Chapter 31: Find the Rift

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Scott, Josie, Malia, Lydia, Toby, and Myst all take off towards the Beacon Hills Preserve.  Josie still didn't like this idea.  Maybe, just maybe, she can figure out a way to get into the rift with Scott.  The bond between then, what will happen if he gets stuck in the hunt and she's in Beacon Hills without him?  Will she die?  Will she consume to the bond and be like her father when he was?  She didn't want to take the risk. 

Josie snaps out of her thoughts when Scott takes her hand into his and gives her a serious look.  She gives him a guilty look, she knew he was hearing her thoughts.  The bond was showing him her fear.  Scott sighs and pulls her close as they walk through the woods. 
"Jo, we're going to figure it all out.  Once we get Stiles out, we'll work our way up from there.  Ok?" He asks softly. 

Josie sighs, "I don't like this.  What if Peter is right?  What if this won't work?"

"We need to try anything to get him out of the Hunt.  Everyone." Scott says. 

Josie pouts a little, "I still don't like it."

Scott leans down and kisses her softly over her lips, letting her feel his passion for her.  His love.  He sighs softly over her lips as he breaks the kiss gently.  He looks up and sees everyone watching them.  Blushing, Scott clears his throat, "When you were here before, how long until the Ghost Riders showed up?"  They continue their way towards the area where they found Peter and John.

"Now's not the time to give him a lil' cocoa." Toby smirks at Josie. 

Josie shushes and elbows him in the gut.

Toby grates his him in a obscene way, "Lil' cocoa." He teases.

"Shut up, Toby." Josie blushes and walks closer against Scott and feels him wrap and arm around her.  Keeping her close to him.   

Malia looks at them awkwardly and answers Scott's question as she follows them behind, "A couple minutes." 

"That's reassuring." Lydia says sarcastically as she follows Malia. 

"What's a rift supposed to look like?" Malia asks.

Myst clears her throat, "If it's a tear in the fabric of our world.  Theoretically it could look like anything from a microscopic black hole to a free-floating Einstein-Rosen bridge." She says. 

Finally, they arrived at the clearing and began to look around the area.  Lydia looks up at the clouds and a dreadful thought came to her mind.

"I really hope it's not up there." She mutters.

Josie groans in pain and clutches her stomach, she would have fallen forward if it wasn't for Scott. 

"Josie, what's wrong?" He asks with caution.

"Are the Riders coming?" Malia looks around, scanning the area.

Josie grits her teeth, "No.  This is different.  Seth is trying to get my attention." Panting, Josie takes a deep breath, "Seth!  If you hit me like that one more time, I am going to ground you till I die.  Now, listen to me, I am your mother.  If you want my attention, please, be a little bit more gentle.  I maybe be a wolf, but that still hurts.  Now, be gentle!" Josie states firmly.

Toby smirks, "There you go.  Tapping into that Mama Wolf side."

Panting softly, Josie sighs as Seth begins to listen, "Thank you.  I love you so much, Seth, but please, gentle.  Now, what are you trying to say?" 

Everyone waits patiently for anything to happen.  Josie frowns when she feels Seth hitting her softly on her side.  Her left side.  He wouldn't stop till she turns left.  Suddenly, the hitting changed to the front of her belly.  

Josie chuckles in realization, "He's showing us the way."

"What?  What are talking about?" Malia asks in confusion. 

Josie grips Lydia's hand, pressing it against her belly and turns the other way again.  Lydia could feel the rapid hits and when Josie moved, the hitting changed courses. 

"She's right.  He's telling us where to go.  He wants us to go forward." Lydia says. 

"So, Seth is a sensor for Ghost Riders and Rifts?" Malia asks sarcastically.

"No, he can sense the supernatural.  It's the only thing that makes sense."  Scott says then turns to Myst, "Right?"

Myst nods, "Seth is very special.  His powers are growing as the eclipse draws near."

"Which is only a few days away." Lydia purses her lips worriedly. 

