Chapter 6

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~Dean's pov~

"I'll go after her," I said.
I walked out the door and started following the footprints Y/N made in the dirt.
It didn't take me long to find her, she was sitting in a tree that was above her Sweetheart.
"Hey, how is the air up there?" I asked teasingly.
She looked at me and the way the moonlight hit her face, I could tell she was crying.
"I'm fine," she said stiffly.
I gave her a look and she sighed.
"My mom wasn't the nicest mother out there, and her number 1 rule was to never talk to other hunters," she admitted.
"She always said 'other hunters will get you killed', so I always listened. I lived in a large shed a half-mile behind Bobby's house ever since I was 15. I always stuck to the rule and never came to see you when you visited Bobby when you were younger. That's right, I was always here. But then you walk into my life and make me question everything my mother ever taught me. Why?" she asked.
She looked so meek and vulnerable.
"What did your mom tell you," I prodded.
"No offense, but I just met you and I already told you more than I ever told Bobby. I need to keep some things to myself," she stated.
She hopped down and stared to walk back to the house.
"Don't tell anyone and I'm going to bed," she concluded.
I had to ask, "Is your mom the Black Widow hunter? I grew up hearing stories about her." Y/N turned and paused for a second, " Yes, but now I have to uphold the legacy,"
Then she turned and walked back to the house.
I wanna be the one to help her, I thought and smiled a little.

~your pov~

Stupid stupid girl, said your mothers voice in your head, you never trust other hunters!! Especially pretty boy ones! They will get you killed! Or worse!
Shut up, I think trying to block out her voice, I like them and I think I'm gonna stay with them.
When they are the death of you, don't come crying to me, she growled menacingly.
I roll my eyes at the conversation I'm having inside my head.

~the next morning~

When I wake up, I have the sense of something watching me. I look around but see nothing. I shrug and walk downstairs for breakfast. Everyone is already up, however Cas is missing.
I yawn a hello to everyone, and sit down to eat.
"When you got up, did you have the sense that something was watching you," I asked.
Everyone shook their heads. Suddenly, Cas appeared out of nowhere and exclaims ,
"There are 6 demons surrounding the house and I don't know why!"
Just then 3 demons bust through the front door, and 2 more through the back.
I slip my knives out of my sleeves and get into a fighting position. Then another demon comes in and looks vaguely familiar, but I can't put my finger on why.
"Calvin, never thought I would ever see you again," snarled Bobby.
My eyes widen, this was the demon who killed Mom!
"Yes, Bobby, it seems we have met again, for the same reason," mused Calvin.
"You can't have her," Bobby seethed.
Wait, I thought, I'm the only girl in the room. Shit. What would demons want with me when I was 15, I only killed like 7 of them. And Mom isn't here now, so they must want me.
"What do you want with me," I questioned.
Calvin snapped his head to look at me. His eyes searched every part of my body. He licked his lips hungrily.
"Well my dear, your mother promised you to me when she made a deal before you were born. She wanted to become a more powerful hunter, so the terms were that she would have to have a child with a demon. Then I would get you to use as Hell's weapon," he explained.
I stood there in disbelief. No, I thought, Mom would never do that. Then I thought about it a little more, she totally would, without any remorse.
"She can't be part demon, I don't sense any in her," commented Cas.
Calvin smiled, "that's because I never activated her. Daemonium excitant!!"
I fall to the ground in pain, my head feels like it is on fire and there is acid in my veins. I let out an earth-shattering scream and I see red. The windows explode and glass flies everywhere. Then I feel warm arms wrap around me and the smell of leather and gun powder invade my senses. Some one murmurs sweet nothings into my hair, trying to calm me down. But there is too much pain. I faintly hear the sounds of fighting and Calvin say, "I will have her, and there is nothing you can do to stop me."
Then suddenly, the pain stops, and I only know blackness.

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