Chapter Two: Confusion

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Note: The sisters are good in this fanfic.

Lincoln didn't know how to feel after being traded to lessen his parent's supposed debt. It hurt. It hurt so much to hear them call him useless and literally give him away to get out of paying their debt. It wouldn't surprise him if they spent years paying it off since they use it all for his sister's activities, shopping, lawsuits alongside other things. 

"So kid, got a name?" The woman said as she got into a limousine that their family could never afford. The only time that they got to ride in it almost tore his relationship with his sister's apart. Shaking his head, Lincoln stopped those bad memories from starting before answering the woman's question.

"My name is Lincoln and you are?" Lincoln stated.

"Veronica Garden. I'm sure that you have questions about this entire situation especially after your parents traded you in to lessen their debt. I expected more from them, but it seems like they were truly rotten to the core." Veronica said.

"You shouldn't expect anything from them. I learned long ago that they will never treat nor love you like the center of your world...unless you're talented at something. No wonder they let my sisters get away with lots of things while blaming everything on me." Lincoln said with some bitterness. 

"Sigh...Those people are truly hopeless. No matter, you won't have to deal with or see them  again for a long time." Veronica said.

"Does that mean I can't see my sisters again?" Lincoln asked. Despite the actions of his parents, he still loved and cared deeply for his sisters. All of which loved him too in their own special ways despite the numerous misadventures that occurred during their younger days. 

"We will still allow you guys to meet in supervised visits though the same privilege won't be given to your parents." Veronica said. Lincoln was glad to be able to see his sisters again since they weren't to blame for their parent's actions. (Might give them a redemption arc, but we'll see when it gets to the future)

"So what happens to me now since they..." Lincoln said before Veronica started to speak again.

"Well, you will become my daughter's future husband and be trained to protect her if things become dire. Not like I see that happening at the moment, but you can never be too careful." Veronica said. Lincoln slowly blinked as the words that she just said flooded into his head. When he finally got caught up, Lincoln shouted:

Wait, I'm going to be what?

At the same time, a girl was doing her homework before she stopped. She had a feeling like her mother did something that she wouldn't like. Though at the time, she had no idea that it was centered around a handsome white haired teen who was awkwardly sitting across her mother when she went to eat some dinner. 

Going back to the Louds, Rita and Lynn Senior stared at the door while regretting what they just did. They were Lincoln's parents and they selfishly had him taken away to get away from the debt that they had. 

"Lynn...." Rita started to say before her husband started to speak in a soft whisper. 

"I know. We don't deserve to be parents." Lynn said.

"Why would we...we handed over our son for a debt that we should've paid off some time ago. How will we explain this to Pop Pop? His friends? The rest of our family? Or..." Rita said before gasping in some kind of shock.

"Rita, what's wrong?" Lynn said. Rita stayed silent for a bit before she started to mumble something. Lynn stained himself to hear her and once he did...his blood ran cold. 

"The girls! What are we going to say to them?" Rita said while gripping her husband's shirt. When she said that, the parents saw a van pull up to their driveway. Then heard:

Mom! Dad! We're home!

The parents looked at each other and tried to figure out a lie to tell them. Never thinking of the consequences the lie would bring when the truth was told. This was the start of their downfall with the only question left being:

Will redemption be offered to the pair?

Hope you enjoyed the chapter...Bye 👋

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