Chapter 29: Because You Loved Him

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Sheriff begins to pace the room as Lydia, Myst, and Josie tries to explain to him about what they saw in Canaan and what they remember so far about Stiles.  Lydia happened to mention about Lenore and Caleb, as well.

"So, wait a sec.  So, this woman 'Lenore', she conjured up her dead son?" Sheriff asks in disbelief.

"She was the only one left." Lydia says.  "She had to fill a void."

"So she filled it with her son." Myst explains.

"And you saw this kid?" He asks.

"We all did.  He was real.  He was there."  Josie says.

Lydia looks down, hesitant, "But..."

"But what?" Sheriff eyes her.

"She was there when everybody was taken.  She saw it happen.  But she didn't wanna believe it.  She wanted to believe in her son." Lydia says, hinting at Sheriff.

Sheriff frowns at her tone, "What are you trying to say? You think Claudia is not real?" When neither of them answered him, he scoffs at them all, "You think I made up a phantom wife?"

Josie sighs, "Sheriff, Dad told me what happened to Claudia.  About her condition."

"Yeah, she was sick, but she got better." Sheriff nods, still not believing them at all.

Josie slowly shakes her head in disagreement, "When Stiles was here, she consumed to her illness.  It was just you and him.  You were each others rock during Claudia's passing.  Without were alone, so, you conjured Claudia." 

Sheriff shakes his head, he didn't want to believe it, he didn't want to believe any of it.

"You're afraid to remember him." Lydia says.

Sheriff points out behind him, anger rising in his eyes, "She's a flesh and blood woman.  She's real.  Everything else here is just...Is just speculation.  Conjecture.  It's just, it's a theory based on a...On a ghost town." He scoffs at them. 

Myst was about to say something, but, she grabs Lydia's hand and nods at behind Sheriff, Lydia looks over Sheriff's shoulder and freezes in shock.  She slowly makes her way around him and sees a new item that appeared out of thin air.  A chair...with a Beacon Hills Lacrosse team jersey.   Number 24, it said.  A matching helmet sat on the chair, resting against the jersey. 

Josie looks over and gasps softly, smiling slowly.  Sheriff frowns and watches Lydia move around him.  She walks slowly towards the chair and reaches out for the jersey.  It felt warm in her hands as if it's been worn before.  She brings it to her nose, smelling a scent that was so familiar. 

It was real.  Stiles is real.  She smiles big and turns to face Sheriff, but her smile fades when he just looked at her with caution and worry. 

"You don't see anything?" She gasps softly.

"I see a deeply disturbed young woman.  In fact, three of them." Sheriff says.

Josie sighs in disappointment, "Sheriff, please." She begs.

"You're afraid to remember him because you're afraid of what it means." Myst says.

Myst sighs, and moves to stand near Lydia, taking the jersey in her hands, holding it up, but all Sheriff could see was nothing but air.

"Why do you care so much if I remember him?" Sheriff asks in frustration.

Tears misted in Lydia's eyes, "Because you loved him." her voice cracks.

Sheriff frowns at her, and watches Myst bring her hands down and throws her left hand out, as if she was tossing something.  Sheriff gasps as a jersey forms in the air and he catches it in his hands.  He frowns in confusion at the sight, how?  He feels around the fabric with his fingers.  It was real.  The name on the back, 'Stilinski'.  How was this possible?  Seeing the evidence in his hands, he was starting to believe that he did have a son. 


"How are we gonna get him to talk?" Liam asks.

Everyone, suddenly, looks over to Toby, thinking the same thing.  Toby becomes startled with their gazes.

"What?" He frowns at them.

"Do you think you could communicate with him?  You know more about them than we do?" Theo asks, nodding at the Rider.

"Bitch, I know how they work, but that doesn't mean I'm g-mail for them.  I don't speak 'Rider.'" Toby scoffs.

