Chapter 34: Seth

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(Chapter picture is actually a baby picture of Tyler Posey.  I found it online and I thought maybe Seth could look like him)

After escaping the Ghost Riders from the Sheriff's station, John fanatically calls Josie's cell, but he couldn't get a signal out. 

"Does anyone have a signal on their phone?"  He asks.

"I would have a cell if I haven't left it in Purgatory with my sister." Theo says sarcastically.

John sighs and glares at the back of his head, then turns to Liam and watches him check his cell.

Liam shakes his head, "I think the Rider's storm is messing with the signals.  Ever since they started coming to town, the geolocation signals have been on the frizz.  I'm gonna guess it's messing with the cell towers as well."

John sighs in frustration, "We got to get Josie.  She needs a hospital." 

Liam suddenly had an idea, "Theo, turn right up here."

Theo does as he says and keeps on driving, "Where does this take us?"

"The hospital."  Liam says.

Theo frowns in disbelief, "Hospital? Why the..." He stutters in confusion.

"Are we bringing the hospital to Josie?  None of us know how to deliver a baby.  She needs nurses and doctors." John states.

"No, no one is left in Beacon Hills to deliver a baby.  No nurses, no doctors.  But, she's got Lydia.  Lydia is smart, she passed her healthcare classes.  She volunteered at the hospital with Melissa.  She's knows what to do." Liam says.

"So, what the hell are we supposed to do at the hospital?" Theo asks.

"Hide." Liam states.  John and Theo both look at him like he was insane, "Look, we can't outrun them, right? I know every inch of that building.  Every room, every corner."

Theo shrugs, "Hide, that's the best that we've got?" He scoffs.

"We just need to keep them away from Scott for as long as possible." Liam states.

Theo frowns, "Why? What's he gonna do?"

"He's gonna remember." John says.

"Remember what?" Theo asks.

"Stiles.  He has to remember Stiles." 

"What if he can't?" Theo asks worriedly.

"Then the rest of us..." Liam sighs.

"We get forgotten." John finishes for him, worry for his daughter consumed him.  He just hopes and prays that Josie and Seth will be all right.  He wants Seth to be born healthy and alive.


Lydia helps Josie lie down on the floor with a rolled up blanket used as a pillow, Josie tries to calm her breathing, but she was getting very scared.  Seth was about to come.  But, she needed a hospital.  A doctor!  Or her midwife, at least.  Ugh! Damn those Ghost Riders. 

"Do you know anything about child birth?" Lydia asks Malia.

Malia gives her a disbelief look, "I'm a coyote.  If it's a runt, it's eaten.  The mother just lets her instincts take over."

Panting as she begins to feeling the contractions coming, "Instincts aren't really on my mind right now, Malia." Josie bites out sarcastically.  "SON OF A BITCH! This hurts!" Josie screams as her face scrunches in pain. 

Lydia rubs Josie's arm for comfort, "Ok, just breathe through it, Josie.  Control your breathing." She turns to Malia, "Someone needs to tend to her while the other walks Scott through his memories.  You try and keep her calm.   Any distress from the mother can put the baby at risk.  Calm her down."  Lydia says as she gets up and walks over to the cooling chamber.

Malia looks over to Josie in awkwardness and kneels next to her, taking her hand and tries to calm her.  "Ok, um, just...just breathe, Josie.  Hold my hand when the contractions start."

Josie nods and sweat begins to build on her face, "Ok." She whimpers and grabs Malia's hand as another contraction rolls through her. 

Malia groans in pain as she hears the bones in her hand crack.  She tries to pull out of her grip.

In the chamber, Scott starts to hear more voices.  Voices of Derek.  Random voices of Stiles.  He head thrashes left and right as he searches through his memories.  So many memories. 

"Scott.  Try to find him." 

Voices of Stiles were starting to come together, growing louder. 

"Try to find him in your memories." Lydia tries to guide him, but Scott still continues to feel the rush of memories rolling through his mind like harsh waves. 

