Chapter 28: Call for Backup?

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Still pissed off with Scott about letting Theo help them, she decided to get some help on her own.  And only one person came to her mind.  She wasn't happy with the choice, but, at leas it's not Theo. 

She stands in the middle of the waiting room at the Hospital as Melissa goes over Peter's medical record. 

"He has third degree burns over 90% of his body.  I should be telling you to say your goodbyes."  Melissa scoffs.

Malia shakes her head, "It's Peter.  I don't need to say goodbyes.  I need you to fix him so we can find out what he knows about the Wild Hunt." She states.

"Remember who we're dealing with.  Your father is a ruthless con man who always has a devious plan to hurt everyone around him.  What happens when he gets up out of that bed? You got a plan of your own?" Melissa warns her and Malia takes in her words, but she's desperate.

"I have a plan.  I don't know if it's devious."

"At least it's a plan." Melissa shrugs.

Malia smirks and follows Melissa towards the burn unit.  Since, Peter's burns were far more advanced, he was moved into a clean, isolated room.  Nothing but the EKG monitor and Peter's labored breathing was the only thing heard in the room. 

"I can't promise this will work."  Melissa states.

"You said he was dying anyway.  What does he have to lose?" Malia scoffs.

"I can hear you."  They snap their gaze towards Peter as he speaks up in sarcasm.  "I'm not dead yet."  Malia rolls her eyes and pushes the transparent plastic shield away for them to step into the room.  "I think they put that there to protect me.  Glad to see you're obeying hospital protocols." He mutters to Melissa.

"Your daughter asked me to treat you." Melissa says as they stand next to the bed. 

Peter looks over to Malia in surprise, but he knew there was a catch.  He remembers that they didn't the perfect father-daughter bond. 

"In exchange for what?"  He asks as he looks back at Melissa.

Melissa rolls her eyes and looks over to Malia, "Told you, you needed a plan."

"She helps you, you help me." Malia says simply.

"That's a bit open-ended.  What if I don't agree to your conditions?" Peter eyes them both.

"I leave you for dead." Melissa states.

Sighing in frustration, he looks up at Melissa and scoffs, "So, what exactly do you know about our kind of medicine?"

Taking out a syringe from her pocket, she smirks at him, "I know about the Nine Herbs."  Turning the syringe in her hand she lifts it up and stabs him into his chest. 

Peter grunts in pain as she injects him with the Nine Herbs, Melissa yanks out the needle and Peter begins to feel the herbs working their way into his system.  All he could do was lie there and wither in pain.  Green toxic from the wounds expelled from his mouth, forcing him to gag. 

"Think it's working?" Malia asks.

"Should be.  Looks painful enough."  Melissa shrugs.

Grunting continuously, Peter feels his burnt skin peeling from his body as new skin was formed. 

Pretty soon, they were carrying a fully healed Peter out of the room, his arms drapped over their shoulders as they help him walk towards the elevator.  As soon as they were in, Malia uses her foot to press the button to where they needed to go. 

Peter looks over to Melissa and smirks, "You know, we never did have that second date."

Sighing in annoyance, Melissa and Malia let go of Peter, letting him fall to the floor of the elevator as the door closes. 


Myst and Josie left Scott and the others in the woods.  She wanted to stay and protect them, but she knew she couldn't win the argument.  Not this time.  So, she agreed to leave, but she wanted to go spend time with Lydia.  She knew Lydia was alone, and it's not safe for anyone to be alone.  Myst agreed with her so the three of them headed towards Lydia's house.  Josie asked why wasn't she with Deaton and her kids.  Myst said she sent her kids away with Carol.  With the Ghost Riders terrorizing the town, she needed to get her kids to safety.  Carol mentioned to her if they haven't beaten the Ghost Riders before the eclipse, Carol will protect Seth after he is born till they do.

Now, here they were, in Lydia's room, thinking about what to do while everyone was risking their lives against the Ghost Riders.  Sitting on comfy chair, Josie sighs deeply as she thinks about Scott, worried for him and hoping they will succeed somehow.  She rubs her belly softly, comforting Seth as he stirs.  Lydia watches her with curiosity as she lies in her bed. 

