Chapter 39: The End?

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As quickly as it began, the storm has ended.  The clouds faded away and all there was in the sky was the sun shinning brightly.  In a blink, everyone who disappeared into the hunt, came back with no knowledge or memories of being taken by Ghost Riders.  As if it never happened, everyone finds themselves where they were before.  Parrish was back in his shift, Sheriff was back in his office.  He walks out, looking around at his deputies who were working back to back at their desks, but he could see Parrish's confused face.  They were cautious, but it looked like everything was back to normal.

Scott, Josie, and the others walk through town, seeing  people around them.  Being happy, normal again.  Myst called Josie to let her know that Seth was taken to the hospital by Carol and that she will meet them there.  Myst, however, wasted no time to get to Deaton's.  She rushes into the building, seeing everything back to the way it was.  She rushes to the exam room and sees Deaton going through the files.  He looks up as he sees her frozen in her steps, just looking at him with shock.

"Mysty?  What's wrong?"  He asks.

Myst rushes towards him and jumps into his arms, laughing at his startled shout as they fall to the floor together.  Myst couldn't stop kissing him and Deaton made no complaint for her to stop. 

Josie, Stiles, Toby, Malia, Lydia, and Scott race to the hospital with John and sees Chris, Melissa, and Mason rush Corey through the hallway.  They could see their startled faces as they see the people around them.  Being without people around them, walking around out of their trances, it was new after for so long.  Josie gasps at the sight of Corey with green toxins seeping from his wounds and bandage over his chest. 

"What happened?" Josie asks as they follow them into an exam room.

"Douglas, that's what happened." Mason says bitterly.

Josie hugs him tight, "He's ok now.  And Douglas is gone.  The Ghost Riders took him."

Argent sighs, "Good."

They rush him into a room and shut the door. 

"Okay." Melissa sighs and looks over Corey's wounds.  She grabs a bottle with a syringe and begins to extract the medicine into the syringe.

"Can you fix this?" Mason asks worriedly.

"Oh, she knows what she's doing." Chris assures him.

Melissa holds up the syringe, ready to give the shot, "Have you ever heard of the Nine Herbs?" She asks.

"The nine sacred herbs of the Saxons used to cure poison and infections? Yeah, of course." Mason nods and sees Chris and Melissa's disbelief looks of shock and awe, "Did you need to know what they are, or..." He trails off.

"No." Melissa cuts him him off, "I think I've got it."

After taking care of Corey, Melissa moves on to wrap up John's arm, but everyone was worried for him.  He was bitten by an Alpha wolf.  So that means, either he'll be come a wolf, or he'll reject the bite and die. 

"We'll keep you here for observation, just in case.  I cleaned it up as best as I could.  All we can do now is wait and see." Melissa sighs as she finishes the wrap.

John nods, still in shock himself.  He sighs and looks over to Josie, giving her a small smile.  Josie moves closer and hugs him tightly.  "Thank you." She whispers.

"Last thing I ever would do is let an asshole hurt you." John chuckles. 

Josie pulls away, "But,"

John cuts her off, "It's worth it.  No matter what happens, it's worth it.  Just one thing....I want to see my grandson."

Josie wasted no time to look for Carol.  They find her down at the maternity ward and see her smiling at them. 

"You two, you never cease to amaze me.  You saved the town and possibly, the world.  And Seth..." Carol chuckles and looks through the maternity ward window. 

Josie moves closer to the window and sees Seth wrapped up in his blue blanket with a matching hat.  Sucking on a pacifier and cooing softly. 

"He's healthy, by the way.  Your friend did a wonderful job bringing him into this world." Carol smiles over to Lydia who gives her a smile in return, feeling Stiles giving her a side hug. 

Scott smiles and pulls Josie into his arms, holding her gently as they look down at their son who spits out his pacifier to give them a smile and a yawn.  Josie couldn't help but giggle.  From the corner of her eye, Josie looks and sees Melissa coming down the hallway with John.  John moves and stands next to them and sees Seth in the ward.  John sighs and smiles big. 

"He's perfect."

Josie presses her hand over the glass, sighing softly, "Yes, he is."

Josie feels Melissa gently touching her arm, "Josie, have you and Scott thought of a middle name?" 

Josie looks up at Scott with a knowing look, "I think we have." She turns back to Melissa with a smile.  "His name is Seth Michislav McCall."

Stiles perks up at that name in shock.

Josie smiles down at Seth, "Our little mischief."

Melissa knew Stiles real name, she was touched they wanted to call him that.  Melissa pulls her in for a small hug and pulls Scott in as well.  "I'm so proud of both of you." She says.

John had a confused look on his face, "Michislav?" He scrunches his face up.

(Josie's outift for the day...)

