught.

"Lydia, is this about Stiles?" Sheriff asks gently.

When Lydia didn't answer, they knew they were on the right track.  Tears misted in Lydia's eyes.

"Honey, don't you think you've taken this far enough?" Claudia says as she hands back the form to Lydia. "I don't really know what's going on with you lately, but maybe it's a good time to talk to your mom." She ads.

Lydia swallows a hard lump, pushing back her tears.  She didn't know what to think anymore.  She didn't want to believe that Stiles didn't exist, he did.  He must have.  She chokes back a few tears and puts on a small, brave smile.

"I'm sorry.  You're right." Her voice cracks.

"Hey, you okay?" Sheriff asks carefully.

"No, yeah." Lydia waves it off and stutters, "I'm sorry, can you just Uh, do you mind..." She hints for the bathroom.

"Of course.  Take your time." Claudia nods.

Lydia walks towards the hallway, and heads to the bathroom, but stops and takes a shuddering breath as the begins to feel those feelings again when she passes the wall.  She turns back and sees the wallpaper peeled back just a little.  She reaches up and touches the wallpaper, running her hands over the wall to get a better feel but, nothing.  Did he ever exist? 

Lydia turns and leans back against the wall, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.  She slides down to sit on the floor, pulling her knees up and holds herself as she sobs in broken cries. 

Stiles leaned against a wall back at the station, all he could think about was going back home, to be with his friends.  See Lydia again.  Now, that she knew that he loves her.  Truly loves her, he promises that he'll do all he can to go back home to her. 

Lydia sobs again and takes a deep breath to calm herself.  She needed more answers.  Proof that she can find that Stiles is real.  Her heart swells up with pride.  She will find him and bring him home.  To her. 


Scott and Josie were back with the jeep, trying to find more answers, but, the towing company came back.  Josie called Lydia for help while Scott argued with the towing guy.

"We already paid you.  We gave you all of our money for that drop fee." Scott protests as he stands near the Jeep with Josie leans on the side mirror.  She perks up as Lydia pulls up and rushes to them.

"Yeah, and I dropped it, all right? Now I'm picking it up again." The man says sarcastically.

"How much? I'll write you a check." Lydia says.

"It's not about how much.  They want it out of here, okay? It's not up to me." The man moves to do his job but Scott stands in his way, glaring at him angrily.

The man scoffs and laughs, "Don't make me move you, kid, okay? I'm hookin' this thing up and I am towing it away." 

Josie growls lowly as Scott fists his hands by his side so hard you could hear the bones cracking. 

Suddenly, all four of them hear a noise at the towing truck and see Malia pulling the hook apart with her bare hands. 

The man's eyes widen in shock when Malia just smirks at him and hands him the hook, "Your truck's broke."


Back at the Station, Stiles, John, and Peter takes cover when the Riders return inside the station, carrying more people.  Everyone spread around, hiding behind chairs as the horses neigh loudly, galloping all over the station.  People cried out when the Riders shot up their guns in the air. 

"This place is really startin' to fill up." Peter mutters bitterly as the Riders drop off a lacrosse player.  A female.  It was Gwen!

Stiles squints in realization when he recognizes the player.  His eyes widen when she snatches off her helmet, looking around with panic.  A girl who was sitting on the bench, gets up to her feet and pulls Gwen into her arms in surprise and shock.

"Gwen? Gwen!"

"Phoebe? Oh, my god, you're here!" Gwen exclaims in happiness as she sees her sister again, but both of them duck for cover when the Rider shoots up in the air again.  Peter, John, and Stiles move for more cover, but Stiles watches Gwen and her sister Phoebe.

"Wait a second.  That girl, I know that girl.  Her name is Gwen.  She plays lacrosse." Stiles says.

John squints in confusion, "Since when in the hell did they put women on men's sports team?" He exclaims in disbelief.

"It's been that long for you?" Stiles asks sarcastically.

Everyone ducks when the Riders continue to shoot up the air and ride around the station.  Stiles grunts as he ducks for cover.  Seeing all these people here.  He couldn't help but wonder...

"How long has this been going on?" He exclaims.

Peter looks over from his hiding spot, looking at the board.  Seeing familiar names of towns. Beacon Hills being at the top of the long list.  He finally understand what this place was.

"This isn't a train station, this is a way station.  It's not gonna stop." He says.

Stiles frowns, when John realizes what he's talking about.  All of them look up at the names on the board.  Stiles watches Peter's reaction and hears him sigh with dread as he slaps his forehead against the bench.

"What is it? What are those places? Bannack? Canaan? I know you know something." Stiles asks as he looks up at the board, then back to Peter.

"We gotta get out of here.  Nobody is safe."  Peter turns and leans on the bench, looking for a way out.

"Yeah, in here?" Stiles asks sarcastically.

