"Chapter Four"

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Next morning, I had to change plans and notify Mesa I'll be out again... I was at the florist and was out the check out line with Stella waiting until my phone goes off.

@OfficialWillB sent you a message.

I had to check.

Change of plans, dude. Do NOT go to Genesis Creamery. Last night she caught us talking on her account - and had the insecure reaction and wants to think about it. Doing it would pressure her...

What do you mean?

It's a long story, dude. 😰

It was already too late, I already paid for the roses...

Shit, I already got the roses now.

Oh, damn it - damn it... Okay. Okay. I have an hour to kill before the Q&A meet me there.



I meet Will at the ice cream shop. Eve was there and I can tell she was awkward me being there.

"What.. would you like?" She asked through the awkward smile.

"I h-have s-s-something for you," I said before handing the roses. The doors swing open and here is Will.

Girls sitting at the table were already swooning when he walked in.

"Hey, Will." She spoke professionally spoke.

"Hi." He responded back.

"I know what you want, Will. The rocky road topped with whipped cream and chocolate shavings."

"You know me so well, Evelyn." He said as I felt the jealousy in me again.

They're just close friends.. Will said he loves her as a little sister anyways... I thought.

"Anyways, look Evelyn... I came here to stop.."

"I know, to stop him..." She responded lowly as she was working on his order.
"C-can I-I-I get the same thing as l-l-last time?" I asked. She professionally smiled.

"Coming right up." She responded.

"Anyways... Evelyn.." He spoke.

"It's okay... Will. Go take a seat, I'll talk with you later." She said as she looked at me.

"So.. uh..." I let out, awkwardly as she grabbed the scoop of chocolate shavings.

"Evelyn... i-is it?" I asked as she smiled.

"My disgusting biological name." She spat.

"I love it... a-actually... r-r-rather unique for someone like you..." I flirted with her.


God, I shouldn't be mixing my romance with business... but my body wants it.

"Someone like me?" I jokingly said while focused on making his order.


But, sometimes I have to tell him my dark past... And I know right now is the worse timing.

"Look Eve... Eva... E-E-Evelyn..."

"I-I like you... And... I... w-w-want to be your b-b-b-boyfriend." He confessed.

My heart almost nearly stopped. I had finally got his order done and Autumn and Genesis come in. Autumn saw I was a little pale and runs towards me.

"Autumn, thank god you're here."

"You okay?"

"I'll explain briefly I have to go..."

"Oh yeah, right.," Autumn remembered why I had to leave early again.

I looked at Will, and I can tell he was eyeing Autumn.

"Hey, Autumn," I whispered to her nudging her.

She looked at Will, and he was definitely checking her out.

"Oh my god is that..."

"William Breyman?"

"Yep," I whispered.

"I can't believe... Khloe's younger brother is.."." She said with her tongue-tied. I laughed and gave a slap on the back.

I waved to Genesis and she waved back as she sat with Drew.

"Hey... look. Drew can I tell you later?" I said as Will knew it was time to go and finished his ice cream.

"Sure." He said as I left.


We went to the empty studio he rented out, and a man who looked as if he could be Zac Efron from afar.

"Eve, this is Scott. The character for Jack." Will introduced.

"Pleasure to meet you." Scott professorially spoke as he held out his hand, and I shook it.

"Alright, lights," Will called out as a lights technician called out the names of the lights notifying Will.

I cleared my throats and stared at the camera. Not only I'm going live on Instagram, but from other social media from Facebook to Twitter.

"3... 2..." Will signaled to me as I warmly smiled.

"Action," Will said as the crew started recording.

"Hi, my loves. Welcome to the special announcement and Q&A session." I paused continuing the warm smile, "But, I want you guys to meet two people, Scott King, and our director William Breymen."

Both guys got to their seats, smiling.

"Anyways the Q&A begins."

"Helena wants to ask, Eve... She says she's a huge fan of your modeling off to the side and wants to ask any advice since she's been declined so many times."

I positively smiled.

"Helena, it might be hard at first - but just be yourself. They might reject you but doesn't matter, you're unique in your own way... and don't give up. Keep trying and someday you'll find a manager who would accept you for who you are." I boasted.

The woman turns towards Will with the iPad of the comments she reading.

"Jason asks, when is the trailer of the movie coming out?"

"Two days."

My heart dropped, two days? Thanks, Will for now announcing.

"This question is towards Eve and Will. Couple people are asking are you two dating?"

Me and Will looked at each other, before laughing.

"No, I've known Evelyn since we were kids. I treat her as if she's like a little sister to me."

"To sum it up, we're close childhood friends, nothing more." I paused before blushing.

"That I'm kinda of seeing someone," I said basically beating around the bush.


The Q&A went successfully. It got people hyped for the movie... Will knew I needed to see Drew before we get to start the movie.

I was at Drew's apartment and I was in a hurry... Will didn't give me enough time to take a small break. I bang on the door repeatedly.

"I'm coming! I-I-I'm coming Jesus c-c-Christ!" I heard his voice say as I anxiously tapped my hands on my hip, he opened the door.

Before he can even greet, I crashed my lips into his. It spooked him at first - but once he realized it was me kissing him he continued to kiss me.

I pull back after a minute of the passionate kiss.

"What was t-t-t-that for?" He asked.

"It's obvious, Drew."

He was clueless not knowing what I meant until he now realizes that's the kiss showing of my true feelings.

I saw Stella behind him. Clearly being the chilliest dog who didn't give a shit of what just happened.

"Look, I gotta go. Will didn't give me enough time to come and fess up... I need to get back."


She left quickly as I stand there, frozen still... she kissed me. Her lips... tasted like sweet peaches. my heart is pounding and my face is slowly turning a beat red...

I can't believe it... And I'm the happiest guy alive to realize I have her as my girlfriend now. I couldn't stop smiling -

Mesa comes in, grinning.

"I've seen what happened... who's the girl?"

"M-m-my girlfriend." I positively spoke.

"That's definitely going in the vlog. Fans are going to love her."

"Well... I-I-so have to ask for her approval. I don't w-w-want to blast her face yet." I awkwardly said as I am still stunned by everything.

"Well, text her."

"She's busy w-w-with her m-m-movie... maybe later."

I picked up my phone and sent,

Hey I want to ask. Should I post about us in my vlog? ☺️

She responded,

Of course, babe.

God just her calling me babe made my heart flutter again.

"She said yes," I said as Mesa cheered.

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