Chapter 23: Welcome to Canaan

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Lydia had another dream. She called Josie and told her all about it. She dreamed she was in the girl's bathroom, just washing her hands and when she looked into the mirror, she saw a woman. With wavy blond hair. Then, she had an Alice Through the Looking Glass experience. She went through the mirror and found herself in a small town community. All the houses were old fashioned. White picket fences. She sees the woman heading towards the center of the community. Lydia looks up and sees a huge banner with a very familiar word. 'Canaan'. '35th Annual Neighborhood Block Party. Canaan Day. Saturday at 4pm. Lydia could see several people laughing, talking while grilling out. Dozens of children playing, riding a merry go round. She tried to call out to the woman, but it was like no one could hear her. She tried to rush to the woman, but lost her. When she looked around, she sees the people and notices how old fashioned their clothes were. She guessed it was sometime around the 80s. She tried to look for the woman, she walked near the merry go round, watching the kids ride the horses up and down.

Suddenly, a dark chill rolled down Lydia's spine as she sees a black merry go round horse covered with blood streaks.

A cold wind whooshed through the town and the merry go round comes to a stop as dark clouds form over the neighborhood.

Busting through a house, a man with a terrified expression runs as if he was being chased. He kept looking over his shoulder, but Lydia couldn't see what was chasing him. In a flash of green smoke, the man was gone. As soon as that happened, the screams of the townspeople filled the air as they run around trying to escape the unknown evil. Lydia gasps as all the children from the Merry go round disappear in green smoke. A teenager rushing on his skateboard exploded in a green smoke. Lydia and the woman both look around in shock as they watch all the people disappear in clouds of smoke.

The woman from the mirror was the only one left. As Lydia began to approach her she could hear the woman repeating over and over, 'It's not real' with tears rolling down her cheeks. When Lydia was close enough, she touched the woman's shoulder and she was looking directly at Lydia. Lydia gasps in shock as the woman's face kept blinking from young to old in front of her. All Lydia could do was scream.


(Josie's outfit for the day ^^^)

Scott knew he had to inform Sheriff about hearing Stiles from the radio. They were all slowly remembering Stiles, but Scott knew one thing. Stiles was Sheriff's son. Josie agreed with Scott that he deserves to know, but getting him to believe them was going to be tough.

Before they could leave, John was at the door.

"What are you doing here?" Scott jumps when John had his hand up to knock, but misses the door when Scott opens it.

"Can't exactly prove myself while being in that loft. Plus, Deaton and Myst told me what happened. Stiles finally got the radio to work and you guys heard him?" John asks.

Scott was hesitant, but nods, "Yeah."

"I want to help." John says, crossing his arms over his chest. Before Scott and Josie could protest, John waves a hand to cut them off, "I know I'm not your favorite person right now, but besides Peter, I'm the best shot you got to remembering Stiles and getting answers I may have for you two. I want to show you both that I've changed."

Josie sighs, she hated to admit it, but, he was right. There's no guarantee that Peter was going to be much of a help if he'll ever heal. But, she still didn't trust him.

"Fine. We're going to see the Sheriff, maybe help him remember his son." Josie says and takes Scott's hand as they head to Josie's car.

John groans, "Great." He smiles bitterly.

Scott drove them all in Josie's car, Josie sat in the passenger's side while John sat in the back. He couldn't help but be happy inside that Josie was willing to give him a chance. It wasn't a pleasant start, but it was a start.

"You never answered my question at the hospital. How did you become a werewolf?" He asks.

Josie sighs and squirms in her seat to get comfy. She wasn't in the mood to talk to him.

"Sweet pea, I'm trying. It'll help if you will try, too." John begs.

After a few minutes of silence, John was about to give up till she finally answered.

"It was 4 months ago. We were starting our senior year. Scott and I discovered new things about our bond. Apparently, we share a bond like no other. Very few soul mates have this. First, we found out we share pain. We share feelings, thoughts, even life. If Scott or I ever die, the other will die, too."

John's heart nearly fell to his stomach as he listens.