Liam feels his cell go off, it was Hayden.  Hayden called Liam and informed him on Mason's theory.  It was crazy, but it just might work.  Maybe that was the explanation with what happened at the party.  So, they all waited patiently near the cage, till suddenly, the Rider snaps his gaze towards there door.  Everyone turns and sees Parrish at the door.  Thunder rumbled loudly with the lightning, giving off his form through the dark. 

Parrish walks in, looking directly at the Rider while the Rider took a step forward.  Parrish stood just a few mere inches away from the Mountain Ash.  He knew if he broke the barrier, the Rider could get free.

"That's progress." Theo mutters sarcastically. 

"Shut up, Raeken." John sneers. 

Toby walks up to stand next to Parrish, "Ask him how we get everyone back."  He says.

Parrish sighs, "Tell us how we get everyone back." He says.

The Rider made no effort to talk, but where his mouth use to be began to move and a wail erupted from his throat. 

"What was that?" Liam asks, a little startled.

"Did he say something?" Scott asks with hope.

"He said 'Hellhound'." Parrish frowns.

"Is that a good thing?"  Theo asks.

Everyone eyes the Rider with caution, John started to think maybe this was a really bad idea.  Hellhounds are known to Hunt with Riders.  But, Parrish is on their side.


Meanwhile, Malia drove Peter out on the road towards the woods, she needed to find the way back into the portal and find Stiles herself. 

"Take the next left, cut over to the highway.  And then don't stop." Peter says, breaking her out of her concentration.

She sighs and scoffs in disbelief, but she shouldn't be so surprised, "We have a deal.  I'm not leaving without Stiles."

"You're so very loyal, Malia.  And that is an overrated quality." Peter states in sarcasm.

Malia eyes at him, then turns back to keep her eyes on the road.  Peter rolls his eyes and looks ahead.  It wasn't long till they reached the entrance of the woods.  Malia parks her car near the chain with the 'Beacon Hills Persevere: No Entry After Dark' sign and gets out to walk towards the path.

Peter gets out of the car, but leans on the door,"You know, I was in pretty bad shape when you found me.  I don't really have a clear picture of where I was." He smirks.

"I marked the territory." Malia scoffs at him. 

Peter looks at her weirdly and in disgust.

"Visually.  I marked it visually."  She glares at him and walks around the chain, "But we didn't see where you came out." She says.

"It's a supernatural rift, Malia, it's not the Golden Gate Bridge.  I doubt we can even see it, let alone get through.  This is a horrible waste of time." Peter tries to reason with her, get her to change her mind, anything to get away from this place. 

"You promised me.  On your death bed." Malia reminds him.

He wanted to kick himself for that promise, "I just saw a kid get burned alive trying to escape the Hunt.  You try and save Stiles, he's gonna die the same way.  Humans can't get through." He says.

Malia turns around, but continues to walk, "Then we'll find another way to get him out.  But first we have to get in." She says simply.

Peter stops in his track and looks at her in disbelief, "You have no self-preservation instincts.  How are you my daughter?" He scoffs and continues to follow her. 


"Ask him again." Scott says to Parrish.

Parrish sighs and looks back at the Rider, "What do you want from us?" He asks.

Suddenly, an eerily voice speaks out, echoing in the air for all to hear. 

"We are the Wild Hunt.  We hunt forever.  Those who hunt with us hunt forever."

Everyone looks at the Rider in confusion.

"What does that mean?" Liam asks, almost afraid of the answer.

"Tell us what you want." Parrish tries again.

"We are the Wild Hunt.  Those who hunt with us hunt forever."

"That clarifies things." Theo mutters sarcastically.

"What do we have to do to get everyone back? Do you want something from us?" Scott practically begs to the Rider.

Suddenly, the Rider takes his gaze off of Parrish and moves it towards Scott.

"Why's he looking at Scott?"  Liam asks.

John looks at the Rider, then back to Scott, "He figured out Scott's the Alpha."

"There must be something you want." Scott begs for an answer.

The Rider tilts his head at Scott and suddenly made a small wail and formed his gloved hands into flapping motion, like a bird.

