Chapter 26: Banshee vs Banshee

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After school was over, Hayden and Liam headed towards the tunnels to get started on Liam's plan. Hayden still had her doubts that this was going to work.

"Almost there. Last chance to bail." She says.

"If we're gonna stand a chance, we have to do something drastic." He says.

Hayden scoffs, "There's drastic and then there's this." She says sarcastically.

"I know, it's not the perfect plan. But we need the bad part of the plan to make the good part work."

Hayden sighs and they begin to turn a corner to their destination, "You think she knows it's a bad plan?"

"Anyone would know this is a bad plan."

Standing at the end of the tunnel, Noshiko Yukimura snaps out Kira's sword, the same sword the Skin-walkers helped put together.

Standing beside her, Edward Cho, giving them both an unsure look as well as Noshiko does when she unleashes the sword.

(Edward Cho ^^^)

"Which is why I have to ask you one more time, are you sure you don't wanna change your minds?" Noshiko asks.

Liam gives them both a desperate look, "We don't know what else to do. It's like the Ghost Riders are unstoppable."

"They are unstoppable." Edward corrects him.

"They've been riding the storm and taking souls since long before I was born." Noshiko states.

Liam steps forwards to her and Edward, "Yeah, we won't survive them. Not without your help." He says.

Noshiko looks over to Edward who gives her a sigh and a nod, Noshiko places the sword in her hands and looks over to Liam and Hayden, "Kira entrusted me with her sword while she's with the Skin-walkers. And now, I'm trusting you because I believe she would want me to. Do not mistake this for me agreeing with your decision." She warns Liam.

Liam nods, "I understand. Kira just stabbed her sword into the ground." Liam points out, gesturing her to do the thing.

Edward shakes his head, "If you want to do this, you'll have to do it yourself." He says.

Noshiko holds out the sword while giving an honorable bow as she presents the sword to him.

Awkwardly, Liam clears his throat and bows as well when he takes the sword from her. Gripping the sword in his hands, he begins to move towards where the spot was, but Noshiko stops him.

"Once it's done, whatever happens will be your responsibility." She warns him.

Liam nods, understanding the consequences.

Edward moves to stand next to Hayden and looks over to Noshiko, "If Kira comes back and I'm not there..." He stops and sighs, and takes out Kira's tail and places it gently into Noshiko's hand. "Don't let her forget me."

Noshiko inhales sharply, but nods, "Be careful. All of you." She says before walking away.

Hayden's breathing picks up as she watches Liam make his way towards the curve of the tunnel, where he needed to be, and begins to feel doubt. They shouldn't be doing this.

When he reaches his mark, Liam holds the sword in his hands, watching the blade beginning to glow brightly. He takes a deep breath and raises it in the air...

"Liam, wait!" Hayden shouts and runs to stop him, but it was too late.

Liam jams the sword into the ground, opening the floor in huge cracks till a large hole opens before them. Liam and Hayden watch together as a hand busts through the hole, making it bigger enough for a human being to crawl out. A clawed hand struggles to push and pull out of the hole. Edward walks slowly up to them and watch with them as they jump in surprise. Crawling out of the hole, standing before them as he lets out a loud exhale. Theo Raeken, free from his eternal damnation stood before them, covered in dirt and dust. He opens his eyes and glares at them all with yellow eyes and baring his sharp fangs as he growls lowly at them.


Melissa managed to find the last addition to the Nine Herbs and begins to pour it into the mixture.

"Mel...Celtic for honey. Not an herb, but it is a binding agent and a natural antibiotic." She says as she stirs the mixture and moves towards Chris.

She pulls back his bandages and begins applying the herbs into the wounds. As soon as she smoothed the mixture into the wounds, they begin steam against his skin.

With a loud gaps, Chris jerks up to a sitting position and screams in agony.

"Oh, God." Melissa moves quickly and grabs a bite guard, shoving it into his mouth, "Bite down on this, It'll help."

Chris falls back, and withers in pain as he bites down hard.

"It's okay. It's okay." Melissa sits down and grabs his hand for him to hold on.
Muffle grunts comes from his guard, he nods at Melissa, letting her know that it was working. Soon, the wounds disappeared like nothing happened to his body. Not even a scar was made.


