Chapter 35: Remember I Love You

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Voices echoed in Malia's ears as she starts to regain consciousness.  She feels a harsh sting across her face and lets out a loud groan. 

"Malia!" Scott's loud voice makes her snap her eyes open.  She looks up and sees Scott standing over her with his shirt back on.  She frowns in confusion as she finds herself lying on the ground.

"Oh, I fainted, didn't I?" Malia mutters embarrassingly.

"Yup, pretty much." He gives her an obvious look and winches with sympathy, "Are you ok?"

Malia grunts as Scott holds a hand out and helps her to her feet, "Yeah.  It was just...overwhelming to see all of that."  She rubs her head and looks over to see Josie leaning against a wall while sitting in a chair, holding Seth and smiling down at him as she breastfeeds and Lydia wrapping something up.  It looked like a bucket.  Malia could smell blood coming from it.  She turns and looks over to Scott in confusion, "What happened?"

Scott begins to turn green a little and scrunches his face in disgust, "Something that you should be glad you fainted before you could see."

Lydia washes her hands and moves towards them, "I had to clean her up before she developed an infection, if that's still possible.  So far so good, she's healing.  Seth..." Lydia stops to laugh softly, "Scott, he's so adorable!" She gushes.

"Can I see?" Malia asks as she walks over to Josie and watches her burp Seth.  

Josie pats his back gently, but firmly to make sure she can get a burp out of him. 

A tiny, tiny burp was made that had Lydia gigging.  Scott helps her pull her top back up and watch Seth squirms in Josie's hands and snuggles in her arms.  He coos and looks over to Scott, Malia, and Lydia.  Malia lets out a tiny gasp.  Earlier, Seth was coated with some sort of goo and blood, but now, he was all cleaned up.  He looked so cute.  Malia smiles softly as she could see hints of Scott and Josie mixed in that little baby's eyes.  Her nose, his mouth.  A perfect combination.  Seth squeals softly and smiles big at Malia.  Malia couldn't stop the tears misting in her eyes. 

" You guys, he seems so perfect." She says softly. 

"He is.  He's absolutely perfect." Josie whispers.  "My baby boy." She kisses his nose. 

"We still need to get him to Carol's.  Just to be on the safe side." Scott says. 

Josie nods and slowly gets up, but winches, which had everyone grabbing her and Seth.

"Don't move so much.  You're still healing." Lydia says.

Groaning softly, Josie nods, "I know." She turns to Scott, "So, what now?  What are we going to do about remembering Stiles?" She pats Seth's bottom.  Lydia managed to find some cloths that Josie could use as diapers for the time being. 

Scott sighs and looks at the chamber, "We can't give up." He says determinedly.

Malia sighs and steps up, taking off her shirt, leaving her in her sports bra, "We're not.  It's my turn."  Before Scott, Lydia, and Josie could protest, Malia cuts them off, "I have plenty of memories of Stiles, too."

"It's too dangerous."  Lydia shakes her head.

"Not as dangerous as doing nothing.  She'll probably handle the cold better than me." Scott points out.

"I don't know about this." Josie states.

"If it's all about connection, then Stiles was the first person I connected with in a long time." Malia says.

Josie sighs, "The stronger the connection, the better." She mutters, agreeing with Malia. 

Scott listens to what Josie states and nods, before turning back to Lydia, "She'll need a visual."

Lydia sighs as thinks and finally comes up with a plan, "Okay, I think I have an idea.  But Malia, if your heart rate goes down like Scott's, or if we think you're going to freeze to death..."

"Then get me the hell out of there." Malia nods.

Malia moves and opens the chamber door and goes in.  Scott and Lydia shuts it and turns it on.  The three of them watches Malia shiver against the cold and wither in pain like Scott did.  And soon, she begins to fall into hypnosis.

"Malia, can you hear me?  I want you to picture yourself at the school library.  You are in the library, surrounded by hundreds of books."

Malia stares off into space as she falls deep into hypnosis.  Her eyes glowing bright blue.  In her mind, she finds herself in the school library.  it was dark, yet there was light.  Shining from the large window and skylights, giving her enough light to see around her.  She walks over several scattered books on the floor.  She looks around as she begins to hear Lydia's voice echo around her. 

