Chapter 25: No one is Leaving

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Scott, Josie, Malia, Lydia, and John continue to search for the mysterious boy throughout the deserted neighborhood of Canaan.  Just when they believed they have lost him, they begin to pass by a house and catch a glimpse of a curtain being pulled back.  As if someone was watching them.  They couldn't believe that someone was there besides them.  Maybe there were more people besides the little boy. 

Scott sighs and takes Josie's hand as he leads them towards the house.  As they reached the door, Scott opens the door slowly, making sure he doesn't startle anyone inside.  Lydia knocks on the door as they all begin to enter the home. 

"Hello?"  She calls out.

John frowns as he looks around the house, it was so very old fashioned.  Almost kept cleaned, but the shelves were covered with dust.  So were the tables. 

"Anybody here?" Josie calls out. 

Lydia slowly turns as she looks around, then jumps as she sees a woman standing in another room.  She sighs in relief and looks again.

Everyone turns and sees the woman that Lydia sees.  The woman looks at all of them in complete shock before breaking into a wide, happy smile. 

"Visitors?"  She chuckles as she approaches them.  "I can't believe we have visitors." She says excitedly.  "Oh, Caleb will be so happy to see you.  It's been such a long time since he's had anyone to play with.  Oh, you must be thirsty."  Her smile never left her face.  "Come on in and have a seat while I get you something to drink."  She practically skips back to the kitchen and leaves them all confused. 

"Seriously? What is with her?" Malia mutters softly in confusion.  After all that this town has been through, why was this woman so happy?

Lydia sighs when she realizes who the woman was, she knew she has seen that face before. 

"She's the woman I saw in the mirror." She whispers to them all.

They all slowly make their way towards the kitchen where the woman was making drinks for them all. 


Back at the hospital, Chris was barely hanging on to his life.  Struggling to keep his eyes open, but it was getting harder and harder to resist.  Melissa sat next to him, going through the list of herbs that Chris told her. 

She sighs deeply, "Mugwort...Mugwort.  That sounds so familiar."  She mutters to herself and gets her cell to look up Mugwort.  She sighs in triumph as she finds it, "Hmm, of course.
It's prescribed for anxiety.  Most of these herbs are used in modern drugs.  So, between raiding the hospital pharmacy, the homeopath downtown and the salad bar, I think I can find them all. Yeah.  I'm gonna be back as soon as I can.  You try to stay awake." She says to Chris and gets up to get started, but Chris grabs her hand, stopping her. 

"Mil..." He says weakly. 

Melissa moves closer, "I'm right here."

"Mil...You have to add...You have to add..."  He was beginning to lose consciousness.

"What? What do I have to add?" She asks.

Chris struggles to keep his eyes open, but the battle was too great.  He was out.  Melissa knew she had to hurry.


Hayden, Liam, and Mr. Douglas decided to form a plan together.  So, Mr. Douglas leads them to his classroom so they could have a private area to talk.  Hayden gets out a map of the tunnels and mark where they need to go.

"The lightning strikes the rod, which sends the bolt down into the tunnel.  We grab the Ghost Rider push him into the bunker, and we trap him there." She says, pointing at where they would plant the lightning rod. 

Mr. Douglas nods, "Okay." He turns the map so he could see the area clearer, "How do you keep him from riding the lightning back out of the tunnels before you get him into the trap?" He asks them both.

"Well, if the lightning strikes again, it'll just hit our rod. He won't be close enough to grab on." Liam explains.

"But, shouldn't we assume the Ghost Riders have some kind of control over where it strikes?" Mr. Douglas asks.

Liam frowns in confusion and looks for Hayden for help, but she was just as confused. 

Seeing their confusion, Mr. Douglas chuckles, "Just because physics can't explain it today doesn't mean there won't be a logical explanation tomorrow." He moves to stand in between Hayden and Liam.

"So, if they have control, then how do we stop 'em?" Liam asks.