Scott and Malia turned to find Caleb standing at the stairs, blocking their way out. They frown in confusion as they watch the water drip rapidly down Caleb's body, as if he was still drowning. They look all around them and see water trailing down the walls. Trailing down the windows. How was this possible?

"Am I having another hallucination?" Malia asks.

"If you are, I'm having the same one. We've got to get out of here." Scott says.

Caleb continues to watch them as water soaks and repels from his body.

"I know you're not gonna beat an eight-year-old's ass, but I will." Malia growls and moves to attack Caleb, but before she could grab him, all the air was cut off from her throat. She couldn't breathe. She chokes on her words and collapse to her knees.

"You don't look so good." Caleb smirks down at Malia.

Malia lets out a loud retching down and water poured from her mouth and continued to pour. She couldn't breathe!

"Maybe you should sit down." Caleb continues to smirk.

Josie strains to listen and gasps when she hears choking sounds coming from Malia.

"Oh, god." She whispers. "He's gonna kill them." She whimpers.

John's eyes widen when he remembers what Scott said about their bond, he pounds on the door, "Hey! Hey, kid! Let them go!" He struggles to break down the door with Josie.

Standing on her feet before Lenore, Lydia pants out a hard breath and listens to Lenore who gives her a broken look.

"It's not my fault they didn't take me."

Lydia moves closer, "I know why they didn't..."

Lenore cuts her off, "You think I helped them because they brought back my dead son." Her voice wobbles.

Lydia's eyes widen in shock, "What did you say?"

Lenore's upper lip twitches in anger at Lydia. Lenore opens her mouth to let out another banshee scream, but Lydia was ready. Lydia lets out a powerful scream of her own, blocking Lenore's scream. Without realizing, neither of them counted on being thrown back into the memories of Lenore on that day.

Just like the dream Lydia had that night of Canaan, but this time...she could see the Ghost Riders taking everyone. Their horses neighing loudly, their whispers. When everyone was gone, Lydia went to find Lenore and found here in the center of the town, clutching her ears as the Ghost Riders surround her. When they were gone, Lydia approached her and both of them covered their ears from their screams. With loud gasps, they find themselves back in Lenore's living room.


Down in the tunnels, Liam takes a cautious step forward towards Theo snarls at him. As quick as a flash, Theo charges at him and shoves him against the walls.

"Theo! We're not trying to hurt you." Hayden shouts at him.

Theo snarls and continues to hold Liam against the wall.

"We're the ones that brought you back." Hayden says.

Theo looks around rapidly, "Where's my sister?"

"Your sister's dead." Liam reminds him as he struggles against Theo's hold.

Theo growls lowly at Liam.

"She died a long time ago." Liam adds.
"You killed her, remember?" Hayden asks.

Breathing heavily, Theo glares at Liam, "I'm gonna kill you, too. I'm gonna kill all of you."

Edward sighs, "Okay. Send him back."

Liam holds up the sword, "You know what this does?"

Theo looks down, recognizing the sword, what it can do. Especially, to him. He slowly lets go of Liam.

"We need your power to help us. Then you can kill whoever you want. But if you do kill us, you're gonna end up worse off than ever." Liam warns.

Giving Liam a hollow look, but fear in his eyes from the memories of his damnation, "There's nothing worse than what I've been through."

"You ever hear about the Ghost Riders?" Liam asks.

Theo's eyes widen when he remembers the tales.

Liam and Hayden explains their plan to Theo and they introduce him to Mr. Douglas. They show him the lightning rod they made to trap the Riders.

"What makes you think this is gonna work?" Theo scoffs.

"You took Josh's power. You can do it." Liam says.

Theo sighs, he didn't like it, but he agrees.

Mr. Douglas holds the power control and keeps his hands on the knobs.

"Here we go."

Theo reaches out and grabs a hold of the wires and waits for Mr. Douglas to turn on the power. When he does, a bright spark emerges from the wires, shocking Theo painfully. Theo screams and finds himself flying backwards through the tunnels, landing on the ground a with a hard grunt.

"Hey, what the hell?" Liam exclaims in confusion.

Theo grips his hand in pain. Edward frowns and looks over to Liam and Hayden, "What happened?"

"That was only one billion joules." Mr. Douglas says as he looks at the power control.

