"Chapter Five"

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Some days later..


I had my neck rest on and was fast asleep after recording Life is a Highway hour ago.

"Eva. Eva." Khloe cried. Will knows that his sister is not only amazing but also intelligent with pictures, so he actually hired his own sister (that and he knew I would be bored on the way here so he also invited her to keep me company).

"Whaaaaat?" I said in a groggy voice. She pointed out the window and I rubbed my eyes to see our destination.

Tennessee... home of the country genre, Dixie Stampede, Dolly Parton... Billy Ray Cyrus... I feel like a kid at a candy store, fascinated and excited.

My phone rings and I saw Drew's name. Me and Drew had been calling, Facetiming, and texting back and forth while on this trip. I know we just started dating two days ago... I still get excited at the thought of him actually being my boyfriend.

"Hey." He greets as I smiled.


"I hope I-I-I'm calling the right time."

"You're good."

"I miss you." He lets out.

"I miss you too," I replied softly as I went to the back.

"I really need to get a plane ti-ti-ticket to Tennessee it's g-g-gonna kill me." He said as I giggled.

"It won't be for long only for a few days," I responded.

"Still. I-I-I want to be with m-m-my girlfriend."

I smiled, god I want him here... without Stella. I love her don't get me wrong but I want some.. alone time. (A/N: NO SHE DOESN'T WANT TO DO ANYTHING SEXUAL YOU DIRTY MINDED PEEPS). I just want him close by...

But.. at the same time... the dark secret.

"E-E-Evelyn? You s-s-still there?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm here just got lost in a train of thought."

He hit the FaceTime button and I saw him sitting on the couch with Stella right next to him as he had his guitar on his lap.

"I-I-I know you're all of the ways in Tennessee–"

"Drew... stop..."

He stopped what he saying eyeing me.

"There's something I need to tell you..." I paused, as the depression kicks in, "I.. I..I almost committed suicide years ago..." I stuttered, not intentionally, but out of emotion.

"You what?" He said as he quickly moved his phone close to his face.

I explained to him everything... I can see he shed some tears while Stella was there trying to calm him down. I kept trying to do reverse counting and deep breaths... only it made it worse...

"This is why I was afraid of... I'm only a burden to keep the secret.."

"Eve-" I hung up and bolted out the bus door.

I didn't know where I was going. I was in a different city and in a different state. I looked at my Apple Watch at the time and only saw the texts and missed calls from Drew.

Please pick up. 😞 You are NOT a burden, you're an angel to me. I now understand why you had to think about it at first - And you only were scared to tell me... Now please, answer my calls. You're starting to make me freak out.

I ignored his text and looked up to see I was on someone's campsite and they had a campfire going.

"I'm sorry." I quickly said as I turned my back on the family.

"Wait, are you Evelyn Jackson?" The mother asked me.

"I am.," I responded before I was about to leave.

"Stay. I can tell you're lost and upset..."

"Honey, allow me... I can tell she's clinically depressed." The husband responded.

"Pfff. Whatever you're going to say or do is not going to help my depression. It only makes it worse." I said annoyed.

"Stay, Evelyn!" The little girl begged.

"Stay!" The little boy begged as I sighed and sat on the log.

"Ok, fine. Tell me." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Come with me." He said as I followed him to the large tent.

"Tell me. What's the problem?"

"I barely know you. Secondly, I want to be alone."

"I can read your eyes, Evelyn. You want to jump off that cliff and end your misery."

"Wrong you're like the rest. I haven't attempted suicide since '04. I just was taking a hike and clear my head."

Another text from Drew comes in.

Babe, PLEASE answer. I don't want you to die on me. I'm not losing someone who's so beautiful, kind, sweet, funny girl. 😞

"That's a lie, Evelyn. Your eyes are not lying..."

"Alright fine, you caught me. I was wanting to commit suicide. Big whoop."

"Look, I'm here to help you... now tell me."

My stomach loudly growled.

"After you eat of course," he adds as he heard it as we went back outside and he went to cook more food while the mother and her children talked.

I saw their guitar. And kept quiet.

"So, Evelyn... I want to ask... how did you meet Drew?" The mother asked me.

Memories flood of how I met Drew...

"It was me and Autumn's Ice Cream Shop... he came with Stella.." I softly said as I briefly explained.

"So what brings you here?" The little girl asked.

Helicopters can be heard as I went into the tent to hide.

"You can borrow my makeup and keep my old clothes." The mother said outside. I know Will probably called the police and had everyone search for me because he knew I was going to commit suicide somewhere.

I put up my hair in a ponytail and put on a little makeup to make me look as if I was a teen again and had to use my acting skills.  I wasn't ready to leave yet, they seem rather nice people and I rather come back when I'm okay...

"Sorry to intrude." A cop said as I came out, pretending to be that one cliche teenager who's dying to have wifi service.

"Have you seen Evelyn Rosalina Jackson?" The cop asked the family, including me with the picture of me.

