Epilogue: It's only the beginning...

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(I have no idea how they are going to start the new season, but would be nice if we could see them graduate. Maybe we'll be seeing Malia graduate instead. I don't know, I guess we shall wait and see)

(Josie's clothes under the cap and gown ^^^ except for the jacket and purse)

"Congratulations to Class 2012."

The Principle finishes his speech and as soon as he was done, everyone in their caps and gowns stood up and threw their caps into the air. Parents and family in the crowds cheered for their kids graduating. Melissa stood up with Sheriff, Rafe, Sarah, and Chris with Seth in her arms. She holds up Seth and points to Scott and Josie, cheering and laughing at Seth's big smile. John watched from afar, away from them, but, mostly Sarah. When he saw her sitting next to Melissa and Sheriff. He thought she was as beautiful as he remembered. He never forgotten her. He watches Sarah stand up and smile big as she takes Seth into her arms, with his new enhanced hearing, he could hear Seth giggle in her arms and her loving words towards him.

"There's your mommy and Daddy, Seth. Aren't you proud of them? Soon, you'll be graduating and all of us will be cheering for you as well."

He agreed, and hopes Sarah will welcome him back into her life. He sighs and watches Sarah and Seth rush towards Josie and Scott. Scott hugs his parents while Jose and Sarah talk. Josie turns to Scott and moves away to let their parents talk and looks over discreetly at her dad.

"We're heading over to the loft for the party. Better get there now before we do, give yourself time to prepare and hide. I'll try to soften the blow on mom."

John listens to every word and nods to them before heading to his new truck.

Josie sat nervously in the car with Scott and Seth while Melissa drove and Sarah sat in the passenger's side. She couldn't stop picking her nails as they get closer and closer to the loft. Melissa looks in the mirror, seeing how nervous Josie was and gives her a reassuring smile.

Sarah sighs and looks over to Scott and Josie with a big smile, "I'm so proud of you two. I can't believe you'll be starting college soon now." Sadness clouds in her eyes, "I just wish your dad could be here to see you two, meet Scott and Seth. I'm sure he would have been so proud, too."

Josie swallows a hard lump and sighs, "Um, funny how you mentioned Dad, mom. I, uh, we have something to tell you."

Sarah turns to lie comfortably against to seat to look over at the two of them in curiosity, "Oh? What is it?"

"Uh, well, um, I don't know how to say this. Um," Josie swallows again nervously.

"How about we get to the loft first, then we can show you what we need to tell you." Melissa suggests.

Sarah frowns at everyone's behavior, what was going on?

John paces in the loft, wearing out the floor, "God, I haven't been this nervous since my wedding." He says anxiously.

"Just calm and breathe. I'm sure she'll be happy to see you again." Lydia assures him.

"Or she'll freak out and hate you for leaving and keeping your so-called death a secret." Stiles adds.

Malia and Lydia both look at him in disbelief.

"Or...or not." Stiles stutters.

John's worry sky-rocks, but he freezes his pace and rubs his face before stomping off.

"Not helping, Stiles." Malia bites out.

Stiles continues to stutter, then turn to look as the door slides open. John runs and hides in another room while everyone greets Scott and Josie. Melissa comes in and Sarah follows her in as she carries Seth. John shudders nervously as he watches her enter the loft. He could smell her from where he hid. He sighs and smiles dreamily, he remembers that perfume she always wore. Estee Lauder. Her favorite.

"Scott, Josie, over here." Stiles calls out to them and see them coming their way.

Josie looks over to her mom, seeing her busy with Chris and Sheriff and turns to Sties.

"So, what's the plan? Seeing her happy face tells us you didn't tell her in the car." Stiles says anxiously.

Josie looked like a deer caught in the headlights, "I...I couldn't. She brought up dad in the car and...I don't know how to tell her." She says softly.

"You need to tell her. She's going to find out eventually." Scott says.

Josie sighs, "I know. But, how can you tell your own mother who's been a widow for 3 years that her husband is still alive?" She says softly.

Hayden and Liam walks up to them with curiosity, "You still haven't told her?" Liam asks Josie.

Josie shakes her head and looks over to her mom and from the corner, peeking from a door, she could see her dad.