Mr. Douglas thinks it over, and only one solution comes to his mind, "We need to absorb a lightning bolt."

Hayden frowns in wonder, "Can we do that?"

Mr. Douglas shakes his head, "Not with anything we have here.  I can't build a conduit strong enough to absorb even half that much energy." He says.

Suddenly, they all snap their heads up as the bell begins to ring, alerting them for class.

Liam and Hayden grab their stuff and head out the door, as they head to their next class, Liam had an idea.  Hopefully, it will work.

"Instead of a conduit, maybe we can find a person to absorb the lightning." Liam says. 

"I don't even think Kira could do that." Hayden says.

"Josh could.  He ate electricity." Liam points out.

"Josh is dead." Hayden points out the obvious.

"Yeah, but his power didn't die with him." Liam argues.

"May as well have.  We can't get to it." Hayden argues back.

"We don't know that.  Not for sure." Liam sighs.

Hayden slows her steps and stops to face Liam when she realizes what he was thinking, she looked at him like he was crazy, "What are you saying?"

"You know what I'm saying." Liam sighs again.

"If you're saying what I think you're saying, you're insane." She says.

"I know it's insane.  But I need you with me on this." Liam says, practically begging her for her support. 

Hayden looks at his eyes, those pleading blue eyes.  She knew this was a bad idea and she should tell him why it was a bad idea, but, maybe...just maybe...they had a chance. She hesitantly takes his hand, giving him a small squeeze, to let him know she's with him.


Back in Canaan, the mysterious woman comes strolling out of the kitchen while everyone waited at the table.  That smile never left the woman's face.  Josie winces softly as Seth continues to kick her.  He didn't like being here.  Neither does she, but she needed answers to find Stiles. 

"This was my mother's lemonade recipe." The woman chuckles.  "At least as much as I can remember."  She sets the lemonade down and everyone takes a glass. 

John gives her a polite smile as she gives him a blush.  John clears his throat awkwardly and brings the glass to his lips, but stops when he notices the dust and dirt in the lemonade. 

Josie frowns at the lemonade and sets it down as Scott does the same.  Lydia sees what they sees but gives the woman a polite smile.

"We always served this when we had friends to visit." The woman adds and sits with them. 

Josie and John look over to Malia and sees her guzzling down the lemonade like it was nothing. 

The woman suddenly gasps in awe at Josie, "Oh! You've been blessed with a child.  Oh, you'll love being a mother.  There's nothing more precious than the sound a baby saying their first words and their laughter." Pain fills the woman's eyes, but she quickly pushes it away and gives them all a big smile. 

Josie rubs her belly in protection.

Malia sets her glass down after chugging it down and clears her throat, "We didn't come to visit.  We're looking for someone." She states.

"A friend of ours.  Maybe you've seen him." Scott says.

"His name is Stiles?" Josie asks.

Everyone eyes her with hope, the woman frowns and thinks, but shrugs, "It's been a while since anyone came through Canaan."

"How long?" John asks.

When the woman didn't answer, Malia takes out a piece of an article she found outside on the picnic tables and shows her. 

"Since April 8th, 1987?" She asks and places the paper in front of the woman. 

Suddenly, the woman's smile immediately drops and she gives Malia such a cold glare, "Why would you disturb those things? They don't belong to you."

"We need to know what happened." Scott practically begs.

The woman turns and looks at them all, frowning as she goes through her bitter memories. 

"There was a picnic.  A community party." She says.

Lydia's eyes widen a little, thinking about the dream. 

"It seems like everyone left in a hurry." Malia says with suspicion.

The woman simply shrugs, "People have been leaving Canaan for a long time.  That's the day the last of them left."

"All at once? They all just disappeared?" Scott asks.

The woman frowns at Scott with a glare, "I didn't say they disappeared.  I said they left." Her voice rises.

Suddenly, the table begins to rumble, John and Josie both jump at the vibration.  Lydia felt it, too.  It was so very familiar to her. 