"During the senior year," Scott begins. "Teenagers were disappearing, taken, by para-scientists called The Dread Doctors. They do experiments on teenagers. Making them into supernatural creatures with the help of science. We called them Chimeras. They were chosen because they carried two sets of DNA. Many of their experiments were failures. When they were failures...they would kill them. Use their mistakes to help them with their success."

"I'm almost afraid to know what the success was." John says sarcastically.

"They resurrected a werewolf from the 1700s. They called him the Beast. A demon wolf." Josie shudders at the memories. "Dad, do you remember Theo Raeken?" Josie asks.

John grunts uncomfortably, "Tall, brown haired, green eyes. Ex-boyfriend of yours who broke your heart. Yeah, I remember that little bastard. Those times when I chased him off was cause of me, not the bond. Well, once. Maybe twice, but the other times, it was all fatherly love. What about him?"

"Theo came back. He was working with the dread doctors, but we didn't know till he almost killed Scott. And me." Josie sighs.

John sighs in anger and grits his teeth, "Really? And where is he? I would love to meet him again." he sneers.

"Our old friend, Kira, banished him to some place. He's with his sister. We found out he's the reason why his sister died. He killed her. For her heart. So he could be chimera for the Dread Doctors." Scott says.

John shakes his head in sympathy, "Sick."

"There was a supermoon when we started to find out about Theo. He tricked Scott and sent Scott's Beta, Liam, to kill him. But, he failed and went after Scott to finish the job." Josie's eyes begin to mist. "I felt it. I felt him killing Scott. All I could think about was praying to god, anyone, who would take me instead of him. Then, I became this." She flings her claws out. "Deaton said with a bond this strong, there was a chance I could become an Alpha Female without the bite. It took us a while to heal from Theo's tricks. But, we won. For now." She sighs sadly and pushes her wolf back. She gasps when John takes her hand and holds it gently.

"You'll win again. I know you will." He lets go and sits back in his seat. "I'm still iffy with you two being parents at a young age." He grumbles.

Scott couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

Wasn't long till they reached the station. John followed behind the two of them, keeping his distance away from Sheriff. Even though he wasn't in trouble with the law anymore, he knew Sheriff wasn't going to be happy seeing him again.

"Sheriff, we need to talk to you." Josie says as they run into him outside his office.

"What are you guys doing...?" Sheriff's voice trails off as he looks behind him and sees a very familiar face.

John stood there awkwardly and gives a tiny wave, "Hey, Sheriff, um, long time no see?"

Sheriff's eyes widen in shock, then slowly turns to anger.

"Um, Sheriff, I know you must be pissed, but..." John is suddenly cut off as a fist comes crashing into his face, knocking him to the floor. "Ow." John clutches his nose and groans.

Jordan and Clark comes running and watches Sheriff shake his sore hand and stand before John.

"I guess that means you remember me?" John groans.

"Very." Sheriff glares at him, but holds a hand out for him to get to his feet.

John takes it and rubs the blood off his nose while getting up, "Nice to see you, too, Sheriff. How are things?"

Sheriff smirks, "Better now that we're even."

John laughs mockingly, "Ha, ha, ha." He says slowly and moves away.

"Sir?" Clarke asks with caution, keeping her hand on her sidearm.

Sheriff waves her off, "Old friend...sort of." He grimaces.

"Sheriff, we really need to talk." Scott says with a serious look.

The three of them head inside the office, and Scott immediately tells him about what he and Lydia heard on the Radio. Sheriff looks at him in complete disbelief and moves to shut his office door.

"All right. You heard a voice coming through the radio, and now you're convinced that it's the voice of..." Sheriff trails off and moves to his desk.

"Stiles." Scott says.

"Your son." Josie says.

Sheriff looks at them both, not believing one word from them. "Uh-huh. And maybe it's just a random signal cross?"

Scott sighs and rolls his eyes, taking the keys to the jeep out of his back pocket and slapping them on his desk, "Peter gave us the keys to the Jeep and it started right up. Claudia's Jeep." He says.