"Can you see yourself there? Are you in the library now?"

"I'm here.  I'm in the library." Malia says as she looks all around.  The library was a big mess, as if wild animals stampeded inside, yet no broken chairs or tables, the doors weren't destroyed, and the windows weren't broken.  Lydia's voice continues to guide her. 

"Can you see the books?"

Malia turns and sees several books on shelves near her, "I see them."

"Concentrate on them.  The books on the shelves are your memories.  Everything that's ever happened to you.  Find the shelf that has all of your memories of Stiles.  Try to find a memory where you made some kind of connection with him."

Malia carefully picks on book up and begins to flip through it, feeling a memory coming.  It was when they first met.  Officially, at Eichen House.  After Scott forced her to become human with his Alpha roar.  She remember how much anger she had against him for turning her into human when she wanted to stay as a coyote.  She remembers when Stiles tried to talk to her, but she ended up punching him out. 

Malia snaps out of her memory and drops the book like it was on fire. 

Josie, Scott, and Lydia notices her jump of surprise and watch her closely.

"Did you find something?" Lydia's voice echos around her

"I definitely connected." Malia mutters sarcastically.

She sighs and picks out another book and gasps as the emotions of the memory hit her hard.  It was when Liam was experiencing his first full moon.  At Lydia's lake house, she was in the basement, having a hard time keeping her coyote at bay.  She broke free of one of her restraints, but...Stiles helped her.  He was there.  Guiding her through it all.  He helped her.  He loved her.  He cared about her. 

"I'm not gonna run.  'Cause I don't think you're gonna hurt me.  And I think that maybe you're so afraid of hurting me because of what you did to your family."

His voice echos all around her.  She needed more.  She goes through the books, opening them one at a time.

Malia furiously goes through all the memories she could, and then she finds one that brought tears to her eyes.

Her vision was blurry, but she could hear Stiles, feel him shaking her awake.  She looks up and sees the familiar face of Stiles, looking down at her with worry, gentle tone in his voice. 


She remembers this.  It was during the deadpool when the chemist had them trapped in the school, infecting everyone with a virus designed to kill werewolves and werecoyotes.  Malia was burning with a fever with black discharge escaping from her body.  She remembers feeling weak an distorted, afraid. 

Stiles gently brushes her hair with his fingers, stroking her arm, "I gotta leave for a few, okay?"

"Where are you going?" She hears herself ask.

"Whatever's happening, it's worse for you guys."

Outside, Scott, Josie, and Lydia watch Malia stare out into space with soft, sad eyes.  Tears slowly ran down her cheek.

"Stiles, where are you going?" She asks.

Scott frowns and looks over to Lydia and Josie with concern.  Josie holds Seth close to her as he starts to fuss.

Back in her mind, she feels his gentle touch, that touch she missed so much.  She's been so strong for years, but she needed that gentle touch.  She watches him wrap his jacket around her shoulders as she begins to shiver from the fever.  

"You're coming back, right?" She asks him, she could feel fear building up inside her.  She was afraid she was going to die and never see Stiles again.

"Yeah.  Yeah, I'd never leave you behind." Stiles smiles softly at her. 

Hearing those words from his lips forced a sob to erupt from her own.  He always kept his promises to her.  He strokes her arm one last time and gives her a kiss on her warm forehead and slowly let her go.  Malia couldn't stop the tears falling or the sobs wrenching from her heart.   Letting him go was the worst thing she ever experienced in her life.  Besides losing her family, she lost Stiles.  Her first love, her first kiss, her first everything since she became human again.  He taught her so much.  She will forever be grateful for him being in her life.

Outside the chamber, Malia slowly closes her eyes, still deep inside her hypnosis. 

Josie, Lydia, and Scott perk up with worry and tries to reach out to her. 

"Malia?" Lydia calls out in concern.

"Malia, open your eyes."  Scott demands.

"Malia.  Malia, can you hear us?"  Josie calls out and rocks Seth as he begins to cry. 

"Open your eyes, Malia." Scott calls out. 

Inside Malia's mind, she could hear them calling out to her, but she needed more memories.  She needed to bring back her anchor.  But, as soon as she reaches for another book, she gasps in pain as icicles begin to form over her hand, slowly moving up her arm.