"Find him in any memory.  Good or bad."

The memories continue to rush through Scott's mind, it was becoming unbearable.  So many memories, so many emotions running through his body.  He couldn't control it. 

"What's happening to him?" Josie pants out as she tries to control her breathing. 

"I don't know." Lydia stutters out. 

"He doesn't look good.  He looks lost." Malia frowns as she snaps the bones in her hands back into place. 

Lydia watches Scott with worry, "I think he is.  I think maybe it's too much information.  Like, he's getting buried under all the memories.  Being overloaded by them."

"So what do we do to help him?"  Malia asks.

"Scott? Scott, do you hear me? You have to try to focus!" Lydia calls out to him. 

Scott couldn't focus.  So many memories.  Tears formed in his eyes as the memories roll through him like a harsh storm.  He was drowning inside. 

He needed to remember all...but how can he stop what he unleashed?  Years and years of memories.


Finally, Theo pulls up into the hospital and John, Liam, and Theo rush towards the entrance of the building, but Liam skids to a halt as he sees the ambulance.  The lights were flashing, which means it was on.  Theo frowns at him in confusion.

"Liam, come on.  We don't have much of a lead on them."

Liam opens the ambulance and switches on the siren.  The siren blares loudly in the air and Theo jumps to turn it off but, Liam holds him back.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Don't! Don't turn it off." 

"You want to bring them all here? Every single one of them?" Theo shoves Liam in anger.

Liam shoves him back, "That's exactly what I want to do."

"Enough!" John shouts and shoves them away, "Liam is right.  'Cause if the Ghost Riders are here, that means they're not trying to get to Scott and Josie.  Josie is in the middle of giving birth to her child, my grandson.  And I'll be damned if I let anything happen to them."

Theo scoffs at both of them, "So you don't care if they get to either of you?"

"They're gonna get to all of us eventually." Liam says as he tries to break out of John's grip. 

"You! You're going first.  That's the only reason I'm with you.  Because while they're busy wrapping a whip around your neck, or shooting a hole in your head, I'll be running the other direction.  I'm on your side as long it helps me." Theo growls out as he shoves John's arm out of his way.

"Trust me, I know." Liam manages to shove Theo one last time. 

Theo's upper lip twitches and he turns to storm into the hosptial corridor.  But, he freezes in his tracks.  Memories of his hell fill his mind as he sees the familar setting of the hospital.  Just like in his hell.  Waking up in the cold storage in the morgue.  Running endlessly through the hallways as Tara crawls towards him as he's trapped.  The gaping hole in her chest where her heart use to be.  He could still hear her calling out to him.

For a moment, he thought he could see her again.  Hissing eerily as she made her way towards him. 

"Theo?" Liam frowns as he looks at Theo, smelling his fear.

"Theo?" John calls out.

All Theo could do is remember Tara pulling out his heart every chance she had.

"Theo?" Liam calls out again, snapping him out of memories.

Panting, Theo tries to calm himself, steadying his breathing, "I'm fine.  Just, just thought I was somewhere else for a second."

"Where?" Liam asks.

Theo took a while to answer, "In a bad dream." He says as emotions fill his eyes.  He snaps out of his misery and all three of them snap their heads towards the door as the wind begins to pick up.

"You said you knew where to hide."  John gestures him to point the way.

Liam looks around and finds where they're suppose to go, "Follow me."


Scott covers his ears, groaning in pain as the voices became so loud.  It was deafening him.  It was just too much to bear.

Josie pants and groans as contractions continue to stab her in places she never knew that could hurt.  Whimpering and crying, "Who the hell likes natural child birth?  Whoever says that is freaking mental!"

Malia, suddenly, snaps her head to the door, "You hear that?"  She gets to her feet and leans in against the door to listen.

"Thunder?" Lydia asks with worry. 

"Maybe." Malia says and moves to stand next to Lydia.

Lydia sighs with dread and frustration, "This isn't working."