"I don't know how." Josie says anxiously.

Scott takes her into his arms and holds her close, "Jojo, it's better to just get it out than wait till it comes out by itself. It won't be good if it does that."

"I know. Ugh, ok. I'm gonna go talk to her." Josie takes a deep breath and walks over to her mom.

Sarah turns around as she holds Seth in her arms, "Hey, look it's mommy." Sarah coos. Josie smiles and reaches to take Seth into her arms.

"Hey, baby." Josie coos and holds Seth close as she looks up at her mom, "Mom, um, I need to tell you something."

Sarah smiles at her daughter and waits, "Ok, what's up?"

"Maybe you should sit down." Josie says as she moves to the couch, watching her mom take a seat next to her. Taking a deep breath, she faces her mom, "Ok, mom, promise me you won't freak out."

"Uh, oh, boy, I'm not liking how this starts. Are you pregnant again?" Sarah frowns.

"No! No, we're waiting for a while till that anyway. Ok, well, remember when we were in Tennessee and I shot Dad?"

Sarah sighs sadly, but nods, "Yes, I remember. You don't still blame your dad for everything, do you? Jojo, you know it wasn't him..."

"It was the bond, I know that. But, that's not the point. The point is...I...didn't kill him." Josie stutters at the end.

Sarah gives her a small smile, "I know, baby. You didn't, it was self-defense and you didn't know about everything..."

Josie cuts her off, "No, mom. We thought he died, but...he didn't. He told the doctors to say he did. To keep us safe."

Sarah frowns, "Josie," She takes her daughters hand into hers, "Your father is gone. We buried him. He's not coming back."

"Mom...I'm telling the truth." Josie protests.

"I know you want your dad back and normal again, but it's not possible." Sarah shakes her head.

"Mom, did you even see Dad in the casket? No, cause it was closed. Dad is alive. And he was taken by the Ghost Riders two years ago. But, he escaped...and saved us." Josie says.

Sarah frowns and lets go over Josie's hand as she tries to process everything Josie just said. Josie sighs and looks over her mom's shoulder as she sees her dad walking out and approaching them from behind.

John lets out an anxious breath, "Hello, my heart."

Sarah freezes at those words and that voice. It can't be. Shaking with fear and shock, Sarah slowly turns around and sees the man she was married to for nearly 22 years. She slowly gets up with wide eyes and stands in front of her husband.

"John?" She reaches up and strokes his rough cheek.

John sighs and covers her small hand with his as he snuggles into her palm, sighing at her touch. But, frowns when he feels something that shouldn't, no, couldn't be there.

John looks down at Sarah in confusion, but sees her shock face form into pure anger.


The loud sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room, causing everyone to stop their chatter and look over towards them.

John cups his cheek as it throbs and looks down at a seething Sarah in pure shock.

"HOW DARE YOU! How could you do this to us! What the hell were you thinking? We were so broken when you were gone and you just leave us to, what? Travel the world and possibly have number of affairs! And how dare you show your face here after doing this to us! I...!"

John cuts her off by slamming his lips over her, kissing her with such passion. Sarah's protests were muffled, but soon she falls into her kiss, kissing back just as passionately and wrapping her arms around his neck. Panting, John breaks the kiss and looks down at his love in shock and relief.

Sarah slowly open her eyes and up into his, "This doesn't change anything. Why did you leave us?" Tears mist in her eyes.

"I had to. The bond. I hated myself and was so disgusted. I needed to leave you and keep you safe. You and Josie." John sighs.

Swallowing back her tears, "And now?" Sarah's voice cracks.

John shakes his head, "I'm not going anywhere now. The bond has been broken." A sly smile spreads over his face, "And a new one has formed."

Sarah frowns in confusion, as well as Josie and Scott who were also confused. In fact, everyone was.

"What are you talking about?" Sarah asks.

John lets Sarah go and reaches to cup her face in his hands, "Can't you feel it?"

Sarah frowns, but gasps when she could. Sparks! She felts sparks dancing around her face as he touches her.

John's smile gets bigger as he sees her shock, "Sarah, you're my mate."

"But, I thought..."

"He was bitten by an Alpha, mom." Josie says as she stands up. "He was trying to save me from the Alpha, but he got bit."