Josie watches with worry as ice begins to form inside the chamber, "We gotta get her out." She gasps.

Seth's cries, suddenly, became louder.  He lets out a shriek that had everyone winches in pain.  Josie tries to sooth him, but he wasn't done.  He wails louder and, suddenly, Malia snaps her eyes open and slaps her palm over the glass, gasping from the air. 

Scott rushes to unlatch the locks, but Lydia and Josie gasps as light begin to shine through the the bunker skylights. 

"Scott, look.  Something's happening."  Josie gasps.

Scott turns and sees the light, feeling the soft rumbling beneath his feet, but as quickly as it came, it ended.  Scott turns back and rushes to get Malia out of the chamber and catches her before she could fall to the floor. 

Malia's eyes were wide in shock and her breaths were heavy with deep emotional pain.

As soon as Malia was out, Seth calmed down.  Josie and Scott frowns at his behavior, "Was he worried?"  Josie suggests.

Lydia frowns and looks at Seth who had a sad pout on his face, "He was scared...for Malia." She gasps softly. 

Seth lets out a whimper and reaches out to Malia.  He whines when Malia gives him a confused look. 

She shakes her head, "I'm too cold to hold him.  Wouldn't it be dangerous?" 

Lydia's purses her lips with a knowing look, "A newborn's immune system is weak until a few months, but he's a werewolf." 

Seth begins to cry again and reaches out for Malia. 

Malia stutters as Josie carefully walks towards Malia, "I never held a baby before." She protests and shivers.

Scott moves to wrap another blanket around Malia and Josie stands before her, "Support the head and be gentle, but careful." Josie guides Seth into her arms, shivering at the touch of her cold skin.  Lydia moves to help her.  Soon, Seth was in Malia's arms and she was looking down at him with a scared, awkward look. 

Seth squeals softly and clenches his tiny hands over her skin.  Malia suddenly shudders strongly, "Oh, my god.  He's so warm."

Scott and Josie look at her in shock, Josie moves and touches his cheek, "He's warm, but not that warm."

"He feels like a heater to me.  And it's not because I'm cold." Malia says as the shivering starts to die down.

"He wanted to warm you."  Scott says as a small smile forms over his face. 

"It might be cause of his Phoenix side.  Phoenixes are made from fire."  Lydia suggests.

Malia carefully reaches with her other hand and gently strokes a finger over his cheek, "Thank you, Seth.  You're so sweet." 

Seth coos and begins to suck on his fist. 

Malia smiles and moves to give him back to Josie.

Josie smiles as she takes him back, "My little love bug." She gushes. 


In the Hospital, the Ghost Riders search every inch of the hospital for Liam, Theo, and John.  John peeks out the saloon door windows of the morgue as he could hear spurs jingling with the Ghost Rider's footsteps.  He could see a Ghost Rider checking a room across from them.  John looks over to them, hoping they would have an idea, but they were both clueless.  He looks over an see a metal gurney and had an idea.  He points at the gurney and make a ramming motion.  Liam catches on and nods and him and Theo grab the gurney.  John looks again and sees the Ghost Rider turning for the Morgue door.  John waves his arm and moves out of the way quickly for Theo and Liam to ram the Rider down. 

Three of them run out of the morgue to see the Rider down, but was about to get up.  They all turn and see more Riders coming their way, aiming their guns at them.

"Hide with the dead?" Theo bitterly pants out.

"It was worth a try." Liam says.

John grabs them both and shoves them out of the way as they all dodge the gunshots.  The Riders continuously shoots them down, but misses them as they run.


Malia holds Seth again as Josie goes through spare clothes in a trunk that Argent had in the bunker.  She left her tank top on, but takes off her skirt and puts on blue jeans she found and black combat boots.  Malia smiles down at Seth and brushes her finger over his cheek.  Scott watches Seth coo and gurgle.  Making cute noises that brought a smile to his face.   After Josie was dressed, she moves and takes Seth back into her arms and rocks him. Scott looks over towards the chamber and sees Lydia shutting down the chamber.

"What are you doing?" He frowns.

"It's too dangerous.  We're not going to save anyone by freezing you guys to death." She Lydia protests strongly.