"Then we have to figure something else out." Malia says.

"I know.  I, I know." Lydia tries to think.

"Is he gonna freeze to death in there?"  Josie whimpers as another contraction hits her.

"If his memories don't kill him."  Lydia states.

Josie's head falls back with worry, she sobs softly.

"There has to be another way to do this.  Isn't there?" Malia asks.

"I don't know.  This is my first attempt at trying to open a dimensional rift in space-time.  So I'm kind of fumbling around in the dark, okay?" Lydia says in frustration and worry.

"I'm getting him out." Malia reaches to turn off the chamber, but Lydia stops her when she suddenly has an idea.

"Wait.  I'm not the only one." She realizes.

"What?" Malia asks in confusion.

"I'm not the only one fumbling around in the dark." Lydia realizes.

"What does that mean?" Josie pants out.

"I think we have to treat this more like actual hypnosis.  They use images to guide you through memories.  Like, a stairwell.  The steps take you down through one year of your life to the next.  That's how they regress you back." Lydia explains.

Malia nods, "I get it.  So he needs to imagine something.  What do we tell him?"

"It's not going to be easy reaching to him right now, we need a boost." Lydia says, then turns to Josie.  "Josie, your bond with Scott.  Do you guys see images in each others mind?"

"Yeah, why?" Josie pants.

"Do exactly what I describe to Scott.  It might help us reach to him.  Imagine what I'm going to say, then send it to him." Lydia says and Malia moves to kneel next to Josie. 

Panting and groaning, "Ok.  I'll try."  Josie closes her eyes and waits for Lydia to speak.

"Scott? Can you hear me? Scott, listen.  Imagine this.  Imagine you're in the high school.  Visualize yourself in the high school, in the corridor where all the lockers are.  Just try to imagine standing there.  That's where your memories are.  They're all in the lockers.  They're locked away behind each one.  Every memory of Stiles is in a separate locker.  Scott, you're there.  In the high school.  You're standing there now."

Josie sends that image into Scott's mind, trying as hard as she could to concentrate through the pain.  Sending him the vision of the high school, helping him lock each memory away in a locker. 

Scott snaps his eyes open and finally calms down.  Slowly bringing his hands down, away from his ears as the voices, suddenly, disappear.  All except Lydia's. 

Scott looks around in his mind, seeing he was in the high school, surrounded by lockers with no lock.  He exhales in comfort as the pain finally leaves him. 


Scott snaps his head towards the voice, and sees Josie standing at the end of the row of lockers. 


Lydia and Malia both frown and look at Scott and Josie back to back, "What's going on?"

"I...I think Josie's in the hypnosis with Scott.  The bond is connecting them into one." Lydia suggests.

"So, what do we do?" Malia asks with worry.

At first, Lydia couldn't get a word out, "Guide them both.  I guess."

In Scott's mind, he watches Josie make her way towards him, he frowns when he notices her baby bump was gone.

"Why are you here?"

"I don't know.  Lydia wanted my help to get you to calm your mind, and I'm guessing the bond pulled me in."

Scott takes her hand, worried for her life if she can't get out. 

"Can you try and get out?"

"Like I haven't been trying?" She scoffs. "Well, as long as I am here, might as well help you with your memories." 

Scott sighs, maybe the only way to get her out was to remember.  They are connected.  Maybe, once it works, they both can get out.  So, Scott begins to head to a locker, he looks over to Josie who gives him a nod, and begins to slowly open the first memory. 


Liam shoves a gurney against the double doors.  John grabs a few equipment machines and places it on top. 

Theo looks at them both in frustration, "This is your brilliant idea? To barricade ourselves in the morgue?" He scoffs.

"The Ghost Riders go after the living.  So we hide with the dead."  Liam says as he moves to open a few cold storage. 

Everyone freezes as they see a dead body in the one he opens.

"I'm not getting in one of those." John shakes his head. 

"Me neither." Liam nods and shuts it.

