Chapter 1: Great Power

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I started to wake up feeling a bit dizzy from what happened from the trip. I rubbed my head.

Y/N: Man I'm feeling all types of dizzy.

I was able to get up and I grabbed my glasses that where and put them on but instead of seeing clearly everything was blurry but when I took them off I was able to see better. I put them on and off multiple times and saw my vision had improved over night.

Y/N: Strange how did my eyes get better within a matter of a day when I felt so terrible last night.

May: Y/N time wake up, breakfast is ready.

Y/N: Ok be there in a minute.

I took my shirt off and saw that I was ripped and that I had abs, I even rubbed them and they seemed to be real.

Y/N: How did

May: Y/N you coming? Your Pancakes are waiting for you, I made them with love.

Y/N: Be there soon.


I changed clothes and came down in a hurry with it felt like I could just move faster than normal.

Aunt May: Hey champ, look at you with a spring in your step

Uncle Ben: Your going to need it, you have a big day ahead of yourself.


I made it to school with everyone sitting in there chairs with everyone chatting

Flash: Hey looks like four eyes lossed his two other eyes.

Y/N: Flash please I'm not in the mood so please do us both a favor and just leave me alone

Flash shrugged and left with Jessica entering the room with a red jacket, black shirt and jeans in shoes

Jessica: Alright class, now today I was informed you have a test today, so I'll pass out the test and whatever time you have left you can have to yourself.

She passed out the test and her phone went off again as she passed me my test.

Y/N: What is it?

Jessica: Nothing just good luck and I have faith in you. Now class I have a meeting to get to so I'll be back soon.

She left and closed the door as we heard her footsteps get quieter and quieter and some of us got to work while some just where not doing the test.

But the weird thing was I felt like I knew everything that was going on. Someone made their test a paper plane, a boy was sleeping on their desk and a girl was just doodling on the paper. Not only that I sensed a fly flying above me and there was a spider in the ceiling making it's web.

Y/N: ( Whispers ) What is this feeling.

I finished my test first and just mostly sat down and was thinking of what was happening to me.


I was in lunch just mostly poking my food with a fork sense I wasn't really that hungry.

I than had felt this feeling that a pea was flying at me really fast and I heard some snickering from Flash and his friends, and from some form of instinct I snatched it as it was about to hit me.

I heard his friends stop laughing as I let the pea fall the the ground, soon a girl was passing by with a tray of food and she slipped with her food and tray being flung into the air. I quickly caught her and caught the tray and all the food with it.

Y/N: You okay?

Girl: I'm fine, thanks

She smiled and took her food and left. I than sat back down and try to wat but as I was done eating some mash potatoes I tried to put the spoon down but it wouldn't come off.

Y/N: Come on, get off!

I flicked my arm back and the spoon went flying and it hit Flash in the head. He than looked at me and he was mad so I got up from my seat and started walking fast out of the lunch room.


I started walking down the halls pretty fast and while there was a lot of people around, and it felt like they where closing around me, but that's when I had that sense again but this time I sensed Flash was trying to punch me in the back of the head so I ducked and moved behind him where my back was against the wall and Flash was infront of me wanting to fight and with a crowd around us chatting the words "fight fight fight" over and over again.

Y/N: I don't want to fight you Flash.

Flash: I wouldn't want to fight me either.

He tried punching me but I just kept dodging and at one point I leaned my back so far that his fist was right above me as he crashed into a wall and when he tried punching me again I caught his fist and I started twisting his arm a bit which he started to wince in pain until he was on the ground which until then the cries stop and we both where approached by the priceable.

Priceable: My office. Now


I was reading a magazine about what types of woman's fashion is out now, that's when Ben came home

Ben: Hey Honey what you reading?

May: Oh nothing just reading this magazine by the way would this black jeans look good on me?

Ben: Honey you look great in everything you wear

May: Oh stop it!

I laughed a bit until the phone rang

Ben: I'll get it. ( Answers phone ) Hello Ben Parker speaking. Yes but he's my nephew, is something wrong? HE DID WHAT?! Ok I'll be there soon

He than put the phone down and hurried to get his coat on and I put my magazine down and went to talk to him about it.

May: What's wrong, did Y/N get hurt?

Ben: No he got into a fight at school.

May: What the fu-


I was sitting in the principle's office with Flash having a cast on his arm with Uncle Ben coming in and him talking to the principle and coming out and being told I can leave for the day.

Uncle Ben: Come on, we are going home.


We made it home with Aunt May standing there and coming up to me hugging me concerned.

Aunt May: Are you ok? Are you hurt?

Y/N: No I'm ok

They made me sit down with the both staring at me with me hanging my head down.

Aunt May: Y/N what do you have to say for yourself

Y/N: Look I didn't start that fight Flash started it.

Uncle Ben: You sure as hell have finished it.

Aunt May: Why didn't you tell any teachers to tell him to stop?

Y/N: I did and they never did anything!

They just looked shocked of what I said.

Y/N: That's why I sometimes come home with bruises, I get bullied and none of the teachers do nothing about it!

Uncle Ben was about to say something but his phone ranged and he left to answer it and came back saying he had to go back to work.

Uncle Ben: Go to your room we'll talk later.


He got up and went to his room and shutting the door and Ben got ready for work

May: Did you know he was getting bullied?

Ben: No he never told me he was, just look he's going through something I was like that when I was his age ok just give him a moment to calm down then he'll talk about it.