"We'll be ready for his birth.  Right now we need to focus on finding the rift.  And hopefully, Stiles, too." Josie says.

Josie begins to move where the hitting was aiming.  It was bearable, the hitting, she was so grateful that Seth listened to her.

Scott looks ahead and sees something, "Hey, look at this."  He moves ahead and guides them to an entrance of a large sewage pipe.  It was covered with vines and leaves and a gate was over the entrance, but the gate looked like something came out of the sewer. The bars were bend outward.  Scott frowns and kneels down to pick up dead leaves that surrounded the entrance.  They looked almost like they were burnt with green ashes.  

"The rift's not above us." Lydia says as she recognizes the burns.

"It's below." Scott says as he looks inside the tunnel, into the darkness. 


Meanwhile, back at the station, Mason, Liam, Hayden, Edward, and John all sat around near the doors and windows, keeping a lookout for anything while Theo sat in his cell.  Hayden looks out through the blinds and sighs as nothing was around.  Not one person was out in the streets.  It was so quiet, eerily quiet.

John sat at Clark's desk, flipping through a phone that Josie gave him a few weeks after he got back.  It took him a while to figure it out, but he managed.  He couldn't stop looking at the photos that Josie shared with him.  A lot of them were Sarah.  He smiles lovingly and traces his finger over the screen.  How he has missed his Sarah, he couldn't describe it.  When he finally woke up back at the Hunt, he tried so hard to get out.  He missed so many years with his wife and daughter.  Even when he was with them, he missed out so much since the bond took over.  When they survive, he's going to make so many changes.  First, he'll see Sarah and make up all those lost time.  Then, Josie and Seth.  He'll be the greatest grandfather ever.  He'll walk Josie down the aisle when she get married.  Help her when things get tough for her and Scott.  He'll do anything for his family. 

"So we should stay here.  Is that what you're thinking?"  Hayden snaps him out of his thoughts. 

Liam looks down in distraught as  he sits next to Mason, Hayden moves to join them on the bench.  Liam holds Kira's sword in his hands and sighs deeply.

"It doesn't matter where we are."  He shakes his head.

John places his cell in his back pocket and gets to his feet to walk towards them and leans back against the desk, "I know you guys feel like you need to do something, but, right now, it's best if we stay here till we hear back from Scott and Josie."

Hayden looks up at him, "What if we run into them when we're waiting?  We're sitting ducks here."

"We still need to figure out how to fight them."  Edward says as he leans on the wall next to the desk.

"No one can fight them." Hayden argues.

"Douglas can."  Theo speaks from across the room as he sits in the cell.

"Does he need to stay in there?" Mason stutters.

"He's still Theo." Hayden reminds him bitterly. 

"Theo saved Scott.  Remember?" Theo says smartly.

Mason shifts uncomfortably, "He can still hear you."

Hayden looks over towards Theo, glaring at him in annoyance, "Then he can hear me say he needs to shut up so we can figure out how to fight the Ghost Riders."

"Before I come over there and kick your ass." John mutters. 

"Still illegal to strike a kid." Theo smirks.

John gestures to look around in the empty police station, "You see a cop?  Who's gonna arrest me?  Besides, you deserve a cell long ago.  Murder of two teenagers.  Oh, wait, I'm sorry, I almost forgot about your sister.  Three teenagers.  Attempted murder on Scott and my daughter.  I would love one good reason.  A real, solid reason why I shouldn't put you in a body cast right now."

"Well,  I'm a werewolf.  Body cast would probably last for about....hmm....6 hours." Theo says smugly, then turns to look at Liam and the others, "Also, You don't need to figure out how to fight them." He hints.

Liam was quick to catch the hint, "Because Douglas already did."

Hayden turns to look at Liam in shock, "If he knew how to fight them, then he might know everything about them." She says.

"And guess who knows all about Mr. Douglas?" Theo smirks and moves away from the bars. 

They all look over towards Theo in realization.

Edward sighs bitterly, "As much as I hate to admit, but, we need to find out how much he knows."