Theo sighs and looks out the windows of the doors, "You should've left me in the holding cell."

"I should've left you in the ground." Liam mutters.

Theo scoffs and moves towards him, "Oh, really?"

Liam meets him half way, both getting into each others faces, "Yeah.  Really."

John gets to his feet and pushes them away from each other, "Now is not the time.  As much as I want to see you kick his ass, Liam, but we need to focus on getting out of here.   All of us."

"What do you think I was doing down there? Just hanging out with my dead sister? Having a good time catching up on childhood memories?" Theo asks sarcastically.

"I think you were rotting down there." Liam grits out.

"Liam finally gets one thing right." Theo says bitterly, giving him a mocking smile, then drops it into an angry frown.

"I also think whatever happened to you, you deserved it."

"Is that right?"

"When the Ghost Riders find us, I'm not gonna do anything for you.  I'm not gonna help you.  I'm not gonna save you.  I'm gonna do exactly what you would do to me.  I'm gonna use you as bait." Liam growls out and moves away from to pace the room.

John sighs, "Ok, everybody happy you got that out?"

Suddenly, Theo and Liam freeze when the sirens stop all of the sudden. 

Theo looks over to Liam with worry, "You still hear the ambulance? The siren, can you still hear it?"

Liam's entire body stiffens as he begins to breathe heavily, that was all Theo needed to have his answer.

"They're here."

Just when Theo says that, several Ghost Riders make their way into the hospital, and begin their search for them.


When Scott opens another locker, he sees himself on his cell, worried for Stiles.  He remembers this.  It was when Stiles went missing cause of the nogitsune. 

"I remember this.  Stiles was possessed by the Nogitsune.  He was fighting with himself and went missing for hours.  I called him several times."

The echo of Stile's voicemail surrounds them.

"Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me.  Leave a mess-...This is Stiles and you missed me."

The locker shuts with such a force on them.  It wasn't enough.  They needed more. 

"We need to try again."  Josie says as she looks around at the lockers.

Scott tries to reach out to Lydia, "Lydia, I need your help.  I don't think I can do this.  I can't figure it out."

"Keep looking.  There are memories, but I don't know which one's the right one."  Lydia's voice echos all around them.

"What are we supposed to do?" Josie asks.

"Find another memory." Lydia says.  "Just find another memory."

Scott sighs and Josie looks around and points at a locker, "Try this one."

Scott reaches out to open the locker and a new memories spilled out. 

"Stiles!"  Scott could hear Josie's voice calling out from the memory.  He could see her running towards him and hug him in the sheriff's station.

Josie smiles softly, "It's when we met.  We met cause of him."

"I remember.  I was always so nervous to talk to you.  He gave me advice. Especially for our...sort of, first kiss." Scott chuckles meekly.

Josie giggles and looks over to him, into his eyes.  Scott couldn't help, but look at her, admire her beauty, her strength.  He had so much love for her. 

Josie sighs and rests her head against his shoulder, "We need to find the right memory." 

Outside of the chamber, Malia was looking at a silver block with a Fleur-de-lis, Argent's symbol.  Malia suddenly had an idea. 

Lydia kept watch of Scott and begins to jump in alarm as ice starts to form around the glass.  Her eyes widen in fear for him.

"It's getting too cold.  He's getting too cold." She says.

"What if it's not enough to remember him? What if it's some kind of a connection he's supposed to make because of a memory?" Malia suggests.

"Like an emotional connection?" Lydia asks.

"That could be why it worked for Stilinski, right?" Malia says.

"He wasn't just remembering someone.  He was remembering his son."

Malia moves towards the chamber as she was hit with another idea, "Scott? Scott, can you hear me? Listen, I remember something.  At the start of the year, Stiles was trying to find a place for you guys to live after graduation.  He said you and Josie were getting an apartment together with him? And I remember saying something to Stiles.  Something like it's not always a good idea to live with your friends.  Even your best friend.  But...Stiles said it wouldn't matter because you weren't just friends.  You guys were more like brothers."

