11. The Aftermath

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Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters they all belong to Rick Riordan and Greek Mythology

I woke the next morning strangely elated then the events from yesterday and last night came back to me. I was lieutenant of the hunt but we also lost many in the battle against Orion. I walk out of my tent and check the surroundings. I see many destroyed tents and ripped up trees, scorch marks and holes from where arrows from both sides had caused damage, the worst sight of all though were the dead hunters and wolves. I looked at the carnage sadly before going to the dinning tent where we would eat and I would have to give out jobs to fix up camp.

When I arrived at the tent I couldn't help but feel the sombre mood in the air. As I looked around I noticed all the empty spots in normally full tent that seems to expand as my family does. It doesn't, however, seem to be able to shrink and every empty spot I see makes my heart break a little more. I make my way to the lieutenants spot next to Artemis trying to avoid looking too much of the sad and devastated looks of my living sisters and empty spots serving as a reminder of my dead ones. I sit next to Artemis and start to eat my meal but instead of the loud chatter that normally accompanies meals it was a deafening silence proving even more that we were all mourning the losses from yesterday's battle.

Once we all finished our breakfast in silence I looked to Artemis, waiting for her to talk. Instead she surprised and gestured for me to address my sisters in another post battle speech before I hand out the jobs. I sigh and stand, drawing attention to myself before starting. "My sisters," I began," I must congratulate thee on our victory yesterday even if Orion surrendered and we all know he will be back. Next time though, we will be ready," I say and try to hold in tears as I continue. "Despite our victory there is little time to celebrate as we have also lost many of our sisters to thine arrows of our once brother Orion and his dirty allies of Lycaon's kind. Our sister's will never be forgotten and we will ensure that the sacrifices of thine lives were not for nothing as we hunt Orion to extinction." at this many of my sisters cheer. I smile at them before continuing, "Our sisters will also live on in our hearts and memories as we tell stories of their brave sacrifice and Orion's defeat to new hunters who will continue their story to new generations if and when we perish. For now though we must address our current problems of the condition of camp. Thou will need to split into four groups. One will be led by Phoebe, one by Eloise, one by April and one by Hannah." I gave them time to get sorted into even groups. When they were finished I continued. "April, thine's group will be making shrouds for our fallen sisters, Hannah thou's group is in charge of removing any debris and cleaning up camp, Eloise's group is going to be tending to any injured wolves or other animals and hunter sand finally Phoebe's group, thee have the important job of preparing our fallen comrades for their funeral and cremation, make sure they have proper shrouds as they deserve to be greatly honoured we will have the ceremony when you are done. Also if another group finishes early you can help them with the shrouds and collecting the dead. I will be supervising each group so let us get to it," I concluded. All my sisters smiled and filed out of the tent to do their jobs.

I walk out and immediately see Hannah and her group moving sticks and torn up trees, they are removing stray arrows that lay around or stick out of the ground and they are also saving any trees or animals. If an animal is trapped under something they go there first and free it before moving sticks, twigs and logs to the fire pit and piling them as fire wood next to it. If a tree has its roots still attached or it is tilting because it has been half pulled out of the ground they stand it back up and 'replant' it in a sense. I smile, this was better than cleaning up, they were fixing everything they could. "Good job girls, keep it up," I called out so they could know that I appreciated what they were doing before I went to check on Eloise's group.

I saw many wolves lying lifeless around camp next to lifeless hunters with Orion's enormous, black, poisonous arrows embedded in their abdomens and wounds inflicted by werewolves. However, as I reached the middle of camp I saw many wolves who were being treated by my sisters as well as other injured sisters. I even saw a few falcons being treated I smile as I watch many of them heal before my eyes and start to walk around and help with collecting the corpses of my fallen sisters and comrades. "Good job girls, I am sure there will be no more deaths with you guys in charge and everyone will be fine," I call to them and they all look at me wearily. I smile at them trying to encourage them and they smile as well before turning back to their patients.

When I made it to Phoebe's group though my good mood vanished as I saw the pile of dead near the camp fire wrapped in funeral shrouds. It was ironic how beautiful the shrouds were even though they were signifying death. They were glowing silver with wolves, bows and moons, the three domains of Lady Artemis. There were so many that I had to hold back tears. I had to be a shoulder for others to cry on so I had to hold it together. "Good job girls, they are getting the proper respect they deserve and I know they will have made Elysium," I say trying to bring their spirits up. It doesn't work as well as I hoped because the depressing pile of bodies cancelled it out.

In a day camp was more or less back to normal and we were ready to say goodbye to our lost. We were all emotional as there were so many dead. I had to get up to give a speech to pay respects to the fallen but I felt as if I watched it through a blur of tears. We all sat there in a respectful silence as we watched the continuous line of smoke float into the sky. Many of as sat there lost in our mourning long after the last trail of smoke disappeared far into Zeus's domain. Artemis eventually came and told us to go to bed because we were moving in the morning. Apparently it is dangerous to stay here now that Orion knows where we are so we all trudged off to bed. It probably took everyone a while to sleep, worried that there would be another ambush and we would fall like other sisters. However, I eventually did fall into an uneasy sleep before we move somewhere else so we can strategize better and hopefully recruit more hunters before the next battle.

Hey everyone,

This is the last day of school holidays for me 😞 and netball will be starting so I will once again have less time on weekends but I will still try and update a few times and my other story will start getting updated again because school is coming back so I am going on the school bus again. The picture might not seem relevant but it is like a funeral procession and it was the best thing I found that wasn't depressing.  It is also animals which I guess is part of Artemis's domain but if you find a better picture tell me the link and I'll change it.  Also, tell me how this chapter was because I honestly don't think it was amazing but you might think different. Give me any constructive criticism you have.


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