Chapter 24: Negative Energy

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Scott, Josie, Malia, Lydia, and John continue to walk through the deserted neighborhood.  Lydia scans around, seeing familiar settings from her dream, yet different.  The white picket fences were broken, chipped, and rotten.  The houses, once  were beautiful with fresh coats of paints, yet now with broken dirty windows, rotting woods, and faded stained yellow paint. 

The wind whooshed all around them, sending an eerily chill down their spines.  Josie shudders at the horrible feeling that was pressing down on her chest.  The air was practically suffocating her. She grips on to Scott's hand as fear overcomes her when she realizes something.  

"I don't hear a single heartbeat." She says in terror as she scans around her. 

Scott looks around, opening his senses, "Me either."

"I'm not catching any scents."  Malia says. 

John looks around, behind them and at the houses.  He couldn't believe the outcome of this place. 

"I wonder why Stiles would send us here." Scott says out loud, as if he was reading their thoughts. 

"Maybe to find a clue.  When I was with Stiles, the Ghost Riders had all of us trapped in this...train station.  Peter called it a way station.  One way, I guess.  On a arrival/depart bulletin board, Canaan was listed along with several other towns.  Beacon Hills was at the top.  I'm gonna guess it's one of the long list of the Ghost Riders hit list." John says. 

The five of them jump a little as a street light begins to flicker and the loud sound of electricity crackles.  Then, the light just blows out.  Malia shrugs and they continue their search.  Not realizing they were being watched.  As they reach the center of the town, they look up and see the rotten banner that had 'Canaan' on it, dozens of crows sat perched on the wires that held the sign.  Lydia gasps in recognition.

"This is the place I saw in the mirror." She says.

Scott, Malia, Josie, and John walked towards the picnic tables and benches.  Seeing old crock pots, cellphones, and newspapers littered everywhere.  Josie found several articles.  Dated way back into the 80s.  April 8, 1987.  Josie winces as Seth kicks her hard in the ribs.  He was getting scared again.  Something was scaring him.  She could feel it as if it was her own fear. 

"Josie, you ok?" John touches her arm which causes her to flinch and yank away from his touch. 

"I'm fine.  Seth is just a big kicker." She grits her teeth and moves closer to stand near Scott.

John sighs, feeling his heart break as she rejected his touch.  He wants his daughter back.  He looks around at the familiar items he have seen when living back in the 80s.  God, how long have they been doing this? 

"There's gotta be something here.  Something...Stiles, I hope you made the right choice with this town."  John mutters to himself.

Everyone snaps their heads up as they hear the sound of a metal gate squealing.  Maybe someone was here after all.  They walk over to where the sound was coming from.  The Merry-go-round.  As they approach, they could see the rotted horses and seats and rusted metal.  Scott frowns when he sees a black horse which looks like is covered with blood, but it wasn't.  He moves to get on the merry-go-round, then jumps in fright as the machine starts up and begins to spin with the music going on. 

Josie sighs in relief for him, but, it still doesn't shake the feeling of dread off of all of them.  Something terrible happened here, and they needed to find answers.  Josie felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up and looks around.  She had eyes on her.  But, where?


Melissa had to figure out a way to get Chris out of there.  But, how?  With a nurse at the desk, it was going to be hard.  But, maybe one plan might work.  She hopes.  She begins to help Chris into a wheelchair and begins rolling him out of the room to the elevator.  She looks over her shoulder and sees the nurse watching her.

"Uh, tell Doctor Geyer they wanted to do a few more tests before surgery.  If he even asks.  He probably won't.  But if he does ask, tell him that." She says.

The nurse frowns at this, no one has given her notice that the patient needed more tests.  She checks the records and sees no word, but she could trust Melissa.  She looks up and watches Melissa get into the elevator and giving her an awkward wave before the doors closed.


Malia goes off on her own, but still stays close to everyone.  She looks over to a house and sees bodies in the yard!  Blood-covered bodies.  She gasps in shock and paces over to the bodies.  As she gets closer, she sees that they were very familiar.  Even their scents were strong around her nose.  Her breath begins to tremble as her heart breaks at the sight.  It was her baby sister and her mom. 

"Mom? Kylie?" Malia gasps.

When she was close, she dropped to her knees in despair and breaks into hard sobs.  Strong, emotional pain pressed on her chest as she looks at her dead family.  The family she killed on her first full moon.  She sobs again as she reaches and touches the baby doll her sister love.  It was covered with the blood of her sister. 

"Is that your adoptive family?" A very familiar voice speaks up behind her. 

She gasps and quickly gets to her feet and turns to see Theo!  Smirking evilly at her.  Impossible, Theo was taken by his sister to god knows where!

"I know what you're thinking.  You should've died with them." He says.

Malia let out a sniffle as she tried to control her tears.

