Chapter 30: We'll Find Him

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Several days have passed since Sheriff discovered the room and talking to Lydia, Myst, and Josie. It was all he could think about. He could barely sleep. He picks up the jersey again in his hands, trailing his fingers over the soft fabric, tracing the name on the back. It was still hard to believe, but he saw it with his own eyes. Maybe he should do what the girls say. Believe in remembering Stiles. He slowly gets to his feet, gripping the jersey in his hands and looks around, trying to remember. When Lydia remembered Stiles, she could see things. They all did, except him. Things that belonged to Stiles. He needed to remember.

Sheriff turns and looks at the wall, the paint was fading. Stiles was a teenager. 18 years old. He was a senior. He had to have stuff on his wall. He tries to picture it, but it was so hard. He sighs and turns towards the shelves. The built in shelves on the wall, collecting dust particles. Stiles had to have books or something on these shelves. He had to. He trails his fingers on one shelf, following his hands with his eyes, hoping to feel something. Something that could help him. When he trials his fingers back to where he started, he jumps a little when a red ball of yarn and a box of thumbtacks appeared.

They weren't there before. Sheriff gasps as he picks them up off the shelf. It was working. He remembers these. Stiles was obsessed with police work. He remembers how he would follow his cases and try and help. Especially the supernatural cases. He carefully picks up the ball and thumbtacks and senses the little memories coming back. He catches something at the corner of his eye and turns to find a blank bulletin board hanging on the wall. The board Stiles uses for his unsolved cases to find connections. Sheriff quickly moves towards it and slowly brings his hand over it. It was real! He grabs a thumbtack and takes a string of yarn and tacks it to the board, he looks around, he needed a connection. He quickly makes a connection from the board to the wall next to the window on the left side of him. When he turns back, the bulletin board was filling up with news articles. It was working. He needed to remember everything. He quickly gets to the center of the room and stabs a string with a tack in the center of the room and sees a table behind him. He gets another yard of string and connects it to another wall to the center of the room. When he looks up, there was a bed. Stiles' bed. He needed more memories. He spills the tacks out in the center of the room and quickly connects every inch of the room to the center. One by one, more and more items that belonged to Stiles appeared in the room. His sports bag that he uses when he plays on the lacrosse team in high school. Pictures of werewolves he drew. Old trophies he earned when he was a kid. One by one, memories were starting to form around Sheriff. He didn't give up till he remembers everything about Stiles. Pretty soon, the whole room was complete and covered in a web of red yarn. Everything that was Stiles was now in the room.

But, something was off. Sheriff looks around and something catches his eye. He moves around a net of yarn and reaches out to grab a picture of the board. It was a picture of Claudia when she was in the hospital. Stiles was sitting next to her on the bed. Claudia was smiling softly at the camera, while Stiles just looked at the camera as he held his mother's hand. He remember this day. He remembers it well.


(Josie's outfit for the day, except for the heels)

The next morning, Scott claims he had a plan to help get Stiles back. Josie thought he was crazy, a way...maybe it was the only way. But, they needed to talk to the pack before he made the decision. When he did, they couldn't believe he was actually considering to do that. They all met up at the empty police station to discuss the plan. With the Hunt consuming the town, every deputy was gone and Sheriff was at his house trying to figure out about Stiles, no point of going to work when you don't have any deputies out there. Half of the town was already taken.

Lydia looks at Scott with wide eyes as he holds Josie close to him, looking down at her belly and touching it softly. Josie watches her take a step towards them in shock.

"You're going to bite Stiles?"

Scott slowly look up at her with a hard, serious look, "To get him through the rift." He sighs softly, shaking his head, "It's the only way." He lets go of Josie gently and moves to lean on one of the desks.

"Just to clarify, are you planning on biting everyone in the train station?" Peter asks, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

John glares at him and stands next to Josie, gently placing a hand on her shoulder and giving a small squeeze, "Is this the answer you both came up with?" He asks her.

Josie sighs, "I trust Scott. He knows what he's doing." She says.

Scott looks over some papers on the desk, plans and maps, "With Stiles back, he'll be able to help us figure out a plan."

"He's good at that." Malia points out.

Peter scoffs, "So the plan is to get Stiles to come up with a plan."