"Only?" Theo scoffs sarcastically.

"Well, how many joules are in a bolt of lightning?" Liam asks.

"Five billion." Mr. Douglas sighs.

Liam sighs in frustration and disbelief.

Theo gets up and walks over towards them, "Well, I'm fine, by the way. Thank you for your concern." He says sarcastically.

"You don't have Josh's power anymore, do you?" Liam asks.

Theo didn't answer, so they knew it was true. Hayden moves and grips Theo's hand, squeezing his claws and sees no kanima venom.

"Or Tracy's."

"Guess I'm back to Classic Theo." Theo mutters.

"Maybe you should try some remorse, since you killed them for their powers." Liam snarls.

"I just put them back the way I found them."

"Okay. Send him back." Hayden glares at him.

Theo holds up his hands in surrender, "Hold on. I can help. I know about the Wild Hunt from the Dread Doctors. I also know about things I'm betting you don't." He looks over at Mr. Douglas with a knowing look.

Mr. Douglas realizes what he was talking about, Theo knew he was the Nazi Werewolf.

"I'm with Ms. Romero on this one. Send him back." Mr. Douglas states.

Theo's eyes widen in fear when Liam begins to raise the sword, "Who's making decisions around here? Where's Scott? Where's Stiles?"

Liam, Hayden, and Edward freeze at Theo's words.

"You remember Stiles?" Hayden gasps.
"Why wouldn't I remember Stiles?" Theo asks in confusion.

"Maybe he's useful after all." Liam says.


Lydia eyes Lenore carefully, she could see she was finally reaching her.

"You didn't know what was happening, did you? You only saw them at the very end."

"They were all around me but they didn't take me." Lenore says brokenly.

"It's because you're a Banshee. Like me." Lydia says.

Lenore gasps and moves to go to the mirror near the door, she wipes away the dust and her eyes widen in shock as she sees herself, seeing the years against her skin.

"How long has it been?" She asks.

Lydia swallows a lump, "Almost 30 years."

Down in the basement, Scott holds on to Malia as she continues to throw up water. Choking for air. From behind them, Caleb watches with amusement.

"Breathe, Malia, you have to breathe. Lydia! Josie!" Scott moves to get up the stairs, but before he could take another step, he begins to choke for air and throws up water like Malia was doing.

"What are you doing to us?" Scott gasps as leans against the stairs with Malia.

"You're drowning. Just like me. Now we can be friends forever."

John continues to slam his body against the door, but stops when he hears retching noises coming from Josie. She begins to choke and throws up water.

"Oh, no, no, no!" John catches her before she could fall to her knees. He slowly brings to her the floor and catches her as she vomits more water.

"Dad..." She chokes for air and whimpers.

"Josie, come on, breathe. You need to breathe." John holds on to her, but she continues to vomit water.

Gasping and choking for air, "I ca...I can't." She gurgles.

John grips her face in his hands and forces her to look at him, "Josie Elsa Thompson, you are an elemental. You control the water. Take control and breathe!" John demands.

Gasping and choking, Josie tries as hard as she could and forces the water element to come to her and help her. Her eyes begin to glow brightly.

John grins, "That's it. Call the water. Breathe in the water into your body." He says as he continues to force her to look at him.

Finally, with a loud gasp, the water stops emerging from her mouth and she could breathe.

Scott pants out air and looks up at the door, he knew it was Josie helping him to breathe. Caleb frowns when he sees Scott could breathe.

"Impossible!" He glares at him.

Lenore continues to look at her reflection and sees Lydia moving to stand behind her.

"You won't be taken. You'll be safe." Lenore says.

"I don't want to be safe. I want to save Stiles." Lydia shakes her head as tears form in her eyes. She places a hand gently on Lenore's shoulder and turns her to face her. "Don't let me be the only one left behind. I don't have a Caleb." Lydia begs.

Josie continues to breath normally, but something was wrong. John frowns when Josie begins to shudder in his hands.

"Josie! Josie! What's wrong, sweet pea?" John panics.

Josie groans and squeezes her eyes shut as she pulls away from John. She faces the floor, trying to calm Seth down, but he was so strong.

"" She grunts out.

John frowns in confusion and moves to grip her shoulders, steadying her.

"" Josie's voice begins to wavier.