In his mind, Scott opens another locker and Josie looks around as Malia's voice echos all around. 


She watches Scott frown as he reaches in the locker and pulls out a flare. 

"I remember this.  We were heading to a game,  on the bus during junior year.  Before you came to town, it was before the fall started.  We stopped at a hotel, the whole team and Lydia and Allison were with us.  But, something happened.  Everyone who was supernatural were affected somehow with hallucinations that made us want to kill ourselves.  An evil druid called a Darach planted wolfsbane in Coach's whistle and every time he blew, we were hit hard with wolfsbane." Scott turns to see Josie's shocked face.  "I was going to kill myself.  Set myself on fire.  But..."

Scott, suddenly, hears Stiles' voice.  It sounded panicky, but gentle and cautious.  Josie and Scott turn and sees a setting in front of them.  Josie gasps as she sees Scott, drenched, she could smell the gasoline that covered him from head to toe.  She looks at his hand and sees a flare. 

In front of Scott was Stiles who was walking carefully towards him with such fear and sadness.  His misted with tears.

"Scott, just listen to me, okay? You're not a no one.  Okay? You're someone, you're Scott, you're...Scott, you're my best friend.  Okay? And I need you." Stiles' voice begins to break.  "Scott, you're my brother." The unshed tears begin to fall from Stiles' eyes.

Scott looked so lost, but he was listening to what Stiles was saying.  Suddenly, Stiles moves to stand in the gas with Scott. 

"All right, so So if we're gonna do this, then, I think you're just gonna have to take me with you."

Stiles slowly takes the flare from Scott's hand, trembling with fear of dropping it.  Scott burst into tears as Stiles takes away the flare and, suddenly, everything started to fade around them. 

Lydia and Malia quickly as they could to get Scott out of the chamber. Once the door opened, Scott falls out, gasping from the cold as his body begins to warm up a little.  Josie lets out a loud gasp as she snaps her eyes open.  Panting, she looks and sees Scott out of the chamber.  Then bites out a groan as another contraction hits her. 

"What, what's wrong? Why'd you bring me out?" Scott asks with panic. 

"Your heart rate dropped.  You were gonna die.  Both of you." Lydia says.

"We had to." Malia states.

Scott pants out a breath and looks at the chamber, "But then, but then nothing happened, did it?" A sad look overcomes his face.  "It didn't work."

Malia and Lydia move to help Scott get to his feet, but they stop him as he tries to go back into the chamber.

"I'm going back in."

"No, you're not!" Lydia says as she stands in his way and Malia holds him back.

"It was working.  Something was happening.  I could feel it." Scott says with hope in his voice.

"But nothing was happening out here.  Nothing, Scott.  All we saw was you freezing to death." Lydia states strongly.

"You're still too cold." Malia says.

"Please, someone get this baby out of me." Josie sobs. 

All three of them snap their gaze towards Josie who was panting heavily, struggling to control her breath as sweat coats her face. 

Scott rushes towards her and gets behind her to help her sit up against him, she shivers against his touch, mostly because of the cold than the sparks, "Is it time?" Scott panics. 

Josie cries and nods, "Scott, I don't know if I can do this." She sniffles. 

Scott holds her close against his chest, "You can, baby.  You can do it.  You're strong."

Malia grabs a blanket and wraps it around Scott and moves to kneel next to Lydia as Lydia lifts Josie's legs and pulls them apart.  She gasps at the sight.

"Oh, my god!  He's right there.  Malia, go get the first aid kit.  Its in the cabinets.  And some water bottles."  Lydia says. 

Malia's eyes widen at the sight of the baby's head poking out between Josie's legs.  She jumps when Lydia slaps her arm.

"Malia! First aid!" Lydia shouts.

Malia scrambles to her feet and rushes to get the first aid kit.  Lydia turns to Scott, "Ok, Scott, you're gonna have to hold her and try and keep her calm."