"You can shut up now." Malia snarls at him.

"Yeah, please. We get it already." John sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Guys, look around. We're the only ones left in Beacon Hills. If they take us, Lydia will be the only one left to haunt the place." Peter points out.

"That's why I'm the only person that's going in." Scott says.

Josie snaps her gaze to him, her eyes widening in terror, "No."

"Liam, Edward, and Hayden will stay here with Mason. Myst, Toby, you stay with Malia, Lydia, and Josie. As long as somebody is left in Beacon Hills, the Wild Hunt can't move on." Scott ignores Josie's concern.

"Did he tell you about this part of the plan?" John asks her.

She shakes her head and moves to stand next to Scott, "If you're going, I'm going too." She protests.

"Jo, you can't. Seth's essence is preventing you from being taken." Scott says.

Breathing heavily with fear, "Then, let's figure out another way. Anything else besides you going into the hunt and possibly never getting out."

Scott shushes softly and pulls her into his arms, "I'm coming back. I promise." He whispers as she grips on to him tightly.

Peter folds his arms over his chest, "I like your plan, Scott. I really do, especially the part about turning Stiles. But it can't work." He points out.

"How do you know?" Malia asks.

"Logic. Life experience. Liam, what are the odds that he'll get taken? What if Stiles isn't there? What if there's no Beacon Hills for you to come back to?" Peter points out all the flaws of the plan.

"You got a better idea?" Liam scoffs at him.

"Yeah. It's called, 'run like hell'." Peter says. Everyone looks at him in disbelief, "So, leave in five?"

Malia frowns at him and moves to stand in front of him, "You promised you'd help us. We still need to find the rift." She says.

"I didn't promise I'd help you commit suicide." Peter says softly.

Scott looks up and glares at him, "If you can't help, we can find it ourselves."

John moves and stands next to the desk, "I'll help. I was thrown out of the rift as well. I'll help you find it." He says.

Josie shakes her head, "Dad, actually, I was hoping if you could stay with Liam, Mason, and Hayden. They might need your help."

John sighs, "What about you? You might need my help with the rift."

Josie takes his hand and grips it with hers, holding it, sending him comfort. He sighs softly and grips her hand back.

"Please protect my friends." She says.

John gives her a small smile, "Ok, sweet pea. But, any hint of trouble, I'll find you." He looks over towards Liam, "Think you can trust me?"

Liam shrugs a little, "Maybe."

John chuckles softly, "I get it. But, at least, I'm not Theo." John points out. Liam nods in agreement.

"Liam, despite the past, you can trust John." Myst states.

"You sure?" Liam asks cautiously.

"Don't worry, puppy. There's not an evil bone in his body, at least not anymore. But, he's got a lot of rage towards the Riders." Toby smirks and pops his hip.

"Damn straight." John glares.

"Scott, I admit that you have a flair for beating the odds. But, this? You don't walk away from." Peter speaks up as he begins to walk backwards towards the door, "You run." He states and walks out of the building.

Malia watches her own father leave her, she should have expected it, but...she was hoping...maybe...he could change. Guess not.

"The Hunt is powerful, but, I trust in this pack. We can beat them, we just need to be one step ahead. First, we need to find the rift." Edward says and moves towards the map.

John leans over to look, "We were just a few miles out from the entrance of the preserve. Around this area." He points at a spot on the map.

"The rift must be located there." Myst says and sighs, "We'll find it." She swallows hard.

Josie looks over to her, seeing the pain in her eyes. She was missing Deaton. Myst was there when they took him.

A few days before they caught the Rider, after Myst sent her children off to Carol's, her and Deaton were preparing for the Hunt, gathering herbs and items to help Scott and Josie. But, before they could leave, the Ghost Riders came. Deaton shoved her out of the way and they shot him. Taking him to the Hunt. Myst couldn't believe he saved her.

Anger consumed her soul as two of them stood before her, aiming their guns at her.

Before they could get a shot off of her, her eyes blacken over and her powers took over.

By the time, Scott and Josie got to Deaton's, the room was completely deserted. No medical supplies, no cages. Just an empty building with dead Riders scattered on the floor, ripped apart, and a crying, broken Myst kneeling in the center of the room with tears running down her face.