"But it was working, wasn't it?" Scott points out.

"There was a light and a strange noise.  No Stiles." Lydia says.

"But I remember him now.  I can see him in my head." Scott states.

"So can I." Malia adds.

"He's more real now than he's ever been.  If we can bring Stiles back, we can bring everyone back." Scott says.

Sighing deeply, Josie hands Scott Seth into his arms, which startles him, "What?  What are you doing?" He stutters and tries to bring him back into her arms, but she shakes her head.

"Support the head, hold him gently, but don't drop him." Josie says.

Scott slowly accepts Seth into his arms and frowns in confusion at Josie. "I may remember about Stiles, but, it wasn't enough.  Being in that room, it only brought me memories of being inside that house.  I need to tap into my other memories.  Find a stronger one." She explains 

Lydia purses her lips with worry, "Josie, you just gave birth.  You might die in that thing."

"I'm not going in there.  I'm gonna tap into my memories manually.  Dad told me pure-blood elementals have the sharpest memories.  I may not be a pure-blood, but I have a great memory.  Not even the Ghost Riders could stop me from remembering him.  They only removed a few puzzles.  I need to pick up the pieces." Josie explains.

Scott sighs and looks at Lydia and Malia, then nods, "Ok.  But, how are we going to do this?"

"We practically spent every second with each other, but there's got to be a memory I have with just Stiles.  There were times I was alone with him.  Times we bonded." Josie tries to think, but it felt like a brick wall was building in her mind, to prevent her from getting into the memories she needed. 

Lydia leans on the table next to her, sighing deeply, "You need a visual.  Something to snap a memory in your mind, like a reminder."

A soft clink was made and Josie looks down and sees Lydia's bracelet tap softly against the metal.  It was the charm bracelet she gave to her on Christmas, when she told everyone about Seth.  She made Malia and Lydia Godmothers, Liam an uncle, Hayden an Aunt, Sheriff a grandpa, Stiles a...

Josie, suddenly, gasps.  Stiles.

"I made him a Godfather." She whispers.

"What?" Scott asks.

Josie sighs softly and smiles, "At the Christmas party, when I told everyone about my pregnancy.  I made Stiles a Godfather.  Even gave him a stupid shirt.  He loved it."  Tears misted in her eyes.  "After Scott fainted and was out for a while on the couch, Stiles came up to me, wearing that silly shirt with a big grin, but he was confused.  He asked me 'Why?  Why did you make me a Godfather?'.  I said, 'Because of what you can teach him'.  And," Josie stops to let out a sad laugh, "Him being the sarcastic goof we love, he said, 'Teach him what? How to be an eccentric annoying spaz?'." Josie sniffles, "I simply told him, 'You can teach him to be brave.  Liam, he's sometimes a little too brave, cocky and impatient.  Mason would teach him everything he knows, like a female Lydia'." Lydia rolls her eyes, but laughs softly.  "'Corey would teach him how to hide when needed, if the situation would get too intense, he can teach him how to hide and protect himself.  Chris can teach him how to fight and track, Sheriff can teach him the law and so can Parrish'." Josie wipes a few tears away, "'But can teach him how to be brave.  You can show him that it doesn't take superior strength or powers or claws or fangs. You can teach him inner strength that comes from the heart.  To break the rules for the sake of loved ones or friends.  To show him, what we can't.  That's why I chose you.  I chose you, Stiles Stilinski, to be my son's godfather'." Josie voice cracks at the end. 

Suddenly, the bright light comes back, shinning through the bunker as the bunker begins to shake a little.  Soft rumbling all around them, but it was more stronger than before.  A few seconds later, it was gone.  They all looked around, still no Stiles.  Josie sighs in disappointment.

"I think we're getting closer.  That lasted longer than before." Scott states.

"But, still, there's a huge difference in being a vivid memory and an actual corporeal human being." Lydia says.

Scott nods, "I know."  He moves and places Seth back into Josie's arms gently and turns back to Lydia, "Which is why I think it should be you."

Lydia shakes her head,"I won't last two minutes in there." She protests.

"Then think of something else.  Malia's right.  It's all about the connection.  When I was remembering him, I was also remembering the two of you together.  I don't think anyone had a connection like you guys." Scott says.