"In Beacon Hills.  Your friends, your family, everyone.  You've gotta go.  They're gonna be taken."  Peter gets up and runs for the tunnels.

"Where are you going?" Stiles whisper/shouts at him in frustration.  He turns to look at John, "Where the hell is he going?" He asks.

"I think I know.  If I'm right, he really is psychotic, but he's right, too.  Everyone we know in Beacon Hills will be taken.  They're never gonna stop.  Come on." John rushes towards the tunnels.

Stiles grits his teeth, and grunts in annoyance as he gets up and takes off, following them as the Riders continues to shoot up the station. 

"What did you see up there?" Stiles pants as he rushes to follow Peter. "The towns.  What did it mean?"

"I just told you.  They're never gonna stop." Peter says as he eyes the portal.

Stiles stops him, "Okay, so what's the plan then?"

Peter turns to both of them, "I'm goin' through the portal." He states and turns back to head to the portal.

"Wait, wait, wait.  No one gets through the portal, you said that yourself." Stiles protests.

"No human can.  But I'm better than human, remember? I'll heal." Peter mutters, but he stops in his tracks when he realizes what this was.  He turns to both of them. "Stiles, John, let's not have a moment."

"If you survive, you have to find my friends for me, okay? You have to tell them about me.  Cause they're not gonna remember me, so you have to tell them that I'm here." Stiles begs.

"When I survive, I'm going to get as far away from Beacon Hills as I possibly can.  And if I happen along one of your below average friends and it doesn't inconvenience me, I might mention your name." Peter scoffs and begins to walk towards the portal.

"Yeah, what about Malia?" John speaks up.  "Stiles said she was your daughter.  Don't you even care about her?"

Peter freezes as he remembers that night at Eichen House, when he escaped.  He smelled Malia's scent in the building, she was there the night of the lock down.  He never knew why.  He wanted to go to her, to help her.  But, he heard her say the words he dreaded.

"Lock-down." Malia's voice was full of disappointment.

He remembered he was pissed when he heard that and he needed to get out to safety.  Peter inhales sharply as he's snapped back out of his memories, breathing heavily.  He turns and faces Stiles and John.

Stiles glares at Peter, "You're doing this for her.  Aren't you?" He says accusingly.  "You're risking being incinerated for her."

"And I'm okay with that." John says, shrugging.

Peter growls lowly at him.

"But, since you're not reliable to tell his friends about his existence, I'm going with you." John says.

Peter scoffs, "You're human, you'll die."

John walks forward, pointing at the portal, "Ghost Riders ride the lightning, right?" He asks them both.

"Yeah, so what?" Stiles scoffs.

John closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, calling forth the water inside him.  Soft gurgling formed around his feet and rushes up to cover his body.  Stiles and Peter jump in surprise as John's body was engulfed by the water.  With a loud splash, the water falls, leaving a soaked John. 

(It looked something like this, that's how the water was as it covered his body)

Breathing heavily, John pushes back his wet hair, "Water grounds out lightning.  Once I'm covered, I'm safe.  If you think I'm letting you go back alone where you could possibly hurt my daughter and grandson, you better think again, Hale." He snarls at him. 

All three snap their heads towards the tunnels as they hear the horses getting closer.

"Stiles.  Stall them."  Peter says.

"W-what? How?" Stiles snaps his head to Peter, stuttering in disbelief.

"Use your head." Peter smirks and heads to the platform.

"I'll make sure your friends know about you.  We'll get you out." John pats his shoulder and runs to the platform.

Stiles nods and rushes towards the tunnel, not really sure how he was gonna stall them.  He gets up on the platform and throws a small bench on to the tracks. 

John and Peter rush to hide behind a platform.

Peter pants anxiously, "What're we doing?" He asks in disbelief.

"Being idiots for our loved ones.  For once." John says. 

They both look out and see the Riders coming, "Ok, I'll take the first one.  You get the next one." Peter says and looks at John, "Just don't let me get shot again."

John scoffs, then looks down and sees Stiles' keys.  Peter follows his eyes, he had an idea. 

Soon, the Riders galloped out of the tunnels.  The first Rider stops when he sees the bench in his way.  His horse neighs loudly, rearing up in front of the bench.  Peter breaths heavily with anticipation and watches the Rider make his way around the bench.

When the Rider was almost close enough, Peter and John take off running.  Peter lands on the back of the first Rider, yelping when the Rider lets out a raspy cry.  But, he still held on.  John runs as fast as he could for the next rider and jumps.  He calls forth the water and covers his body in the air.  He lands into the saddle and holds on to the rider as hard as he could.  The Rider lets out a loud raspy cry, struggling to get out of his grip. 

