Chapter 36: When Worlds Collide

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Trapped in the elevator of the hospital, John and Liam watch the lights begin to flicker above them, and soon the power was out.  Liam yanks as hard as he can against the elevator doors, forcing them to open.  With the help from John, together, they managed to get the doors open wide enough for them to escape.  They walk slowly out of the elevator, keeping an eye out for the Riders.  The lights continued to flicker and die as they walk through the hospital hallways.  It was too quiet around them.  As the make to the receptionist's desk, Liam goes back as he begins to hear the sound of soft clacking.  He frowns and turns towards the hallway, John follows his eyes as he begins to hear the same sound.  The sound that was way too familiar to him. 

Suddenly, the clacking became louder behind them.  Together, they slowly turned and sees a huge Train schedule board was on the wall behind the desk.  Where it said train #4, the names were clicking rapidly till it landed on one town....Beacon Hills.

"What's going on?" Liam asks.

"I don't know, but I don't like it." John slowly turns to Liam, giving him a worried look, "At all."

At the same time, Stiles stood before the board, looking at the towns name again for the hundredth time since he's been in the Hunt.  He was tired of this.  Tired of being in this place.  He just hopes and prays that his friends are working fast to getting him out.  All of the sudden, Stiles feels a small breeze by his legs and sees a ticket coming his way, stopping at his feet.  He frowns in confusion, but perks up when he hears a voice.  A voice he hasn't heard in so long.  It was like hearing an angel. 


He turns and looks around to find the voice.  He knew it was Lydia's voice.


"Lydia?" Stiles calls out and begins to walk towards where everyone was to search for her.  Did she get trapped in the hunt, too?

Suddenly, everyone began to rise from their seats as a familiar voice speaks from the intercom.  

"Attention, all passengers.  The train will be arriving in 25 minutes."

All the people in the hunt begin to walk towards the tunnels, blocking Stiles' path to find Lydia. 

"Lydia?" He calls out again, pushing his way through the crowd.


"Lydia?"  Stiles calls out again, there were too many people around him.  He couldn't see her, but he could hear her.  He could feel her. 

"Stiles? Stiles, look at me."

"Lydia, wait." Stiles shouts out, pushing his way harder through the crowd of people. 

"Stiles!" Lydia's voice became louder as he got near the tunnels. 

Suddenly, a gunshot rings out through the room, startling everyone and, like a river parting, everyone got out of the way, giving Stiles room to see who it was and he couldn't believe it.  Standing right in front of the tunnels with his gun in the air, was his father. 

"Give the boy some room." He orders everyone as he sees his Stiles before him. 

"Dad?" Stiles gasps and he rushes towards him, "Dad?"

Sheriff breaks out into a wide smile as he sees his son.  He opens his arms and pulls in him for a hug, holding him close.  Relief washes over him, he finally has his son back. 

"Oh, God.  Oh, I found you." Sheriff sighs happily and pulls away to look at Stiles, still smiling big.  "I can't believe I found you."  He chuckles. 

"Dad, I can hear Lydia.  I think...I think I can get to her.  I think she can get us out of here." Stiles says.

Before Sheriff could say anything, they both snap their heads down the tunnels as green lighting begins to flash and the sounds of horses neighing were made.  They were coming. 

Sheriff quickly turns to Stiles, he wasn't going to lose Stiles again, "You need to get out of here. Don't worry about me." He begins to turn towards the tunnels.

Stiles looks at him in disbelief, ""What, you're kidding, right?"

"Go.  Get help.  Find your friends." Sheriff says.

"Yeah, and what about you?" Stiles asks.

Sheriff gives him a smile, "We'll find each other again."

Sheriff turns back and sees the Riders coming closer,  the sound of the horses grew, everyone could hear the galloping.

"Dad." Stiles didn't want to leave him.

"Stiles, I'll hold them back.  Now get the hell out of here.  Go.  Go!" Sheriff shouts.

Stiles took a hesitant step, but turns and rushes to the tracks.  He runs as fast as he could, leaving his father to the Riders.  He runs to the other side of the station, where the portal was.  He skids to a halt when the portal suddenly opens in front of him.  Glowing brightly before him.  He shields his eyes from bright light, but gasps when he could hear Lydia's voice on the other side. 

"When I kissed you..."

Her voice echos around him, giving him the strength to go on.  He knew he needed to go through the portal.  He could feel her remembering him.  He paces towards the portal, squinting from the light, but he pushes on. 

"When I kissed you..." 

Wind rushes from the portal, almost preventing him from going in, but he continues on when Lydia's voice speaks again.  He needed to get back to her.  To his friends.  His pack.

"When I kissed you!"

Stiles stops when he gets right at the portal, he hopes and prays he won't burn, but he needed to try. 