Malia's heart breaks at those words, but it was true.  She knew Stiles was in love with Lydia from before.  She'll always love Stiles, but, as much as she hated it, she knew he wasn't hers to begin with.  Stiles belonged with Lydia. 

Swallowing her tears back and her pride, she looks up at Lydia, "I saw it, too.  You have to try, Lydia."

Josie nods and continues to rock Seth around gently. 

Lydia sighs softly and nods, "Then we have to do it the old-fashioned way.  We're going to have to actually hypnotize me."


Liam struggles in a Rider's grip, shoving his gun everywhere he could to avoid being shot at.  He twists around and shoves the Rider across the room.

John was no werewolf, but he was an expert to hand to hand combat.  As he fights a Rider, he manages to knock the gun out of his hand and punches the Rider's abdomen a few times and upper cuts him till he's flying backwards on to the floor with a hard thud. 

After dealing with one Rider, Theo turns and sees another pointing his gun at him, but Liam charges at him with John and shoves him into a room.  Theo rushes and barricades the door with a crutch. 

As the Rider was trapped, Liam smirks and lets out a relieved exhale.  John bends over and leans on his knees, panting heavily.

"I'm too old for this shit." He mutters bitterly.

All three of them snap their heads up and John straightens himself as they could hear glass smashing in the distance. 

Theo looks up with worry,  "They're everywhere."

"Good." Liam snarls softly.

Theo looks at him in disbelief, "Really? You really need me to remind you that getting captured by the Ghost Riders isn't gonna help you save your friends?" He says bitterly.

"May I remind you that we just need to keep them here as long as we can so they can bring Stiles back?" John asks sarcastically.  "For once, Theo, you need to think about people other than yourself and help them.  You want trust, it needs to be earned.  Or you'll find yourself back where you were before, with Tara."

Before Liam could speak up, he looks over Theo's shoulder and all three of them look down the hallway to see shadows of Riders approaching them. 

"We're all getting caught.  You can do it while you're running, but I'm going down fighting."  Liam states. 

Theo takes in their words and all turn back and see Riders walking down the hallway towards them.

Liam moves closer and flings out his claws, letting out a loud roar as he half transforms into his wolf, then charging down the hallway as the Riders rush at him.

"Run like a dog with your tail between your legs, or fight like the wolf you are, Theo.  Choice is yours."  John lets out a yell and charges at the Riders with Liam. 

Theo sighs and calls for the wolf inside and roars loudly at the Riders.  Charging at them and fights them off. 


As Scott and Malia were looking around the bunker for supplies, Lydia was writing down instructions for them to help them guide her through her hypnosis state. 

"My mother had a hypnotist who helped her quit smoking.  She had me see the same one when I was 10."

Scott stops what he was doing and looks at her in shock, "You smoked when you were 10?"

Lydia rolls her eyes, "No.  I bit my fingernails." She turns after she was done and moves to face them and move to another table. 

"Just find a lighter or a candle, please." She states in frustration.

Malia grabs a small torch, making Josie jump in surprise.

"Too much?"

Lydia looks at her with wide eyes and Josie squints her fingers together, "A little." Josie says.

Scott holds up a small white candle, "I got one."

Lydia sits at a table while Scott places the candle down and Malia lights it with the torch.

"What's that?" Scott asks as he sees a piece of paper in front of Lydia.

"An induction script.  One of you is going to talk me through this." Lydia says and randomly hands it to Malia.

Malia frowns and looks at the words, "So I just read?" She asks.

"Well, you have to soften your voice.  Keep it relaxed but not monotone.  Go for clarity, not volume.  Try it." Lydia says.

Malia's frown deepens, but she tries to do what Lydia says. 

"'Take a deep breath and look at the candle'." Malia says slowly and awkwardly.

Lydia looks at her in disbelief and snatches the notepad out of her hand, handing it to Scott.

Scott looks over the words and sighs deeply, with a calm, soothing voice, he begins to guide Lydia into her hypnosis state.

"'Take a deep breath and look at the candle.  Feel the muscles in your body begin to relax.  Your hands relaxing.  Your eyelids relaxing.  As you relax, imagine you're sitting in front of a TV'." 