"He said, 'Father of the Phoenix'.'  Parrish says, but more like a question.

"They know about Seth, they know about Josie, they know all about you.  They know you're the Alpha and the Father of our salvation.  The way he made the bird with his hands, he was mocking you.  Challenging you." Toby states as he looks over towards Scott.

"There is only the Hunt.  No one resists.  No one escapes."

John steps forth, giving the Rider the coldest glare, "Well, I did.  I escaped, and I will help everyone escape from you.  You messed with the wrong people, you messed with my family, my daughter.  My grandchild.  You can hold my word that I will fight.  We will fight."

Toby smirks, "You got that right."

Scott steps forth, "I'm comin' for my friends.  I'm comin' for everyone.  I won't stop.  I'll never stop until we get everyone back." He states.

Suddenly, the Rider turns towards Parrish, eerily whispers coming from him.  Parrish stiffens at the whispers, listening to every word. 

Toby's eyes widen in realization, "Oh, shit." He steps back.

"Parrish? What's happening?" Liam asks.

Toby pulls John and Edward back, "We need to get the hell out of here, now."

"Why?  What's going on?"  John asks.

Theo's eyes widen as he looks at Parrish, "Scott..." His voice trails off.

Whispers continue to echo in the air. 

Suddenly, fire began to form in Parrish's chest, consuming his entire body.  The Hellhound was awakening, and the Rider was calling him.

Parrish takes a step forward, burning through the Mountain Ash.

Everyone watches in horror, "What is he doing?"  Theo exclaims.

Scott's eyes widen, "He's gonna set him free."


Deep in the woods, Malia and Peter continues to walk to the find the area where they found Peter and John.  Peter has been desperately trying to get Malia to turn around and forget about it, but, damn, she was stubborn. 

"I think you need to admit that you have an unhealthy attachment to Stiles.  You got to let him go."  Peter says as he follows her.

A animal-like growl rumbles in her throat as she keeps going.

"Would you please try to behave like a human?" He scoffs at her.

"I need Stiles for that."  Malia states.

"Why? Is he your human crutch?" He scoffs.

Malia sighs softly, but keeps going, "He's my anchor."

Peter shrugs, "I'll get you a new anchor.  He's not comin' back.  He was hunted.  He got caught."

Malia stops and turns to face him, "You don't believe that.  You risked your life to bring us his keys.  You and John both did." She states.

"I risked my life to escape the Hunt.  Not to reunite sentimental teenagers." Peter rolls his eyes, then catches something, "Since when you and John are on first name bases?"

Malia ignores his question, "You wanted us to know about Stiles.  And Canaan.  You were warning us." 

"Correction:  Stiles warned you about Canaan.  John told you about Stiles.  I want nothing to do with any of this.  I just want to leave and never look back." Peter says bitterly.

Malia sighs and turns to keep going on.  Peter rolls his eyes and continues to follow her.  But, Malia slows her steps and realizes they made it.

"This is where we found you." She looks around, trying to find something.  A clue.

"Like I said, there's nothin' here." Peter scoffs as he stands in the middle of the clearing, in front of her.

"You're not even looking."  Malia points out, gritting her teeth.

"You can't just poke around and expect to find a supernatural train station." He says sarcastically, but freezes when he hears the familiar sound of horses galloping in the distance.  Their hooves pounding over the ground.  Growing closer.  He slowly turns and looks out ahead.  Hearing the eerily shrieking blending with the horses.  "Do you hear that?"


Hayden scans the area slowly, it was so quiet and dark.  She couldn't help but wonder what's going on with the rest.  She hopes and prays they are having better luck with Parrish being there.  Maybe he managed to get the Ghost Rider to talk.  She hopes. 

She looks over and sees Mason walking towards her, looking both disappointed, but relieved. 

"Nothing." Hayden sighs.

"Same here."  He stands next to her and looks around, "How do you think it's going?" He asks.

Hayden gives him a reassuring smile, "I bet it's working."