"Stiles.  Keep going.  I can see you, Stiles, don't stop!"

He hears Lydia again.  With a deep breath, he closes his eyes and charges through the portal, into the light and feels himself falling. 


Lydia reaches out into the light, she knows Stiles was there, but when the light faded.  No one was there. 

"Stiles?"  Lydia calls out.

Sadness and disappointment filled everyone, Scott sighs and cautiously catches Lydia's attention, "Lydia..."

Lydia couldn't understand it, "Where is he? It was working."  She turns to Scott, Josie, and Malia, frowning in confusion, "You saw him, right?" She asks with hope.

Malia and Scott both shake their heads, "We didn't see anyone."

"I saw someone." All three snap their heads to Josie as she holds on to Seth, rocking him as he coos.  "I couldn't see who it was, but I saw someone walking through the portal.  It could have been Stiles." She mutters at the end. 

Lydia looks back at the tunnel where the portal was, "No.  He was here.  I know it.  Stiles was here." She says strongly. 

Meanwhile, at the same time, in the parking lot of the school, Stiles' jeep revs up to life, headlights glaring brightly and Stiles grunts as he sits up and finds himself back in his jeep. 


Josie heads back into the bunker as Malia and Scott guide a broken Lydia inside.  But, before he could shut the door, a hand shoots out to stop him.  Scott jumps and sees Liam, but he wasn't alone.  John, Myst, and Toby were with him.

Panting for breath, John bends over and tries to steady his breathing, "Damn, this boy is fast."

"Liam, John!" Scott exclaims in surprise.

"There's something you need to see." Liam says.

"You're all still here." Scott was still in shock.

"But everyone else is gone." Myst says.

"All of them.  They're all gone."  Toby shakes his head in sympathy.

Seth squeals softly and gurgles in Josie's arms, making everyone snap their heads towards her.  John slowly stands up straight and gasps in awe.  Myst breaks out into a wide smile and moves inside the bunker. 

"Oh, my god!" She sobs happily.

"Josie, he's so cute." Toby gushes. 

"I know.  But, we need to hold off the welcoming till we bring everyone back.  Myst, can you take him to Carol's?" Josie asks.

Myst nods, "No problem."  Myst opens her arms and carefully takes Seth into her arms, "Hey, Seth.  Aw, you're such a cutie.  I'm Aunt Mysty and I love you so much." She gushes.  Myst turns to Toby with a serious look, "Toby, keep them safe.  For Seth's sake." She says.

Toby smirks, "You got it, bitch."

Josie scolds at him, "Hey, no cussing in front of my son."

Toby chuckles, "Sorry, no muzzle can hold my pretty mouth back." He says sassily. 

Scott and Josie move close to Myst and Josie leans down to kiss Seth's forehead, stroking his face.  Scott takes his hand with his finger, feeling him squeeze it gently.  Josie swallows hard and pushes back the tears, "Take care of my son." She says to Myst.

Myst nods and begins to take off out of the tunnels. 

Josie's heart breaks as she hears Seth's whimpering and cries echo in the tunnels as she watches him being carried away.  Scott pulls her into his arms, holding her as she sobs. 

"We'll see him again soon."

"I know." Josie sniffles and wipes her tears away.  "It still hurts."

"We're gonna kick Douglas' ass back to Germany." John growls. 

"Got that right, Papi." Toby bro-fists him.

Liam turns to Scott, "John and I need you and Josie to come with us."

"What is it?"  Scott frowns.

Liam stutters, so John speaks up, "We can't explain it.  It's better to just show you.  But, are you up for it, Sweet pea?" John asks carefully.

"I'm good.  I'm healed after that.  I want Douglas and the Riders gone." She growls lowly and her eyes begin to shine red with fury. 

"Calm down, baby.  We're gonna stop them." Scott holds her close, then turns to Malia and Lydia, "Uh, all right.  You guys stay here.  Just in case."

"In case Stiles comes back?" Malia asks.

"If there's any hope, you need to keep trying."  Scott says. 

Josie turns to Toby, "Toby, can you stay here with them?"  She asks.

"I'm suppose to be keeping you two safe." Toby protests.

"I know, but, right now, keep my friends safe.  We'll meet up soon, ok?" Josie says all. 

Scott takes her hand and, together, they take off with John and Liam. 


Stiles wasted no time, he rushes to Scott and Josie's place first.  He needed to get to them as soon as possible and help them fight the Hunt.  He was a part of the pack and will always be a part of the pack. 

He busts through the front door, shouting for them.

"Scott?  Josie?" He rushes to the stairs, "Scott.  Scott?  Josie?"  He yells out in the empty house.  No one was home, so where could they be?

He heads back into his jeep and races towards the station and shoves the doors open, scanning all around.