"Let me help you with that." Suddenly, Theo holds a shot gun in his hands and shoots her right in the gut. 

Malia grunts in pain and falls back on to the ground, landing in between the bodies of her family. 

Suddenly, her mom and her sister, Kylie open their eyes and wrap their arms around Malia's body as the ground under them begins to sink.  Pulling them into the earth and taking Malia with them. 

Malia lets out a loud gasp as her eyes snap open and sees John kneeling next to her, gripping her shoulders and her family were nowhere to to be seen.  Not even Theo.

"Malia, are you ok?" He asks with concern in his voice.

She gasps again and scrambles to her feet, looking around frantically, "Where are they? Where did they go?"

"Who?" John frowns and looks around.

Malia lets out a small sob, "My family."

John sighs and without thinking, he pulls her into his arms, giving her a hug, rubbing her back in comfort.  Malia growls lowly and stiffens, but, welcomes the warm hug as she wraps her arms around him. 

"It's ok." He whispers as she sobs into his chest.  He strokes her hair, like a parent would for their child.  He remembers what happened to Malia's family.  When John found out that the Desert Wolf had a child, he discovered she was adopted.  With the help of Talia.  He knew the Desert Wolf never wanted Malia.  To protect her, she sent Malia off to a new family.  John remembers the article he found about Malia.  But, he never knew it was her they were talking about.  Poor kid. 


Meanwhile, back at the school, Liam and Hayden decided to go with the plan that Hayden has came up with.  But, they needed to break into the Supply storage.  With teachers around, they had to look causal.  So Liam presses her against the wall, next to the door to the basement and kisses Hayden softly, getting into a make-out session with her.  As Hayden softly kisses Liam, she looks over and sees two teachers talking.  They break the kiss and begin to talk softly.

"Do you have the list?" He asks.

"It's in my head." She says as she looks over a few times at the teachers.

"What if you forget something? Is that a good idea?" Liam asks, suddenly, not liking the idea anymore.

"If we get caught stealing school supplies, it's a great idea." Hayden says and looks over to see the teachers leaving.  "Okay, now." She says and Liam opens the door for them to sneak in.

Once they reached the supplies storage, Hayden begins to gather the stuff for their plan.

"Can't we just buy a lightning rod?" Liam asks as she goes through the shelves and takes wires and rods.

"Sure, if you've got $2500." She says sarcastically.

He nods, now the plan was looking better.  He follows her to gather more stuff, but as they turn a corner, they see Mr. Douglas working on an electrical equipment. 

As they approached closer, Douglas snaps his head to them in surprise and frowns in confusion at them.

"What are you doing here? This is faculty only."  He says as he gets up and gathers his stuff.

"Then why are you the one leaving?" Hayden asks.

"What are you doing?" Liam asks as he watches Douglas try to pack his stuff.

"Plugs and wires? Are...Are you making a Taser?" Hayden frowns in confusion.

Douglas chuckles, "No.  No, of course not."

Noticing how nervous he was, Liam had a gut feeling with why Douglas was here, working on similar equipment they were planning to grab. 

"You saw them, didn't you?" Liam asks.

"You should be in class." Douglas moves around the table but Liam stands in his way.

"Was it the night of the lacrosse game? You saw the lightning, the men, and the horses?" Liam says in suspicion.

Douglas clenches his jaw at the memories, "Dozens of them." He says as he looks at both of them with fear in his eyes.

"Then what?" Liam asks.

"It was chaos.  They were everywhere.  Some of the kids were running.  But for everyone else it, it was like there was nothing there.  They couldn't see a thing." Douglas says in dread.

"We did.  And we've got a lot more to tell you if you really wanna fight back." Hayden says.


Back in Canaan, still no such luck to finding anyone or any clues.  Scott walks up to one of the houses and tries to see if he could find someone or a clue of whoever lived there.  Lydia watches from far off, seeing him walk inside. 

He walks into the old fashion house, seeing the 80s theme furniture and decorations.  The wooden floors, still shiny, yet dirty.  He couldn't sense anyone. 

"Hello?"  He calls out anyway, but no one answered. 

He sighs and begins to turn around to leave, but jumps when the back door suddenly slams shut.  He begins to sense someone!  Someone was there outside.

"Hey!" He calls out to the person and runs outside to catch them.  He skids to a halt, holding on the to screen door when he sees someone standing outside.

"Mom?" Scott frowns.

Melissa stood before him, in her pink scrubs, just looking at him.  He frowns in confusion, why was his mom there?  How did she get here?  Was something wrong with Argent?  Slowly, Melissa begins to turn around.  Scott gasps in shock as his eyes widen.  His mom's skull was bitten into, like some sort of animal attacked her.  The werewolf Argent has been talking about.  He begins to follow her as she walks off, but gasps and turns around when he sees Lydia, John, and Malia behind him. 

