Chapter 22: Hospital Visits

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Josie sat in the waiting room of the hospital, staring out into space in disbelief.  How can her father be alive?  She shot him! She saw it happen.  She shot him in the neck.  And how did he end up in that clearing with Peter Hale?  So many questions drilled her mind, it was giving her headaches.  She needed answers.  Josie looks up as she senses Melissa coming towards her.  Melissa had a disbelief look as well and shock.  She sat down next to Josie, absolutely speechless. 

"It's definitely him.  It's John Thompson." She says.

Josie lets out a sharp exhale of breath, she didn't even know she was holding it in. 

"How is it possible?  John is suppose to be dead." Josie says softly.

"I don't know, sweetie.  But, while examining him, he still has the bullet wound.  But, it looks like you missed the jugular." Melissa sighs and rubs her back for comfort and support.

"But, if he's alive, then who in the hell did we bury in his grave?  Why...?"  Josie couldn't get a word out.

"Why leave you?  Why fake his death?  Josie, I think you know the answer to the obvious questions.  He did it to protect you and your mom.  Even in his rejected state, he still loved you both.  He didn't want to be the cause of your pain anymore." Melissa says.

"But, why didn't he tell us?  Why keep it a secret even from us? I believed for nearly 3 years that I murdered my own father.  I believed that I was a killer.  Believing in that and not knowing it was a lie, pisses me off."  Josie sighs, keeping her eyes on the floor.

"Maybe it's a good time to talk to him." Melissa suggests. 

"I'm not going in there.  What if he hurts me...or Seth?  I'm gonna wait for Scott." Josie sighs. 

"We have him sedated from the pain.  He'll be out for a while.  Did you call Myst or Toby?" Melissa asks.

"Deaton is making Myst stay at home with the kids." Josie stops and laughs.  "I could hear Myst over the phone yelling at him for being thick headed." She sighs, "Toby is trying to get Deaton to compromise.  I think they're all coming."

Melissa nods and sighs, "Well, I need to return to my rounds.  If you change your mind, he's in the burn unit, room 451." She gets up and leaves to Josie in her thoughts. 

Josie suddenly finds herself walking towards the Burn Unit.  She didn't want to be here, but she wanted answers.  No, needed answers.  When she reached for the door, labeled 451. She started to lift a hand to knock, but remembering Melissa saying he was sedated, Josie entered the room. 

There he was...her father...the man who've made her life a living hell since she was 9.  The man who she thought she murdered at 16.  Alive...suffering from burns.  Melissa mentioned earlier that his back wasn't too bad.  The only thing that was worth worrying about was his arm.  His left arm was covered in greening black burns. 

Josie sighs softly and moves to sit in the chair next to the bed.  She couldn't stop looking at his face.  He aged.  Where has he been?  How can she remember him?  How can anyone?  If he was with Peter with the Ghost Riders...maybe there was a chance he knew Stiles.  She had to find out.  But first, he needed to wake up.  Josie squirms to get comfortable and leans on the arm rest, waiting for him to open his eyes.  Myst finally texted her back, saying she was on her way with Toby and Deaton.  Guess they finally compromised.  Scott texted her, letting her know that he will be there soon.  They talked to Stiles! Through the radio that was in the jeep.  Josie rubs her eyes.  They were getting so close to finding him.  She knew it. 

Josie snaps her head towards the door as it creaks open.  Standing at the door was Malia. 

"Hey." She says softly and walks in, shutting the door. 

"Hey." Josie says. 

Malia pulls up a chair and sits next to Josie, looking at John, "So that's your dad?" She asks.

"Sadly, yeah." Josie mutters.

"Not what I pictured." Malia says bluntly as she frowns and tilts her head in curiousity.  "I was picturing a Peter twin or something."

Josie chuckles softly, "I think Dad made Peter look like Barney."

Malia giggles.

"How's Peter anyway?" Josie asks.

Malia snorts, "He's alive, barely.  Melissa says they had to put him in an induce coma, but knowing Peter, he'll burn out the drugs soon."

"You know," John mutters, keeping his eyes closed, "I consider that an insult, comparing me to that sick bastard.  Can't believe he survived the portal." He clears his throat and opens his eyes, turning to look at the two girls before him.  Seeing his daughter.

Malia and Josie jump a little, seeing John awake and looking at them. 

Malia frowns when she catches what he just said,"Portal?  What do you mean, 'portal'?" She asks.

"We went through portal.  Full of lightning.  It was the only way in and out where the Ghost Riders were holding us all." John smacks his lips and groans as a small wave a pain shoots from his arm. 