"No sir," they all lied.

"How about you, ma'am?"

"No, sir. Though she is super pretty in that picture." I said in a fake southern accent.

He stared at me hard, and I was almost breaking in a nervous sweat.

"If you find her contact us, or William Breymen." The investigator said as he and others left and once the coast was clear I rubbed off the makeup.

"Here's the food." He said passing the chili dogs.

"Mind if I play your guitar?" I asked as he nods. I wolfed down the food I haven't eaten since early this morning.

It was kinda messy but was so worth it. I grabbed the guitar and stared at the fire. I tried once again from what I learned from Therapy. I began to play "Will The Circle Be Unbroken?"

"There are loved ones in the glory. Who's dears form you often miss; When you close your earthly story, Will you join them in their bliss?"

"Will the circle, be unbroken? By and by, by and by? Is it better home awaiting. In the sky, in the sky?"

I awkwardly stopped, knowing I was watched by strangers who I never caught their names. The two kids clapped softly and wanted me to continue. I went off to the side again, and told him what exactly happened and including today.

"Well, how are you exactly feeling now?"

"Surprisingly, better..."

"Have you ever thought of getting a Therapy Dog, to prevent your depression?"

I thought about it, Autumn is allergic and the apartment we're living in doesn't allow pets.

"No... honestly I'm living in a scenario where my one roommate is allergic, and I'm kinda living in a strict apartment complex that doesn't accept pets."

"Seems like you are stuck." He said. I took a deep breath.

"Look, I left my phone back at the hotel and knowing Will, he's panicking and bawling like a baby while his sister is panicking and not giving up... and my boyfriend well..."

"He's getting a plane ticket to find you. What's his number?" He asked me as he pulled out his phone and I told him.

"While I was cooking, I got the video of you singing. If one of them doesn't believe you, send that." He said as I sat by the fire and typed Drew's number.


I didn't move, I lay in my bed crying while Stella is trying so hard to calm me down. I already got a plane ticket. My phone goes off and I quickly sat up, thinking it's Evelyn.

"Hey, you're Drew Lynch right?"

"This is. Who are you?"

"Someone who found your girlfriend safe and alive."

I was angry now, was she kidnapped by the person I'm talking to? He sent a video and I played it. She sat by a campfire with guitar in hand as a woman and two kids watched her play.

"There are loved ones in the glory. Who's dears form you often miss; When you close your earthly story, Will you join them in their bliss?"

She sings softly... I guess I can take his word since she looks rather tired but calm.

"Did you kidnap her?"

"Of course not, she accidentally walked into our campsite and I saw she was lost and gloom I helped her not do it and help her find her "happy" place because I'm a therapist."

"Can I talk with her?"

Sounds of the Tennesseean nighttime and the fire cracking can be heard.

"Ahem." He said as there were two voices can be heard laughing.

Once he passed the phone she spoke, "Um... hey..."

"What the hell you were thinking? Y-Y-Y-You had me freaking out and Will, and Khloe looking for you!"

Sounds can be heard as the voices can be distant.

"I... know... it's just... I felt so guilty to cover that up.."

"You don't have to spill all of your secrets to me." I paused, "And you know I-I-I will always be there for you, I'm your b-b-boyfriend for an r-r-r-reason," I spoke to her softly.  "Drew.," she whispered softly.
"I love you, Ev-Ev-Evelyn..." I confessed.


"I love you, Ev-Ev-Evelyn..." Those three words that made my heart melt more. Maybe I did.. overreact.

"Put that guy on the phone," Drew said as I passed his phone back to the man.


I pictured Drew saying, "Thank y-y-you for saving my girlfriend I owe you."

"It's my job." He responded professionally.

"Anyways I never got your names."

"Joanna.. and that's my husband Hayden... my two kids asleep is Abby and Davis..." Joanna responds as Hayden hangs up.

"What happened?"

"You know, Evelyn. You are lucky to have someone who really cares for you..."

I knew I have to leave soon, it was getting pretty late. Me and Joanna's marshmallows were just done roasting and I had the graham crackers and bits of chocolate next to me. I just quickly made me a s'more.

"Wait... my kids would want to see you again."

Hayden leaves and comes back with paper and pen I scribbled my number before leaving.


I got back to see the siblings outside.

"Where the hell did you go?!" Khloe screamed.

"You just can't run off like that!" Will agreed, yelling at me. I put the key in the hole and unlocked the door.

"Come in, allow me to explain," I said calmly. I still was eating the s'more, savoring each bite. I haven't had one since elementary school.

"Where did you get that?" Khloe asked.

"Hey, guys... not to change the subject but do you remember camp?" I asked as I pulled out the similar ingredients (minus the crackers I pulled out bananas).

"Banana boatttssss." The siblings said in synch. Will shakes his head.

"Okay, so explain." Will stops as I explained while making a late night snack: Banana boats.

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