"Oh, wait, wait, so, now I'm supposed to trust Peter Hale, too? The same Peter Hale who tried to kill you, Malia, Liam, and Josie. Not to mention the Argents. He killed a lot of people when he was an Alpha." Sheriff points out.

"He went after the Argents? Why?" John asks.

Sheriff looks at both, Josie and Scott, "You didn't tell him?"

"What? Tell me, what?" John frowns at them.

Scott turns and faces John, "Peter was my Alpha. He turned me. Bitten me three years ago. During that time, Peter on a hell-bent mission for revenge for his family. The Hale Fire."

Josie sighs, "Scott told me this around the time we met. Kate Argent, sister of Chris Argent, started the fire that killed them and wounded Peter. Peter killed Kate. But she came back as a werejaguar...and they teamed up and tried to break our bond."

John looks at them in complete shock and fury, "HE DID WHAT?!" He shouts.

Sheriff jumps when the water from the water fountains begins to gurgle and rumble.

"It's against our laws to break a soulmate's bond when they haven't rejected each other. It's inhumane to do such a thing. What in the holy hell was he even trying to accomplish?"

"To become an Alpha again and take Josie to be his queen. Josie's power to the key to royalty. Anyone who tries to take her..." Scott couldn't even finish the sentence without growling.

Josie moves to wrap her arms around his waist, letting him hold her for comfort. Scott sighs and holds her close against his chest, feeling Seth move around in her belly against his abdomen.

"How did he become an Alpha anyway? When I met him he was a beta." John interrupts their moment.

Scott turns to John, "He killed his niece...Lauren Hale."

John's eyes widen, "Lauren? I knew her. I met her when I went to Talia for help. She watched over you, Josie. When we were talking to Talia."

Josie frowns, "I don't remember."

"You were 7. I...I hit your mom that morning." John looks down in shame, "It was stupid thing. I burned my hand with the coffee and next thing I know, I'm slapping her. That was the first time I ever hit her. We knew it was starting. That afternoon, I went to the bank and closed our savings account. We were saving that money for you when you were going off to college." John sighs at the memories, then suddenly, realizes...

"He was an Alpha. What did you mean by that?"

Scott begins to frown deeply at the memories of that bitter night, "Peter was determined to take the Argents down. Especially Kate. He was going to kill Chris and his daughter..." Scott stops to swallow a hard lump.

"Allison." John finishes for him.

"Before I met Josie, Allison was my girlfriend. I was going to do all I could to save her and her family. Peter slashed Kate's throat. With the help of my friends and Peter's nephew, Derek, we took him down. Derek told me that the only way for me to become human was to kill the one who turned me. But, turns out, Derek wanted his power. So, he killed Peter and became alpha. But, during our Junior year, Cora, Derek's youngest sister was dying. So, he gave up his Alpha powers for her to live."

John's brows hit his hairline, "Damn. Hell of a time for high school for you guys." John turns to face Sheriff. "If you can't trust Peter, try and trust my word. I saw Stiles. I've met him. I've known him since..." John stops his words and sees pictures of him and Claudia together. She was alive. But, how...? Oh no.

"Ever since when?" Sheriff eyes him.

"Ever since...ever since that night I broke your chin. Again, I'm sorry for that. Stiles was in the E.R., waiting for you to be done with your surgery. I sat next to him and apologized." John chuckles. "Stiles kicked me in the shin and called me every bad name he learned at the age of 11. He wouldn't stop even when Melissa dragged him away. Had Claudia's fire. And her eyes."

Sheriff's eyes soften, but still he couldn't buy it. He and Claudia never had a son. Period.

Scott could see he wasn't getting through Sheriff so he steps forward, "Please, just trust me. I want you to trust me. I heard Stiles on that radio, I'm sure of it. If you had heard it too..."

Sheriff cuts him off, "Well, I didn't. Did you, Josie?"

"I was at the hospital, but I believe Scott and Lydia. There's no reason for them to lie." Josie scoffs.

"Yeah. But if you had..." Scott is cut off again.

"Enough, Scott!" Sheriff shouts at him. "Enough." He slides the jeep keys back to them.