She couldn't be more wrong.

Back at the shed, the flames that covered Parrish's body dimmed down, but cracks over his skin glowed like lava.  He keeps walking forward, determined to free the Rider. 

Scott and Liam rush to stop him, "Hey, hey, Parrish, Parrish, stop!"  They both grunt and push him away from the cage.  Shoving him against the wall.

Parrish growls loudly at them.  Theo grabs Parrish's shoulder and yells in pain as the heat from his body burned him.  Parrish growls at Theo and shoves him across the room. 

Edward gets out his swords and stands guard in front of the gate, preventing Parrish from freeing him.  John calls forth his power and sprays Parrish, steam hisses around him, but Parrish was still walking towards them, growling. 

"This isn't working!" John yells.

"Yeah, we need to do something."  Liam says.

"Yeah.  On three.  One, two, three!"  Scott yells out.

John pushes the water back to let them grab Parrish and push him out of the shed.  John, Edward, and Toby rush out to help.  They keep shoving till he was far from the Rider.  All three tumble to the ground.  

Scott groans in pain and looks at the burns on his hands, steam rising from his skin. 

Across town, Josie slept in their bed, winching in her sleep as burns form over his hands.  Myst frowns and walks towards her, moving her hands out to see.  She knew Scott was having trouble.  Myst sighs in relief when the burns began to heal, but Josie still stirred in her sleep.  Myst didn't know, but Seth was taking her to another ride.  Everything was nearly clear to Josie's eyes.  It felt like she was flying through the sky.  She finds herself at the shed and goes inside.  She sees Theo, groaning and lying on the ground.  She hears groans from behind her and sees from outside, Scott, Liam, and Parrish were on the ground.  Parrish was in his Hellhound form, and she could see the burns on Liam and Scott's hands.  She frowns in confusion.  What happened?

She turns again and sees Theo get to his feet, grabbing the Mountain Ash, and fixing the barrier again.  She looks up and sees the Rider.  They caught him.  They really did it.  Before she could even smile in triumph, the Rider snaps his gaze towards her.  Growling lowly. 

Theo frowns and looks over to where the Rider was looking at.  All he could see was nothing but air.  He looks at the Rider in confusion, "What are you looking at?" 

The Rider seems to be following everywhere Josie was walking.  She moves around and stands next to Theo, waving her hand in front of his face, he couldn't see her, but the Rider could. 

Theo looks again, following his gaze.  He could see the Rider was looking at something.  Something only he could see.  Theo inhales deeply and calls forth his wolf, he opens his wolf eyes and looks next to him.  He jumps in surprise when he sees a glowing form standing next to him.  Covered in blue fire.  The form seems to have jumped in surprise as well and frowns at him.  Theo squints at the form, looking at the face. 

"Josie?" He asks softly. 

"You can see me?" Her voice was faint, but he could hear her. 

"How are you doing that?"  He asks.

Josie shrugs, "I don't know.  I was at home, sleeping.  And, suddenly, I'm here.  Am I dreaming?"

Theo shakes his head, "No, you're here." He stutters, "Sort of.  You're all glowy.  Like flames covering you.  Blue fire."

Josie sighs, rolling her eyes, "Seth.  Seth sent me here." She sighs in realization.  "What do you want me to see, Seth?" She looks around for any kind of clue.

Theo frowns in confusion, pushing back his wolf, and turns back to the Rider, who was watching them both, but, suddenly, he looks over towards the door.  Josie and Theo both look and Josie couldn't believe it.  However, Theo wasn't too surprised, but he held his stand.

"Have you been here the whole time?" He asks Mr. Douglas.

"How could I stay away?" Mr. Douglas simply states. 

Theo eyes him with caution and watches him walk over towards the cage, but stops near the barrier.  Josie frowns at Theo, why wasn't he surprised? 

"You knew?" She asks.

Theo didn't want her presences known so he moves his hand discreetly, signing 'yes' to her.  She watches him sign to her with one hand behind his back. 

