Chapter 37: Escaping the Hunt

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After being sent into the Hunt, it didn't take long for Hayden to find Mason and Edward.  Together, the three of them search everywhere to find Corey.  But, so far, no luck.  Every door they picked, sent them back to where they started. 

Panting out of breath, Mason busts through the doors once more with Hayden and Edward behind him, "Corey?"

The three of them search the faces that sat on the benches around them.  Not one was Corey. 

"Corey." Hayden calls out.

Looking at them in exasperation, Mason couldn't believe this place, "How many rooms does this place have?"

"Beyond the 57 we've already searched? Probably enough for all of Beacon Hills." Hayden sighs as she calms her heavy breaths. 

Edward scans around them, Corey was definitely not here.

Feeling horror wash over him, "We're never gonna find him." Mason whimpers.

"Just keep looking."  Hayden says.

Mason, Edward, and Hayden move to try another room, but before they reach the door, the intercom blares over them and a familiar voice fills the room. 

"Attention, all passengers.  The train will be arriving in 19 minutes."

All the people of Beacon Hills look up as the voice announces, then cloud back over into their trance.

"Okay, we're running out of time."  Edward wipes the sweat off his face.

"Mason." Hayden gains Mason's attention, "You always know where he is."

"Yeah, except for right now." Mason mutters bitterly.

"But you find him eventually." She stops him from moving by standing in his way.  "Just clear your mind, focus." 

Mason couldn't focus, he couldn't even think.  He just needed Corey back.  His love.  His mate.

"Attention, all passengers.  The train will be arriving in 19 minutes."

Mason freezes at that voice.  He slowly looks up at the intercom, then back to Hayden and Edward with wide eyes.

"It's him."


Stiles, Scott, Liam, John, and Josie run down another part of the Hospital as Stiles searches frantically in the storage closets.

"Can't believe I'm gone a couple days, the whole place falls apart." Stiles mutters as he searches the storage. 

"No, you were gone for three months."  Scott corrects him. 

Stiles rushes out of the closet in shock, "I was...What?" He couldn't believe it.  Three months?!  He starts to mutter bitterly, "Okay, if they don't let me graduate, I swear to God..." He rushes into another room.

"What are you looking for?" Josie asks.

Stiles shouts in praise, "Ah! This." He says as he comes out of the room, carrying a canister of liquid nitrogen.  He looks up and peers down the hallway in front of them, "And him."

Everyone turns and sees Parrish coming towards them, growling as green flames engulfs his body. 

"Grab him."  Stiles says to Scott and Liam.  "Grab him now."

John pulls Josie out of the way as Scott and Liam rush to grab Parrish and shove him against the wall.  Stiles grabs the canister and as soon as Parrish hits the wall, he starts spraying him with liquid nitrogen, putting out the flames.  As the flames died down, Liam lets go of him quickly, yelping from the cold. 

"Okay." Stiles sighs in relief.

"God, ow!" Liam yelps and pats himself.

"Liam, you're fine." Stiles rolls his eyes.

"God, that doesn't feel good.  You know?" Liam mutters.

Parrish finally snaps out of his trance and looks at all of them in confusion, and was extremely shocked to see Stiles, "Stiles? What are you doing here?"

"Buddy, love you, but we're way past that, okay? You gotta fill us in.  What's going on?" Stiles says quickly.

Sighing deeply, "Douglas..."He slowly starts to get up, but Scott and Liam helps him to his feet, "He's merging the worlds so the Ghost Riders can cross over." Parrish says.

John nods, "He wants his supernatural army in our world." 

"How do we stop him?" Josie asks.

"The train." Parrish says and looks over to the board, "It's coming."

Everyone looks over to the board, seeing the schedule. 

Scott nods, "Okay, and how do we stop that?"

Parrish shakes his head, "You can't stop it.  But you can divert it." He says.
Josie nods, "Like switching tracks.  The train is heading towards us, and it's picking up the entire town.  We could change the course, send it somewhere else before it hits town."

"And how in the hell are we going to do that?" Liam asks. 

"We need to find the switch that can change the tracks.  Follow the trail." John says as he looks at the railroad tracks that led out of the hospital.

Josie turns to Parrish, "Ok, you need to get out of here.  If Douglas finds you, he might gain control again.  And...sorry about...punching you..." Josie mutters as she trails off. 

Parrish waves her off, "I don't blame you.  Douglas is determine to have you."

"Why?  Why does he want her?" Scott asks furiously.