Stiles watches them take off, not realizing the third Rider coming forth and stopping in front of the platform.  He takes out his whip and snaps it at Stiles, trapping his neck and yanking him on to the tracks with a painful grunt.  Peter and John look back and see Stiles on the tracks, but they had to keep going.  The third Rider takes off, following the others. 

'Come on.  Come on.' Stiles repeats in his head as he watches them get closer and closer to the portal.  Peter was first and he goes through the portal.   John closes his eyes and holds on as he goes through. 

Stiles pants in relief.  He just hopes it worked.


Somewhere in the woods of Beacon Hills, a large green portal forms in the air.  A bright flash is made and Peter comes falling out as green fire engulfs him, but quickly fades away.  But not before burning up his entire body.  Breathing in horrible pain, Peter groans with agony as he lies on the leaves. 

Another bright flash is made, and John falls out, splashing water everywhere.  Coughing and gasping in pain.  John groans and grips his left arm.  It was badly burned, along with a few marks on his back, but he was alive. 

Panting as he lies on the wet grass, he turns and sees Peter groaning in horrible pain.  He looks at him in shock as he sees his severed burned body.

"Call them!" John grits his teeth in pain.

Peter looks over to him with his eyes, he couldn't move much.

"Call them.  Call Scott and the others!" John groans and grips his arm.

Peter begins to struggle to speak.  Opening his mouth, he lets out a loud roar that echos through the entire town, towards the parking lot where Scott, Josie, and Lydia were passed out in the jeep.

Josie jumps from the back seat as Scott and Lydia snap up from their sleep. 

"What the hell?" Scott says as he scrambles to get out of the jeep with Lydia and Josie.

They rush to stand near Malia who looks around in confusion and shock.

"Did you hear that?" Malia asks.

"I think all of Beacon Hills heard that." Lydia says sarcastically.

Josie frowns, "Who is it?"

"I'm not sure, but I think I recognized it." Malia says.

"Go!" Lydia shouts at them. 

Scott and Malia takes off, but Josie needed to follow.  Something told her she had to follow.  She sets her pace and follows their tracks.  Scott and Malia take off in different ways to search for the source of the call.  Panting, Josie looks around, but sniffs when she catches a scent.  Two scents.  She frowns deeply.  She knew one of the scents,'s impossible.

"No." She whispers. 

She jumps and screams when a hand touches her from behind, but she sighs and clutches her chest in relief when she sees it was Scott.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

Before Josie could say anything, Malia comes towards them.

"Hey.  Any luck?" Scott asks her.

"No." Malia shakes her head and looks around, "He hasn't roared again.  I've got a scent but..."

"There's something wrong with it." Josie fills in for her.

Scott nods and sniffs, "It smells like whoever it is, is burning." He says.

They all snap their heads towards a direction as another roar erupts from the air.  They were closer now.  Scott, Josie, and Malia take off towards the sound.  They finally came upon a clearing, but the clearing wasn't empty.  Scott slows his steps and holds Malia and Josie back to walk slowly towards the charred body in front of them.  Smoke was still covering his body.  Blood and soot mixed with the burnt skin. 

Malia was about to take a step forward, but Scott stops her.

"I hear a heartbeat." She says.

"Who is that?" Scott asks.

Malia kneels next to the body, leaning closer to get a good look, "I don't know, but I know the scent.  Even through the barbecue."

Scott and Josie look around, "How do you think he got here? There's no tracks.  No fire." She says.

Malia squints down and jumps when his eyes snap open.

"Oh, my god." Scott moves to the other side of the body, kneeling near him.

"Peter?" Malia gasps.

"Who's Peter?"

Josie gasps, "Peter Hale." Memories of Peter flashes in her mind rapidly.

"My dad." Malia says to Scott.

Scott's eyes widen and he looks down at Peter.  Peter looks over to him and in rush, Scott feels all the memories of Peter he had in the past, hearing his voice.

"You were my beta first."

Seeing him in his beta form. His Alpha form.  What he did to Josie.  To their bond in the past.  Remembering when he first died and came back.

"Peter." Scott gasps as he's snapped back into reality. "He bit me.  How could I forget him?"

"How did I forget him?" Malia asks.

"The Ghost Riders." Josie whispers.  "He was taken.  By the Ghost Riders.  How did he escape?" She asks.

Peter breaths heavily and looks at all three of them, then looks down at his hand.  Hinting them.

"He has something." Malia says as she gets the hint.  When she tried to touch his hand, it was too painful for him.  Peter squirms continuously over the leaves in pain. 

Scott grabs his hand and takes away his pain. Black veins covering his hand.  Malia takes his other hand and does the same. 

While watching, Josie stiffens when she smells the scent again.  She slowly turns to look towards a tree, where the scent was strong.  She walks slowly towards the tree and begins to hear the soft sound of a man groaning in pain.  She slowly makes her way around tree and sees a man leaning on the tree of support as he sits in the wet grass.  He was soaking wet from head to toe, his left arm was burned badly.  She could see his shoulder was burned as well, and assumed he had others. 