A few days went by and pretty soon, everything seemed normal.  The past few months seemed like a nightmare, but ends as the darkness emerges into the light.  Edward packed up his car and when the last bag was in, he turns to his friends.  He gives Stiles and Scott a bro hug and pulls Josie in for a big hug.  Seth was released from the hospital and so was John.  To everyone's relief, and horror, John didn't reject the bite.  But, to help him through his first Full Moon, was going to be tough.  Seth gurgled in Josie arms as she holds him close.  Edward turns to her and Seth, wiggling his finger into Seth's hand. Seth coos up at him and giggles.  Edward looks down at Josie and gives her a small hug. 

"Be careful, both of you." Edward says softly. 

Josie nods and pulls away from the hug and into Scott's arms.

"You be careful, too, man.  Let us know when Kira comes back." Scott says. 

Edward nods, "I will." He looks at them all and smiles.  With a honorable bow, he turns and gets into his car and drives off. 

Josie and Scott made it back home, but Edward wasn't the only one who had to say good-bye.  Waiting for them at home, was Toby with his bag by his side.  Peter and Malia were there as well with Liam, Theo, Hayden, Mason, and Corey.  Lydia sat next to Stiles on the couch.  John says his good-bye to Toby, thanking him for all his help. 

After giving everyone a hug, but Peter, Toby sassily crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for Peter to give him a hug. 

"Oh, no, no, I don't do hugs." Peter protests.

"Come on, we're friends.  I promise I won't do anything." Toby pouts. 

"Come on, Peter.  It's just a lousy hug." John laughs.

Rolling his eyes, Peter walks over and gives Toby his lousy hug.  Toby promised he wasn't going to do anything, but he couldn't help pinching Peter's ass.

Shoving out his arms, Peter stomps off, "Ok, I'm leaving."

"Come out of that closet, Petey, you know you want some of my cocoa." Toby teases, but Peter slams the door shut. 

A few snickers and giggles were made in the room, but Seth begin to cry from the loud noise.  Wasn't much trouble for Josie to calm him down. 

"Eh, he'll come around." Toby waves it off.

"Toby, you are just too much." Josie giggles. 

"No one can resits this." Toby gestures over his lean body, "Have you seen this face?"

Josie rolls her eyes and giggles, snuggling to Scott's embrace as he wraps his arms around her, holding her close and Seth. 

"Well, I better go before I miss my flight.  Remember, I'm just a phone call away.  If you need anything, don't hesitate.  And you two better invite me to the wedding." Toby glares teasingly at Scott and Josie.

"We'll definitely send you an invitation." Scott says.

"Good, can't wait.  Maybe I'll get Peter to be my date." Toby winks and grabs his bag with a pop of his hip, "Ciao, bitches."  Then, he heads out the door.  

Josie laughs, and turns to look at her dad, examining where Douglas bit him.  Not even a scar.  He couldn't help but worry what will happen now.

Scott looks over and sees John's distraught, "Maybe we can talk to Ms. Martin into letting you use the lake house on full moons."

John sighs and looks down at the ground, "I don't know what I'm going to do now.  You and Scott and your friends, you'll be going to College in a few months.  I'll be here, starting my life over.  But, what can I do?"

Josie sighs and moves to give Seth to Scott.  Seth squeals as Scott takes him into his arms.  Josie turns and moves to sit next to her dad. 

"Well, we could help you find a job.  Deaton is gonna need help at the clinic while we're gone." Josie suggests.

"But, I'll be alone." John sighs deeply as he looks up at her.  "I've waited so long to finally make it up to you after all those years.  Now...I feel like I'm too late."

Josie gives him a small, reassuring smile and places her hand on his, "It's never too late, Dad.  I already forgive you.  I still love you.  And we still got Seth.  You'll be the greatest Grandfather to him, I know it."

John smiles and looks over to Seth who laid in Scott's arms, sucking on his pacifier. 

"I won't ever hurt him.  I'll never let anything harm him.  Never again." John shakes his head determinedly.

Josie pulls him in for a hug, holding him tightly, "I know, Dad."  

"I love you, too, Sweet pea.  Always." John says and kisses her head as he pulls away.

Josie, suddenly, had a guilty look, "Um, there's one other thing."

John frowns in confusion, "What is it?"

"I...uh...sort of called Mom." Josie winces.

John's face freezes in shock and, after a pregnant pause...



(Josie's Outfit for the day)

Wasn't long till it was finally the end of the Senior year, and now, Scott, Stiles, Lydia, Josie, and Malia sat in their last class and it wasn't long till the bell finally rang.  Alerting them their freedom. 

"Have a great summer, everyone." Mr. Croft says to the class who begin to pour out there as fast as they could. 

Stiles looks around in shock, "No."

"To the Seniors, I'll see you at graduation." Mr. Croft adds.

"No, no, no, no.  That's it? What?" Stiles asks, still confused how fast it went by.