"Did they leave in a cloud of green smoke?" Malia asks.

Breathing heavily with rage, the woman gets to her feet, "They just left!" She screams. 

Scott, Malia, Josie, and John felt like they were hit by an unknown force.  The power of the woman's voice shook their souls and the house. Josie gasps when she sees Seth's essence covering her as if it was protecting her like a shield from the force of the scream.  Josie looks at the woman nervously, but it didn't seem the woman noticed the blue, glowing shield over her body.  Soon, the shield faded and disappeared as it came. 

Lydia looks up at the woman with caution and slowly gets to her feet, "We didn't mean to upset you.  We'll go now."

Everyone begins to get up and leave while the woman grips the table till her knuckles turned white.  She watches them head for the door, but she couldn't let them leave.  Oh no, not just yet.

As Malia heads to the door first with everyone following her, the door suddenly slams shut before Malia could take a step outside.  Everyone jumps at the sound of the harsh slam and turns when they hear the woman's voice. 

"No one is leaving.  No one is leaving Canaan ever again."


Panting, Melissa rushes back to the laundry room with the items that Chris mentioned to complete the nine herbs.  She mixes what she managed to get, but she was incredibly nervous for the outcome.  If mixed wrong...Chris could die.  But, he could die if they tried to save him in surgery.  She needed to hurry and watch her mixes.

"I think the last thing that you were trying to say was my name.  You said, 'Mel, you need to add...'"  Melissa says as she tries to think what Chris said, trying to get him to talk again, but Chris was barely there.  After she rubs herbs into the mix, she freezes as she realizes something.  She turns towards Chris, "Wait.  Since when do you call me 'Mel'?  Since when do you use a nickname for anybody? You don't even use your own first name.  Everybody calls you Argent.  You...You weren't trying to say my name, you were saying something in Celtic..." She mutters as she realizes her mistake.  She grabs her cell and begins to type in the words.  She sighs at her stupidity, "Of course."  She smirks and takes off to find the last herb. 


With a loud grunt, and a harsh turn of the door knob, Scott struggles to open the door to free them.  Malia stands in front of him and Josie in protection in case the woman, who's name they find out is Lenore, does anything.

"Scott, open the door, you're a werewolf." Malia says.

Sighing in frustration, he jerks the nob again, "I'm trying."

Malia grunts in frustration and moves to the window, rearing her arm back, she slams her fist into the glass, but nothing happened.  She does it again, and frowns.  Not even a single crack.  Josie looks over to Lenore as she stares at all of them with such a hard look.  Was this because of her? 

"What the hell is wrong with this place?" Malia says as fear creeps up her spine.  She moves to stand next to Scott and Josie.  John frowns as he eyes Lenore with caution. 

"Lenore? Could you unlock the door, please?"  Lydia steps forward.

"Now that you're here, you need to stay." Lenore gives them a blank look as her eyes begin to mist.  "Caleb likes you."

Deciding that Lenore will only help by doing what she wants, but hopefully, Lydia can get through her, she walks over to stand close to her.

"And we like him."  She heads to the dining room and turns to face Lenore.  "But we need to help our town.  People are disappearing,"  Lenore begins to lose herself, and Lydia could see that.  "Uh, leaving, I mean leaving.  You could really help us." She pleads. 

Lenore shakes her head, "No one can help you.  If they want to leave, they're going to leave.  They'll go, and they'll go, and there won't be anything you can do about it." She says. 

Frowning as the hairs on the back of Josie's neck begins to stand, she slowly turns towards the hallway and sees the little boy standing by the lintel.  That must be Caleb.  Josie grabs Scott's hand to gain his attention.  Malia and Scott both look over to see the boy.  John frowns as he sees him, too.

"Come with me."  He says and turns to head through the hallway.

Scott and Josie look over towards Lydia and she gives them the nod, "Go." She says softly. 