'I'll explain if I can get out of this alive.  I promise.'

"Maybe you should tell them who you really are."  Theo says as Mr. Douglas glares at the Rider.  "Hauptmann?"

Mr. Douglas' glow bright red as he continues to glare.   Josie gasps softly, he was an Alpha!


The shrieking grows louder to Peter's ears.  It wasn't long till Malia heard the sounds, too.  The horses galloping straight towards them from the distance. 

"It's them?" Malia asks.

Peter continues to look out into the distance, "Yeah.  And judging by the sound, we don't have a lot of time." He says.

"For what?" Malia asks in confusion.

"For you to run."

"You're leaving me?" She exclaims in disbelief.

Peter turns sharply to look at her, "I'm saving you." He states.

"But if we can hear them, it must be close." Malia says, she didn't want to give up just because the Riders were coming.

Peter stands before her, gripping her forearms, "There'll be another chance." 

Malia looks up into his eyes, seeing care, the fear he had for her.  For his daughter. 

"Go now."  Peter says as he lets her go.  "Malia, run! Go!"  He shouts and watches her run away.

Peter sighs softly in relief.  They may have had troubles in the past, but she was still his daughter.  He still cared for her. 

Peter turns as he hears the loud galloping approaching him.  They were almost there...and he was ready.


Josie and Theo continue to watch Mr. Douglas...or Hauptmann, as Theo called him.  Josie's eyes widen as Hauptmann transforms into full Alpha mode, growling softly.  He slowly turns towards Theo.  Theo tries to run for it, but Hauptmann grabs him, digging his claws into Theo's back.  Theo yells in pain as Hauptmann's claws dig into his spine, keeping him from escaping. 

"Break the barrier."  He forces Theo to turn towards the gate, gripping his arm with his other hand.  "Break the barrier, or I'll rip you in two."

Theo breaths heavily, he knew if he broke the barrier, he would free the Rider.  Why did Hauptmann want the Rider freed?  Hesitantly, Theo did what he wanted.  He dragged his foot over the Ash, breaking the barrier. 

Once the barrier was broken, Hauptmann roughly throws Theo across the room, making him land hard on the ground.  Theo couldn't move much.  His spine was beginning to heal.  Josie gasps and kneels next to Theo, but watches Hauptmann as he yanks the cage doors open and enters.  She frowns when the Rider backs away.  Was he scared of him?

"It's been a long time." Hauptmann snarls.

The Rider reaches for his side, grabbing his whip.  He flings it out, getting ready to attack.  Hauptmann growls lowly, preparing himself.  The Rider cracks his whip at him, but instead of trapping him with his whip, Hauptmann grabs it. 

Theo's eyes widen in shock as well as Josie's.

With one firm tug, Hauptmann sent the Rider to his knees and grip his throat.

At the same time, Peter took his stand, turning full Beta wolf as the wind whooshing around him.  Blowing leaves every way.  He turns around and sees two Ghost Riders riding up towards him.  He flings his claws out, letting out a ferocious roar as they draw their guns at him.

Back in the shed, Hauptmann opens his wide jaws and chomps right into the Rider's skull.  The Rider lets out a loud wail, echoing throughout the woods. 

The Ghost Riders snap their heads up to the sound.  Their horse neighed loudly, rearing in the air.  One Rider let out a loud wail, as if it was a call. 

Parrish slowly gets to his feet, snapping out of his trance.  He shakes his head in confusion.  He had no idea how he get here.  One minute he was communication with the Rider, but now he was outside.  He turns and sees Liam and Scott panting and in pain, their hands were burned, but he could see they were healing.  He did this.  The Rider forced him to do something.  He knew it.  He felt like he lost control of his body, like how it was when the Dread Doctors were killing teenagers.  John, Edward, and Toby watches him carefully.

He gives them all an apologetic look, "Don't follow me." And then he turns and takes off through the woods, running away, before he causes more damage towards them. 