"Last day ever." Scott says excitedly.

Josie smiles and takes his hand into hers, feeling him kiss her knuckles.  But, Stiles and Malia were both sad to see this whole year come to an end.

"Well, it just feels so anti-climactic." Stiles says disappointingly.

"Well, there's the whole graduation thing." Lydia points out.

"I've gotta go to summer school or I can't do the whole graduation thing." Malia says.

"I'll be there to cheer you on when you do.  All of us." Josie smiles at Malia. Malia couldn't help but smile back. 

"Let's do it." Scott says and gathers his stuff with Jose, Malia, and Lydia, but Stiles stays sat at his desk in confusion and stutters.

"No.  Come on, wait Guys? This can't be it." He mutters.

Soon, the lights shut off and Stiles waste no time to scramble out of his desk and meet up with Scott and Josie in the hallway to empty their lockers, but first, Josie had to go pick up Seth. 

Josie makes it to Natalie's office and smiles big as she walks in. 

Natalie gives her a smile back and moves to pick up Seth from his cot that she set up in her office.  She reaches and picks Seth up and rocks him as she walks over to Josie.

"How was he?" Josie asks as she takes him into her arms. 

"He was a dream.  Barely, made a peep.  All the teachers and students who came by couldn't believe how adorable he was.  Josie, I still can't believe how wonderful Seth is.  I do hope and pray for you and Scott to have a good life together.  You have all this planned out? You're not going to drop out of college are you?" Natalie asks with caution as she walks around her desk and grabs the stroller. 

Josie shakes her head, "I'm sticking to my college courses.  That's not changing for me or Scott.  We're gonna work everything out." she says as she places Seth into the stroller, belting him up safely as he sucks on his pacifier.

Natalie smiles, "Good." She sighs and leans down to brush her hand over Seth's soft hair, smiling down at the little baby who coos as he stares up at her. "You take care of you mommy, Seth.  And be good." She smiles and straightens as she looks back to Josie, "You have a great summer, ok?" Natalie hugs her and sends her off. 

Josie pushes the stroller out of the office and walks over to Scott and Stiles as they clean out their lockers. 

Scott lets out an exhale, "I can't believe we're not in high school anymore.  Kind of feels like nothing's really changed." He says.

Josie giggles, lifting her brows in disbelief as she gestures at Seth.  Seth looks up at his father and squeals. 

Stiles, however, looks over to Lydia with a knowing look.  Lydia looks over to him, giving him a blushing smile as she thinks about the kiss they shared in the locker room.

"Everything's changed." Stiles says and together, the three of them...including Seth, head out to Stiles' jeep.

After fixing up a few things under the hood, Stiles slams the hood down and moves toward Liam and Mason.  Hayden was busy fawning over Seth.  Seth giggles and smiles as Hayden gushes at him, tickling him. 

Sighing deeply, Stiles turns to Liam, "Okay! So, Liam, since you're the new Alpha..."

"I'm not an Alpha." Liam shakes his head.

"Right, but, you know, Alpha-in-training." Stiles tries to correct himself.

"Well, I'd have to kill an Alpha." Liam points out.

"Liam.  Since you're taking over, the most important thing you can remember is that Mason is always gonna be the one who's there to save your ass all the time." Stiles says.

"Well, not all the time." Scott protests.

"Most of the time though.  Which is why I think you're gonna need this." Stiles digs through his trunk and pulls out a metal baseball bat for Mason and hands it to him.

Frowning in confusion, "Uh, I don't play baseball." Mason mutters.

Stiles shakes his head, "Right, neither do I.  It's..It's not the point.

Mason laughs and takes the bat, "Okay.  Thanks."

Hayden hands Seth back and says bye, moving on to Liam's arms. 

"Say 'bye-bye, Aunt Hayden.  Bye Uncle Liam and Uncle Mason.  Bye'." Josie speaks lovingly.

"Love you guys." Stiles says.

Liam gives Josie a hug and tickles Seth.  Mason gives a hug as well and kisses Seth's head.

"Bye, Seth.  Bye Mischief." Mason says. 

Josie giggles and places Seth back into his stroller.  Tucking him into his seat.  Seth yawns and gurgles. 

"Still can't believe you gave him my name.  How do you even know my real name?" Stiles asks incredulous.

"Your dad." "Your dad."

"After he remembered you, he told us you're real name.  Telling us about you to help us remember.  Remembering you made us realize something.  If it wasn't for you, I don't think Scott and I would have met.  You are the reason why Seth is here now.  I can't think of a better way to honor that." Josie smiles.  