"How in the hell are you alive?"  Josie glares at him. 

John sighs as the pain dies down and looks at his daughter, "I know I have a lot of explaining to do." He says, making sure she could hear him. 

Josie growls loudly, shoving her chair away, as he eyes glow bright red.  Malia jumps to her feet and blocks her way.   John sits up fast in surprise and shock. 

"Stiles forgot to mention that." He says in surprise. 

Malia snaps her eyes to John in shock and Josie's eyes dim back to their original green.

"Stiles?" "Stiles?" They asked in unison.

"You saw Stiles?" Malia asks with hope.

"Yeah, he's where the Ghost Riders had us all taken.  How are you a werewolf?" He asks Josie.

"First, you answer our questions." Josie sneers at him. 

"Don't you dare take that tone with me, Missy.  I'm still your father." John says with a warning finger.

Josie lets out a humorless laugh, "Ha! Father?  You haven't been my dad since you first raised your hand at me."

John had a look of shame and guilt, "That wasn't me.  Not anymore."

"I know.  The bond.  Why didn't you just leave us?  Why didn't you spare us all this pain?" Josie glares at him.

"Because I love you.  And your mother.  I was hoping my love for you two could be strong enough.  It was...for a while.  But, then I find myself blacking out and seeing myself hit you and nearly killed you both.  When this happened," He points to his neck.  "I took it as a way out.  I rather you think of me dead than being afraid knowing I was still alive." John sighs. 

Josie was quiet for a minute then grabs her chair and sits near him, "You know what our life was like after I thought I killed you?  Many people actually believed that I did it on purpose.  A lot of people wanted me locked up.  Mom was harassed at work when we were still living in Tennessee.  I was beaten and called a murderer.  I wanted to kill myself." Josie growls lowly. 

John sighs sadly, "I...I know it's too late to say 'I'm sorry'.  But, I am.  I am so sorry." Tears mist in his eyes as he gives her a sincere look.

Josie breaths heavily in anger and sadness, "Sorry is way too late." Her voice cracks.

Malia steps forth, "I gotta ask.  Josie said it was because of the bond you went homicidal.  How come you're so...normal now?"

Josie frowns when she realizes that she was right.

John rubs his eyes, wiping the tears that were coming, "The bond went numb after I was taken, then it completely broken when the Desert Wolf was taken down.  Is she finally dead?" He asks with hope. 

"No, our friend Braeden captured her.  Not before I kicked her ass." Malia says.

"So, you're Malia Tate." John smiles and sits up and holds his arms out which startles Malia.  "Come on." He beckons. 

Malia hesitantly moves closer and yelps when John pulls her in for a hug.

Gritting his teeth through the pain, he smiles big as he hugs her, "Just wanted to hug the person who helped free me from that bitch." He lets her go. 

"Uh, you're welcome?" Malia mutters. 
John chuckles, "I know I don't have the best reputation, but I swear, I'm not the same man I was before.  I promise, Sweet pea." John says, looking over to Josie.

"Don't call me 'sweet pea'." Josie frowns in irritation.

John chuckles, "Still stubborn.  But, I swear, Josie.  I'm going to make up those times." He looks down at her belly.  "Stiles told me about Seth. I know you will make a great mother to him.  I don't count on you forgiving me, but...please...please, give me a chance to prove myself.  I want to be a father again...and be a grandfather." He grunts in pain and grips his arm.

Malia frowns, "What's wrong?"

Groaning loudly, "I don't think this is suppose to hurt this bad." John bites out and bites his bottom lip.

Without thinking, Josie stands near his bed and grabs his hand, taking his pain away.  Josie grunts in pain as black veins are mad in her skin.  John watches her in shock and gently takes her hand off him.

"No, sweet pea.  Don't do anything to hurt Seth." He groans.  Inside, he was touched that even though she hated him, she wanted to help him.  But, also he was in such horrible pain.

Suddenly, Myst, Toby, and Deaton comes pacing in and shutting the door, "Have no fear, the doctors are here." Toby chuckles.

"Un-freaking-believeable." Myst gasps as she looks at John in shock.

"Hey, Myst.  What's up?" John grunts in pain.

Deaton moves to look at his arm, frowning at the burns as they glow with an eerily green.

"How are you alive?  I saw you die in my visions." Myst says as she moves to stand near the bed.

John shrugs, "Just lucky, I guess."