"A king needs a queen.  Douglas is Lowenmensch, he's already a king.  He just needs soldiers, a queen, and a kingdom to rule.  So far he's two out of three and he doesn't seem like the type to give up." John says. 

Josie's breath begins to pick up, "Well, he's in one of hell of a fight."

"Go, I'll be fine.  I'll fine a way out of here.  Just get this place back to where it was before." Parrish pants.

Scott pats his back, "Be careful.  Let's go." He grabs Josie's hand and together the four of them head out of the hospital and began to follow the tracks. 

Wasn't long till they followed the tracks to the school, but, they still needed to find the switch to divert the course. 

"Okay, how the hell do you 'merge worlds'?" Stiles asks in confusion and disbelief.  "Okay, nowhere in the manual does it say that werewolves can do that.  And Scott and I pretty much wrote the manual." He mutters.

"We can't even move between them, all right? Look what it took to break you out." Scott points out. 

Josie frowns and looks behind her as Liam's slows his footsteps till he comes to a complete stop.  Scott, Stiles, and John seems to have noticed this as well.  But, before anyone could ask, Liam speaks up.

"We can't move between worlds.  But Corey can.  He can exist in both worlds."  Liam points out.

"And he can take people with him." Josie gasps in realization.

"At Scott's house, he pulled a Ghost Rider into our world." Liam states.

"At the lacrosse game he brought us into theirs." Scott says.

"What if that's how Douglas is doing it? What if Corey's the key?" Liam asks. 

"Interesting theory, okay? Solid logic.  It is, but he's in there and we're out here.  So the only way to save everyone now is to just divert the train." Stiles explains, reminding him what the mission was, but Liam was determined to save Corey, maybe diverting it won't be all they need to do.  They need to separate the connection. 

"We have to find him." Liam states. 

"How?" Stiles asks.

"I'm going into the Hunt." Liam says with a serious look.

Scott, Stiles, and John all shook their heads, while Josie looks at him in shock. 

"No, no, no.  Liam, I think you're confused, we're trying to get people out of the Hunt." Stiles protests.

"He can get taken by a Ghost Rider."

"It's just...That's not a pleasant option.  I'm speaking from experience."

Josie notices Liam wasn't pay attention at all, but looking at the grass.  Josie follows his eyes and sees what he could see.  Horse prints.  Green horse prints steaming in the grass.  Liam looks up and meets her gaze, he gives her a pleading look.  Telling her he needs to do this.  She could see what he was thinking and she thought he was crazy.

"I don't need to get taken to get into the Hunt." Liam stutters to Scott, Stiles, and John.

"Okay.  Seems like you got an idea, let's disc-." Before Stiles could finish, Liam takes off around the school.

"Where are you going?" John asks.

"I'll be back." Liam shouts over his shoulder.

"Liam, be careful!  They're not like our horses!" Josie shouts out.

Stiles, Scott, and John all look at her confused, "What?" They ask in unison.

Josie sighs, "He's gonna steal a horse.  Look." She points at the grass, showing them the footprints. 

John asks looks at her in disbelief, "Is he crazy?"

"He's...ambitious." Josie mutters.

John sighs and takes off to follow Liam.

"Now where are you going?" Stiles shouts.

"To make sure he doesn't get himself killed." John shouts over his shoulder.

"Were we like that?" Stiles asks Scott in disbelief.

"Worse." Scott says.

Scott sighs and gestures at the tracks, "While Liam is off possibly getting killed, we just have to follow the tracks?" He asks.

"Yeah, well..." Stiles mutters and turns one way, "Those lead into the woods." He points towards the trees and back to the school, "This way back into school." He sighs.

"You wanna split up?" Scott sighs.

"Never again." Stiles states.

Scott sighs in relief, "Thank God."

"Yeah, never...ever again." Josie shakes her head and follows Scott and Stiles into the woods.


Liam takes off as fast as he could to follow the tracks.  He races up the stairs to the second floor of the courtyard and begins to hear the soft sound of a horse snorting.  But, that wasn't all he heard.  He shouts in surprise as John pops up from behind him, but John covers his mouth and shushes him.

"You wanna scare it away?" John asks in frustration and removes his hand from Liam's mouth.

Panting, "It's a horse from the underworld, I doubt it'll be scared of a werewolf compare to his owner who's a freaking Ghost Rider." Liam mutters sarcastically.

"Point taken." John sighs and follows Liam and they see a lone horse down below before them. 

Liam leans on the banister and grimaces, "I hate horses." He mutters bitterly, then sighs as he climbs the rail, "Nice horse..." He mumbles.