Back at the shed where Scott and the others trapped the Ghost Rider, Chris Argent and Melissa slowly make their way into the building. Chris holds his gun low to the ground, but his finger inched over the trigger as he cautiously walks in, keeping his eye out for the Alpha werewolf that Scott mentioned to him.

Inside the shed, they see the cage they made for the Rider and the broken Mountain Ash. As Melissa moves inside, she sees the body of the Rider lying face first on the ground. She carefully moves towards the Rider and Chris walks around, scanning every inch.

"His tracks outside lead north from here." Chris says as he moves into the cage with Melissa as she kneels on the ground and sees the gaping hole in the Rider's skull. She slides a hand over the skull and wiggle her finger inside, "Oh." She sighs as she feels the evidence, "This one's gone, too." Melissa says and looks up at Chris.

Chris eyes widen in confusion as well as Melissa's did.

"Why take a Ghost Rider's pineal gland?" She asks incredulous.

"So I could use this."

They both scramble to their feet as the voice of Mr. Douglas speaks up from behind them. Chris aims his gun at him, but before he could shoot, Mr. Douglas snaps the whip at his hand. Yanking the gun from his grip and injuring him in the process.

Chris groans and grips his hand in pain, but backs up with Melissa behind him. Protecting her.

"What do you want?" Chris asks him, holding his arm back, shielding Melissa.

"Not our pineal gland, I hope. We're still using them." Melissa mutters sarcastically.

Mr. Douglas wraps the whip in his hands and moves closer to stand before them, "I want you to help me find a Hellhound."

"You were tracking him. You lost his scent." Chris says in realization.

"I found him on you. Which tells me..." Chris cuts him off.

"Nothing. I can't help you."

"That's too bad." Mr. Douglas says with an cold look, then looks down at the dead Rider. Chris eyes his gun which was a few inches away from him. "Then I have no use for you." Mr. Douglas looks back up at Chris with an evil grin.

Chris moves quickly to grab his gun, but Mr. Douglas grabs him by the neck and shoves him against the wall. Melissa screams in shock and watches Chris being choked to death by the Alpha.

"Not fast enough." Mr. Douglas smirks.
Chris chokes out for air as Mr. Douglas continues to cut off his air with his clawed hand.

Melissa couldn't let this happen, she couldn't let Chris die. She slowly nods, trying to get her words out.

"We'll do it." Mr. Douglas snaps his gaze at her, "We'll do it. Just let him go." She begs.

Mr. Douglas' lip twitches in amusement and yanks Chris up higher.

"Let him go!" Melissa yells in anger, but her upper lip trembles in fear. She tries her best to stay strong, but she was scared to death.

Finally, Mr. Douglas lets Chris go. Chris rubs his sore neck and pulls Melissa into his arms as she trembles and buries her face against his chest.

"Thank you for volunteering, Herr Argent." Mr. Douglas smirks at them.


Hearing about Corey being taken by Mr. Douglas from Josie, Mason couldn't believe it. His heart literally felt like it was crumbling inside his body. Hayden and Mason went to the area that Josie saw where Mr. Douglas took him and found his cellphone. Mason wouldn't let go of it. All he could do was scan through Corey's pictures and cry. It hurt so bad to be away from his mate.

Hayden drives the two of them towards the Sheriff's office to meet up with the others. As she drove, Mason continues to flip through the photos, seeing dozens and dozens of pictures of him and Corey together. Tears fell from his eyes continuously.

"At least we found his cell. That means something."

Mason sniffles as more tears feel from his eyes, "It's a relic. That only means one thing. Josie was right." His voice cracks.

"It means he's not dead, Mason." Hayden tries to calm him, reassuring him.

Mason wipes away his tears, sniffling more.

"And that there's still a chance." She adds.

"Why would he take him? Why Corey?" Mason wonders. He looks back at the photos, flipping more pictures of them together. "He only has pictures of us." Mason couldn't help but smile at the photo of him and Corey smiling at the camera. "There's, like, a hundred pictures here. And it's just us. Is that a little weird?"

Hayden smiles softly, shaking her head, "No. It means he loves you."

Mason sighs deeply, taking in her words. He loves him. Corey loves him and Mason loves Corey. More than anything. He nods to himself, making a stand right there and then.

"We need to get him back."

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