Chapter 38: Final Battle

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Mason, Hayden, and Edward slowly approach the intercom, listening very carefully for the voice coming through the speakers. It was hard to compare voices with the electrical current that blended in, but it was familiar in some parts.

"The train will be arriving in 17 minutes."

Hayden looks over to Mason with caution, "Are you sure it's him?"

Mason continues to look at the speaker, "I know his smile, I know his touch And I know that that's his voice. It has to come from somewhere." He begins to follow the line to where it could lead.

But, the sound of a horse neighing is made in the distance, Hayden and Edward knew that sound.

Hayden and Edward look over to the tunnels with worry, "Mason." Edward speaks up, gripping his swords.

"We have to go." Hayden grabs his arm, but Mason protests and continues to follow the lines.

The loud sound of hooves pounding over the pavement were getting closer and closer.

"Just give me a minute, I can find it..."

Hayden yanks on his arm, "We don't have a minute. They're coming."

The people who sat near the tunnels got up and ran as the horse rode into the station, startling everyone in the room. They all run for cover and hid behind benches and columns. Hayden shields Mason with her arm and Edward gets out his swords and swish them around in the air, taking his stand to fight. The Ghost Rider's horse neighs loudly, rearing in the air then slams his hooves down on the ground. Hayden and Edward braces themselves as the rider begins to dismount, but to their surprise, it was Liam!

Hayden gasps softly, her eyes widen in shock, "Liam?" She couldn't believe he was really here.

Liam wasted no time, he rushes to his mate, taking her face in his hands and kisses her passionately from where she stood. It took Hayden a while to break out of her shock and kiss Liam back just as passionately. The feel of her back in his arms, to have his mate with him again, he was complete.

With a soft sigh, they break the kiss and look into each others eyes, holding each other gently, Hayden smiles softly when she realizes something.

"When did you learn how to ride a horse?" She asks.

"Just now." Liam says breathlessly.

Hayden chuckles and Mason was relieved to see his friend again. Edward sighs and hears the voice again.

"We're running out of time. Mason, if that's Corey, we need to find him." He states.

Mason nods and begins to follow the trail to find his love.


Scott, Stiles, and Josie continue to search for the switch that could divert the tracks. They keep on going deeper into the woods, following the tracks. Soon, they could see from the distance where the switch stood. Together, they pace over towards the switch, but something was off. Josie could feel it, and she knew Scott did, too.

Josie moves over to a tree while Scott pulls Stiles over to the tree, hiding behind it.

"Wait, wait. Down." Scott says softly. Pushing Stiles down to duck a little.

"Why're we stopping?" Stiles asks softly.

Scott nods over to the switch, "It's there."

Josie breaths deeply and nervously as she looks around, "It can't be this easy." She whispers.

Stiles scoffs at her, "Yes, it can, Jojo. It can be this easy. For once, let's do easy." Stiles mutters and begins to go over the wedge in the tree and head towards the switch.

Scott sighs, "Okay." He and Josie follows him to the switch.

Stiles reaches out to grab the switch, but a whip wraps around his wrist, "Oh, God." Stiles gasps and grunts as he finds himself on the ground. "Or not." He mutters.

Douglas stood a few feet away from them with the whip in his hands, with a hard tug, Stiles disappears in a cloud of green smoke before Scott could save him. Josie gasps as Douglas aims a gun at Scott and shoots him. Sending her love into the hunt.

Josie lets out a pained cry as Scott disappears in a cloud of green smoke. Breathing heavily with rage with hot tears forming in her eyes, Josie lets out a ferocious roar and charges at Douglas.

Meanwhile, Stiles reappears from a rift that formed in a locker room, sending him across the room and slamming him into a row of lockers. He groans and sits up as his body ached from the impact.

"Nope, not easy at all."


Blinking out of his trance, Peter frowns as he looks around, finding himself in the school library, but he could see bits of the train station from the hunt in the library. He was confused with how he got here and why this placed looked this way.

"Where the hell am I?" Peter frowns.

"Basically, a Nazi Werewolf's Extreme World Makeover." Toby says sarcastically.

"A train coming our way to take everyone into the hunt. We need you to stop them." Malia says.

Peter's frown deepens, but, then Corey's voice speaks through the intercom again, making them all snap their heads up.

"Attention, all passengers, the train will be arriving in 12 minutes."