Sarah gasps as she listens to Josie's words, she turns to look up at her husband, "You're a werewolf now?"

John nods, "Yes. Do you accept me, Sarah? I know we had a rough past and I regret everything I ever did to you and Josie. But, I want us to start over. I want us to be a family again, be a grandfather." John reaches and takes Seth into his arms. Seth squeals and looks up at John with wide eyes, then breaks into giggles. John looks at Sarah and Josie, "I love you. Both of you. I don't ever want to lose you again. Please, my heart."

Josie looks over to her mom, waiting anxiously with John. Sarah sighs and gives him a small smile before walking up towards him and pulls him down for a loving kiss. She breaks the kiss with a sigh, feeling him rest his head against her.

"Yes, I accept you, my love."

John couldn't help but cry happily and pull her in for another kiss. Before they could go further, Seth lets out a protest squeak. John laughs and holds Seth up in his hands, "I'm staying, Seth. Gramps is staying."

"Besides, we lived through the rejection before. I never want to live through it again. I never stopped loving you, John." Sarah says.

John smiles at her, "Me either."

Josie reaches and takes Seth into her arms and feels her parents hug her tight.

Scott walks over to them with a smile, John looks up and sighs, pulling him into a hug as well. Together they form a loving group hug.

Deaton walks over to them and touches John's shoulder, gaining their attention, "So, what are you going to do about your first full moon. It's coming up next week."

Sarah looks over to John in concerned, but John wasn't worried, not anymore, "I talked to Natalie Martin, she was nice enough to let us use the lake house. As long as we pay for the damages."

Josie sighs in relief and looks down at her son as he gives her a smile, reaching out to her. Josie takes his hand and kisses it, letting him grip her finger. Scott wraps his arms around her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder as they look down at their son.

"Think we'll ever have normal in our days?" Josie asks.

Scott scoffs and laughs softly, "Maybe a couple of times a year, but no chance."

Josie laughs, "Good. Who needs normal anyway?"

Scott smiles and kisses her cheek.

They look up and see John and Sarah dancing in the corner as soft music plays in the speakers.

"I'm glad Dad has a second chance now. I just hope he can find his anchor." Josie says.

Scott grins, "I think he already has."

John wraps his arms tight around Sarah, breathing her in softly as they dance. Kissing her hair gently and rubs his cheek against her soft hair. How he missed her.

Josie sighs and moves over to Stiles, Malia, Lydia, Liam, and Hayden. Hayden takes Seth into her arms just as Mason and Corey walks over, cooing over Seth. Josie gets out her video camera and begins to record everyone. Like it was said in the past, Memories can be fragile. They can either be your savior or your chaos. Cherish every sacred memory you have and never let go of it. No matter how good or bad. Every memory is precious and powerful. (play the video)

Scott and Stiles dance around in front of the camera, causing everyone to break into fits of giggles.

Stiles took a break, so Scott goes solo.

Scott couldn't stop laughing, he almost made Josie drop the camera. He moves over and takes Seth into his arms and lays him down on the couch and gets on his knees. Seth gurgles and squeals, kicking his feet. Josie watches Scott be so playful with his son, it was touching to watch.

"Strong man, yes, you are." Scott coos as Seth kicks his hand.

Josie giggles and stops the camera, rewinding it as she looks at the video she captured before they left the school. Stiles and Scott were acting like silly fools around the hallways. Saying goodbye to their old classes and posing in front of their lockers.

High School was a tough battle for all...except Lydia. Despite all the other fights that were made, High School was the worst for all. But, they survived and now, moving on to a new battle. College. Maybe it won't be so bad...they hoped. I guess, we shall all wait and see what life will throw at them. Like the saying goes, Throw me into the wolves, I'll return leading the pack.

(And that's the end of The Hunt. I thank every single one of you readers who have expressed their love for my books. You have encouraged me to make this series and I love each and every one of you. Next, I guess I'll work on the Twilight Books. But, will take a break from writing for a few days. I can't wait for the next season of Teen Wolf. Someone tell the creator of Teen Wolf that they should make a movie as their last Hurrah. Bring everyone back for the big screen. Please? That'll be so cool..And I'm sure you guys would love that as well)

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