QUEST arc: Train part 2

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Narrtor P.O.V

Monster roar at someone group but it head got Pierce by kuro gets- oh wait that's Ken group

3rd P.O.V

Ken: alright guy. We almost reach there

Jasmine: huf~huf~ can't we just rest a moment?


He shrug as he grab kuro getsu back from the monster head.

Getsu:' I wonder why the king from another land "sent" that quest to us?'

Ken:'I wonder why too'

Grimm Jaune:'OH COME ON!! you know they could invite that "world top adventurer" right! Then why did they try to give it to us!?'

Ken:'I mean their quest only mention about training the so call "hero" from another world'

Ken: you done?

He ask The girl if they were done resting, they nod as the group continue to walk toward new kingdom but they only see mountain in distant and grass on their feet

Jasmine: seriously!? We waste our time! Just to come here! A wasting land!

Mia: Jasmine calm dow-

Jasmine: Calm down! Calm down! We waste our time just to assist this guy!

She point Ken, who looking at the watch

Jasmine: And now I am M-

Ken take out a teleport card, a card that teleport to enter unknown location on earth but the card have a limit and next thing both girl see a new place

Ken: welcome to sky kingdom

Both of the girl were amazed about the new kingdom around.

Mia: How come I didn't discover this kingdom before!

Ken: because it the freaking floating kingdom not A GROUND KINGDOM!!

Mia got smack from behind by Jasmine.

Mia: why did you hit me?

Jasmine: making sure if you have brain cell

Ken: I'm gonna go meet "the king" anyway while explore this kingdom however you want

He walk away from both A rank adventurer as Mia grab her partner hand

Mia: Let go jasmine!

They both went explore this floating kingdom

Mini Timeskip brought you by Chibi issei noctis meeting chibi Ken

Ken enter the throne room . The king stand up as he looking at Ken like a friend who gone a year before

The king: Ken Tsuki, the phantom moon it a pleasure to meet the swordsmen like you return here

Ken: king Visar, it been like what? 5 month? Since we last talk?

Visar: No it been like 6 month since you disappear without reason

Ken: yeah yeah. Let talk about the main thing here, why did you want me to train those newbie if you can summon the old hero back

Visar: Let just say we can't summon the old hero back because once the hero done their duty,they'll return back to their world and meaning they can't be summon again because their duty had done

Ken: it that so? Well that mean I will train them but I wanna ask you something

Visar: what is it

Ken: Where are they now

Visar: They are on the traning fields just now.

Ken: Thank for telling me just now

He disappear without making a sound in the room.

Location: Training floating filed

Velvet and her team wake up after one of the royal guard inform them about a special "guest" will come to train to them for today.

Fox: How long this special guest will come?

Coco: be patient, Fox. They maybe have something before come her-

The team feel a massive aura presence moving at them but they really don't know Ken was behind them. The moment They slowly turn back in tension

Ken: Yo

He say with chilling tone like nothing happen. Meanwhile team cfvy, They just standing in Dead Silence with their eye wide open , first Their friend Jaune standing infront of them like alive but not illusion.

Velvet: J-Jaune? you're re-real Right? This I-is not illusion right?

Velvet eye were fill with tear like she was never gonna see him again.

Jaune: Of course, I am real. What I am gonna be?a ghost?

He was joking abit before velvet actually hug him in happy.

Velvet: It been Like a month since last time I saw you.

Jaune: Well~ Actually. It been like just 1 day

Coco: What do you mean just by 1 day?

Jaune: Well time on remnant and Fantasy world move different. For you guy it been like one month here but for me, it just been one day on remnant

Yatsuhashi: But how did you come to this world?

He take out something on his pocket, it was dimension portal crystal. Coco was surprise about how he had one of the most rarest dust on remnant

Ken: let just say this thing, take me back to this world again"

Fox: Wait you say "back to this world?". So this is not your first time to travel in this world?

Ken: Actually, the first time I travel was when I was at house,sleeping, the next thing I know was at the forest of fantasy world.

Velvet: How did you come back to remnant?

Ken: Let just say i woke up and back to remnant like nothing had happen. I thought fantasy world was a dream but this thing had sent me back to fantasy world. The world I thought was a dream but it was real after i come back.

Coco: Great flashback but we were waiting a special guest come here to traning us for the tournament in 1 month left

Ken: What A coincidence, I also have a quest about traning the hero...wait don't tell you guy are the hero?

CFVY: Yes we are

Ken just sigh like this training gonna be longer

Day 1: Velvet unleash training

Velvet: So I can technically materialize my soul spirit in to the real word?