John couldn't understand what was going on.

With a loud growl, Josie flings her hair back, her eyes glowing bright sapphire blue.

"LET US GO! NOW!!!" Josie's distorted voice roars out and pounds her fists into the floor.

Lenore and Lydia both fall to the floor, clutching their ears from the terrible roar. Scott grabs Malia and covers her as the basement door explodes open.

Lenore and Lydia both slowly get up to their feet, Lydia gasps as she sees the front door opens by itself. She looks over at Lenore, asking her with her eyes if that was her.

Lenore swallows thickly, "I heard that sound before. A long time ago." She looks over to Lydia with misted eyes, "Protect the child. Always."

With a loud gasp, Malia could finally breathe. Scott helps her to her feet as she takes in all the air she could get.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks.

"Are you okay?" Malia asks as she holds on to his arm.

Caleb turns back to the tv, watching his home video again.

"Mommy says you can go now."

He didn't have to tell them twice. Scott and Malia take off out of the basement, stepping over the broken door, but they stop and see John holding on to Josie. She was breathing heavily in shock.

"What in the hell was that?" John looks over to Scott with wide eyes, referring to what happened to Josie.

Scott couldn't answer, he just kneels and helps Josie to her feet, "We need to go. Now."

The four of them meets up with Lydia as she waits for them outside.

"Let's get out of here." Scott says.

"Yeah." Malia agrees.

"Yeah, absolutely." Lydia says and they all begin to leave, but Lydia stops in her tracks and turns around when Lenore and Caleb come out of the house, standing on the porch.

"You know you can still come with us." Lydia says with hope.

"I couldn't leave Caleb." Lenore smiles at them.

"Lenore, you know he's not real." Lydia reminds her gently.

Lenore turns to look down at Caleb with a gentle smile. Caleb looks up at her and smiles back.

She knew he wasn't real, but she couldn't let go.

"I couldn't leave Caleb." She says again as she looks over to them.

Lydia sighs, she knew she couldn't make Lenore leave him. But, she knew, until Lenore was ready to say goodbye, maybe she can let go and live. But, who knows.

Scott takes Josie into his arms and walks her to the car with Malia and John, but Lydia stayed and looks over to Lenore and Caleb.

"Protect the Child of Fire. The Eclipse is near. They will come for her. Don't let another mother lose her child like I did." Lenore says and turns when Caleb takes her hand and leads her back into the house.

Lydia took in her words and turns to follow the others to the car.


Hayden, Edward, and Liam took Theo back to Scott's, they let him get cleaned up and changed into fresh clothes. Theo looks out the kitchen window and they watch him carefully, hoping for answers to their questions. Night was falling, Liam knew Scott and the others would be back soon. He just hopes they won't be too mad about Theo.

"You know all about the Ghost Riders. How do we get Stiles and the others back?" Hayden asks.

"You can't. The Wild Hunt comes. The Wild Hunt goes. That's how it works." Theo sighs.

"But they're still here. And they're still taking people." Liam states.

Theo turns to face him in confusion, "That's not possible. They're the Wild Hunt. They're not just gonna stick around. Unless..." Theo trails off when he realizes a possibility.

"Unless what?" Edward asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Unless they're stuck."


Malia drove as quick as she could to get away from the town of Canaan. Everyone was affected by the energy there in ways they couldn't describe. Lydia sat in the passenger's seat, thinking about Lenore and Caleb. What Lenore told her. 'The Child of Fire'. She knew she meant Seth. The Ghost Riders want Josie. To kill her and Seth. No one plans to let that happen.

Josie sat in between Scott and John, lying against Scott's chest as they hold each other close. Scott kisses her forehead, whispering soft words of love and appreciation. For saving both of them. But, something was on Scott's mind, Josie could feel it.

"You guys think Stiles sent us here to warn us? Maybe Beacon Hills is gonna be the next ghost town." He says.

"If we don't stop it, yes. We need to get them to leave. Now." Malia says determinedly.

"We can't. Not yet." Lydia says softly.

Josie sits up and sighs, looking over to John.

"Dad?" She asks softly.

John looks over to her and smiles softly, "Yeah, sweet pea?"

"I still don't trust you, but you can't blame me. The past won't stay in the past. But," She sighs again. "Thank you. For helping me with my powers."

