6. Orion's Forbidden Love

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Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters they all belong to Rick Riordan and Greek Mythology

My sister's and I were all practicing Archery, trying to get in some extra practice before we leave on a hunt with M'lady when suddenly Apollo flashed in looking furious. "What does thee want, Lord Apollo?" I asked as politely as I could, him being a male.

"Where is that son of Gaea, Orion?" He asked, fuming. We all looked at each other, he didn't even try to flirt with us or make terrible poetry, this must be serious.

" With all due respect, Lord Apollo, what do you want with our brother?" Our lieutenant, Phoebe asked.

"Your brother?" Apollo scoffed, "He is dangerous, disrespectful and untruthful. He is falling in love with my sister. My sister who is a maiden goddess. He will get her to break her oath of maidenhood."

" My Lord," I spoke up again, "surely Lady Artemis wouldn't do that, after all she does hate males and only see's Orion as a companion like us."

"My dear girl," Apollo said, and I glared at him, "Artemis feels sorry for Orion and sooner or later their friendship will become more. If you girls don't believe me remember I am the god of prophecies therefore I can see the future." He had obviously said his piece so he walked away, in search of Orion, probably.

We all stood frozen. Phoebe then stood up and declared that we a few of us should follow. She chose Jade, Atlanta, herself and I. The rest of my sisters wished us luck and we swore on the river Styx we would tell them what we saw before we left in pursuit of Apollo.

I soon learnt that Phoebe was a great tracker. She would occasionally bend down and study the soil or look around then point in a certain direction which we would then travel in. After almost no time we found Apollo, Artemis and Orion. Artemis was glaring daggers at Apollo while standing slightly in front of Orion looking protective. Apollo had an arrow knocked in his bow and was aiming it at Orion, who, in turn looked quite awkward. We didn't know what had happened but we could guess pretty well. Apollo must have told Artemis that Orion needs to leave the hunt, Artemis refused, Apollo attempted to harm Orion, it didn't work out, know Artemis is angry at Apollo and Apollo is angry at Orion. If that isn't exact it is pretty close.

We stealthily moved closer as we saw Artemis start to yell at Apollo. " ... Orion will always be welcome in the hunt brother despite what you say." We caught the end of what she said.

"Arty, Arty, Arty don't you get it. I am trying to protect you from this monster. He will cause nothing but trouble for you and your hunters for he loves you and I fear one day you will love him back," Apollo told her.

"Don't. Call. Me. Arty!" Artemis exploded, she fired an arrow at Apollo causing him to release his arrow but it misses Orion and lodges in a tree. This causes Artemis to be even angrier but before she can Orion calls out. "Stop!" It is so commanding that the twins freeze and turn to him. He looks so guilty and upset that I want comfort my brother but I can't because that would jeopardise this stealth mission. He takes a deep breath, "I am sorry M'lady, but I have started to fall in love with you these past few years. I have tried to supress the feeling knowing you are a maiden but I love you Artemis, I am sorry." Orion finishes his confession and we all just sit there in silence until lady Artemis chokes out one word. "Why?" Orion looks so upset and guilty as he manages to say one thing before he bursts into tears, " I'm sorry."

They both stand there, Orion guilty and Artemis betrayed. Apollo on the other hand grins, obviously proud of his victory. "Now that you confessed your love for my sister you can't take it back or pretend it is not true because I am the god of truth and I know that you just spoke the truth. So you are going to need to leave the hunt because this goes against your vows..." This shakes Lady Artemis out of her stupor, "No, whatever happens, no matter what I will never turn my back on a hunter, once they are part of the hunt only I can dismiss them, you don't have that authority brother, so I think if that is all you should leave." Artemis said. Now!" she added when Apollo didn't move. He quickly flashed out and we as quickly and stealthily as we could travelled back to our sisters.

When we arrived at the Archery targets we were immediately bombarded with questions.

"What happened?"

"What did you see?"

"Is our brother Orion alright?

We eventually managed to calm them all down. Phoebe told them what happened which took a long time.

"Orion is still in the hunt but I am not sure how much longer he will be because I am sure Apollo will try and get rid of him as he fears for Lady Artemis's maiden vows," Phoebe finished after we recounted the events we witnessed, "so everyone be extra kind to both Artemis and Orion."

We all nodded just as the dinner horn went signalling dinner. We all looked at each other and left to dinner. I hope my brother and mistress are alright.

Hey everyone, 

So Apollo was a bit evil in this chapter. I know I haven't updated for awhile but because i live in Australia I am still on holidays and I have been going backwards and forwards from the coast and haven't had a chance to update, but I finally have.  Like always tips and feedback are welcome.  Finally, this is dedicated to anyone reading, voting and/or commenting, thanks to all you guys. I also added a little part to the end of chapter 5 if you want to read it.


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