Just as Corey's voice filters in the air, everyone in the station gets to their feet and begins to walk towards the tunnel, still deep in their trance.

"Me? You want me to stop them? You know how many there are?" Peter scoffs at them as they all begin to follow the crowd.

"Yeah. A lot of them. So get going." Malia pulls on his arm and gestures him to get started.

"There are hundreds of waiting rooms in this train station which apparently now also serves as a high school library." Peter says sarcastically. "It's impossible."

"We can try." Malia states.

"Where do you get this implausible optimism?" Peter asks incredulous.

"Definitely not from my father." Malia mutters bitterly.

Before anymore arguments could be made, Lydia speaks up, "We don't have time for this. We need someone to just hear us."

Peter and Toby slow their footsteps as they both look down the tunnel, "I think we already did." Peter mutters.

Walking slowly out of the tunnel, a Ghost Rider approaches them all. The crowd around them all gasp in horror at the sight and begin to back up. Malia stood in front of him with Lydia behind her. The Rider stops before everyone and pushes his jacket away, ready to shoot them all.


Josie swipes at Douglas, clawing his abdomen. She managed to knock the whip and gun out of his hands. Douglas swipes his fist, but she ducks and gets him in the nose. Wipes the blood from his face, Douglas smirks lustfully at her.

"American women, so feisty." He purrs.

Growling loudly as her blood eyes glow with rage, Josie swings at him again, but he was ready and grabs her. Slamming her against a tree and holding her hands above her head. Trapping her.

Panting from the fight, Douglas sighs and strokes her cheek, "Such fire you carry inside you. You'll make such a wonderful wife for me. My power over the Ghost Riders and you by my side. We'll be unstoppable. Why fight what can be yours? Power, soldiers to fight for you, a world we can call ours."

"My world, my town, my pack will never be yours. I will never be yours."

Douglas scoffs and leans in, breathing in her scent, "Mm, what is so great about this world? People are so petty with such little things. Technology, TVs, and such. The world deserves to be sent into the hunt. And we, my love, can fill the world with fear, show the humans true power." He lifts a hand and pushes her hair off her neck, exposing her mark. "You may be mated to a True Alpha, but even a true Alpha's mate mark can be replaced. By the master's mark." Douglas' fangs begin to protrude from his mouth as a small growl escapes his lips.

Josie didn't know what a master's mark was, but she knew it meant something bad and she couldn't let anything happen to her bond with Scott.

"Well, you might have a small problem." Josie's lip twitches in anger.

"And what's that, mein Liebling?" He begins to lean in closer to her neck with a smirk.

"I'm not one to own." Josie whispers in his ear.

With a forceful jerk of her knee, she brings it up, hitting the family jewels with a loud crack.

Douglas groans in pain, eyes crossing.

But, Josie wasn't done. She head-butts him, breaking his nose and sending him to the ground as he clutches himself. Josie wasted no time to run for it. To find Scott and Stiles. Douglas scrambles to his feet and lets out a roar of rage. Josie runs as fast as she could, away from Douglas, to find Scott. She groans in pain as her face and forehead began to hurt from the impact of headbutting Douglas, but she doesn't stop till she gets to the school.


In a cloud of green smoke, Scott flies out of a rift that formed in the School stairs and lands hard on the ground with a loud grunt. He frowns in confusion and looks around him quickly, seeing where he was. He runs down the stairs and calls out for his friends, his mate.

"Stiles? Josie?"

But, as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, he bumps into a figure and jumps in surprise. But relieved to see it was just Stiles.

"Damn! Man! Are you okay?"

"I think so. I finally saw the girls' locker room. It's not that different. It's kind of disappointing." Stiles says sarcastically.

Scott looks around, "Where's Josie?"

"I don't know. Douglas might have her." Stiles says worriedly.

"What just happened?" Scott asks in confusion. He thought once your taken, you're taken into the hunt. Not the school.

"I don't know. I think the worlds I think they're collapsing in on each other." Stiles suggests.

Suddenly, Corey's voice erupts through the speakers.

"Attention, all passengers. The train will be arriving in 11 minutes."

"Was that...?" Stiles points up.

Scott nods, "We gotta get back to the diverter. And find Josie."

"Yeah." Stiles nods in agreement and together they head to the doors to get out, but when they open the doors, a flash of green hits them.