"What does it feel like?"  Lydia asks.

Josie snaps out of her thoughts and looks over to Lydia in confusion, "What?"

"Pregnancy.  What does it feel like?" Lydia asks again. 

Josie sighs softly and looks down at her belly, "It's a pain in the ass." She laughs.  "I'm tired and sore all the time.  My back aches, I feel bloated, have to pee every 5 minutes, and I swear, Seth treats my organs like their punching bags." Josie scoffs, but Lydia giggles.  Josie's eyes soften as a warm smile spreads, "But, to feel your child move around, know what he feels, what he wants," Josie strokes her belly, "It's an amazing feeling."

Lydia smiles as she thinks how it will be when she becomes a mother.

"Then, when they pop out, it's crying, eating, pooping, and vomiting everywhere.  You'll never get any sleep at all." Myst adds as she sits at the window and looks out into the distance.  Despite her bitterness with childbirth, Lydia and Josie could see Myst was missing her children. 

"It'll be worth it, right?  A feels like I'm complete now.  I know there will be more in the future, but Seth, he makes me feel whole." Josie wraps her arms around her stomach, "I can't imagine losing him.  That was what I was hallucinating in Canaan.  I thought I lost Seth.  It was the worst feeling in the world.  I bet that's what Lenore felt when she lost Caleb."

That made Lydia think, Lenore lost Caleb and when the ghost riders came, they filled in her void by giving her Caleb.  In Lenore's mind, it's him, but it's not.  Suddenly, she thinks of Sheriff and Claudia.  Claudia had a genetic disease that should have killed her years ago.  Yet, she was alive and well right in front of them.  Maybe...just maybe...

Lydia looks over to the door and sees her mom smiling at her from the door frame and walking towards her to lie down next to her. 

"What are you girls talking about?  How to prove the Riemann Hypothesis?" Natalie teases at Lydia.

Lydia sighs, "I'm thinking about a dead kid I met in Canaan."

The teasing smile dropped into a confused look, "Dead?" Natalie exclaims.

"He drowned in 1985." Josie tries to explain.

Natalie knew where this was going, "Okay." She sighs deeply, "Go on."

"His mom conjured him.  To fill the void she felt after the Wild Hunt passed through Canaan." Josie says.

Natalie's face was in complete shock and disbelief.

Lydia's eyes widen when she thinks of a theory, "Mom...What if Sheriff Stilinski is filling a void?  What if he's filling it with Claudia?"

Josie stiffens at the theory and gasps softly.

"You think Claudia's dead?" Natalie scoffs then shakes her head in disbelief, "No, I...I just saw her."

"So many things don't make sense." Lydia tries to point out the facts.

"She had a fatal disease, but then she's fine."  Myst states.

"She says her Jeep was stolen 20 years ago, but it's Stiles'."  Josie says softly.

"Oh, you should have seen the look on her face when I peeled back the wallpaper.  She wasn't just angry.  She was scared.  Like she was protecting a secret." Lydia says softly with wide eyes.

Natalie stutters and tries to take all this information in, "Okay.  If this is true, then...Maybe Sheriff Stilinski needs this.  Maybe it's his way of coping."

"What if Claudia being here is preventing him from remembering Stiles?  Remembering is needed, especially with the Wild Hunt going on, Natalie." Myst says. 

"We have to tell him." Lydia agrees.

"Lydia, if Claudia isn't real, you don't want to be the one to tell him."  Natalie says.

Lydia sighs and rests her head against the pillow. 

Josie jumps when she hears her ringtone, it was Sheriff.  She frowns and answers the call.

"Sheriff?  What's wrong?"  She asks.

"I couldn't get a hold of Lydia.  Do you know where she is?"  Sheriff asks over the other line. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm over at her place with Myst.  What's up?" Josie stutters.

"Tell her to get over here as soon as possible.  Both of you.  I think I found something.  Something that...that I can't explain over the phone.  Please come." Sheriff says.