They all could see the pain in Sheriff's eyes, so they all drop it. For his sake.

Scott sighs and takes the keys and Josie's hand, leading them out of the office to leave Sheriff with his thoughts.

"Well, that went well." John mutters sarcastically as they head out the door.


"You saw a carousel?"

Malia and Lydia sat in the library at the school. Looking up any information they could about Canaan. So, far they came up with nothing, except for the location.

"And a big sign that said 'Canaan'. And people disappearing in clouds of smoke." Lydia sighs as she tells Malia about her dream.

"Do you ever have nice dreams?" Malia asks sarcastically.

Lydia rolls her eyes, "We need to go to Canaan."

Malia scoffs, "It will be helpful if we knew anything about the place. I keep calling the number for City Hall, and no one answers. The only map I can find it on is 30 years old. So far, the only thing I know about Canaan is where it is." Malia says in frustration and shows Lydia the map she found. It was right next to Beacon Hills.

"That's all we need to know." Lydia says determinedly.

Malia had an unsure, worried look.


Liam met up with Hayden to pass on the plan to her. They roam through the crowded hallway together as they headed for class.

"So, Scott, Josie, Malia, and Lydia are going to Canaan. Apparently, John is going, too." Liam says uncomfortably. Josie has told them all about the past with John.

Hayden frowns worriedly, "How's Josie handling this?"

Liam exhale sharply, "She's pretty freaked out, but, Scott says we should never leave them alone. Just to be on the safe side."

Hayden nods in agreement, "Did Scott say anything else?"

"He said to go through with the plan as long as it doesn't destroy his house." He nods.

"What plan?"

"Your plan."

"I don't have a plan." Hayden frowns in confusion.

"Well, you said you had all these ideas about how to catch a Ghost Rider." Liam points out.

"I had one idea. It was pretty bad. And then I had another really bad idea." Hayden says, meaning the previous ideas from the past.

"Anything that could work?" Liam asks as they brush pass Mr. Douglass (A$$HOLE!!!)

Mr. Douglas calls forth his wolf enough to listen into their conversation as he walks by.

"Yeah, but it's terrible." Hayden's voice echos in his ears.

"Great. Let's do it." Liam's voice echos.

"We need to break into the faculty storage room." Hayden adds.

"To save the whole town from Ghost Riders? No problem."

Mr. Douglas looks back and watches them, knowing now most of their plan. He needed to know.


Melissa need to check on Argent. After learning that he was going to have surgery, she needed to know. To know anything that could go wrong. She pulls back his blanket and his gown, seeing all the bandages over his body. She checks one bandage on his chest, her eyes widening in shock as she sees some sort of green bubbling coming from the wound. Something you see from an infection.

"It's spreading, isn't it?" Chris asks, already knowing the answer.

Melissa smooths the bandage back, "You don't wanna know."

Chris sighs and grits his teeth in pain as she touches his wound. He watches her move away, thinking about the whole situation. She stands next to the end of the bed and turns to face him.

"Uh, how did a whip do this?" She asks, incredulously.

"It was a Ghost Rider's whip." Chris says, correcting her.

Melissa looks over his record, "Well, the regular doctors think that they can surgically remove the dead flesh. You're scheduled for emergency surgery in an hour."

Chris' eyes widen in fear and he tries to get up to leave, grunting in pain. He yanks out a few IVs.

Melissa snaps her eyes to him as she hears the EKG beeping in alert and moves to stop him, pushing him back to lie down, gently as she could.

"Hey Hey Wait! Where are you going?"

"It's a supernatural toxin. If they try to cut it out, it will spread." Chris says, breathing heavily in pain.

Melissa nods and takes his hand, understanding the situation a little bit better, "Tell me what you need."

"I can't go in the operating room. I won't come out alive." Chris says.

Melissa's heart begins to pick up, she looks around to see if anyone was doing their rounds nearby, then looks back down at Chris.

"Then we gotta get you out of here."


(John in his jacket ^^^)

"Are we really bringing him?" Malia asks in disbelief as John comes out of the house, putting on his jacket.

Scott shrugs, "He's determined to go. He won't take 'no' for an answer."