John gives her a small smile, "There's not a day that goes by for me to be very sorry for hurting you and your mother. I would do anything to protect you...and Seth. I still love you, Josie. Always and forever." John looks over to Scott. "I know you, Scott McCall. Your dad was my drinking buddy. He would tell me stories about you and your mom. I went to see him one day when he stopped coming to the bar. He told me what happened to you. I could relate. I wanted to stop drinking, stop the drugs, but I couldn't. No matter what I did, I couldn't stop the bond. I want to make up the years with you and Seth and Scott." He says softly.

Josie looks over to Scott to see what he thinks, but she could see he was thinking the same thing as she was. She turns back to John and slowly reach over to grab his hand and brings it to her belly to feel Seth.

John gasps with tears forming in his eyes as Seth kicks his hand. The feel of his grandchild growing in her belly was a sign for him that maybe he got his chance now. He gives Josie a wide, happy smile and continues to feel Seth.


"You're gonna help us." Liam demands at Theo.

Theo spreads out his hands like he has no clue, "Liam, I don't know what to do." He scoffs.

"Well, you remember Stiles, so clearly you know more than we do." Hayden points out.

"You're gonna help us or you're going back." Liam says as he holds up the sword.

Theo never realized this till now, this may be Liam's plan, but one specific person wasn't here. Liam told him that Scott and the others were exploring a town that Stiles sent them to, but something was still off.

"Let me guess. Scott wasn't a part of this plan, was he?" Theo asks, smirking as he already knew the answer.


Scott frowns at Lydia's words, they all did.

"Why can't we get rid of them?" Malia asks.

"Because I saw what happens to the people they've taken when they leave."

"Do they all die?" Malia asks.

"No. It's something worse than death." John mutters.

"I felt it in Lenore's memory." Lydia says as she turns to look at them all. "It's like their souls hollowed out. They became something else. I think they became Ghost Riders. And then, they were gone." She says.

John's heart rate goes up, if he stayed there anytime soon, he could have possibly became a Ghost Rider. But, if they don't hurry, Stiles could meet the same fate.

Wasn't long till they finally arrived home, Scott gets out first and helps Josie out. John gets out on the other side and meets Scott and Josie, helping him get her out without harming Seth.

"Liam and Hayden are here, I'm gonna go tell them what we've found." Scott says as she was finally out of the car.

"Ok, I'll be right in." She gives Scott a small smile and kisses him softly.

Scott eyes John with caution, but turns to head inside. When he gets inside, he frowns at a familiar scent in the house. He senses four people. Liam, Hayden....Edward?, it was impossible! He walks towards the dinning room and freezes in his steps. Liam and Hayden both look towards where Scott was, their eyes widening in fear, wondering if he was going to freak out.

Theo turns and sees Scott glaring at him, breathing heavily in rage.

"Somehow I don't think we're gonna hug this out." Theo mutters sarcastically.

Outside, John helps Josie walk to the house, but stops and makes her turn towards him gently, "Sweet Pea, what exactly happened back there? Your eyes, they were white, cause of your elemental power, I know that, but...then they turned blue...and your voice. What is going on?" He asks her gently.

Josie sighs and looks up at her father, "It was Seth. A few weeks ago, we were trying to protect a potential Ghost Rider victim. We threw a party, hoping to keep her safe. But, it backfired on us. A lot of people saw the Rider. We did all we could to protect her. And we did, that night at least." She stops and sighs again. "While we were protecting her, I went against one of the Riders. Fought him as an Alpha Female. But, he managed to put me in a choke hold. I nearly died."

John's eyes widen in fear for his daughter, but he continues to listen.

"I don't know what happened, I blacked out when I was losing air. But, this is what my friends said. I lit up in blue flames, I lose control of my own body. Seth took over and fought against the Rider. Seth is a Phoenix, dad. A very powerful one. When things don't go his way, he takes over and fights. His pull is so strong. I try as hard as I can to push him back, but I feel like I'm losing control. It's too dangerous for him to continue to do this. I'm scared. I don't want to lose my baby." Her voice cracks at the end as tears begin to form.

John pulls her into his arms and holds her gently, rubbing her back and rocking her in his arms, "You're not going to lose him, Sweet pea. We'll do all we can to protect him and make sure he's in this world, safe and healthy." He pulls her back and wipes away her tears. "I missed you, Sweet pea."

