Union arc: Time break final part[episode 2 end]

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The show start now!

Jaune: Not on my watch!*create 9 projection phantom weapon*Kerim

Ken extend his arm to right side as he summon a big blade from his aura.

A glowing sword flying toward Jaune as he grab the blade. He unsheath the sword, Summon 4 aura sword between him, Pointing at Kerim.

Lady and Gentlemen!

Our battle today is!

Three Jaune!
One Terror beast!

Our battle will began in!

Dead or draw!

Noctis materialize jet sword to launch himself right at Kerim. The terror beast just raise up his cane to simply block noctis thrust.

Ken fall down from the high with vertical down slash. Kerim just kick noctis aside as he jump back away from the slash.

He shatter the ground with just a slash, create dust on the air. One aura sword come out the smoke as kerim caught it was just two finger.

Kerim: I was expecting more than that.

He flash dash infront of kerim face and try cut Kerim in half. But he completely fail to even scratch the chaos beast with his attack. Not only he can't slice the beast skin but his right hand also bleeding out.

Ken having shock and astonishment expression on his face. Noctis jump down from behind as he try to slash kerim but A black hexagonal forcefield barrier protect the chaos beast.

Kerim:*look over shoulder*You thought you saw my wide open but that your thought

Noctis: Tch!*activate the hilt jet*

He launch up back to the sky. Ken leap back away as when jaune use lunge attack.

Kerim just caught the lunge attack with just Two finger without giving effort on his finger.

Jaune got hit by a dark energy fist just from out of nowhere. He was send flying to aside and crashed into mountain wall. Jaune was abit stunned after getting hit by that attack

Ken awakening: Unleash! Shirogetsu!

Ken: Un-

Aura start to gathering around him as when he point his giant blade kerim. He grip his right wrist


He "Unleash" the true power of his weapon semblance. Realeasing a huge pillar of his energy aura.

His attire was just adding a long white hoodie coat with yellow inside.

His hand holding a katana that attach a chain at the bottom of his sword hilt

Kerim sent a wave of dark energy blade at Ken. The hybrid hold his sword in serious expression as he prepare to slash every dark blade coming at him.

In normal human eye, they saw Ken moving with sword at high speed to slice each of dark blade in 0,1 second. Noctis materialize destiny wrath to fired aura bullet at Kerim while flying around with jet sword underneath his shoe.

Kerim change to defend mode, creating hexagon forcefield to protect itself from each bullet. Suddenly, Jaune pop out the ground to slash from behind but he get a reverse kick into the face at 0,1 second.

Jaune was send fly out the forcefiled. Ken use this chance to attack kerim from above as he had Grimm mask on to boost more power

Ken: Moon Fang-

The blade start to wrap in dark and outline red aura, giving the strength of moon fang


He swing the blade down as when kerim create the forcefield above his head. The attack create a explosion, dust was everywhere on the air

Noctis:*cought while try to blow dust away with his hand* man i hate the dust effect!

The dust slowly revealing Ken who was one knees down and panting in fatigue. Until the worst moment come whenever someone say "did we win"

Ken: Did we win?

Dust slowly reaveling Kerim, who still alive but haft of the attire was not.

Kerim: did you think you can win me! I am kerim! I am Numer 5 of seven pilla-


Someone who look like Jaune, Noctis and Ken jump up to the sky and Serval time glyph appear infront of kerim.

????: TIME BREAK!-shout-

He extend his right leg out as he launching through serval time glyph. The Kick land past on Chaso beast. A explosion was make from behind him

WINNER: Jaune mile Luna!

Mile walk toward his fedora as grab it up

[jaune mile Luna, time semblance wielder]

He notice his body start to disappear from this and he look his counterpart

Mile: HEY THAT WAS A GOOD FIGHT THERE!-complain shout-


Ken: CALL ME JAUNE MILE LUNA! ME!-completely disappear in golden ashes-

Noctis: Was that another us?*notice his body also disappear from this world too*

Ken look at his palm as his body also disappear from this world too.

Noctis : I guess we are returning back to our world

Ken: guess it our time now to disappear now?

Jaune: will we ever gonna meet up again?

Noctis: maybe in the future

Ken: man what a drag day are we?

Both hybrid and fallen knight look at each other smile before giving a high five as they completely disappear from this world.

Jaune jump on his sword before launching back to his home

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