"I don't trust him." Malia glares at him.

"Neither do I, but, he's the best chance we got to find answers about Stiles. He might know more than what Peter may know. We need to start somewhere." Josie says.

Malia couldn't help but growl lowly as John approaches them.

He holds his hands up in surrender, "I just want to help. Ok? I swear to you all I won't do anything to harm anyone. I promise."

Everyone eyes him with caution and he sees a familiar face. John breaks out into a huge grin, "Lydia Martin. I haven't seen you since you were 10 years old. How are your parents?" He asks.

Lydia looks at him in discomfort, "Hmm, divorced. I'm with my mom right now."

John looks at her with sympathy, "Oh, I'm sorry. What about your grandmother? Lorraine."

Lydia's eyes widen in surprise, "You knew my grandmother?"

John smiles, "She was such a lovely woman. We were actually friends in school. Well, Lorraine was a teacher for a while, but after I graduated, she left continue her project with the supernatural. And, yeah, I know she was a banshee. But, I had the feeling he didn't know. I couldn't bring myself to tell her. I mean, how can you tell someone that they're harbinger of death? So, I let her ind out for herself." He stops to sigh, "I owe her so much. She helped me get into the college I wanted. I thank her for giving me a chance."

Lydia gives him a small smile.

Malia claps her hands to gain their attention, "We should get on the road, let's go."

Malia drove while Lydia sat in the passenger's seat. Josie sat against the window, while Scott sat between her and John. To keep her safe.

On the road, Lydia couldn't help but answer his question, with a sad sigh she turns a little to face him.

"My grandmother Lorraine died. Murdered. She was sent to Eichen House."

John shakes his head with grief, "Echo House, ha! That place is anything but sanctuary. Only those who deserved it belong in there. Some of those poor souls in there right now...they don't."

"You were there, weren't you?" Malia asks, sensing anxiety from him when the name Eichen House was said.

John shifts uncomfortably in his seat, "Yeah, for a while. It was before I met Sarah. I lost control of my powers when I was a kid. I nearly drowned a swim team when they were practicing at the old public pool. I wasn't exactly the most popular guy in school. I was pushed around a lot. One day, during a hot summer, I wanted to go for a swim, but the swim team was there practicing for the swim match they always have at the beginning of the semesters. There was one smart ass kid who loved to beat my ass every chance he got. That day he and his buddies pushed me into the pool, and began to pull me under. I just lost it. The pool turned into a big tidal wave and nearly killed everyone there. At least that little bastard left me alone. Lahey was always a dick." He mutters.

"Lahey?" Scott snaps his head to John in surprise.

"Yeah. Hope karma got his ass." John mutters.

Everyone had a knowing look.

Pretty soon, the car was filled with nothing but silence. Scott fell asleep with Josie in his arms. John couldn't help but smile and watch them sleep. Josie rested her head on his shoulder with a hand over his heart. Scott wrapped his arms around her, mostly around her waist. Protecting Seth.

John sighs and hopes that Josie will see the light and welcome him back soon. He wanted to be in her life again and in Seth's life, too. He looks around as Malia pulls into a deserted town and frowns in concern. When she pulls up to stop, Lydia and Malia turn to wake Scott and Josie up.

Scott squints his eyes as he starts to wake up. Josie mutters and rubs her eyes.

"Where are we?" Josie asks.

"According to the GPS, this is it." Malia says.

Rubbing the sleep out of their eyes, Scott and Josie look around in shock. Dust covered the streets as dead grass and leaves ruled the ground. The Houses looked run down and cars were everywhere. Covered in pollen and rust.

They all get out of the car and begin to walk down the streets. Lydia looks around in recognition. Remembering everything from what she saw in her dream.

Josie looks around with wide eyes, rubbing her stomach as Seth begins to act up a little. He was scared. So was she. Josie couldn't help but think...will this be Beacon Hills if they don't stop the hunt?

John stands next to Lydia, looking around in shock, "This is the place?" He asks in shock.

"This is it." She nods and looks around with worry.

"Canaan's a ghost town."

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