Lydia falls deeply into hypnosis, her eyes drifting shut.  Inside her mind, she finds herself in a classroom.  Sitting in a desk, at the front of the classroom, she could see a small TV.  A small remote was lying on the desk, next to her hand. 

"'When you turn the TV on, it's going to play memories from your life. The remote gives you total control.  You can play any memory you want.  All you have to do, is hit the button'."

Scott's voice echos all around her.  She looks at the TV and the remote.  Slowly, she picks up the remote and begins to go through her memories.  Voices begin to echo in her mind, she could hear her mom.

"Honey, there's a Stiles here to see you.

Stiles' voice was heard, she could hear that familiar awkward voice as if he was standing right in front of her. 

"I was just making sure you were okay."

"What the hell is a Stiles?"  She could hear her own voice.  That was when she was being medicated after seeing Peter as an alpha for the first time.  It freaked her out so badly.  She thought it was Jackson who came to see her, but it was Stiles.  He cared about her, she remembers. 

She clicks the channel button, and finds another.  Sophomore prom.  Stiles was her date, she hated it, but Jackson went to the dance with Allison.  Lydia smiles in her mind as she remembers how stubborn she was when he asked her to dance, but she finally gave in.  She remembers how much fun she had with him. 

Outside her mind, Scott continues to guide her with what Lydia wrote down.  Malia frowns and watches Lydia's thumb twitch as if she was pressing something. 

"'Try to find a memory of Stiles.  A memory where you felt a connection with him'."

Stiles' voice echos around her, she continues to go through her memories.  Good, and bad ones with just Stiles.  She remembers how he helped her when she went missing after being bitten by Peter.  He was always there for her.

She could hear herself screaming, more of Stiles' voice.  Random sounds from her memories echoes in her head.  She could see Stiles in her head, how he looked at her.  Not even Jackson or Aiden looked at her like that.  It was...pure devotion.  Compassion.  It was like he knew her, truly knew her.


Theo falls backwards as a Rider snaps his whip at him.  The Rider wraps his whip in his hands and slowly makes his way towards Theo.  Theo scrambles to find a weapon from the medical tools next to him.  He grabs a body saw and gets to his feet, slamming the saw into the Rider's neck.  Panting, he looks down at the Rider, making sure he was dead.  The Rider twitches, but finally dies.  Theo sighs and turns, but a Rider stood in front of him.  The Rider grabs him and brings him down to his knees.  Theo looks over and sees Liam occupied with a Rider.  John was in another room, fighting a Rider. With a harsh turn, he throws the Rider out of the window.

Panting heavily, John looks and sees Theo on his knees as a Rider overpowers him.  Grabbing an IV holder, he yanks it out of it mobile wheels and holds up the sharp bottom like a spear.  Yelling, he charges the Rider and stabs him, impaling him into the wall.  Slowly, the Rider goes limp against the bar.  John spits at the Rider and turns to help Theo to his feet. 

They jump as they hear a gunshot, but see Liam holding the gun and the Rider was dead on the floor.  They all look in shock, so their own weapons are deadly to them.  Liam steps over the Rider and meets John and Theo in the hallway.  Theo smirks in triumph, but before they could bro-fist, they turn and see more Riders coming their way. 

John groans in dismay, but Liam was ready to fight.  Theo looks over and sees the elevator and nods at John.  John pants and nods in agreement, but they had to get Liam.  Theo rushes to press the 'up' button and rushes back to help John.

Liam lets out a challenging roar at the Riders, but John and Theo grabs and pulls him into the elevator. 

"Let's go!" Theo yells.

But, to John and Liam's surprise, Theo stood outside of the elevator.

"What are you doing?" John yells in confusion.

"Being the bait." Theo smirks at them and charges at the Riders.

But, before Liam could pull him in, the doors shut in his face.  Pounding on the elevator doors, Liam needed to help Theo, "No!"

John yanks him back, "Theo made his choice!  He made his choice.  He saved us." John says softly. 

Liam looks back at the door, hearing Theo roaring and gunshots going off.  But, then he hears human yelling, he knew Theo was taken.  

John sighs deeply, "We gotta go."


Lydia places the remote down when she finds another memory, she remembers this.  It was when they were going against the Darach.  The Darach took Stiles' dad.  And...