Stiles smiles big and kneels down to let Seth grip his finger, Seth smiles and gurgles up at Stiles. He couldn't help but chuckle at how cute Seth was being.  "I'll be a great Godfather to you." He says softly.  With a sigh, Stiles gets straightens up, "Right." He goes through his trunk again and holds up a roll of duct tape and hands it to Scott. "I leave you with this.  You know, hurt her and I'll kill you." Stiles warns them both. 

"You sure you won't need it?" Josie asks as she straightens up.

Stiles shakes his head, "It's okay.  Lydia's gonna drive me down to D.C.  She wants to help me move into my dorm, so...You know she's starting MIT as a Junior?" Stiles asks in disbelief, "How do you even do that?"

Scott chuckles, loss for words, "She's a genius." He shrugs.

"Real question is how'd you get into UC Davis?" Stiles asks with a smirk.

Scott chuckles and pulls Josie into his arms, "How do you think?"

"And best part of it, you'll always have me." Josie says smugly and kisses his lips softly. 

Scott smiles and turns to Stiles, "How did you get into George Washington?"

Stiles shrugs, "I don't know.  Uh, your dad.  The, uh, big FBI pops made a call to the little pre-FBI program."

"Pre-FBI." Scott shakes his head, proud of his best friend to make it in life. 

"Another Stilinski on patrol.  But, this time, with more knowledge than most cops." Josie smiles.

Stiles smiles, "By, the way, how's your dad doing?"

Josie sighs, "He's doing ok.  He's still staying at Derek's loft for now.  Mom is on her way back here and will be here in time for graduation.  She's gonna help Scott and I look for places near the college.  I haven't told her about Dad yet.  I don't even know how to tell her."

Scott side hugs her gently against him, "We'll figure it out.  Try and tell her...gently."

Josie smiles and feels his lips touch her head, she sighs in his embrace. 

Scott rests his chin on top of Josie's head and looks over to Stiles, "Well, I guess we're not the same kids running around the woods looking for a body."  He smiles.

"No, we're not." Stiles sighs sadly and digs out his keys from his pockets. 

Scott and Josie could see how much this was hard for him, "You know, you can keep the Jeep.  I still have the car I got from my birthday."

"No, I..I want you guys to have it.  Maybe pass it on to Seth...if it's still alive." He gives her a crooked smile.

Scott takes the keys and frowns at them as he goes through them, "Oh...Stiles.  These aren't the keys to the Jeep."

"Well, that's one to your house, Josie's old house, another to your room, uh, it's the master key to the school, Animal Clinic, key to the Sheriff's station.  Just figured you should have all the copies I secretly made." Stiles mutters.  "So..."

Scott nods and watches Stiles dig for his Jeep keys, "Yeah."

Stiles stops and looks ahead at the school, seeing the students walk around happily.  Living another day after everything.

"They still need us."

Scott and Josie looks over towards where Stiles was looking and smiles.

"They'll always need us." Scott says.

"And we'll always be here when they do." Josie says.

"And, you know, I...I need you.  You know that." Stiles stutters a little.

"We need you too." Josie says and moves out of Scott's arms to give him a loving hug.  Stiles sighs and hugs her back, feeling the comforting pull of her powers wash over him. 

"I'm gonna miss you.  Both of you." Stiles says as Josie pulls away and moves back to Scott. "No, really, I need you though, uh I lost my license in the Hunt.  So you have to drive."  Stiles tosses him the keys and Scott catches them.

Chuckling, "Your dad is the Sheriff.  I'm sure he'll let it slide.  You drive." Scott tosses his keys back to him and turns to help Josie take Seth and set up the car-seat in the back. 

With a twist of the stroller, it snaps off with ease and Josie helps him install it in the back.  Scott sits in the front and Josie sits in the back with Seth. Stiles gets into the drivers seat and starts the jeep up.  As soon as he does, his scanner blares in the jeep and Sheriff's voice fills the air.

"Unit Four, repeat.  You're telling me there's a body in the woods?"

Josie watch Scott and Stiles freeze at those words.

"That's exactly what I'm saying.  There's a body in the woods..."

Stiles shuts off his scanner, not wanting to go through that again.  Seth to seems to have sensed that and begins to giggle and coo.  Stiles laughs softly at Seth's giggles and eases out of the parking lot.  Now, what is next for them?  College, kids, a life of their own.  Heading off onto the road, Stiles drove the four of them to wherever life takes them.  A new chapter of their adventure.

(I'm sad this season is ending so quickly.  Can't wait for Season 6B.  I heard rumors that Jackson will be returning.  I'm hearing rumors that Malia and Theo will spark a relationship and speaking of relationships, Malia and Peter will be working on their Father/Daughter bond.  They said Dylan was definitely coming back.  But, there won't be a Lydia/Stiles romance.  Sadly.  I don't know why...six freaking years, they finally kiss and no romance?  WTF. But, it's all rumors right now.  We'll have to wait and see.  Only got one more chapter for this you all Teen Wolves)

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