Chapter 5

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~your pov~
When we arrived at Bobby's junkyard, I got out of my car and Dean walked over to me.
"Holy crap! Is this your car?" he asked excitedly.
"Yep! He is my pride and joy. His name is Sweetheart," I replied impressed.
"Is he a 1977 Chevy Camero," Dean questioned.
"No, but close, he is a 1976 Chevy Camero," I answered.
Then I looked behind him and saw the second most beautiful car I've ever seen in my entire life.
"Is the beautiful 1967 Chevy Impala yours?" I asked amazed.
Dean looked at me with a proud smile and said, " you know your cars."
I looked down for a brief second. "Yeah. My mom taught me everything I know."


8 year old you walked outside to see your mom bent under the hood of a black 1976 Chevy Camero with a red stripe going down the middle.
"God damn it!" your mother shouts frustrated.
You look over and see smoke coming out from under the hood.
"Mom, I think a fuel-lodge is to loose," you say timidly.
Your mom looks at you and then back at the car.
"Huh, you are right sweetie," says your mom surprised.
You just look down and walk back into the house.

~your pov~

We walked into the house and I immediately went into the kitchen to grab a beer.
"Whoa, Y/N it is only 11," commented Sam.
I sent a glare his way and continued drinking.
"So, have you lived at Bobby's at all?" asked Dean.
"Yes, she has been living with me ever since she was 15 when her mother was killed," added Bobby.
If looks could kill Bobby would have been dead on the floor.
"If you don't mind me asking, how was your mother killed," asked Dean.
Sam slapped him on the shoulder and said,
" Dude! You can't go around asking people that."
Dean just shrugged and gave you an apologetic look.
"I don't mind, I guess," I replied cautiously.
"A demon came and attacked our house in the woods. Bobby was staying the night for dinner since Mom and him just got back from a hunt."


"Y/N, I'm home, and I brought Uncle Bobby," hollers your mother as she walks in the door.
"Momma!" 15 year old you exclaims.
She hugs you and the you see Bobby and hug him too.
"Hey Pumpkin," says Bobby lovingly.
"Uncle Bobby, I missed you," you say.
"Babe, did you set the table and make dinner?" questions your mom.
"Yep, I just have to serve it," you reply.
We walk into the dining room and I thought I saw a dark figure outside the window, but when you blink it is gone. You serve the food and everyone sits down to eat. We talked about random things until everyone was finished. Then we moved into the living room to watch tv. You hear a twig snap outside the door, your mom and Bobby look up and share a look.
"Babe, go get your sawed-off and your special knife," your mother tells you nervously.
You nod and run to your room. The you hear a crash and the sounds of a fight. You dash down the stairs to see 4 demons fighting your mom and Bobby. You stab one in the back and another in the leg. Then a tall dark figure stands in the doorway.
"Hello Roseland," says the figure.
"Calvin, what are you doing here," asks your mother coldly.
"I'm here to pick up what you owe us,", he replied.
"Well,go fuck yourself because you can't have her," states your mother with a slight edge.
Calvin then notices you. He looks you up and down and smiles coldly.
"Is this her? Your precious daughter?" he asks.
"Stay away from her you bastard," growles Bobby.
You look around frozen and scared. Your mother throws three small daggers and kills the other three demons that are holding you and Bobby.
Calvin sighs, "Well now I'll just have to kill you both and take the girl."
Your mother lunges at Calvin and tackles him. They wrestle on the ground and Bobby shoves you out the door.
"Run Y/N and don't look back," yells Bobby.
Too scared to do anything els, you run. But then you hear your mother's shrill scream and then the house bursts into flame. Bobby runs out of the house and you sprint to him.
"Where is Mom," you scream confused.
"Your momma ain't coming it Pumpkin," replies Bobby with a sad look on his face.
"NO," you scream and Bobby's face is the last thing you see before everything fades to black.

~your pov~

As I finish telling the story, my eyes are misty. The boys look at me sadly.
"Wow, I'm so sorry Y/N," says Sam as he pats my back.
I shake him off and you harden your face.
"It was a long time ago, I'm over it," I reply without emotion. "She was a hard woman to please and she imprinted on me more bad ways than good."
"It's ok Y/N," says Cas reassuringly.
I get up and state, "I'm going for a walk, don't wait up or follow me."
I walk out leaving four hunters staring at the door.
"What did her mother do to her and where is her father?" questions Dean.
"Her mother trained Y/N harder than your dad did. Her methods were much more..... permanent. It's not my story to tell boys," replies Bobby sadly.
The boys share a knowing look and decide that they are going to crack this girl.

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