"We'll be right there."


As night has fallen, Hayden waits anxiously for the storm.  Wasn't long till the thunder grew louder.  She stood where she's supposed to, to draw the Riders to her.  At least one.  They just needed one.  She snaps her head up as she hears the thunder rumble louder.  Soon, a bolt of electricity hits the rod, sending the bolt through the room and into the room, x marks the spot.  Hayden jumps at the bright light of the bolt and, before she knew it, a Rider stood before her.  Growling lowly at her. 

Her eyes widen at the sight, and as fast as she could, she takes off running into the cage.  She could hear the Rider following her.  His spurs clicking at every step her took.  As the Rider makes his way into the cage, Hayden takes off through the other exit.  But, before the Rider could grab her, Liam slams the gate door in his face and locks it with a deadbolt. 

The Rider snaps his head behind him and sees Scott shutting the other gate, but it jams on him.  Scott's eyes widen and he continues to jerk the gate, but it wouldn't budge.  The Rider paces quickly over to him and grabs the gate to push it back open.  Theo, Edward, Toby, and John rush to help him.

"Come on." Scott grunts. 

Suddenly, the Rider reaches out and grabs Theo's arm with a loud growl.  His arm was caught, and he knew he won't get free until they get the gate loose.

"Keep closing it."  Theo grits out.

They all do what he says, Theo yells in pain as the bones in his arm begins to crack.  Liam rushes and pulls him free.  The Rider continues to pull on the gate.  Scott half transforms into the Alpha and roars loudly at the Rider.  The Rider growls back at Scott, but snaps his gaze up as a fist comes flying into his face.  John punches the Rider hard, sending him to the floor.

Panting, John grips the gate with Scott and the others and finally closes it.  As the lock on the gate clicks, Mason grabs the jar of Mountain Ash and spreads it around the cage.  Trapping the Rider where he stayed.  The Rider snarls as he gets to his feet and glares at them all.

Scott lets out a sharp exhale and turns to Mason, "Go! Go!" He shouts.

They all turn towards the Rider, ready in case he manages to get free.  They watch him reach for his gun, but his side was empty.  The Rider looks up and sees Scott carrying his gun.  They could see the Rider growing frustrated, so he lifts his hand in the air and calls for the lighting, but the rod drew the lighting, then it bounces off the gate, throwing it off course and away from the Rider. 

Breathing heavily with relief, "It worked."

Liam sighs, "We did it."

"Yeah.  We did." Scott says, still cautious with the Rider. 

Hayden smiles and high-fives Edward. 

Scott looks over at John, who was shaking his fist in pain, "Thanks."

"Nice punch, Daddy-O." Toby smirks.

"No worries.  Been waiting to do that for a long time." John smirks and laughs. 

Suddenly, the Rider lifts both of his hands in the air, calling for the lightning again.  The lighting comes back, ten times stronger.  Everyone looks at the transformer with worry.  They feared that if the Rider kept calling the lighting with such power, it might overload the transformer.  But, so far so good, it was holding.  Now...the interrogation.


When Lydia, Myst, and Josie made it to Stilinski's, Sheriff immediately shows them what he has found.  Lydia gasps at the huge hole in the wall, and sees the door.  Sheriff opens the door and opens it, stepping inside the room.  Lydia walks in first, then Josie and Myst.  Josie's eyes couldn't go any more wide at the sight of the room.  She takes in a deep breath and gasps. 

"You knew about it, didn't you?" Sheriff asks Lydia. 

Lydia was hesitant, but she slowly nods.  She had a feeling something was here, she never expected a room.

"God, it was on the blueprints.  It was here when we moved in.  That was 18 years ago." Sheriff quietly exclaims in shock.

Lydia suddenly looks around and, to her shock, several things began to appear in the empty room with them.  Myst looks around in confusion, she could sense something here.  Something was missing.  But, she couldn't figure it out. Maybe it had to do with Stiles. 

Josie sniffs the air again, that scent was there.  All of their scents, "We've been here before." Josie says softly.