John begins to move towards the cell, "I'm on it." But, Hayden gets to her feet and holds him back him back.

"Not like that.  Maybe we can work out a compromise." She suggests.

John rolls his eyes, "Compromise won't work with psychopaths.  Trust me."

"We know, but if Theo doesn't cooperate, then we'll send him back.  Right?" Mason suggests. 

"Yeah." Liam nods and gets to his feet. 

John eyes him and Hayden, giving them a crooked smile, "Now, I see why Scott and Josie chose you to be their betas.  Even though the situations say they had no choice, but, fate works in mysterious ways.  It's never an accident or a coincidence when events happen.  It's always destiny."

Hayden and Liam looks at each other with small smiles, Liam wiggles his pinkie against hers and they intertwine their fingers together. 

"Please don't make out in front of us.  I swear I'll throw up in here." Theo groans pathetically.


Back in the woods, since the rift could be underground, Scott decided the best place for them to start is at the entrance to the bunker.  Josie jumps down last from the ladder as everyone began to take out their cellphones to turn on their flashlights. 

"I can't see a thing."  Lydia squints in the darkness as she shines her light around. 

Josie lifts of her hand and calls the fire inside her.  Shining a bright flame to pierce the dark. 

Everyone looks over to her and sigh in relief, "Thanks, Josie." Lydia says.

Scott looks around down the tunnels, "It's got to be down here somewhere."  He says and looks over to Josie.  He stands next to her and touches her belly.  Feeling Seth's soft kicks.  Scott looks up towards the direction he was kicking.  "This way." He takes Josie's hand and together they all walk down the tunnels. 

Myst and Toby kept an eye out from behind while they searched for the rift ahead.  Soon, they reached a fork in the tunnels.  Scott and Josie looked down one tunnel and Lydia and Malia looked down the other.  Malia went ahead and walked down the tunnel, but a flash of a green shield throws her back against the floor.  Everyone turn quickly and sees Malia on the ground.

She sits up, "Found it!"  She grunts when Scott helps her up. 

Lydia looks at the rift as it vibrates in waves in midair.  Shining soft green in the form of a rip.  She gasps softly at the sight, "It's remarkably similar."

"To what?" Malia asks as she, Josie, and Scott move closer to look at the rift. 

"To the Einstein-Rosen bridge."  Lydia states. 

Malia sighs, "Ok, now we found the are we gonna get in?  Just getting out caused Peter and John to burn and nearly die of toxic supernatural poison."

Scott couldn't get an answer out, so he looked at Josie.  Josie shrugs, not knowing what to do either, then looks towards Lydia.  Lydia double takes at her and frowns, shaking her head.  So, she was about to look at Malia, but she already knew that answer.  All four of them turn to Myst and Toby. 

They both give them an unamused look, "I may be a witch, but this takes more than what I can conjure up.  If I knew how to get into rifts, we would be in there already.  And trust me, I've tried to find an answer."

"Phoenixes are incapable to stepping in between worlds.  So...I'm out." Toby holds his hands up and backs away. 

Scott sighs and looks back at the rift, "We gotta get in there."


Obviously, with no surprise, negotiating with Theo wasn't going to be easy.  What he asked for had everyone disagreeing very strongly.

"Have you lost your mind?  Scratch that, I know you have." John says bitterly.

Mason shakes his head at Theo, "That's never going to happen.  We're not making that deal."

"I hold all the cards." Theo smirks.

"You're locked in a jail cell.  You have no cards." Mason scoffs.

"You want me to tell you about Douglas." Theo reminds him which causes Mason to grit his teeth, "Break the sword." He shrugs.

Mason smacks his lips, getting ready to say something, but he had nothing, "Does anyone else want to do the negotiating?" He turns to Liam who stood behind him.

"Break the sword." Theo says again.

Hayden snarls at him, "I'll break the sword.  I'll break it right in..."

"Hayden." Liam cuts her off and moves to stand near the cage.

"You break, I talk." Theo says simply as he eyes the sword in Liam's hands.