"Scott, Josie?  Anybody?"

To his horror, he sees the damage the Hunt has caused to his father's work area, but he sees there was a struggle.  Maybe that's how his dad was pulled into the hunt.  He fought, but lost. 

He turns to leave, but sees the mic to alert deputies, he thought at first, he could try and reach out to his friends, but it would bring the Riders to him.  He needed to find his friends.  Maybe the Hospital.


Lydia sighs as she sits and thinks, why didn't it work?  She saw Stiles, she knows it.  She could feel him.  But, where was he?  She looks up and sees Toby walking towards her and sits next to her, bumping her with his shoulder.

"Don't look so down, Girl.  We'll find him."

Lydia sighs, "How?  I feel we're running out of time."

Lydia snaps her head towards the door as Toby and her sees Malia opening it. 

"What are you doing?" Lydia asks.

"We're gonna go find Stiles." Malia states.

"Scott told us to stay in case he shows up here." Lydia reminds her.

Malia shakes her head, "Stiles isn't coming here.  If he was, he would've, and he hasn't, so he's not."

Toby looks over to Lydia, "You still think it worked, right?" He asks carefully.

Lydia gives him a serious look, "I know I saw him."

"And you're never wrong about these things." Toby states.

Lydia makes a 'hmm' face, "I wouldn't say never." She says, rolling her eyes.

"But right now?" He asks.

"Right now, I'm not wrong.  Stiles is out there.  I can feel it." Lydia says.

"Then what are we doing standing here?" He scoffs and gets up, taking her hand and pulls her out of the bunker with Malia.  Malia turns and shuts the bunker close and together the three of them take off to find Stiles.   


Scott, Josie, Liam, and John take off towards the hospital and what they saw, they couldn't believe it.  Covering the floors of the hospital were railroad tracks.  Josie looks up at the wall and sees the train schedule John was talking about.  She frowns in confusion and looks at Scott who saw the tracks.

"This is happening everywhere?" Scott asks.

"Here, the school lacrosse field." Liam sighs as they walk over the tracks, looking back and forth down the hallway.

"What does this mean?" Josie asks.

"It means..."

They all freeze at the sound of a familiar voice and sees Douglas standing on the tracks in the middle of the hallway. 

"It's working." He smirks at them all.


First place Lydia could think of was the School parking lot, where they left the jeep.  To her guess, she was right.  The Jeep was gone and tire skid marks were made on the ground.  She kneels down and touches the marks.

"This looks fresh.  It's from Stiles' Jeep." Lydia states.

"It must have just left." Malia shrugs.

"Without his keys?" Toby asks the obvious.

"Well, half the time he got it started with a screwdriver." Malia mutters.

Lydia stands up and brushes her hands, looking around with a small smile of hope, "Then he's here.  We have to tell Scott."

Malia frowns as she looks across the parking lot near the school entrance and couldn't believe what she was seeing, "We should probably tell Scott about that, too."

Lydia and Toby look and sees train tracks leading towards the school.   They walk slowly towards the School sign and begin to head inside. 


Douglas lets out a ferocious growl at them all, his fangs protruding from his mouth as his eyes glow Ghost Rider green.  Liam, Scott, and Josie all growl in warning at Douglas as they half transform.  John moves to take his stand, sending Douglas a cold glare.

"He can't take all of us?" Liam says.

"No way." Scott snarls. 

Douglas smirks again, "Hollenhund." He calls out. 

A loud growl is made from behind them and, suddenly, John was yanked off his feet and shoved in the air, hitting the receptionist desk with a pained grunt. 

"Dad!" Josie cries out, then yells as Parrish grabs her, holding her tight in his arms.  Keeping her trapped and begins to walk slowly towards Douglas.

"Parrish!  Parrish, you don't wanna do this." Scott and Liam tries to shove him back, but his body was too hot to touch.  Josie could only handle it since she was connected to the fire as well as Parrish was. 

"Stop!" John gets up and tries to stop Parrish with them, but yells in pain as he grabs Parrish's arm.  He lets go and sees his red hands. 

Grunting and struggling, Josie tries as hard as she could get out of his grip, "Parrish, don't do this.  Please!"  She pleads, she didn't want to hurt him.  He was still her friend. 

"The train is coming and my bride and I will be rulers." Douglas smirks as he watches the Hellhound bring Josie towards him.  "There's no stopping the Wild Hunt."

Scott struggles to get Josie out of Parrish's grip, but he was too strong.  Josie whimpers as she struggles, pounding on his arms. 

"You'll make a fine Ghost Rider, Scott.  And I'll have a true Alpha by my side." Douglas continues to gloat. 

"Parrish! Stop!"  Liam shouts as he tries to pry Josie out of his grip.  Parrish simply just growls and shoves them away. 