Scott lets out a yell as he feels himself being pulled into a rift. He finds himself falling and lands on the ground. He groans softly and opens his eyes to find himself in a supply closet. He quickly gets to his feet and gets out of the closet, finding himself in a chemistry class. He jumps as he hears the distant sound of growling and a horse neighing.


Malia lets out a loud growl at the Rider, her eyes shining blue into the darkness as the lights flicker around them. But, Lydia couldn't let anything happen to Malia. She quickly gets in between them.

"Get behind me. They won't take a Banshee."

"You sure about that?" Peter asks as he gets in the way.

The Rider takes out his whip and cracks it in front of them. Peter covers himself and the others from the whip. Peter growls lowly and swipes his claws at the Rider, but it didn't seem to effect the rider, it seemed like Peter was trying to fight smoke. He tries again, but his claws still go through the Rider.

Peter's eyes widen with fear and he begins to back away. People hide against the walls and when the Rider was focused on Peter, they took the opportunity to run for it as Peter continues to fail at striking the Rider.

Lydia and Malia tries to run for it towards another way, but they skid a halt as another Rider stands in their way. The Rider takes his whip and strikes at them. Malia shoves Lydia out of the way before it could strike at her, and ended up hitting her arm. Malia screams in pain and clutches her arm where the whip slashed.

Peter turns towards the scream, "Malia!" He rushes to help her and gently pushes her into Lydia's arms. "Lydia..." He faces the riders with such rage towards them. They hurt his daughter and they were going to pay for that.

He eyes them both and runs at the one who hit Malia, using a bench for leverage and kicking the Rider in the chest. The rage inside him seemed to have given him the opportunity to hurt the Riders. The emotional connection.

"He did it." Malia gasps.

Peter runs to attack, but the Rider holds his foot up and shoves Peter back onto the ground. He quickly gets to his feet and watches both Riders with caution as they both rush at him. One raises his whip, but Peter blocks him and shoves towards the other Rider, but the Rider blocks the impact and continues to pace over to Peter to attack. He strikes his whip, but Peter blocks it and traps the Rider in his grip, wrapping his arm around the Rider's neck. Peter grunts as the Rider struggles in his grip, but it wasn't enough. The Rider throws Peter over his shoulder, slamming him on to the ground. Peter shakes his head, snapping out of his pain and his eyes widen as the other Rider comes up and grabs him, holding him up in the air by his neck.

Peter grunts and struggles in the Rider's grip and looks over to his daughter, "Malia, go!" He shouts.

Lydia and Toby help Malia to her feet and, together, they rush towards the door, but Malia looks back at her dad who was caught in the Riders grip. She couldn't lose him again, she doesn't run, she fights. Letting out a vicious roar, she runs back to charges at them.

Lydia gasps and turns back, but Toby holds her back.

"Lydia, go. Find Stiles." Toby states.

"What about you and the rest?" Lydia protests.

Toby smirks, "Bitch, I can handle a Rider or two. You, you go save Stiles." Toby turns back and begins to transform into his Phoenix side.

Lydia gasps in awe as flames consumed his body, forming into an armor of bird. Toby's eyes glowed bright red as flames danced around. He turns to Lydia who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Follow your instincts, they will lead you to him." He says and turns towards the Library. He lets out a ferocious roaring shriek and charges inside.

Lydia could hear the Riders shrieking in fear and pain.

'Follow your instincts', Lydia sighs at those words. But, she freezes when something was telling her to go. She turns and begins to run for it.


Scott turns a corner, walk/running down the hallway, but he skids to a halt as he feels wind whooshing around him and footsteps behind him. But, footsteps were in front of him as well. Walking from the shadows, a Rider stood before him. Scott looks behind him and in front of him with caution, he was trapped.

The Rider in front of him lifts his gun and begins to shoot at Scott, but Scott flips into the air and dodges the gunshots. He moves again to dodge more of the gunshots. He uses a wall for leverage and flips into the air.

One Rider lifts his gun at Scott, but shrieks in pain as roots from the floor stab through his body.

Scott and the other Rider watch the roots burst through the floor and pulls the Rider down into the earth. Scott frowns, but ducks as another root shoots out towards the other Rider, wrapping around his neck and lifting him in the air. Choking and struggling in the root, the Rider couldn't break free. The root yanks sharply and a loud crack is made. The Rider finally goes limp and falls to the floor.