I breathed in trying to hold myself from breaking down or something like that. He than kissed me and put his hat on

Ben: I love you.

He than left for work but I just didn't feel right leaving Y/N alone by himself after what happened today so I went upstairs and knocked on his down

Y/N: ( Muffled ) Who is it

May: It's me I just want to talk, may I come in.

Y/N: ( Muffled ) Come in

I opened the door to see Y/N laying down with him wrapping himself up in his blanket. I than sat right next to him so I could talk to him.

May: Honey are you ok?

Y/N: I I don't know.

May: Listen I'm not mad and neither is Ben okay it's just, why didn't you tell us that you where being bullied? Like we could've call them and demand a apology from this Flash kid and his parents.

Y/N: May it's just

He took his blanket off and stood up right next to me.

Y/N: With everything going as of late it's just. I didn't want you or Uncle Ben to worry about me with all these things going on.

May: Oh Y/N

I held him tight in a hug and holding him tight.

May: Listen don't worry, don't be afraid to tell us if something or someone is bothering you ok. If there's anything you want to talk about to me or to Ben just tell us don't be afraid to tell us if something is wrong ok.

Y/N: Ok, I need to go out for a walk, I just need to clear my head.

May: Ok just be sure be home before dark and keep your phone if you need to call us.

Y/N: Ok.

He got his shoes and left not before locking the door.


I was out in the city just needing to clear my head after what happened at school today with me in a alley way resting my back against a wall

Y/N: Why am I the one in trouble for what happened today, it's Flash's fault for the fight. May and Ben just don't understand.

I tried to push myself off the wall but my hands got stuck to the wall just like the spoon from lunch.

Y/N: Come on, let go!

I was able to get my hands off the wall, I than looked up at the wall and then stared back at my hand. I than placed my hand on the wall and then placed the other on the wall and soon after I started climbing up the wall like it was no problem. I than saw I was a few feet above the ground and just the pure excitement was just unmeasurable.


I started running on the rooftops with me able to jump large gaps like if they where cracks on the sidewalk until eventually there was a jump to far from. I thought seeing how I had powers similar to a spider I wanted to try something I held my hand out and.

Y/N: Go web!


Y/N: Fly. Up up away web.

I even tried different hand jesters

Y/N: Shazam! Go! Go! Go Web GO!

Nothing still.

Y/N: Ok so no biological webbing. What else now?

I looked across and decided to give it a leap of faith.

Y/N: Talley hoe

I jumped across and at first like I thought I could make it but I started to fall.


But suddenly I jumped a second time but I left a trail of blue electricity and with that double jump I got across just fine.

Y/N: Electricity wasn't expecting that one

I wiped some sweat on the top of my head to see that my hand was gone, while at first I panicked I shocked my hand and it reappeared.

Y/N: Ok so Electricity and Invisibility wasn't expecting that.

I saw it was getting late.

Y/N: I better get home before Uncle Ben and Aunt May worry.


I made it home and saw Uncle Ben was reading the paper

Uncle Ben: Hey kiddo, May told me that you went out for a walk. You calm now.

Y/N: Yeah I just had to go out for a walk. Bye the way where is Aunt May

Uncle Ben: The stove is broken so she went to see if she can find a new one. ( Under his breathe ) That's if we had the money for it.

He kept reading the paper and I saw on wrestling was on TV and saw that the cash prize for beating the champion is $1000 and that's when I got a idea.

Y/N: Hey I'll be in my room if you need me.

Uncle Ben: Alright then.

I ran to my room and started drawing some sketches for something that can help with that lack of webs, I started drawing out the plans for what this gadget will look like

Y/N: Not much but it will do.

I tested the gadget out and if fired a strong string of web and it sticked well, I than kept firing more until my room was covered in webs.

Y/N: Wow.

I soon heard the door open to see Aunt May holding some take out.

Aunt May: What the Y/N, what is all of this?

I tried to think of a idea and then I got something.

Y/N: Our class as this project where we are making models of animals and showing how they are work. I was given a spider so I made these to replicate how spiders make webs.

Aunt May: That's good. Like it's odd and a bit strange but it's reasonable, now come on eat up I got your favorite, Cheese and Ketup.

Y/N: Thanks, how's the oven situation.

Aunt May: No good she's cooked her last meal, I hope Ben can help with getting us a new one.

She than left with me cleaning up the webs.

Y/N: Don't worry, I'll help.

I went through my sketch book and made the costume I drew in Jessica's class and hide my web shooters under the suit.


I made it to place where the wrestling matches took place and I rung up for the guy incharge of the fights.

Manager: What you want kid?

Y/N: I want to fight, for that money.

He than started to laugh at me

Manager: Sorry that's not how it works kid. You start from the bottom and you fight your way to the champion, if I where you kid I beat it.

I know I wasn't going to leave and come back with nothing

Y/N: I'll start from the bottom and work to the top. How about that?

He sighed and took me to his office.

Manager: Ok so you'll be starting down here and after every win, you work your way up to fight the champion. You got this kid.

Y/N: I understand.

Manager: Good, now what will you call yourself kid. All wrestlers need some stage name so what's yours?

I sat down and thought for a moment until I got the perfect name.

Y/N: How about? The Incredible Spider Man.

And that is it until then I hoped you enjoyed and until then I'll see you later. BYE

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