"Chapter Two"

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I got off work an hour ago and taken a nap with Genesis (whom must've came in and fallen asleep while I am out of cold).

"Eve.." Genesis muttered.


She sat up, putting on her hearing aids.

"I saw you with Drew..."

I sat up, rubbing my eyes... still feeling like I haven't slept in a day.

"Is he... going to help you with your acting?"

"Supposedly," I said, groggily. Even though he is her idol, I believe he's probably like my ex Adam... and all the guys in College.

Once they even take a look at me - It's like the sappy cartoon... Love at first sight and in the end the guy would be like, "Oh I'm helping just so we can fuck."

"I assure you... Evelyn.. he will help you." She said with a tired grin.

"I gotta go do some homework..." She said as she left and I checked my phone.

Hey. 🙂 You busy?

I don't know why - But I'm feeling slightly nervous and don't know to respond, so I only respond with the waving emoji.

I haven't found anything... but I do know that if you come in my YouTube video and I talk about yesterday you most likely can get seen.

Seriously though - Not to be rude or anything - But why.... why are you helping me?

I know what it's like. Wanting to get your foot in the door into the career you wanted and only get rejected.

Is it... because of your stuttering?

Kinda of. But I've been leaning towards Comedy.

Yeah... and I guess Genesis has told me you're pretty funny yourself.


I was laying in bed, with my face glued to the phone. I don't know why... ever since I got here after she went back to work... I couldn't stop thinking about her...

How much she told me about you?

A LOT. Lol. Along with Autumn she'll either talk or use sign language to talk about you. 😂

She seems rather sweet... lol.

She's adorable... always was when I first met her.

How did you meet her or Autumn if you mind me asking?

Me and Autumn had theatre class together. We were rivals on getting the main part of Tracy back when the college was doing Hairspray. After I got the part and she was the understudy she realized how stupid she was to be rude to me and asked me to come to meet her family... and that's where I first met Genesis, she was deaf and thank heavens I taken ASL back in High School because it did come in handy.

I smiled. I can picture her sitting next to me bragging about how she met Autumn and Genesis...

Anyways - Sorry to brag.

It's okay - I actually didn't mind you bragging your story of how you met the two since I asked. lol


I had put the message on seen and put on my best dress. Before I typed that long message, Khloe hooked me up with her younger brother being a director.

I haven't seen her brother since middle school since he is that smart and good at directing, the majority of his teen life was traveling making movies.

Of course, a lot of girls would say I'm lucky to go on this "date." with Will. But I only saw Will as a sibling figure back in middle school.

I went outside after putting on makeup to see Will. And holy shit, Little Will was more different from then. He had his hair combed back, he was growing a beard. He wore the clothing of a billionaire and had the shades over his forehead.

"Little Will?" I let out, stunned. He chuckled.

"It's been awhile, Eva." He said as I got in.

I didn't know what else to say, I was both shocked and excited.

"Can I hug you...?" I let out as he laughed.

"That's a dumb question, Eva." He said as he let out his arms as I hugged him.

"Anyways, how's life?" He asked as he began to drive. I explained from high school up until now.

"I actually heard about the ice cream shop, you always had a huge heart."

I blushed. Oh god. Why am I blushing? He's your fucking boy friend from middle school who used to be the drama kid that every girl wanted to be his girlfriend. Only he didn't care for love and only cared for me and his sister (Me and Khloe were just ordinary two and I was more constantly got bullied because of it).

"Evaaaaaa." He said as I snapped back into reality.

"Sorry," I said awkwardly.

"We're here."

We arrived at the fro-yo place the first place where I first her brother (and not knowing he was related to my rival)

"Uh... I know I may sound like the average girl... is this a date?" I asked in concerned. Will told me before he vanished that he would someday take a girl on a date to this very place.

"Of course not, Eva. You know I love you as a little sister." He said in an honest voice.

"I hope your fans don't see it in that way," I said.

"Trust me, Eva." He said as I sighed.

"I'll get the usual." He said as I nod and went to our usual spot.

I was fearing his crazy fans would see us and assume we're dating. I was on my phone and went through Instagram.

I saw a picture of Drew... I know my Instagram name and Profile Picture is so obvious... I liked the post and Will came back out with my favorite: Cookies N Cream, whipped cream, sprinkles, chocolate and strawberry syrup topped with gummy worms...

"Anyways, so whatcha got planned?" I asked professionally.

"Well, I thought of you getting the main lead of Cassidy, a cowgirl with racing in her blood."


"The thing is... it's a romance and adventure."

"My type of movie... ish."

"You're more an action and adventure per to say."

Hah.. he still knows me so well.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're all over social media of you and Drew Lynch."

"Do you like him, by any chance?"

"Not in that way."

"Man the last you dated--"

"Don't bring him up." I coldly snapped. Adam.. my ex.. we dated in middle school but only to realize he was dating another girl the whole time and did it because he felt sorry for me.

"-- Anyways, the movie?" I professionally said, changing the subject. He cleared his throat, knowing to go back to the reason why we're here in the first place.

"Well.. a cold businessman Jack whom his parents want him to get a girlfriend and sends him to Tennessee."

I listened before finishing the fro-yo, licking my lips from having some of the whipped cream on my lips. He goes on briefly of the summary.

"So normally I don't choose people and have auditions but once I had this script come to me and I've read it, I KNEW you would get the part for the main role." He said positively.

Well.. so much for training.

"Well, I guess I'll have to deal with that being my first movie... but I have one condition."

"I wanna take a drive in your sweeeeet car," I said as I can tell he tense up.

"Not my Diana."


"My baby. Got her when I was rising into fame." He explained motioned towards his red Lamborghini.

"Still, I'm your childhood friend I won't wreck your "Baby," Trust me." I said with my arms crossed.

"Is the track still there?" He asked as I smiled, knowing the one spot where we used to go to as kids.

"Yeah. Lets go." I said as we left.

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