Ken: Yup

Velvet: So how do we start this training

Ken: You need to summon your weapon first

Velvet: And how do I do it?

Ken: All you need to do was focus your aura to the hand and the weapon will appear

Velvet did what Jaune told to do as brown and cyan aura start forming a camera as materialize itself into the real world

Velvet: what ne-

Her body was engulf in cyan and brown aura before the cyan part separate it self from velvet body. The cyan orb began to change shape reaveling another velvet but More magician clothes?

Velvet: Violet?

Ken: This method gonna kill you if you don't make your soul spirit yield infront their wielder

Velvet: I know but there a few chance i can do it.

Ken: Well good luck on your training

He use flash dash to move at audience seat.

Velvet P.O.V

I had a bad feeling that I gonna get myself kill after this. I saw Violet touch the grass surface as she summon many weapon out from the surface

Violet: I know you want to use full power of our semblance, queen. but it not too easy to reach that level. One of those weapon on ground are our copycat.

Violet grab a katana beside her and use flash step move behind me but i turn back with a shield, blocking the slash.

In slow motion, I jump on the mid air as she placing both of my feet on shield before I use it as pushing surport to sent the shield away with Violet backflip from that shield

I land down with my feet and grab a double edge sword. I preform flash step infront Violet sight and when was I about to strike down the sword.

Violet grab a nunchuck infront of her and she used it to deflect my sword strike aside, breaking the sword that I hold

I swiftly jump back away, knowing that she can kill me in that moment. I pick up the gauntlet infront me

Violet tossed nunchuck and katana aside as she take a gauntlet on her right hand.

We both charge, I channel the aura through the gauntlet

3rd P.O.V

Ken saw velvet and Violet about to fist clash

Ken: Oh fuck!

He swiftly use flash dash to disappear away from the training. Both fist clash each other to create a strong shockwave

A strong wind went through the sky kingdom, blowing a man hat reaveling a bald head, blowing up mia skirt.

Ken reappear on audience seat and see dust on air before it settle to reavel Violet yield to Velvet.

Day 2: Coco speed training

Coco: So I need to shot you with my arrow?

Ken: You need to use your speed to attack me with your arrow

Coco: Good

She summon out a bow from her magic and quickly pull string of bow as she create aura arrow, realeasing the string, letting the arrow fly toward Ken at high speed

Ken tilt head to let the arrow fly over. Ken just close one eye, in his vision, time just moving like a snail before Coco fired out another arrow.

In slow motion, Ken walk over the flying arrow as he standing infront of coco sight. Everything went back to normal

Ken: You're too slow, Coco

Before Ken hit her with his fist. Coco take out her crossbow as she point it at Ken head

Coco: No, You are!

She pull the trigger as the aura arrow fly over his hair. Ken quickly use flash dash to back away, that was close for him as if hit his head then he would be dead now.

Coco: You were close to get "headshot" get it?

Ken: Yeah yeah, you about to my head but

He appear infront 0f her in less second, create dust on the air behind him, strong wind blow coco hair backward

Ken: Are you fast enough?

Coco just smirk before she disappear from his sight. His expression is now change serious as many arrow come from other direction as Coco use her class ability, Knight archer, she used a skill call Sprint and she fired out many arrow as she can

Ken just dodging every arrow coming as he slap that one aura arrow away

Ken jump up as he dodge Coco blade. The hybird turn upside down before he place his hand Coco head and use her as support push to launch up to sky.

Coco: Ha! You can't move anywhere on air, Jaune!

Ken: You sure about that?

He was standing on the air, Jaune release aura Around below his feet. Coco is surprise, Jaune is flying infront of her eye!

Coco: You can fly!

Ken: Of course I can. What make you think I can't fly

Coco: Because we are Human? Anyway, How can you fly?!

Ken: Figure it out yourself, Coco

20 Minute later

Ken was lying on the air as he use flash dash to move aside.

Ken: So you finally find out How to fly now?

Coco was standing on air before she fired out another arrow at Ken. he use flash dash to appear on surface but he get hit from behind


Coco: Surprise about my trap arrow?

Ken: When the hell did place Those!

Coco: Remember that one arrow got slap away? That was trap arrow

She pull trap arrow as she make scream in pain more

Two Day later after traning Fox, yatsuhasi

Ken heal Fox blindness, train him sense to another level with blindfold and without aura help . Jaune also train Yatsuhasi class, tank

Ken: it seem like my quest is done

Velvet: Jaune,Are you leaving?

Ken: Well, I had other quest to be finish now but I will watch you guy at the tournament when it come

Velvet: You promise to come watch us at tournament?

Ken: i promise I will

He smile before he use flash dash to disappear.

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