Scott looks ahead before him and sees Josie panting as she guides the roots back into the ground.

Scott sighs in relief and rushes to her, pulling her into his arms. Josie sobs happily and holds him tight, kissing him with such passion. Scott gently pulls away, but takes her hand and, together, they take off outside and begin to follow the tracks.


Back at the train station, Mason, Hayden, Edward, and Liam continues to follow the trail towards where Corey could possibly be.

"Attention, all passengers. The train will be arriving in nine minutes."

Mason, Liam, Hayden, and Edward fight through the crowd to follow the the wires. Worry for Corey seeped in Mason's veins. Why was he counting down the train's arrival? What did Mr. Douglas do to him? Finally, they find a door, and Mason wasted no time to rush inside. What he saw broke his heart into pieces, no, shattered it. Lying against the electronic panel, there was Corey with wires stabbed through nearly his entire body and the microphone was buried deep in his chest. Green toxin seeped from his wounds. He was alive, but trapped in a trance.

"Attention, all passengers. The train will be arriving in eight minutes."


Falling out of the rift once more, Stiles grunts in frustration, he was tired of this supernatural roller coaster. It was turning his stomach.

Groaning in pain, he slaps the ground in irritation, "Damn it!"

He quickly get to his feet and runs for the door, but he freezes in his step when a Rider was waiting for him, aiming his gun at his head. He shoves the Rider's aim out of the way, struggling and fighting him, but he was too strong. The Rider shoves Stiles away and Stiles backs up away from the Rider.

"Scott, I can't fight this guy." Stiles yells out, hoping Scott could hear him, but nothing.

The Rider lifts his gun, cocking it and shoots Stiles, but Stiles dodges out of the way, but he didn't have any where else to go. The Rider moves around the lockers and stands before Stiles, aiming his gun at his head. Shaking in fear, Stiles closes his eyes and waits for the gun to go off.

Suddenly, a loud banshee shriek is made, sending the Rider slamming into the lockers. Lydia stands at the door, sending waves of power from her banshee scream.

The Rider falls dead onto the ground and Lydia comes and runs inside the locker, seeing Stiles standing before. She gasps in relief that she made it in time.

"I didn't say it back." Her voice cracks.
Shaking his head, Stiles paces over to her, "You don't have to."

With no hesitation, Stiles slams his lips on to Lydia's, kissing her with all the love, the passion that he has had for her for years.

Finally, after waiting so long, he finally made it back to her. Lydia cries against his lips, kissing him back just as passionately, feeling the sparks dance over her lips. She missed this feeling so much. She missed him. As the kiss breaks, they just looked at each other, touching each other with such gentleness. Lydia strokes his cheek as he holds her close to him. Sobbing with happiness, Lydia hugs him tight and Stiles holds her close. Never wanting to let her go.


Meanwhile, trapped in the Hunt, Melissa and Chris spends their time trying to find a way out, but when they check the doors, they were all chained up. Chris runs to door after door, only to find them locked.

He grunts in frustration and throttles the door, "God!"

Melissa sighs, "They're all sealed shut."

They both move away from the door, trying to think of something, to find another way to get out.

"Bet you wouldn't mind having a werewolf around right now to rip them off their hinges." Melissa mutters sarcastically.

Before Chris could say anything, they both look up at the tunnel before them and begin to hear the jangling of spurs hitting the ground. Walking slowly towards them out of the tunnel, was a Rider.

"Like to have one around for another reason right now. Get back." Chris gently moves Melissa out of the way and runs to charge at the Rider, but the Rider catches him and shoves him against the column, wrapping his hands around Chris' neck.

"Oh, God!" Chris groans and grunts as he struggles out of the Rider's grip. He reaches out and grabs the Rider's gun from his side and shoots the Rider in the gut. The impact of the gunshot sends the Rider flying across the room.

Chris pants for air and turns to Melissa, "I gotta get me one of these." He holds the gun up and exclaims at the power of it and stuffs it into his side.

Melissa laughs, but her smile drops as she looks behind Chris with fear, "Argent!" She shouts.

Chris turns around and sees a Rider walking out of the Tunnel slowly. Chris moves and walks to stand before the Rider. The Rider stops and stands about 8 feet away from Chris, his hands over his sides with his fingers twitching. It was a drawl.

