Union arc: Hybird, fallen knight part 4

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Ken P.O.V

How long was I talk to Them?, I had try to enter my inner world to talk but they were never there ever since Noctis and me enter this Union world.

I feel like I lost two part of me from this world but I needed a way to return back to my world but how?

Ken P.O.V end

Jaune enter his coffee and see two of his counter part were tired after he left them in charge the shop

Jaune: What did I miss?

Ken: oh~ you know, one thousand customer order coffee with special thing

Jaune: special thing?

Ken: Noctis made curry

Jaune: you guy sure make a lot of work while I left

Noctis:*stretch his arm* since you are here, wanna eat curry?

Jaune: sure

Mini timeskip brought you by chibi Getsu beating the crap out off Valid Lucifer

Jaune grab the spoon and take a bite from Noctis curry

Jaune:|Feel warm,comfortable in his tone| the curry taste so delicious!

Ken take a sip from his coffee mug as they were chilling in the coffee shop and hearing the song call "Beneath the mask" come out of nowhere

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Noctis:(Where the fuck was that song come out from?!)*confuse as fuck*

Meanwhile with issei!

Issei was send flying onto the ground and got rolling while still in his Rider form. He groan in pain, like he just receive a pack of King Kong.

Issei: Ahh~ that gonna hurt fo-|Get grab by the throat|

Issei looking at the beast while struggling to breath as he use both of his hand to grab the villain hand but his strength didn't effect anything on the villain wrist

[ kerim, The beast of chaos and darkness]

Kerim: I thought that you were strong among of your friend|tone fill with disappointment|But oh well|Throw issei to shop glass|

In real world, Issei come out the mirror dimension as he rolling surface before standing up like every kamen rider would do after they got beat up by their enemy.

Every civilian were there, confuse about kamen rider ryuki appear from the glass before Kerim come out the shop glass with a dark energy sphere on palm, fired at Ryuki. Not until a yellow blur grab issei away from the dark sphere destruction

Everyone scream and run away like crazy before Jaune place his friend at the alleyway. Issei de-henshin back to civilian appearance

Issei: Huff huff~|letting out a heavy breath|

Jaune: Issei you okay?!

Issei: Yeah I fine but I need recovering after that

Jaune: good then I will face that villai-| shoulder get grab by Issei|

Issei:Jaune that thing is not villain. You're facing the beast itself!

Jaune:|confuse by issei word| what do you mean by the beast?

Issei: When I was facing the "villain". The power it hold was different from quirk, sacred gear, ninja art and even Vision. It was like I was facing darkness itself. But I know if you are facing that thing then you will die!

Jaune: Don't worry about Me being die

Issei: didn't you hear what I said! You will die when you face that thing alone!

Jaune: who said I will face that thing alone

Issei: Huh|Confuse|

Jaune: you didn't realize how I know to save you on time

Flash back about 1 minute ago!

Noctis was watching The TV in the coffee shop with Ken. But then he suddenly received a vision about Issei got sent out mirror dimension and got kill by dark energy sphere in 1 minute later

Noctis: hey me, can you go buy a pair batteries for the remote

Jaune: And why Exactly?

Noctis: Just go buy the batterie already

Jaune:|let out a Grunt| Fine

He disappear in yellow blur. Ken look at noctis, knowing his counter part had future sight to see What happen in 10 minute later in the future

Ken: Something happen?

Noctis: Yeah it did happen about 1 minute later

Flash back end!

Jaune: My counter part somehow know you will in danger so I guess he could fight that

Meanwhile Noctis and Ken!

Kerim realease many dark energy sphere as he is destroy everything on his path but not for those two. Noctis appear infront the beast with his fist coming at the beast face.

Noctis: Surprise white flash Fucker!

A white spark appear from his fist, create distortion in space as When his fist contact to kerim face, sending the chaos beast out of the city. A white blur was seen to showing to be zigzagging everywhere on the sky with high speed as He coming toward kerim with a reverse kick, instead of breaking the jaw the attack didn't work. It only sent chaos beast to a empty place, where no forest,animal or human just dirt and mountain

Kerim sent fly down to the ground, create a impact. When dust settle, revealing Kerim is lying there,acting dead in Yamcha position

Noctis teleport to Kerim landing location, Ken appear on mid air before land on ground, Jaune running on right time.

Jaune: What did I miss?|See kerim on ground| Did I miss something before come here?

Noctis: Hey kerim! Stop acting like A Dead "MEM"*having smug on face*Get it

Kerim groan in annoying like why Those stupid dad joke but nothing else

Kerim: Seriously Noctis! Pun?! Like nothing else!?

Ken: you two knowing each other?

Noctis: More like killing each other before knowing our secret

Kerim: where is manner*smile evily*

Noctis: I thought you throw your manner away 3 month ago!

Kerim: That was 3 month ago you outworlder! My name is Kerim, I am terror beast the evolved version of Nightmare beast!Rank 5 of Seven Pillar! I am here to destroy this world!

-Next chapter will be the final part!
- Another Jaune will join the fight too

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