Sighing in a shaky breath, Josie follows, Scott and Malia with John.  Caleb led them to a room which seems like a basement, but it was a bedroom.  A little boy's bedroom.  Scott and Malia walked down the steps and as soon as Scott took a step on the carpet, a splash was made under his feet.  The room was covered corner to corner with water.  Like it was being flooded.  Scott moves to the windows that were high up and struggles to open them. 

Josie was about to go down the stairs, too, but John stops her.  She frowns and tries to jerk out of his grip, but he held on.

"Wait.  Something's wrong." He whispers.

"Yeah, you're touching me." She growls lowly at him. 

"Not that.  Something's wrong about the boy.  I know you can sense it, too.  Elementals are keen to sensing danger." John whispers. 

Josie frowns and looks at the boy who just stares at all of them blankly.  Chills rolled down Josie's spine.  He was right, something was wrong here. 

"Caleb, can you help us find a way out of here?" Scott asks. 

Caleb didn't answer, he just simply turns to the tv and kneels to grab a VHS.  He slides the tape into the VCR and presses play.  The TV flickers and a home movie comes on.  It was Caleb.  Smiling and blowing bubbles into the camera. 

"You have to stay because Mommy said so."

Scott and Malia frowns at his words. 

Scott moves slowly to stand by Malia, "No, we can't stay.  We have to go home."

Josie turns to look towards Caleb when two voices were made in the room at once.  Caleb's and Lenore's. 

"This is home."  "This is home."

Josie jumps when the door suddenly closes in front of her and John.  She grabs the knob and jiggles it, trying to open it.  John pushes against it, but it wasn't going to give. 

Scott rushes towards the door and tries to open it as well, but it was jammed like the front door. 

"Josie, it's not gonna open." Scott says from behind the door. 

"I'm not gonna leave you in there.  I'm gonna get you out." Josie says as she leans against the door.  She could hear Scott sighing and feeling him press against the door.

"We're gonna get out.  Lydia can get through Lenore." He says. 

"If she doesn't snap on us.  The energy here is too great for us.  We need to get out, before it really damage us." John states. 

Malia frowns at the TV as the sound of Caleb's laughter and chattering was made from the speakers. 

"Scott? Come here for a sec." She says softly.  

Scott didn't want to leave Josie alone with John.  He needed to get out now.  He walks down the steps and stands next to Malia, frowning in confusion.

"Look at the date." She says softly.

Scott looks over to the TV and sees the date stamped on the video, 'August 12, 1985'.  The picnic was in 1987.  The little boy in front of them was definitely the boy in the video.  How was he alive? 

"Uh, Caleb? Do you know what year you were born?" Malia asks.

Caleb gets to his feet and slowly turns around, but when he turned to face them, he was soaking wet from head to toe and blue. 

"1976." He answers.

Realizing what Caleb was, Scott needed to know, "And when did you die?"  He asks.

Josie gasps as she listens to every word.  Caleb was a ghost.  But, how was it possible?

In the living room, Lydia struggled to get Lenore to tell her the answers she needed to know. 

"Why didn't you leave too?"  She asks Lenore.

"What is that supposed to mean? Is that an accusation? Are you accusing me of something?"  Lenore glares at Lydia.

"How come you're the only one left? Did you hide? Did you fight them?" Lydia asks.

"Fight who? Who are you talking about?" Lenore shakes her head in confusion.

"They're called the Ghost Riders." 

Lydia watches Lenore's face turn into horror as memories rush through her mind, she could see it in Lenore's eyes. 

"They took everyone from Canaan.  Why did they leave you?"

"I don't know! They took everyone.  But they didn't take...ME!!!!!"  With a loud, thundering scream, a wave of an incredible force explodes from Lenore's mouth, sending Lydia across the room and over the chairs.  Lydia lands on the floor with a hard thud.  Lydia gasps in shock as she crawls around the chair, looking up at Lenore when she realizes what she was.

"You're a Banshee."

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