union arc:Hybrid,Fallen knight

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The scene start to show issei Noctis apartment

His son, Yuchiro was not home today because he having a sleepover at his friend place.

Issei was on bed, sleeping... actually today is staturday, he was busy on taking care Of nightmare early this morning and take care of his son before going to his house friend .

He can finally Rest for tomorrow.


The hybrid of human and Grimm

Ken P.O.V

After I train the hero. Me and Mia, jasmine on their way back to guild but is it me or I feel a single water drop on me?

Many water start to coming quickly than I thought so. I grab jasmine and Mia without warning them before I use Flash dash to move at the nearest village

10 Mintue later

I rent two room for us to sleep, Girl sleep on their room while I sleep on my room. It would be weird if I sleep in girl room but who care anyway, I need to sleep for quest


The intro start

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Issei sitting on building rooftop behind him was Ken.
A blond teenager look like Ken and issei walking down public stair
A brown hair teenager looking A thing on his hand
Ken is now on the train as he close his eye down
Issei standing in the library before a green hair teenager take the book and turn himseft into smoke
A white hair teenager reach out his hand as a card floating down on his hand
The green hair teenager launching dowm like a nuclear bomb
a red mechanical launch out flame from behind mask rider delivering a flying side kick
The white teenager delivering a flying side kick through card projection
The blond teenager slash a dark entity with aura sphere
Issei threw a white flash at Grimm face and point a gun-sword
Ken realeasing A crescent slash aura
Six of them sitting down and having picnic with laugh and joy
The show start now

Issei slowly open his eye, his vision wasn't clear now but a light shine Into his eye as he use his hand to cover his sight from the light. His vision getting me clearer as he saw himself lying on the forest ground

Issei:(What the!)*quickly sat up*(Where the hell am I?!)*look at his sourrounding*( if this is a prank? I would kill whoever put me in this damm forest!)

Then out of nowhere a scream coming at issei, he look around in confuse but the scream sound was coming bigger

Issei:( where in the world is that scream coming?!)*keep looking around*

Something create A loud boom from behind as issei turn back and saw crater. Dust cover the figure,who slowly walk out with a few cough

???: Man that's hurt like heck

When the dust settle, it reavel to be someone who looks like issei but abit older. When the two Jaune look at each other, their first expression was confuse about why someone who look like him in the first place.

Issei/Ken: Why do look like me? HEY?! STOP COPYING ME! NO, YOU ARE COPYING ME!*yell at each other*

Issei: I asked you first! Why do you look like me!

Ken: I'm the one who asked you that question first!

Issei: Then why do you look me huh?!

Ken: This getting more dumber than asked someone who look like me!

Issei: Why don't we introduce ourself?

Ken: And why do I want to introduce myself?

Issei: If we got encounter by someone, they would think us as brother with same last name

Ken: Yeah you're right about that part

Issei: so umm... I'm issei Noctis or you can call me By former name as Jaune arc but don't even try to call me as Jauney boy or you chose death.

Ken:the name is Kenshi Tsuki or former name as Jaune arc but why are we having same formerly name

Issei: What year did you come from?

Ken: 2014 you?

Issei: 2017, That's strange because I don't remember having this event happen before?

Ken: what do you mean?

Issei: You said you from 2014 correct?

Ken: YeahH~

Issei: From what I remenber clearly, I don't remember changing my name to Kenshin

Ken: Wait so you're-

Issei: my Couterpart? Yes but from a diffrent point of universe where I got betrayed by my own friend

Ken: Won't that technically make us same?

Issei: what make you say that?

Ken: you say you from a universe where your friend betrayed over the paper right?

Issei: Yeah, so you really are my counterpart?

Ken: Yup but few question,first where are we? Second why are we here? And thirdly who fucking sent us he-

Issei place index figure infront of ken lip, making sure this hybrid to be quiet about their sourrounding. They can hear the sound of roar of something coming

Boarbatusk spin dash toward Issei and hilichurl try ambush Ken from behind. In slow motion, Issei slowly pull his fist back as his hand let a spark in that moment, Ken slowly create phantom blade from behind him before summon his sword.

Issei: White flash!*punch Boarbatusk*

when issei strike boarbatusk he create a distortion in space, the white spark create a strong wind to blow up many tree infront him as when his technique also destroy the boarbatusk, leaving nothing but empty of the Grimm body

Ken: Moon...

Ken slowly turn back with a big fucking blade. The weapon was wrap in aura

Ken: Fang!

He horizontal slice the hilichurl in half with aura energy

The attack create a moving energy wave, destroying the tree while also create dust on the air. While the attack was still moving far away from them and the attack also kill Mitachurls

Issei witness the destruction attack and his only expression face was Shock. Ken sword disappear in aura.

Ken: Now where was I aga-

Issei: We need to get out here before someone try to find us and investigate who create the damm destruction!

Ken: yeah you're right we need to get out here

Issei: Let hope we find a Town or city

Ken: can You keep up?

Issei: what make you say that?

Ken: Then better keep up where you know

Ken just smirk as when he use flash dash to move faster than sound without create a strong wind to blow issei away.

Issei:*smile abit* Well my counterpart is fast but I wonder what was that technique?

He use aura dash to create a shockwave from behind, leaving aloud boom. Issei was able to keep up Ken as the hybrid look at the fallen knight, both Jaune just smirk before moving faster.

Location: ????? City

Issei sitting on rooftop build, behind him was Ken just arm crossing about weird thing about this world, supervillain,superhero and shinobi, Honkai beast, Grimm, Abyss order,hilichurl,huntsmen and huntress,Valkyrie, vision holder,Fatui, devil,angel,fallen angel.

Ken: 'where are we in this damm world!'

He scratch his head in frustration Like they have read many book in the library and learn the history were diffrent from their dimension. In issei history, Grimm were suppose to be gone with Salem and supernatural were just a secret world to make everyone think supernatural was a story. In Ken history, beacon should been fall and the vale kingdom should be gone but no in this dimension. Non of those thing had happen and many worse thing can happen to this dimension

Issei: This is so confuse*hold his head in headache*this world have too many information about different power! Like Some high entities try to create a prefect world with advance technology, magic, superpower! Seriously! 

Ken: I know but we need to a way to get out of this dimension and return back to our world.

Issei: I had a promise for someone!

Ken: so am I, issei! If we try to tell them that we from another universe. What would their thought be huh?!

Issei: They think us as some stupid brother who try make messing problem story. okay I get it But we can't wait here and wait for a miracle happen when we try to find a out of her-

Then a explode came from both side of the city. Issei and Ken use aura vision and Grimm sight, to look far away from their location

Ken:*saw bunch of honkai beast try to make mess* It seem like those honkai beast try create infect on those innocent life!

Issei:*see a bunch of villain robbing the bank with their quirk* I don't wanna play hero again but who am I anyway this is not my world.

Ken: issei, you and me know what to do

Issei: Me broke some villain bone to make sure they won't use their power again and you....end those beast

Ken use flash dash to move in a blink and issei just run down on building surface while leaving some aura trail behind.

To be continued!

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