In the shed, Hauptmann chomps once more and lets go of the Rider, letting him fall face first against the floor.  Blood poured out of the Rider's skull as a gaping wound was made from Hauptmann's fangs.  Josie's eyes widen, he was the one murdering those people...for their pineal glands. 

Breathing heavily, Hauptmann digs his way into the Rider's brain and yanks out a large gland.  He holds it in his bloody hands then brings it to his mouth, chomping on it like it was an apple.  Josie couldn't help but gag at the sight.  She whimpers and looks away, but Theo couldn't help but watch in fear.  He shudders softly as Hauptmann continues to chew on the gland. 

He slowly gets up to his feet and begins to leave, but he stops and slowly turns, smirking softly towards Josie!  He walks slowly towards her, growing lowly as blood dripped from his fangs.  Kneeling down next to her.

"I knew there was something about you.  Besides being and elemental and the True Alpha's mate."  He trails his red glowing eyes down to her stomach, "But, a mother of the Phoenix." He smirks.  He reaches up and trails a finger over her glowing face, Josie groans in disgust as blood and brain matter drips from his fingers, "You'll make a wonderful queen.  Imagine, with you by my side, the Riders can't touch us.  You'll be safe."

Josie's upper lip twitches, "I'm not yours." She snarls.

"Not yet." Hauptmann smirks evilly at her.

Peter braces himself to be shot at, anything to keep the Riders from going after Malia. But, nothing happens.  The horses whinnies and the Riders retreated away from Peter.   Peter growls lowly, confused, but relieved as well.

Scott, Liam, Edward, John, and Toby rush back to the shed, but what they see, they couldn't believe it.  

The barrier was broken, the cage was open, and the Rider was dead on the ground with a gaping hole in his head.  Hayden and Mason come running in with them.  From the corner, against the transformer, Theo coughs weakly as he lies limply against it.  Everyone snap their heads towards the noise, Hayden glares at him in such anger and stomp towards him.  John joins her.  Scott and the others exams the Rider's body. 

John reaches for Theo, pulling him roughly to his feet and shoves him against a wall, "What did you do?" Hayden growls at him. 

Theo looks at all of them in fear, "It was Mr. Douglas." He stutters out.  "He ate his brain."  Theo looks around, he couldn't sense Josie anymore. 

Liam shakes his head in disappointment, "Scott was right.  I was wrong.  I'm sending you back."

Scott looks closer, seeing the familiarity of the wound, "It wasn't his brain.  Mr. Douglas ate his pineal gland."

"It couldn't have been Theo.  These murders have been going on for weeks." Mason says.

"Josie was here." Theo speaks up.

John and Scott both perk up, "What?" "What?"

Theo stutters, "Sort of.  Uh, she said Seth brought her here.  I could only see her as a werewolf.  He was talking to her.  Mr. Douglass was talking to her."

"About what?" John frowns.

"About becoming his queen." Theo says softly.

Scott growls lowly as he hears those words come out of Theo's mouth.  John lets go of Theo, but his hands formed into fists against his sides till his knuckles turned white.

Liam looks down and notices something, "Guys.  His whip's gone."

"He took it.  From the Rider.  I think Josie followed him.  I can't sense her anymore." Theo says.

Deep in the woods, Corey walks around, keeping his eyes on any hint of the Riders whereabouts.  So far, nothing, till a figure walks around a tree.

It was Mr. Douglas, carrying a whip with a devilish grin towards Corey. 

"Mr. Douglas? What are you doing?" Corey asks in confusion.

Hauptmann flings out the whip, "Something I have been waiting to do for a very long time."  Corey's eyes widen when his eyes glow bright green.

With a grunt and crack of the whip, Hauptmann traps Corey with the whip, wrapping it around his neck. 

Josie watches in horror, covering her mouth in shock. 

With a sharp tug, Corey disappears in a cloud of green smoke, screaming till his scream faded into the darkness.

Josie jerks up from her deep slumber, sitting up in fear.  All she could do was scream.


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