Sheriff looks over to her in confusion, "What?"

Josie turns and looks at him, "I'm picking up several scents in this room.  Mine, Lydia's, Malia's, Scott's, and yours.  We've been in the room before.  Several times, in fact."

Sheriff frowns, "That's impossible."

Lydia continues to look around and sees a bed, with a blue comforter.  She knew that was Stiles' bed, she looks around more and sees a bulletin board and a clear board.  A table with a chair.  She knew this was all of Stiles' stuff.

"Lydia?" Sheriff's voice snaps her out of her thoughts.  Her eyes misted with tears at the sight of the furniture.  She looks towards Sheriff, seeing his confused look. "What is it?"

She frowns, couldn't he see what she sees?  She looks around again and sees that everything was gone.  The bed, the boards, the table and chair.  Everything. 

"Nothing." Lydia swallows a lump in throat.

"I don't understand how you knew this was here.  If you want to discuss the possibility that I had a son...I'm listening."  He says softly.

Lydia nods and moves to close the door gently, then turns to towards Sheriff. 

Josie looks around the room, sniffing the strange scent in the air.  It was so familiar, but she couldn't detect who's it was.  Maybe it was Stiles'.  Suddenly, Josie felt dizzy.  Her eyes begin to roll to the back of her head and she begins to fall backwards, but Sheriff shouts in surprise and grabs her before she falls. 

Sheriff holds her as her body jerks violently in his arms, "She's having as seizure!  Call an ambulance." 

"Wait, she's not having a seizure." Myst grabs Lydia's arm before she could move.  "She's remembering.  It's the energy in here.  So many memories.  You can feel it, can't you?"  Myst looks at Lydia and Sheriff. 

"I feel something." Lydia says softly.

"But, we need to help her.  This might hurt her and Seth." Sheriff warns as he holds Josie close to him.

Josie continues to jerk around and voices fade around her as memories stab through her mind, forcing themselves to come out.  A voice very familiar to her echoed loudly in her ears.  A boy's voice.  Stiles' voice.  She knew it.

"All right, break up the love feast."

"Scott is crazy about you, don't doubt yourself."

"I still got vomit in my backseat!"

"What about this place?  We could chip in the rent."

"Don't mock the dream and the jeep.  I'm not leaving the jeep."


"Help them remember...Help Scott.  Help them remember me..."

Josie sits up real fast with a loud gasp and looks around at her bearings.  Panting in shock,  she looks around for the voice.  She knew it was Stiles'.  She remembers that voice.  That hyperactive voice.   But, all she saw was Lydia, Sheriff, and Myst's worried looks.  She sighs and gets up with their help.

"What the hell was that?" Sheriff asks.

"I just felt so dizzy all of the sudden, then so many memories were rushing at once."  Josie exhales softly, "I remember.  I remember everything." She sighs. 

"About what?" Lydia asks.

"About Stiles." Josie smiles softly.


Back at the transformer shed, the Ghost Rider continues to try and get out of the cage.  Thunder rumbled loudly over them and electricity crackled all over the cage, but the Rider could not get free.  Once the Rider stopped trying, he simply glares at them all.  Hayden let a little while ago to keep Mason company, per Liam's request. 

John and Edward stayed with Liam, Scott, and Theo.  

Theo lets out a scoff, "Now what do we do?"

Scott shrugs, "Try and talk to him."

Liam immediately steps forth, "Mr. Ghost Rider?" 

He clears his throat.  "Mr. Rider?"

Scott frowns at him in confusion and Theo looks at Scott in disbelief.  John sighs, crossing his arms over his chest to see if that would work.

"We'll let you out if you tell us how to get our friends back." Liam adds.

"Everyone.  We want everyone back." Scott states.

"Tell us how to get 'em all back." Liam demands. 

Hoping for an answer of some sort, the Rider just stood there in silence, looking at them all with his soulless stare. 

"This is the plan?" Theo asks in disbelief.

"There wasn't a plan for this part of the plan."  Liam stutters.