Melissa watches from the side as they both continue to glare at each other. Chris watches the Rider's movements carefully. When the Rider makes his move, so does Chris.

Melissa shuts her eyes when the gunshot goes off, praying silently, she opens her eyes and sees Chris standing while the Ghost Rider was blown away. Panting softly, she paces over to him, turns him away and pulls him close for a passionate kiss. Chris grunts in surprise, but kisses her back, holding her close against him. As the kiss breaks, Chris looks down at her, frowning in confusion.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"That was so hot." Melissa exclaims.

Chuckling, he pulls her back and kisses her again, holding her close against him.


Scott and Josie race back into the woods, searching for the diverter. They make it back in the nick of time, but they weren't alone. Standing in front of the diverter, was Douglas.

"I'd almost say you enjoy this, Scott. The pursuit of utterly futile endeavors."

"Step back from the diverter. Or we'll make you step back." Scott warns.

Chuckling smugly, Douglas turns towards them with a smirk, "Now that's the German way of doing things. You would've made an excellent Nazi Youth."

"Maybe you didn't hear him." Josie growls lowly, "He said step back."

Douglas lets out a vicious growl, transforming into full Alpha, glaring at them with his green vibrant Ghost Rider eyes, "And maybe you didn't hear me." Douglas lets out a loud, powerful roar.

Scott and Josie both transform into their Alpha sides, letting out a loud roar in unison.

Suddenly, Thunder rumbled loudly above them all as lighting flashed. Coming out from the shadows all around them, were hundreds of Ghost Riders. Josie snarls at them and stood near Scott. Scott lets out a hissing growl and sees Douglas smirking in triumph.


Lydia and Stiles rush to get out of the school to find the others, but before they could make it to the door, Stiles skids to a halt as he hears a voice he hasn't heard since he was a kid. It froze him from where he stood.

"Stiles." Claudia's voice echos through the hallways, "Stiles? Is that you?"

"Mom?" Stiles begins to walk towards the voice, but Lydia tries to stop him.

"Stiles, that's not your mom."

"I know who it is. I know her voice."

"No, that's the Wild Hunt. They're tricking you." Lydia explains, but Stiles keeps on going. "Stiles, please believe me. The Wild Hunt brought her back, but she's not real."

Stiles stops and turns to look at Lydia, frowning in confusion, "What do you mean 'brought her back'?"

"Stiles." Claudia speaks out from the end of the hallway.

Stiles and Lydia turns towards the voice and Stiles' eyes widen in shock as he sees his mom, alive and walking towards him with a gentle, motherly face. He couldn't believe it.

"I know what you've been through. I know how much you love your father." She says gently.

Claudia walks through the shadows of the hallway and when she steps out, her face changes into the a Ghost Rider's face.

"But I love him more." Her voice turns distorted.

Stiles' jumps in shock at the sight, Lydia was right, it wasn't his mother. His mother was dead, this was a monster.


Mason rushes to Corey's side as he sees Corey snapping out of his trance. Breathing heavily with heartache and shock, he exams the wires, touching them gently, but even just brushing his fingertips over them caused Corey to wince and groan in pain.

Licking his lips nervously, "Okay, we need to unplug him. We need to just get him out of this thing." Mason states.

Hayden looks at Corey with sympathy, "I'll start with the big one. I'll pull it quick. It'll hurt, but Corey can heal." She says as she begins to grab a big wire, but Liam rushes to stop her.

"We can't."

Hayden frowns as she looks at Liam in confusion, "What? Why?"

"Not until Scott diverts the train." Liam explains.

Edward sighs in realization, "If we stop the merging, Scott and Josie won't be able to find the diverter."

"You wanna just leave him like this?" Mason exclaims in disbelief.

"We have to give them more time." Liam states.

"Look at him. We...We need to do something." Mason's voice cracks.

Corey turns his head weakly to look at Mason, "Not yet..." He says softly. "You have to try to save everyone." Taking Mason's hand.

Mason shakes his head as tears mist in his eyes for his mate, "How do we save you?"


Growling lowly and snarling, Scott and Josie took their stand in front of Douglas. Holding their ground firm.

Douglas scoffs at both of them, "Unbelievable. Even in the face of insurmountable odds. I don't know if it's suicide or stupidity."

