7. Orion's Curse

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Disclaimer- I do not own any of the characters they all belong to Rick Riordan and Greek Mythology

After the conversation with Apollo, Orion and Milady have been upset. They have both been acting very sad and they barely speak to each other or any of us. Artemis barely comes out of her tent for anything. Orion, still trains and socializes with us but he seems more reserved and less enthusiastic. Meal times have also become quieter with Orion only speaking when he has been spoken to and my sisters and I only speaking in hushed tones about how worried we are.

It had been weeks or months after Apollo had visited the first time when he came back. This time he arrived at night and seemed to be trying to go unnoticed. Unfortunately for him, being the sun god he glows. He must not be bright because he obviously did not know or think about the fact that glowing makes it impossible to be inconspicuous, so naturally we noticed him. We quickly woke everyone who hadn't noticed up and told them that Apollo was here, again. There was a lot of cries of outrage, colourful word choices and suggestions of what we should so to Apollo for trying to get rid of our bother. Phoebe immediately took charge and quietened everyone down by saying the same group should follow him as last time. Of course there was debate, people wanting to go not wanting to miss the fun, however, after lots of yelling and debates Jade, Phoebe, Atlanta and I once again follow Apollo.

We catch up to him just as he enters Orion's tent. Curious, we sneak up to the tent and listen to what he is doing. "So Orion my sister has taken a liking to you," we hear Apollo say, "however I can't let you and her get so close as I fear she will go back on her maiden vows. She also won't let me take you from the hunt, therefore I must force her to banish you. I am sorry Orion." We gasp as Apollo starts to chant in Ancient Greek. Our eyes widen even further as we comprehend what he is saying. "I Apollo, god of the sun, truth, poetry and music, curse you Orion, the bane of Artemis and I, with the urge to kill every beast and creature on this planet." A bright light then emanates from the tent and we can tell that our first brother has been cursed. We see a second light as Apollo flashes out and decide to check on our brother before reporting back to our sisters.

We walk in Orion's tent and see him tossing and turning in his sleep. Nothing seems out of the ordinary but we aren't reassured because, as much as we don't want to believe it, Orion was cursed, we just don't know when his curse will start. In a silent agreement we turn and walk out of Orion's tent and back to our sisters to report what we saw.

We finish the story and all our sisters are angry at what Apollo did. Everyone is yelling and I'm worried that they will wake Artemis and Orion. Phoebe did as well and told everyone to quieten down, which they did grudgingly. "Go to sleep, sisters, we will worry about our brothers predicament in the morning when we are properly rested," Grace told us all. Grumbling, we all agreed and went to our tents, not expecting what we were going to wake to tomorrow.

Hey Guys,

Yeah, um sorry I haven't updated for a while but schools started and I had to get back into it for the first couple of weeks and I have had a lot of stuff going on with Surf lifesaving so life has been pretty hectic for me. Any constructive criticism feel free to let me know.


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