"Okay, well, maybe we could just...We could go over there and...What?" Lydia could hear herself talking to someone, then she hears Stiles' voice.  He was there.

"It's from Isaac."

"What is it now?"

"She took him.  She's got all three now."

"There's still time.  We still have time, right? Stiles? You okay?  What is it? What's wrong? Stiles.  Stiles.  Stiles..."

Her voice echos all around her, but, it sounded like the memory was coming from somewhere else.  She gets up out of the desk and walks out of the room, following the voices of her and Stiles.  It led her into a locker room.

"I think I'm having a panic attack." Stiles' voice was heavy with panicked breath. 

Lydia walks into the locker room and gasps as she sees herself pulling Stiles into the locker room, trying to help him.  Stiles fell to the floor as his legs give out from under him.  Lydia gets on her knees and tries to comfort him.

"Okay.  Come on.  Come on.  Just try and think about something else.  Anything else."

"Like what?" Stiles gasps out.

"Happy things.  Good things.  Uh, friends, family..."

She sees Stiles' face full of dread as she mentions family, she scrunches her face at her mistake.

"Uh, I mean, not family.  Oh, God.  Okay.  Uh, just...Try and slow your breathing."

"I can't...I can't." Stiles gasps, tears falling down his cheeks.

"Shh.  Shh.  Stiles, look at me.  Shh.  Look at me. Shh.  Stiles."

Lydia tries to sooth him, but it wasn't helping.  She needed to help him.  So, without thinking, Lydia brings his face close to hers and kisses him.  Stiles' eyes widen with shock as he feels her soft lips against his.  Lydia gasps as she watches herself kiss him.  She remembers how that felt.  It wasn't like anything she ever felt before.  She felt...sparks.  She felt such a warm feeling inside her.  Was it love?  Did she love him?

"How'd you do that?"  She hears him ask. 

With wide eyes, Lydia tries to think and come up with a simple explanation as she slowly pulls away from him, "I, uh I read once that holding your breath could stop a panic attack.  So when I kissed you, um, you held your breath."

"I did?"

"Yeah, you did." She licks her lips.

Tears started to fall from Lydia's eyes as she opens them, staring out into space as Josie, Malia, and Scott watch her with concern.

"That's when it happened." She says softly.

"When what happened?" Scott asks.

Lydia begins to think of all the times she was with him after the kiss, her feelings for him developing, growing stronger, but she always pushed it away. 

"Lydia, what do you mean? When what happened?" Josie asks.

"When I kissed him.  That's when it all changed." Lydia sobs softly.

"Lydia, look at me."  She could hear Stiles' voice again.  She started to remember the last night she saw him.

"I saw him.  I was there.  I was the last person to see him." Tears continue to fall down her cheek.

"Where? When did you see him?" Scott asks.

"The Ghost Riders, they..." She sniffles, "When they took him."

"Look at me.  Look at me.  You're gonna forget me."  She finds herself in her memory, sitting in the jeep, surrounded by the ghost riders.  Stiles took her hand, holding it gently, he was so calm and yet, she was terrified.  He looked at her like he was saying good-bye.  But, she didn't want it to be good-bye.

"I won't.  No, I won't, I won't." She repeats, shaking her head furious as tears run down her cheeks.

"Lydia, you will.  Just remember, remember I love you." He says softly.

Lydia remembers the shock she felt, she was just frozen from those words.  Then, he was gone. 

A breeze whooshed inside the bunker, blowing out the candle.  Lydia cries softly at the memories, snapping out of her hypnosis gently.

"I never said it back."  Lydia's voice breaks as she looks up at the three of them.  Josie lets out a soft sniffle as tears mist in her eyes. 

"I never said it back."  Lydia's lips start to tremble as a fresh wave of tears formed in her eyes. 

But, they all jump as the entire bunker begins to shake and rattle as a bright light shines through the windows.  It was more stronger now.  Lydia gets up out of her chair and walks towards the door, she turns the large handle and opens the door.  Down in the tunnels a bright light shines around them.  Lydia squints into the light and sees a figure walking from the light and stands in the middle of the tunnels.  She couldn't see who it was, but she could feel it.


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