Chapter One: Beginning

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It was close to 2 o'clock in the afternoon when the doorbell rang which caused seventeen year old Lincoln to raise his eyebrow. His sisters were all out and he noticed that his parents were nervously pacing downstairs before jumping at the sound of the doorbell.

"Mom? Dad? What's going on?" Lincoln asked. Rita opened her mouth to answer when suddenly....


The door burst open which startled and surprised the three Louds. As they stared at the damage, a woman with white hair walked in with a stern expression on her face. 

"Rita. Lynn. It's nice to see you both again." The woman said with no emotion behind her voice. 

"I..It's nice to see you too despite the door being...broken." Rita said with a nervous gaze on the woman.

"Wait, you know her?" Lincoln asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Of course they do. They borrowed 100,000 dollars from my family and have yet to repay us back." The woman said. Lincoln couldn't help, but gasp as he heard that. His parents borrowed that much?

"T..They really borrowed that much?" Lincoln asked.

"Yep. I gave them 12 years to gain back the money, however..." The woman said before two men came in and pointed their guns at Rita and Lynn Senior. 

"It seems like they tried to make a mockery of us." The woman continued to say.

"Y..You got it wrong. We really tried to get the money, but we had some unexpected setbacks."Rita tried to say before the woman started to laugh sarcastically. 

"Don't play dumb. We started to ask for the money back over two months ago, but what did you do? You tried to run, you tried to change your phone number and worse of tried to borrow money from our rivals." The woman said as she started to snarl at the two parents who tried to keep their eyes locked on the floor.

"Listen, we don't have much money so...." Rita tried to explain before the woman continued to speak.

"That doesn't matter. You made the choice to borrow money from us and instead of gathering the decided to spend it on your own expenses and those children on yours. Speaking of have ten daughters right?" The woman said. 

"You leave them out of this..." Lynn Sr. Said before the man behind him grabbed his shoulder. Lynn Sr, was forced to turn around and got punched on his left eye.

"How about another deal then? You give us one of your children and we'll forget about the debt?" The woman asked.

"O..One of them?" Rita said with a shutter.

"Yep. If not then we can gather them all up and force them to work at some of our businesses." The woman said. The two parents didn't say anything for a long time which caused the woman to sigh. 

"So be it. Gentlemen, leave those two and gather all of..." the woman started to say before Lynn Sr. said something shocking. 

"Wait! We'll give you our son so leave our daughters alone." Lynn Sr. stated. Lincoln couldn't believe his ears once he heard his father say that. His own father would sell him away to keep the others safe?

"He was always useless anyway so..." Rita added. As she heard this, the woman sneered at the both of them and said: 

It seems like family loyalty is nothing to both of you.

"But you said..." Lynn Sr. stated. 

"I know what I said. It was just a test to see how low both of you will go in order to keep your imperfect life style. A test that you failed by the way. So here's what is going to happen, we will take your son and will increase the debt to 150,000 dollars." The woman stated as the two men lowered their guns and grabbed Lincoln's arms. As they dragged Lincoln away, his parents couldn't say anything.

They had lost their son and had added to their debt. Now they had to explain to the girls what happened....

What a mess. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter....Bye 👋

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