"It's okay, your mom's not here."  Lydia says.

Scott turns and looks for his mom, but she was gone.  It felt so real, he could smell the blood.

"You're okay."

Scott's eyes begin to mist, "I saw her.  And her head, looked like somebody took a bite out of her skull."

"It wasn't real." John says.

"Yeah, but it felt real." Scott argues, then stops and realizes something, "Where's Josie?"

Josie was walking around the Merry-Go-Round as everyone was searching.  Josie couldn't help but think of the children that were here.  So many innocent children...taken.  Her fear for Seth grew with every thought.  She rubs her belly and thinks about how long she's got.  Just a few weeks left till the Solar Eclipse.  And that terrified her. 

She sighs and begins to go find Scott and the others, but, she halts in her steps as she sees a vintage crib.  A white vintage crib with a hood. 

Just standing there in the middle of the streets.  She didn't see that before.  And it looked new almost.  She frowns in confusion and begins to walk towards it.  As she drew closer, she could hear the sounds of a baby crying.  She gasps as she sees a name written on the side of the crib.  'Seth', written in blue colors.  She walks closer and closer and finds herself standing next to the crib.  The baby in the crib was crying louder.  She reaches down and slides her hands under the blankets that covered the baby, but squishing sounds were made.  It felt wet and warm under then sheets.  She pulls back her hands and gasps in fright when her hands were covered in blood.  Panting in fear, she looks down at herself and sees her baby bump was gone and there was nothing but blood all over her and between her legs.  Sticking to her shirt and jeans.  

"No, not my baby!   Not my baby!" Josie screams in terror and wraps her arms around herself, clutching her stomach.  "Not my baby!" She sobs as she falls to her knees. 

Scott, Lydia, John, and Malia hear the screams and take off, following Josie's cries.  They find her in the middle of the streets, clutching herself and screaming in terror.

Scott gets to his knees and holds her close to him as she cries.

"Not my baby." She sobs into his chest. 

"Shh, shh, Seth's ok.  He's ok." Scott soothes her and places her hand over her belly, making sure she could feel him. 

Josie breaks down in sobs of relief as she snaps out of her delusion, "Oh, my god!" She sobs.  "It was so real.  I thought I lost Seth."  She cries as his hold tightens.  She could feel his fear wrapping around his heart. 

Scott helps her to her feet and wipes her tears away, "We won't lose him.  I promise." He cups her face in his hands and kisses her softly.  Resting his forehead against hers as she sniffles.  His touch calmed her cries. 

John itched to reach out and pull her into his arms, comfort her like a father should for his daughter.  But, he didn't want to do anything that could mess up his chance.

Lydia begins to walk off, "The energy here, it's causing hallucinations.  We can't stay here." She says strongly.

Malia, John, Scott, and Josie follows her, "We can't leave.  Not until we figure out why Stiles sent us here."  Scott says as he holds on to Josie.

"Who are we going to ask? There's no one here." Lydia says in frustration and stops to turn to him. 

"We can ask him."  Malia says as she points out in the distance.  All five of them look over across the street and sees a little boy stand in front of a house.  He had blond hair, bowl cut, wearing a blue button down shirt and khakis shorts.

"Hey!" John calls out. 

The boy quickly turns to them, but runs away in fear. 

"What do we do?" Josie asks.

"Go after him!" Scott stutters and all of them take off to follow the boy.


Back at the hospital, Melissa managed to moved Chris to an area in the laundry room. It was the best place she could think of besides the morgue, but she didn't believe Chris wanted to be there. Not yet, at least.  Melissa managed to swipe a hosptial bed and began to set up his IVs. 

Chris breathes heavily as the toxins were becoming worse.  Sweat coated his face, he had to hold on as long as he could.

"I think we both know that this medication isn't gonna work, either.  So I'm open for suggestions." She says.

"I had an idea, but it's asking a lot." He says, he could barely keep his eyes open.

Melissa scoffs and leans on the side of the bed, "Asking more than risking my job by losing a patient in this hospital?" She asks sarcastically.

Chris chuckles softly with her, "It's the Nine Herbs.  They counteract nine supernatural venoms.  If the herbs are combined in the wrong way, it increases the venom's power."

"So if I screw up..." She trails off, already knowing the answer.

"You'll kill me."

Melissa lets out a shuddering breath and stands up, rubbing her shaking hands, she had to do this.  She needed to save him. 

"Can you talk me through it?"

"Yeah, I can try."

"Well, we don't have a choice.  You don't have much time." She sits down and takes a pad and pencil, "Okay, what are they?"

"I only know the names in Celtic."

"Okay." Melissa scoffs, of course it wasn't going to be easy.

Chris chuckles, "First one is mugwort."

She frowns at Chris, "I'm gonna need you to spell that."

"Yeah." He mutters. 

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