Josie shrugs, "Maybe both." She snarls.

"Either way, we're getting to that diverter." Scott growls lowly.

"You of all people, Scott, should know what happens to lone wolves." Douglas growls.

Scott growls lowly, but suddenly, a voice speaks up.

"He's not alone." Stepping from behind the trees, Theo appears. "He's got a pack."

"And Theo's not in it." Malia walks around him and turns to glare at Douglas, "But I am."

Peter pops up from behind, "I'm not in the pack. But no one likes a Nazi." He glares at Douglas.

John walks up to stand next to Theo, "I would like to be part of the pack. If it means to kick your ass for messing with my daughter."

Toby stands next to Peter, crossing his arms over his chest, "You've messed with the wrong pack, bitch."

Growling loudly, Douglas raises his arm and lets out a loud roar as he brings it down, signaling the Riders to charge.

Everyone takes off, dodging bullets from the gunshots. Malia yells and fights a Rider, kicking him and bringing him down. Josie roars and claws one, trapping him in her arms and brings him to his feet. John punches one, and grabs him, shoving him through the heard of riders and impaling him on a branch. Toby uses a tree to flip over one and kicks him in the face. Theo claws one in the neck and throws him down into the ground. Peter manages to get a few.

Scott charges at Douglas, growling with rage. Douglas shoves him away and kicks him. Josie snaps her head towards Douglas, growling and snarling. She roars and charges at him. She uses a tree for leverage and kicks him in the face. Scott gets up as Douglas does and together Josie and Scott fights Douglas. But, Douglas was so strong.

Wasn't long till everyone was losing the battle. Scott tries again, but Douglas swipes his claws at him, sending him to the ground.

"Your little friends are no match for the Wild Hunt. There are too many of us and too few of you." Douglas smirks.

Growling lowly, Josie claws him in the back with a strong swipe. But, that just pissed him off. Douglas backhands her and grabs her by her neck.

Choking, Josie pounds on his arm, but she couldn't break loose.

"I WILL have you, Josie Thompson. With the master's bite, you won't be complaining...much. I was planning to be gentle, but women like might like it rough." He snarls softly.

Whimpering, Josie tries to fight as he brings her closer to him, but she couldn't.

But, before he could bite her, John jumps from behind, wrapping his arm around Douglas' neck. Forcing him to drop Josie. Grunting, John traps Douglas into a headlock, and holds on. Growling and snarling in his grip, Douglas fights to get out, but John was determine to bring him down. Growling loudly, Douglas brings his fangs down on John's arm, biting him aggressively.

Yelling out in pain by the impact of his bite, John feels Douglas' fangs nearly touch his bone.

Josie's eyes widen in fear, "Dad!" Time slowed down for her. She couldn't believe it. Her dad, John, was bitten, by an Alpha werewolf.

Douglas manages to yank John off him and sends him flying on to the ground. John groans in pain and looks down to see the bite in his arm. Gripping his arm, he squirms in pain in the dirt.


Claudia stands before Stiles and Lydia in the hallway, watching Stiles' shocked face.

"Even from the Hunt, you somehow wormed your way back into his memory." She glares at him with anger.

"Yeah, worming is one of my skills." Stiles mutters sarcastically.

"That thing is conjured from your dad's pain. If he remembers you, he can't believe in her." Lydia says.

Claudia's flat lips twitch with irritation, "That's why you have to go." She says distortedly and charges at them.

Lydia shoves Stiles out of the way and tries to send forth her banshee scream, but Claudia was ready. She grabs Lydia by her throat, choking her. Stiles rushes and breaks Lydia out of her grip, but Claudia grabs him instead by his neck.

"You shouldn't treat your mother that way." Claudia scorns.

Straining in her grip, Stiles glares at her, "You're not my mother."

Claudia shoves Stiles back against the wall, determined to kill him.


Growling loudly, Josie rushes at Douglas with Scott, fighting him harder. They managed to claw his back, shoving him against a tree of a few times. Josie slashes across his face and backhands him, sending him twisting in the air. Scott tries to go after the diverter, but Douglas was ready. Josie gasps as she hears the train horn approaching.