"How?  I'm freaking out!" Scott exclaims. 

"Do something!  Anything!  She needs to calm her breathing or she'll go into shock or distress which will be lethal for her and Seth.  We're taking a lot of risk just being here instead of a hospital or Deaton's."  Lydia says as she grabs the first aid kit from Malia and goes through the supplies. 

Scott thinks what he could do.  He could take away her pain, maybe...He holds wraps his arms around her, holding her close and focuses.  Scott groans as black veins crackle over his skin, sending the pain into his body.  Josie breathing finally begins to slow.  Josie whimpers softly as the pain was finally going away. 

"Ok, good.  Good."  Lydia begins to sterilize her hands and snaps the gloves on as quick as she can.  "Ok, this is it.  Ready?" She asks Josie.

Josie looks up at Scott, fear still in her eyes, but he gives her a reassuring smile and kisses her forehead.  She cries softly and nods at Lydia.

"Ok, start pushing now.  1, 2, 3, push!" Lydia says. 

Josie groans loudly as she pushes as hard as she can. 

"Ok, he's about to come.  Stop pushing.  Breathe.  Ok?" 

Josie pants softly and whimpers in pain.

"Ok, 1, 2, 3, push!  Come on, push!"

Josie grips Scott's hands and pushes as hard as she could. 

Scott yelps and groans in pain as he feels Josie breaking his hands, literally.

Malia watches the whole thing with wide eyes.  She jumps when she sees more of the baby, "I see him!  He's halfway out!"

"Ok, stop pushing.  Breathe.  Breathe."

Josie lies against Scott's chest, crying softly.  Scott holds her tight, whispering encouragements in her ear, "Come on, baby.  You can do this.  Seth is almost here.  Our son is almost here.  You can do it."

"Ok, ready?  1, 2, 3, PUSH!!! Come on, push!"

Josie screams in pain as she pushes harder. 

Lydia lets out a loud gasps and time seems to have slowed down for everyone.  A slow smile creeps up over Lydia's face. 

Josie pants and her heart stops at the sound of a baby crying. 

Scott's eyes widen when Lydia wraps up Seth in a blanket after cleaning him as best as she could.  She cuts the cord and wraps a knot around it.  Lydia cries softly as she holds Seth in her arms and gently brings him to Josie's arms. 

Josie reaches out and finally takes Seth into her arms.  She looks down at the little baby.  As soon as Seth opened his eyes, looking up at her, his cries stopped and he just stared at her.  Like he knew who she was.  His beautiful sapphire eyes looking into her emerald eyes.  Suddenly, everyone watches the blue fade into brown.  Chocolate brown, like Scott's.  Josie gasps softly at the sight, it must have been his Phoenix side.  Now, he looks so much like Scott, but she could see a little bit of herself.  He had her nose. 

Scott could barely contain himself.  Happy tears fall from his eyes as he reaches and touches his son.  Holding his mate in his arms, and looking down at her and Seth.  He cries softly and kisses Josie's head.

"You did it, baby.  You did it." His voice breaks.

Scott reaches out and gasps when Seth grabs his finger, gripping is gently with his tiny hand.  He couldn't help but chuckle through his tears and smile at his son.  Seth made soft cooing and yawns.

"Hi, Seth.  I'm your mommy.  But, I can see you already know that.  I love you so much.  I'm so happy to finally meet you at last." Josie sobs. 

"Hey, Seth.  I can't believe your finally here.  I love you, too, buddy.  Always." Scott smiles then turns to Josie, "I love you so much." He kisses her softly.

"I love you, too, my wolf man." Josie whispers against his lips. 

Seth gurgles and rubs his hands over his eyes, as if he was blocking the image of his parents making out in front of him. 

Lydia smiles at the both of them with such happiness.  She was a godmother.  She covers her mouth to and cries in happy tears.

A loud thud was made from behind them and they all look and see Malia passed out on the floor.

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