HE slowly turns and sees her, his eyes widening in shock as well as hers did. 

Malia holds up a pair of keys at Scott.  Why would Peter have a set of keys.  He frowns in confusion. But he had a theory.  His frown deepens when he hears Josie's heart beat begin to pound with fear. 

He slowly gets to his feet and walks towards her, "Josie, what's wrong?"  He turns and sees the man.

He gasps and kneels before him, "Malia, there's another!" Scott says.  "Sir, are you ok?"

Letting out a pained grunt, John smiles at Scott, "Oh, just peachy.  Nothing like tumbling out of a portal of lightning.  Wanna try it?" He mutters sarcastically.

Scott sighs, "Don't worry.  Help is on the way.  What's your name?" Scott asks.

Before John could talk, Josie speaks up, "John Thompson."

Scott frowns and looks over to her in confusion.

"My father." She says bitterly. 

Scott's eyes widen and he snaps his head back at John.

John gives Josie a small smile, "Hey, sweet pea."

Josie growls lowly at him.


Back at the station, Stiles walks around and looks at the board.  Reading the names over and over.

"Pripyat, Bannack, Canaan, Beacon Hills." He mutters. 

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Canaan." He mutters again and takes off towards the radio room. 

In Beacon Hills, Malia and Josie took John and Peter to the hospital while Scott and Lydia went back to the jeep to try the keys that Peter had.  Lydia holds up the keys and prays that these would work.  Scott was hoping and praying with her.  She holds the key close to the ignition and hesitantly pushes it in and turns it.  The engine begins to turn, but it wouldn't turn on.  These were the keys, but they needed to turn it on.  Lydia breaths heavily and tries again.  Pressing down on the gas as she tries turning it on. 

"Don't flood it." Scott warns.

"Do you even know what that means?" Lydia asks in disbelief.

Scott frowns, "Not really."

Lydia sighs and grunts as she tries turning it again.  Suddenly, the headlights shine brightly and the engine began to rumble softly. 

Lydia and Scott both chuckle in triumph, but, they were hoping it would spark a memory or something, but...nothing.

At the station, Stiles works on the wires again, trying to get the radios to work and hopefully get a signal out.  Radio static was made through the speakers.  He was on the right track, just hope he can get someone's attention out there.

In the Jeep, Scott and Lydia jump in surprise when the radio scanner blares static.  Scott assumed he accidentally turned it on and was about to turn the volume down, but Lydia stops him as soon as she hears a voice speak from it.


"Wait.  Wait, wait, wait, wait."

"Hello? Is anyone there? Can anyone hear me?"

Lydia reaches for the receiver and picks it up, she clicks it on and stutters, "Stiles?" She gasps.

Scott's eyes widen in realization, he grabs her hand and pulls the receiver close to him, "Stiles, are you there?"

"Scott? Lydia? Is that you?"

Sighing in relief and happiness,  Lydia wanted to cry in happy tears.  She finally proved that Stiles is real, "Oh, my god, Stiles.  We can hear you."

"Oh, my god, you know me? You remember me?"

"Stiles, is this you? Is this actually you?" Lydia could barely contain herself let alone get a simple sentence out.

"Yeah.  Listen to me, do you remember the last thing I said to you?"

"You said..." She looks at Scott, blushing a little and turns to speak softly, "You said, 'Remember I love you'."

Stiles' heart clenches at those words.  He did.  He has always loved her since fourth grade.  He'll love her forever. 

Scott's voice snaps him out of his thoughts.

"Are you okay?"

"Where are you?" Lydia asks.

"We're comin' to get you." Scott says determinedly.

Stiles shakes his head, he couldn't risk leading his friends to him.  They needed to find answers first, to stop the Hunt...if they could.  They need to save the town. 

"No, no, no.  You can't.  You won't be able to find me." He protests.

Scott frowns in confusion at the receiver, "Stiles, what what are you talking about? Just tell us where you are, and we'll, we'll come and..."

"Right, just remember this.  Canaan, okay? You have to find Canaan.  Just find Canaan."

Lydia nods, listening to his words as tears trail down her face.  She will do anything to get him back to her.

They both gasp when the radio is suddenly cut and all they hear is static. 

Stiles slowly places the intercom down and sighs.  Hoping and praying that his friends will find a way to save the town.  Stop the Riders.  If there's no hope for him and these people who inhabit the station with be it. 

Scott and Lydia both look at the radio in shock, why didn't Stiles say where he was.

"Stiles! Stiles!" Scott shouts into the receiver.  He needed to find him.  He needed to find Stiles.  His best friend...his brother. 

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