Malia jumps into the air and fights off several Riders on the tracks and manages to steal a whip. She stands on the tracks and turns as she sees the bright light of the train drawing closer, the horn blaring in the distance. Malia throws the whip to Scott and Scott catches it. Douglas' eyes widen as he watches Scott snap the whip on the diverter and yanks it with a hard tug. Douglas tries to stop it, but he was too late. Everyone gets off the tracks in time as the train rushes by them. Taking the other course.

Panting in triumph, "You missed your train." Malia smirks.

Panting, Josie rushes to her Dad as he groans and grips his arm in pain. She looks over to Scott with panic, "Call out to Liam!" She yells.

Scott throws his head back, letting out an Alpha howl, alerting Liam that it was done.

From inside the Hunt, Liam snaps his head towards the howl and turns to everyone, "Now!"

Mason was hesitant, but he had to get Corey out of there.

"It's okay. I'll heal." Corey says gently.

"Promise?" Mason asks worriedly.

Corey nods and turns away as Mason begins to pull the wires out of his body. He couldn't help but scream in pain.

As soon as the wires were removed from his body, people in the hunt began to disappear back into their world. Their homes, their town. The merging of worlds were beginning to fall apart and back into place.


"He believes in me." Claudia states as she continues to choke Stiles.

Stiles' eyes begin to roll back as he was losing air, but her grip was too strong.

"Dreams. So hard to kill." Claudia's distorted voice echos around him.

"But not impossible."

Claudia snaps her gaze towards the voice and sees Sheriff standing before her and shoots her, "Noah." The bullet didn't cause her to flinch. He frowns with worry. "Your bullets can't hurt me."

Lydia's eyes widen, 'Bullets'.

"My voice is like a bomb...your voice needs to be a bullet..." Meredith's voice echos in her head.

Lydia pants and moves closer to stand next to Sheriff, "Fire again." She says strongly and turns to Claudia. Lydia lifts her hands in the air and lets out a powerful banshee scream as Sheriff shoots Claudia one more time. This time, combining the banshee scream and the ghost rider's bullet, it sends her back into the underworld, dropping Stiles on the ground.

Panting and coughing, Stiles gets to his feet. But, it wasn't over. Suddenly, the entire building begins to shake violently as rumbling filled the air, mixed with loud chittering from the Ghost Riders.


The Riders surround Scott and his pack, drawing their guns on them. Everyone eyes them with caution as they chittered softly. Josie holds on to her dad as he lies on the ground in pain.

Suddenly, lighting flashes brightly and everyone looks up seeing the storm clouds moving. Almost as if it was clearing up. At the same time, the riders lowered their guns and placed them back on their sides.

Douglas frowns in confusion as he watches his army basically retreating. They all turn and begin to leave.

Panting, Scott and Josie help John to his feet. He yells out in pain and yelps when he feels Josie wrapping a cloth around his wound.

Douglas turns and watches his army leave, but he tries to stop them.

"Where are you going? Stop. Zuruckkommen. Come back and kill them. Tote sie." He commands, but they don't listen, they just continue to leave.

"Yeah, call your army back. Or don't they listen to you?" Theo smirks.

"I am your leader. Ich bin dein Anfuhrer! Obey me. Gehorcht mir." Douglas commands again, but this time, it seems to have stopped them all and turn towards him. With a satisfied smirk, Douglas turns towards Scott and his pack, "Kill them. All of them. Tote sie. Tote sie."

The Riders did come back, but not to kill. They begin to surround Douglas, trapping him in a circle.

The Ghost Riders let out a low growl at Douglas, startling him with their change of attitude. They all stared down at him with their soulless eyes, just standing around him.

"Riders don't bow." Peter states.

"They have no leader." John adds with a hard pant.

Lighting strikes brightly in the air, Douglas begins to feel something change inside him. He looks down at his hand and sees gloves covering his hands. Everyone watches Douglas slowly become pale as the moon and his skin begins to shiver up and cracks. His lips infuses together and his eyes sunken into blackness. When the Ghost Riders move away, Douglas was fully transformed into a Nazi Ghost Rider, the Nazi symbol embedding on to his arm. Aware of what he was now, Douglas lets out a shriek of despair and vanish into the green lighting with the rest of the Ghost Riders, leaving their town in peace.

(Man this was my longest chapter yet! I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't worry, I have two more chapters to go then that'll be the end of the Hunt...till next season. Tell me... how many of you did this when Stiles and Lydia kissed at last after 6 years of waiting?)

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