Josie smiles softly and hugs him again, "I missed you, too, dad."

Lydia and Malia watches over them and turn to head back into the house. Malia senses distress from Lydia.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Lydia turns towards her, but Malia wasn't buying it. She walks up and stands in Lydia's way before she could go further.

"Okay, I was thinking about Lenore. There's myths about the Wild Hunt and the Morrigan. They left Lenore behind." Lydia sighs.

"I thought Lenore was a banshee?" Malia asks.

"The Morrigan was a banshee." Lydia explains.

"So when the Wild Hunt moves on from Beacon Hills..." Malia finally gets it.

"I'll be like Lenore. Left behind. Alone." Lydia says sadly as fear trails up her skin.

Josie walks up towards them and pulls Lydia in for a hug, Lydia sighs and welcomes the hug.

Suddenly, Josie stiffens and snaps her head towards the house.

"Josie? What's wrong?" Malia frowns.

Growling lowly, she looks towards Malia, "We got company. And you're not gonna like it."

As they walk up towards the house, they could hear Scott talking to someone.

"I hope you realize it's taking all of my strength to not tear you in half right now." Scott snarls.

When Malia, Lydia, John, and Josie make their way into the house, Malia couldn't help but growl loudly at the sight of Theo in the Kitchen.

Josie growls lowly and snarls.

Theo looks at them all nervously, "Hey, Jojo, um, wow, congrats." He gestures at her pregnant belly.

John steps from behind her and glares at him, Theo's eyes widen in fear and shock, "Mr. Thompson? How? What?" Theo stutters.

"Theo Raeken, and I heard you were sent the bowels of your hell. What's this I hear about you trying to kill my daughter?" John's eyes glow light blue as the pipes in the house begin to rumble loudly.

Theo holds up his hands in surrender, "Now, wait, I'm here to help. I..uh...Malia, come on, you aren't still upset about the whole shooting thing, are you?" Theo practically begs.

Malia stood shaking in rage as her eyes began to glow bright blue, she lets out a loud roar at him as her fangs sprout from her mouth.


Claudia's eyes snap open when the sound of papers flipping disturbs her from her nap. She turns over on the couch and smiles as she sees Sheriff flipping through some paperwork.

Sheriff couldn't help but think about what Scott and Josie said, about him having a son. But, it was impossible. When Claudia was sick, they never really believed it was possible for her to survive long enough to have children. He remembers the difficult times he had with her when she had her episodes. Then, that day at the hospital, her medicine finally began to work, and she got better. He sighs as he goes over articles about dementia.

"What are you doing?" Claudia asks as she lies on the couch.

Sheriff snaps his head towards her, giving her a small apologetic smile, "Sorry, didn't mean to wake you." He watches her stretch and gets up off the couch. He discreetly shuts the folder on the table as she gets up and walks towards him. "I was just, uh, I was just thinking about how strong and amazing you are."

"Mmm..." Claudia gives him a coy smile as she slides her hands on his shoulders and rubs his muscles, "Keep talking, I like the way that sounds."

Sheriff continues to just look at her, study every inch of her face, "You know, someone should write a medical paper about how you beat frontal temporal dementia."

"That is not at all the direction I thought this conversation was heading." She frowns sarcastically.

Sheriff chuckles, "Sorry." He kisses her hand and holds it close to him.

"Hmm, let's turn in. We gotta be up early to talk to the contractor about replacing that wallpaper." She says.

Sheriff nods, "I'll be there in a minute."

Claudia smiles, "Okay." She leans down and kisses him softly, then lets go of his hand to head upstairs.

Sheriff still couldn't shake this feeling he had. Something was telling him to listen to Scott and the others. He puts away his papers and gets up to head up to bed. He passes through the hallway, but stops in his tracks. He turns and sees the wallpaper that Lydia pulled back last week. Why was she pulling the wallpaper? She would never do something disrespectful...unless Banshee instinct? He trails his fingers over the wallpaper, picking at the ends of it. Maybe, just maybe...something was there. He slowly begins to pull the paper back. Tearing it gently off the wall. When enough was pulled back...what he saw....he couldn't believe it.

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