Everyone glares at him in disbelief, "Was he always this devious when the Dread Doctors were around?" John asks.

Hayden scoffs, "Worse."

Theo sighs and begins to stand up, "Come on, guys.  Look, I don't want in anyone's pack.  I don't want anyone's power.  I just wanna stay alive." He gives a pleading look.

"How do we know if we let you out, you won't run?" Edward eyes him with caution, removing a sword from his sheath and pointing it at him. 

"'Cause we're not letting him out." John folds his arms over his chest.  "He's going to tell us from in here."

"I'm still going to need some incentive." Theo says as he looks over to Liam and eyes the sword.

Liam sighs deeply and moves away to remove the sword from the sheath.  Once it was out, he turns towards Theo, breathing deeply as he grips it in his hands. 

"You sure you want to do this?" John asks carefully.

"We need all the information we can get on Mr. Douglas and the Ghost Riders.  Anything that can help us might be valuable." Liam sighs.

With a hard twist of the sword, the pieces of the blade fall one by one on the ground.

Theo almost couldn't believe he did it, but he didn't let them see it.  He was relieved, now that he had no chance of going back to his hell with his sister.  He looks up at all of them and begins to tell them all what he knows.

"He's a Lowenmensch."  He says.

John, Mason, and Edward all had shocked looks spreading over their faces.

"You gotta be freaking kidding me." John exclaims in shock.

"What the hell is a Lowenmensch?" Hayden asks, frowning at them.

"It's part-wolf, part-lion."  Mason says.

"And one of the most powerful species of shape-shifters." Edward adds.

Hayden looks at them in shock and fear begins to reach to her eyes.

"They're practically kings in the supernatural world.  Like the animal kingdom.  Lions are kings of the jungles.  And with him being an Alpha..." John sighs. 

"He was a part of the Ahnenerbe, Himmler's personal project to use the Occult to win the war.  He learned about the Ghost Riders, what they could do.  And what it could mean for him.  He wanted an army that was unstoppable and indestructible.  He and his men searched for a rift.  He knew if you find a rift, the Riders wouldn't be too far behind.  But, he underestimated them when they came for them.  He was the only one who managed to escape, but they injured him with a whip."

Liam walks closer to the cell in realization, "Douglas didn't beat the Ghost Riders, he ran."

Theo looks away, moving towards the side of the cell, away from them.

Hayden's eyes fall to the floor, shaking her head in dread, "We broke the sword for nothing."

Mason was confused, "Wait, if that was back in 1943, where's he been all this time?" He asks.

Theo sighs, "Douglas kept looking.  He found a scientist that he thought could help him.  Three of them."

John's eyes widen in realization, "The Dread Doctors."

Hayden's eyes snap to John then back to Theo in shock, "The creature in the vat!  That was him?!"

Liam remembers that creature.  the same one they hooked Mason up to to get him to transform into the Beast. 

Theo nods, "The Ghost Rider's whip didn't go deep enough to take him, but left a gash on his back.  He was thrown into the tank and the wound infected the water.  It mixed with the fluid from the vat and actually made him stronger.  Soaking it in, absorbing the power for 70 years."

"So, he came out with the power of an Alpha, a Lowenmensch, and a Ghost Rider."  Liam turns and walks around, taking in all this information, he stops and leans against a wall.

"A side effect no one could expect." Theo moves and leans on the cell bars, facing them all.

"We're so screwed." John groans as he rubs his head.

"So he can fight them.  He could stop them." Hayden sighs and moves to lean next to Liam.

"And yet, he doesn't want to stop them.  He want's an army." Edward sighs.

"The Nazis lost the war.  Why is he still obsessed? What does he want an army for?" Liam asks in confusion.

John's eyes widen in realization, "He doesn't want it for them.  The Nazis were just a means to an end.  He wants it for himself.  His own personal, supernatural army."

Mason, Hayden, Liam, and Edward both give him worried looks. 

"If he's looking for an army, then he could be looking for a rift as well!" Hayden exclaims.

"We need to warn Scott and Josie."  Liam states

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