"You won't be so lucky unless we can heal these burns." Deaton says as he exams the burns on John's arm.  "There's some sort of poison.  It's trying to make it's way into your heart."

Josie's heart leapt in her throat, "You guys can heal him, right?"

"We can try.  I have a few herbs that might help, and a few spells.  You might want to wait outside with Malia." Myst says. 

Josie sighs and nods, before leaving she turns to her watch her father wither in pain then he looks directly at her and nods, "It'll be ok, Sweet pea." He assures her. 

Malia guides her outside to the nearest waiting room and helps her sit down. 

In the waiting room, Josie couldn't help worry for her father.  Despite what he did in the past, she was still mad, but he was her dad.  She loved him since she could remember.  She didn't want to rush into hoping maybe this can be a change.  She needs to wait...and see. 

She snaps her head up and sees Scott rushing into the waiting room.

"We talked to Stiles." He smiled big at the both of them. 

"What?!" Malia exclaims in disbelief.

"On the radio in the jeep, Stiles contacted us." Scott says as he sits next to Josie.

"Did he say where he was?" Josie asks.  "You never mentioned what he said."

Scott stops and sighs, "He didn't want us to find him.  He said, we wouldn't find him anyway.  But, he told us something.  'Canaan'.  Lydia looked it up.  It's a town about a few hours from here.  We think Stiles wants us to go there.  There might be answers."

Suddenly, the sound of muffled shouting was coming from John's room.  The sounds of a man groaning in agony. 

Scott frowns and confusion and turns back to look at Josie, "What's going on?"

"Deaton, Myst, and Toby are trying to help John.  Some kind of...poison from the burns."  Josie sighs.

"What about Peter?  Did you hear anything?" He turns to ask Malia.

Malia shakes her head, "They're still examining him and working on his burns.  They're trying to knock him out.  Melissa will keep an eye on him and Argent."

Josie slumps against her chair and rubs the side of her head and her belly, "I still can't believe he's alive." She mutters. 

Scott moves to pull her into his arms, "I won't let him hurt you."

Josie moves to look up at Scott, into his eyes, "Scott, his bond is broken.  He's free and...somewhat normal now. can I trust him after all those years?  I forgave him, but seeing him alive now, part of me is worried, what if he has a relapse?  What if the bond reawakens when he sees the Desert Wolf again?  I don't...I don't know what to think."  Josie rubs her face and leans forwards, sighing deeply as stress fills her.

Scott shushes her gently, rubbing her back, "Don't stress yourself.  It's not good for you and Seth."

"It's hard to when my dad returned from grave, Scott." Josie says sarcastically. 

He sighs and rolls his eyes, "Ok, but, you know I would never let anything happen to you or Seth.  Both of you are my life.  I would protect you till my dying breath." Scott says, giving her a serious look.

Josie gives a small smile, she knew he would protect her. 

"Absolutely.  He'll have to go through all of us."  Malia says determinedly.

Josie sighs and laughs softly, "I'm still not liking this, but, guys, remember, he's an elemental, too."

"Want me to torture him?  Cause I will." Malia shrugs.

"No." "No." Scott and Josie both protest.

"We'll keep any eye on him.  And no one leaves Josie and John alone...ever." Scott says.

Malia nods in agreement and places her hand on top of Josie's, giving it a reassuring squeeze. 

All three of them snap their heads to the door as they see Toby gesturing them to come and hurry.  When they paced out of the waiting room, they see Deaton and Myst helping John to stand on his feet as he leans on them for support, his arms draped over their shoulders.

"We need to go." Deaton says.

"What happened?  Did you heal him?" Josie asks.

"It wasn't easy, but yeah.  He's healed.  And we need to get him out of here.  We can't explain how did he heal from extreme third degree burns under 6 hours." Myst says. 

Scott and Josie both nod in understatement and helps them get John to Deaton's car. 

"Myst, is he completely free from the bond?"  Josie asks as they put him in the car.

Myst sighs and runs her fingers through her hair, "From what I can sense, yeah.  His bond is completely dead.  And I'll make sure it won't come back.  Don't worry.  We'll make sure this won't ever  happen again." Myst places a hand on her shoulder, giving her a comforting smile before getting into the car with Deaton and Toby. 

"We'll take him to Derek's loft.  He can stay there for the time being till we figure things out." Deaton says as he starts the car.

Josie nods and gets out of the way, watching them drive off with John.  So, John is back.  Alive and bond free...

Josie suddenly groans in realization and turns to Malia and Scott.

"How in the hell am I gonna explain this to mom?!"

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