"And then a Banshee, a were-coyote..."

"A Stiles."  A voice speaks out.

Douglas frowns in confusion and looks where the voice was coming from, "What?"  He grunts in pain as a bat comes flying into his head. 

Everyone looks and sees Stiles standing before them, shock fills them. 

"Bad guy, right? I didn't misread that?" Stiles mutters as he double checks, but before anyone could answer, Douglas lets out a loud growl, making him jump in fear, "Oh, God!"

Josie uses this opportunity to find a way to get out of Parrish's grip, "Parrish, I'm sorry." With a hard punch, she hits him where the sun doesn't shine. 

With a canine whimper, Parrish lets her go to grab himself, groaning in pain.  She grunts as she lands on the tracks and Scott and Liam quickly grabs Parrish, throwing him towards Douglas, making them both fall back against the floor.  Stiles dodges them and covers himself.

Scott, Liam, and John help her up, John pulls her in for a hug, "That's my girl." He smiles and kisses her forehead. 

Dropping the bat with a loud clatter, Stiles sighs, "Oh!"  He looks over and sees Scott, his friends.  He rushes towards them with a big smile and hugs Scott tightly.

"Buddy! Oh, man! Oh, it's so good to see you." Stiles says excitedly, patting Scott's back. Scott smiles and hugs him back just as tightly.  He missed Stiles so much. 

Stiles lets go of Scott and sees Josie, "Jojo!  Oh, I missed you so much." He pulls her in for a hug.  "Oh, god.  Wait a second!" He pulls away and sees she doesn't have the belly anymore.  "Where's Seth?"He asks.

"Myst has him.  She's keeping him safe." She says and pulls him in for another hug. 

"Oh, I can't wait to see him." He hugs her back.

Liam looks over with wide eyes, seeing Douglas and Parrish get to their feet.

"Hey, hey, hey! Uh...." Liam tries to warn them, but Stiles sees him and a big smile forms on his face as he pulls Liam in for a hug. 

"Big Liam! It's so good to see you too!"

"Yeah, no, yeah! Good to see you, Stiles." Liam mutter and pats his back, but points over to Douglas and Parrish, "But, uh..."

Parrish's body flares with green fire as they both glare at them all with such fury. 

"Oh, he's pissed." Josie's eyes widen.

"Okay.  Yeah, we should go.  Go.  Go, go." Stiles stutters and all of them take off running. 

Parrish lets out a loud roar and sends a large fireball their way.  Josie turns back and calls her fire power and sends a wave of fire to block the fireball from hitting them.  But, the impact caused a wave of power and everyone was thrown off their feet from the force. 

Panting, Josie groans and gets to her feet and heads to help Scott up.  Liam helps John and Scott grabs Stiles.  They all rush out of the hallway, leaving Douglas roaring in such anger.


Toby, Malia, and Lydia continues to follow the tracks around the school.  But, they stop as they noticed lights glowing from the Library.  But, it wasn't the normal lights they always see, it was street lights with three bulbs.  Malia frowns and opens the door.  All three of them walk inside slowly and sees that the Library was crossed over into a train station and several people were sitting on benches, and some were standing, reading.  Like they were waiting.  Some were just staring out into space. 

"Why is there a train station in the middle of the library?" Malia asks.

Lydia sighs, "There's also a train station in the Wild Hunt." She says.

"Any chance they're connected?" Malia asks.

Toby walks to the middle of the library, looking around, "I would say high.  Like 100%." He mutters.

"If there's a train station, then there's probably a train." Malia states.

"And if there's a train..." Lydia trails off.

"It's going to the Wild Hunt." Toby finishes for her.

Malia looks around with worry, "They're all gonna be taken."

"They can't get on that train." Lydia shakes her head.

Malia pushes her hair back nervously, "Um...Okay.  Listen up, everybody.  We've all got to get out of here.  We gotta go right now.  It's bad, we have to go!" She shouts, trying to get everyone's attention.

But, no one made one effort to move.

Lydia moves to talk to a random person, "Hello?" Snapping her fingers in front of a woman's face. 

"Uh, hello? Sir?" Malia waves her hand in front of a man's face.

"You can't reach them." Toby sighs as he sits next to a random person.  "They're all trapped in a trance.  In their minds, they're waiting for a train to take them on a trip.  It could be a vacation, seeing family, anything to give them feeling of need to be on that train." He states.  "They're deaf to this world."

"How do we get them to leave if they can't hear us?" Malia asks in frustration.

Lydia didn't know what to think, "Uh..." Till she looks over and sees a very familiar face, "Maybe there's someone who can." She smiles. 

Malia and Toby moves to see what Lydia was seeing, Malia gasps in shock.  It was Peter.

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