"It's okay.  Look, we got him trapped.  He can't get out.  We just have to figure out how to communicate with him."  Scott says as he moves closer to the cage.

John frowns and steps closer, standing next to Scott as they both study the rider.  Scott frowns as he tries to figure things out, "Maybe he can't hear us.  Maybe he speaks an ancient language."  He suggests.

"Maybe he only responds to pain.  Or fear." Liam suggests.

Theo scoffs, "Nothing's gonna scare this thing.  Look at him.  He's a walking corpse."

"Obviously, he's never come face to face against an elemental before." John says as he calls forth his powers.  His eyes begin to glow bright blue. 

Suddenly, the Rider grips his throat, choking for air. Everyone watches in shock as water sprays from his nose and parts where his mouth use to be.  The Rider shrieks and falls to his knees.

"John, stop it.  You're gonna kill him." Scott demands.

"He's already dead, won't make a difference." John sneers. 

Scott grabs his arm, snapping his concentration out of focus and glares at him with red eyes, "Enough."

Everyone frowns at John as his eyes dim back to their natural color, "I was just showing him who he was messing with." He gets out of Scott's grip and watch the Rider get to his feet and stands again, watching them all.

Edward frowns in realization, "Something's wrong.  Why'd he stop trying to get out?"

Everyone frowns and turns towards the Rider, then suddenly, the Rider makes a eerily howl from his throat.  Not like a werewolf, but more frighting. 

"Did he just call for backup?" Theo asks with dread.

Scott's eyes widen in caution.

"When Corey made the Ghost Rider visible at the party, another one showed up." Liam states.

"We have to figure out how to talk to him.  Or else get the hell out of here." Scott says anxiously.

"Talking isn't going to do jack with these guys.  They only talk to those who ride with them.  Their enemies aren't exactly on those lists." Toby says and glares at the Rider.  When he takes a step forward, the Rider took a step back.  Toby couldn't help but smirk.  "You know what I am.  What we all are, don't you?" Even though that the Rider didn't answer, Toby knew he did.  "Now that we have your undivided attention, we want answers."


Outside, Mason stood in the middle of the woods, looking up at the sky.  So far so good, it's pretty quiet, till he hears Hayden walking towards him from behind. 

"Where's Corey?"  She asks.

Mason exhales and looks beyond him at tree, "He's over there."

Hayden couldn't see him till he blended back into his reality.  Hayden's jaw dropped in shock.

"How did you know?" She exclaims.

"Yeah...How did you know?" Corey couldn't believe it as well.

"There's a refraction of light around your silhouette that I can always see." Mason says and blushes as Corey looks at him in pride and admire.  "I don't know, it probably has something to do with pheromones or some other chemical interaction.  It's my only power." Mason stops and sighs.  "Finding you."

"I know what it is." Hayden smiles at the two of them, "It's the bond.  You two are connecting to the point where you can sense each other."

Mason blushes and Corey smiles big.

"Did you see anything on your end?"  Corey asks Hayden.

"No.  It's all clear."  She says.

"I wish we knew what was happening." Mason sighs.

Hayden checks her cell as it beeps, she received a text from Liam.

"Anything?" Mason asks.

Hayden sighs and puts her cell back, "They can't get him to talk."

'!' That's it!  Mason suddenly thinks back at the party where the Ghost Riders showed up. 

"They were communicating." Mason gasps.

"Who?" Corey asks.

"I was wrong about him.  Well, no, I was right about him.  Actually, I was wrong about him but I was right about the wrong thing." Mason tries to explain.

"Who are we talking about here?" Corey asks in confusion.

"Parrish.  Remember how I thought that the Ghost Riders  were scared of him?" Mason asks, reminding them both.

"At the party?" Hayden asks.

"I think that he was actually trying to communicate with him."  Mason says as he thinks back where Parrish was telling the Rider to get down on his knees and the Rider just looked at him and...maybe whispering to him.  He heard whispers, but he had no idea what he was saying.  But maybe...just maybe...Parrish did.

"We need Parrish."

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