"Chapter Six"

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Note: before I begin, I know I might get questions like "What the bloody hell is a banana boat?" It's a dessert traditionally made around a campfire. It's like a s'more but the bananas are a substitute and you stuff it with marshmallows and chocolate and wrap it in aluminum foil. You can cook under a campfire, microwave it, grill it, etc etc. It's amazing.

Once I finished explaining, Khloe and Will were eating their banana boats. We just got back to get a  load of bananas (since I know we are like monsters at night eating so damn much junk food). I chuckled and taken a picture and post it on Instagram.

Late night snack with @OfficialWillB and @KhloeBratz (A/N: know that it's Cloe but I couldn't get any more creative 😂)

"So basically you overreact?"

"Yeah I know it's stupid..."

"Will, leave... girl talk," Khloe said.

"Well, it is like one am... we should be asleep."

"Ten minutes and I'll leave."

"I'll be counting," Will said as he left.

"Okay, so look. You had us worried sick. Drew is across the country and he's already bought a plane ticket wanting to join and help us find you... where did you go?"

"Some campground up in the mountains and met Hayden and Joanna and their kids..."

"Huh.. anyways... Drew cares about you and he's the first guy to love you and not use you, don't fuck it up."

"I won't... I promise."

Khloe smiled as she left. I went to my bed and saw a comment from Drew.

1. Go to bed. 2. I want some of those. 😍

1. Boy, calm your man tits - 2. Well, baby, come and get it; I'll be waiting~😉

I responded.

Well, I could fly to Tennessee for the dessert.

Rude. 🙄

He stopped and went to the DM.

Hey, beautiful. So I know you're about to fall asleep but I wanna ask how are you feeling?

Kinda better... Look I am sorry to put through you hell earlier. I overreacted - and began to doubt and fear..

It's okay... I wish I can give that dick a piece of my mind to put you through that..

Well, it's been 15 years... Adam probably changed and probably wants to apologize for the shit he has done to me.

Anyways, look I need to go to sleep soon.

Drew sent a video, it was kinda dim room and I can kinda tell his cheeks look a little rosy and his eyes look a little dry probably from all the mess I caused.

"Sweet dreams, Evelyn. I-I-I love you." Drew said, sounded really tired but still relieved from all of it...

I smiled and then turned my phone off.


I woke up bright and early with Khloe. We had the card to her hotel room and she was laying there sound asleep.

"Do it do it," Khloe whispered with a giggle as I put on my mask.

"RAHHH!" I screamed as Eve sat up on the bed, screaming but then she went, "ahhh ahhh ahhh." Seven times before making a weird noise with her tongue.

Khloe too was confused.

"Damn if you guys brought my SEVENTH element."
She paused before making the "ba dum sss."

"Well, I got that on your Instagram story."

"Wait... how did you even-"

Khloe had Eve's second phone.

"Got our business phones mixed up... my bad."

Evelyn sighed as she was looking pissed.

"Anyways I'm making my famous pancakes..."

"Sis, since you had a talk with her..."

"You want to talk with her," Khloe said as she left.

"What's up?" Evelyn asked.

Well... Ever since at the ice cream shop... her friend had been on my mind. I blushed slightly.

"Ooooh Will's got on a crush on my frienddddd," Evelyn said in a teasingly voice. I blushed even more.

"It's so obvious you were checking her out at the ice cream shop." She said jokingly.

"Well uh..."

"William Johnathan Breymen." She said.

"Evelyn Rosalina Jackson," I responded back as she heartily laughed.

"Hey..." I paused before she stopped, "You know - you gave all of us a scare."

"I know - I'm sorry." She said before friendly hugging me.

"Hopefully your boyfriend won't kill me but I love you... in a sisterly way of course," I said as she smiled.

"One he isn't here, two Drew knows you love me as a friendly way."

My phone goes off.

Hey, lil' bro. Foods ready. Also, don't tell Eve but her bf is here. Texted me saying that he wanted to surprise her.

I smirked as we both left her hotel room.


After getting out of the hotel room and taking the floor down. I saw Stella...

"No... No!" I whispered as I run up to Stella and saw Drew.

"Drew?!" I said his name out of shock. He instantly dropped his bag, and we immediately hugged.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. He smiled as I walked inside his hotel room. I let Stella walk in as she let me hug her.

"You ga-ga-gave me a scare yesterday so I bought a ticket yesterday to f-f-find you. That and I have a t-t-t-tour leg here." He explained as I smiled.

"Well, I'm here...0 I awkwardly joked with an awkward smile.

"Evelynnnnnn," Khloe said in a singsong.

"Coming!" I responded.

"Stay," Drew said in a low whisper as I bite my lower lip.

"I can't I have breakfast and you have your comedy thing."

He pulled me closer to him.

"I g-g-got backstage and VIP passes with y-y-your name on it later." He teasingly whispered.

"Fine," I said with a teasingly eyeroll. Me and Drew quickly kissed.

Once again, it felt like the sparks fly. I wish I can stay with him. Forgetting about the movie and him forgetting the comedy and just be together.

Once he pulls away, he had his arms around my waists.

"God I-I-I-I love you." He whispered.

"Evelyn Roselyn Jackson," Will said behind me.

I turned my head and Drew looked at Will.

"Eat woman, also..." his voice trailed off.

"Someone's expecting you." He said.

Then it hit me HARD.

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