"Seriously, you're just gonna jump on it and run off into the portal?" John asks incredulous.

"You got a better...Oh!"  Liam shouts in surprise as a Ghost Rider grabs him and wraps an arm around his neck, yanking him off the rail. 

John grabs a nearby fire extinguisher and uses the bottom to slam it against the Rider, but no matter how hard John hit him, the Rider wouldn't let go of Liam.  Before John could bring it down again on the Rider, a figure runs up to them and stabs the Rider in the back with his claws.  The Rider finally lets go of Liam and Liam scrambles to his feet. John and Liam, both, look and see Theo standing before them, dirty with ripped clothes. 

Coughing hard after being nearly choked to death, Liam rubs his neck and look at Theo in shock.  John was speechless as well, he lets go of the fire extinguisher and stutters confusingly. 

"Hey, you made it out!" Liam exclaims.

"Yeah, barely!"  Theo grits out as he struggles with the Rider, holding him tightly. "What's the plan?"  Theo grunts.

"Uh, steal the horse and get Liam into the Hunt."  John says.

Grunting, Theo looks over his shoulder over to them in disbelief, "You're kidding, right? I went through all this to keep you two from being taken." He mutters bitterly.

Theo continues to struggle with the Rider, holing him as he fights in his grip.

"You need a hand?" Liam asks.

Theo lets out a bitter sigh, "I'm good."  He grunts again and looks over to Liam, "Then go already!"  He shouts.

John pushes Liam, "Go!"

Liam runs as fast as he could and jumps over the rail and into the saddle down below.  Theo lets go of the Rider and fights him, clawing him and kicking him in till John picks up the fire extinguisher and slams it against the Rider's head.  When the Rider hits the ground, John slams it over and over again down on the Rider till it finally dies. 

Panting, John looks over to Theo who smirks, "Feel better?" Theo asks.

"I'm getting there." John pants out and throws the the canister away.

Together, they look over the rail down below them and see Liam on the horse.  The horse nickers softly under Liam as he grabs the reins.

"You know how to ride a horse?" John asks as he could see how Liam's body goes stiff. 

"Not really." Liam says and starts to ride off. 

"Hope he learns fast." John mutters and pushes himself off the rail and begins to take off with Theo following him. 

"What's next?" Theo ask.

"We gotta find the switch for the tracks.  A train is coming to take everyone into the hunt.  There's no way of stopping it, but we can divert the tracks.  We better go find Scott and Josie." John says as they both take off to find everyone.


"PETER!!!!" Malia yells out in front of Peter's face.

Toby jumps and winces at the loud noise, he looks at her in disbelief, "Bitch, if I go deaf, you're paying for my hearing aids."

Malia scoffs and snaps her fingers in front of Peter, but, he never made a move or a flinch. 

"Malia." Lydia gains her attention.

"What?" Malia frowns and still continues to find a way to gain her father's attention.

"The only way we were able to break through the Hunt is with an emotional connection." Lydia explains.

Malia straights up and sighs in half-hearten, "Dang.  Wish I could help." She tsks.

Lydia and Toby both frown at her impatiently, Lydia sighs and gives her a look. 

"I'm not saying it.  I'm not saying it." Malia protests.

"Okay, well, I guess everyone dies."  Lydia shrugs and begins to leave.

"Guess Seth is gonna be an orphan now." Toby sighs and begins to leave with Lydia.

Malia lets out a frustrated sigh that makes them both stop.  Lydia looks over to Toby and they both smirk knowingly, but as soon as they turn back to face Malia, their smirks drop. 

"Fine." Malia grows lowly and turns and sighs, trying to calm herself.  "Dad."  She calls out. 

In the Hunt, still in his trance, Peter sat in the train station, reading his paper.  Malia voice was very faint to his ears.  It wasn't enough. 


Back in the library station crossover, Malia tries again, "Dad." She speaks louder.

"Say it like you mean it." Lydia says.

Malia grimaces, but she knew she had to do this.  She kneels next to Peter and sighs, she tries to open herself and speak from the heart. 

"Dad.  Please wake up."  She begs.

Peter frowns and looks up slowly as he could hear the faint voice of Malia, his daughter. 


The newspaper slowly slips from his fingers and he looks up around him.  He could see he was back in the station, but when he slowly gets to his feet.  The setting changes and standing in front of him, was Malia.  His daughter.  She brought him out of the hunt's spell.  But, he sees she wasn't alone.  He could see Lydia and Toby. 

Toby clears his throat and leans in close to Lydia, "I've never asked...but...Is he single?" He asks softly.

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